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An anonymiser is a privacy service that allows a user to visit Web

sites without allowing anyone to gather information about which
Google got its name from the mathematical figure googol, which sites they visit.
denotes the number 'one followed by a hundred zeros'.
Archie is an information system offering an electronic directory
Yahoo! derived its name from the word Yahoo coined by Jonathan service for locating information residing on anonymous FTP sites.
Swift in Gulliver's Travels. A Yahoo is a person who is repulsive in
appearance and action and is barely human! On the Internet, a 'bastion host' is the only host computer that a
company allows to be addressed directly from the public network.
Researchers consider that the first search engine was Archie,
created in 1990by Alan Emtage, a student at McGill University in 'Carnivore' is the Internet surveillance system developed by the US
Montreal, Canada. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), who developed it to monitor
the electronic transmissions of criminal suspects.
Marc Andreessen founded Netscape. In 1993, he had already
developed Mosaic, the first Web browser with a GUI. Did you know that the original URL of Yahoo! was ?
It was once considered a letter in the English language. The Chinese
call it a little mouse, Danes and Swedes call it 'elephant's trunk', Developed at the University of Nevada, Veronica is a constantly
Germans a spider monkey, and Italians a snail. Israelis pronounce it updated database of teh names of almost every menu item on
'strudels' and the Czechs say 'rollmops's...What is it? The @ sign. thousands of gopher servers.

In the Deep Web, the part of the Web not currently catalogued by The Electrohippies Collective is an international group of 'hacktivists'
search engines, public information said to be 500 times larger than based in Oxfordshire, England.
on the WWW.
UIML (User Interface Markup Language) is a descriptive language
The first search engine for Gopher files was called Veronica, created that lets you create a Web page that can be sent to any kind of
by the University of Nevada System Computing Services group interface device.

Tim Berners-Lee predicted in 2002 that the Semantic Web would In Internet terminology, a demo is a non-interactive multimedia
"foster global collaborations among people with diverse cultural presentation, the computer world's equivalent of a music video.
perspectives", but the project never seems to have really taken off.
Did you know that the name of the famous search engine AltaVista
In February 2004, Sweden led the world in Internet penetration, came into existence when someone accidentally read and suggested
with 76.9 percent of people connected to the Internet. The world the word 'Vista' on an unclean whiteboard as 'Alta Vista'?
average is 11.1 per cent.
Boeing was the first airline to discover the Y2K problem, way back in
The top visited websites in February2004, including affiliated sites, 1993.
were Yahoo!, MSN, the Warner Network, EBay, Google, Lycos and Did you know that Domain registration was free until an
announcement by the NAtional Science Foundation on 14th
The search engine "Lycos" is named for Lycosidae, the Latin name September, 1995, changed it?
for the wolf spider family.
The Internet was initially called the 'Galactic network' in memos
The US International Broadcasting Bureau created a proxy service to written by MIT's J C R Licklider in 1962.
allow Chinese, Iraians and other 'oppressed' people to circumvent
their national firewalls, relaying forbidden pages behind silicon Shokyu Ishiko, a doctorate in agriculture and chief priest of Daioh
curtains. Temple in Kyoto has created an online virtual temple which will
perform memorial services for lost information.
Lurking is to read through mailing lists or news groups and get a feel
of the topic before posting one's own messages. A 55 kg laddu was made for Lord Venkateswara at Trumala as a Y2K
prayer offering.
SRS stands for Shared Registry Server. The central system for all
accredited registrars to access, register and control domain names. The morning after Internet Explorer 4 was released, certain
mischievous Microsoft workers left a 10 by 12 foot letter 'e' and a
WAIS stands for 'Wide Area Information Servers' - a commercial balloon with the message, "We love you", on Netscape front lawn.
software package that allow the indexing of huge quantities of
information, the makes those indices searchable across the Internet. If you were a resident of Tongo, a monarchy in the southwest
Pacific, you could own domains as cool as '' and ''.
The American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN) began the Ray Tomlinson, a scientist from Cambrige, introduced electronic mail
administration of Internet IP address in North and South America in in 1972. He used the @ to distinguish between the sender's name
MArch 1998. and network name in the e-mail address.

The testbed for the Internet's new addressing system, IPv6, is called Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) was
the 6bone. designed in 1973.

The first Internet worm was created by Robert T.Morris, Jr, and The Apple iTunes music store was introduced in the spring of 2003.
attacked more than 6000 Internet hosts. It allows people to download songs for an affordable 99 cents each.

According to The Economist magazine, the first truly electronic bank Satyam Online become the first private ISP in December 1998 to
on the Internet, called First Virtual Holdings, was opened by Lee offer Internet connections in India.
Stein in 1994.
The number of UK Internet users increase by an estimated 75
The French Culture Ministry has banned the word 'e-mail' in all percent each year.
government ministries, documents, publications and Web sites,
because 'e-mail' is an English word. They prefer to use the term The Internet is the third-most used advertising medium in the world,
'courriel'. closely catching up with traditional local newspapers and Yellow
The German police sell used patrol cars over the Internet, because
earlier auctions fetched low prices and only a few people ever It took 13 years for television to reach 50 million users- it took the
showed up. Internet less than 4 years.

Rob Glasser's company, Progressive Networks, launched the As of now, there are over 260 million people with Internet access
RealAudio system on April 10, 1995. worldwide.

'Broswer safe colours' refer to the 216 colours that are rendered the 1 out of 6 people used the Internet in North America and Europe, as
same way in both the PC and Mac operating systems. per a 1999 survey.

Though the world Wide Web was born in 1989 at CERN in The average computer user blinks 7 times a minute.
Switzerland, CERN is mainly involved in research for particle physics.
In 1946, the Merriam Webster Dictionary defined computer as 'a
The first computer company to register for a domain name was person who tabulates numbers; accountant; actuary; bookkeeper.'
Digital Equipment Corporation.
An estimated 2.5 billion hours were wasted online last year as
The 'Dilbert Zone' Web site was the first syndicated comic strip site people waited for pages to download, according to a study
available on the Internet. sponsored by Nortel Networks.

Butler Jeeves of the Internet site made its debut as a AOL says spam is the number one complaint of its customers, and
large helium balloon in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade in 2000. that it has to block over one billion unsolicited e-mails every day.

Sun Microsystems sponsors NetDay, an effort to wire American In 2002, the average Internet user received 3.7 spam messages per
public schools to the Internet, with help from the US government. day. The total rose to 6.2 spam messages per day in 2002. By 2007, it
is expected to reach 830 messages per day.
In Beijing, the Internet community has coined the word 'Chortal' as a
shortened version of 'Chinese portal'. A terminology industry research firm called Basex says that
unsolicited e-mail cost $ 20 billion in lost time and expenses
Telnet is one of the oldest forms of Internet connections. Today, it is worldwide in 2000.
used primarily to access online databases.
In 2003 an Atlanta- base ISP called Earthlink won a lawsuit worth
Domain names can be really sell at high prices! The most expensive $16.4 million (US) against a spammer in Buffalo NY, and a $25
domain name was '', which was bought by eCompanies million (US) lawsuit against a spammer in Tennessee.
for $7.5 million in 1999.
The word 'almost' is the longest in the English language with all the
The first ever ISP was CompuServe. It still exists, under AOL Time letters in alphabetical order.

On an average, each person receives 26.4 e-mails a day. The most commonly used word in English conversation is 'I'.
No words in the English language rhyme with the words angel, All pilots on international flights identify themselves in English
angst, breadth, bulb, depth, eighth, month, ninth, orange, purple, regardless of their country of origin.
scalp or twelfth.
"Underground" is the only word in the English language that begins
The most commonly used letter in the alphabet is E. and ends with the letters "und."

The least used letter in the alphabet is Q. The expression to 'knuckle down' originated from playing marbles
(players used to put their knuckles to the ground for their best
'I am.' is the shortest complete sentence. shots).

Skiing is the only word with double i. The only 15 letter word that can be spelled without repeating a
letter is "uncopyrightable."
Dreamt is the only word that ends in mt.
The sentence "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog." uses
The word "set" has more definitions than any other word in the every letter of the alphabet!
English language.
The sentence "Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs" uses every
The first letters of the months July through to November spell letter of the alphabet and uses the least letters to do so!
'Q' is the least used letter in the English alphabet.
There are only 4 words in the English language which end in 'dous'.
They are: hazardous, horrendous, stupendous and tremendous. Goddessship is the only word in the English language with a triple
The oldest word in the English language is 'town'.
"Rhythm" is the longest English word without a vowel.
The words 'angry' and 'hungry' are the only two that end in 'gry'.
The word "alphabet" is derived from the first two letters in the
'Bookkeeper' and 'bookkeeping' are the only 2 words in the English Greek alphabet: "alpha" and "beta".
language with three consecutive double letters.
In the English language there are only three words that have a letter
The word 'Strengths' is the longest word in the English language with that repeats six times. Degenerescence (six e's), Indivisibility (six i's),
just one vowel. and nonannouncement (six n's).

The dot on top of the letter 'i' is called a tittle. The only three words in the English language to have 2 consecutive
u's is vacuum, residuum, and continuum.
The longest word in the English language, according to the Oxford
English Dictionary, is English is the most widespread language in the world and is more
pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. widely spoken and written than any other language.

The past tense for the English word 'dare' is 'durst'. Over 400 million people use the English vocabulary as a mother
tongue, only surpassed in numbers, but not in distribution by
The word 'testify' derived from a time when men were required to speakers of the many varieties of Chinese.
swear on their testicles.
Over 700 million people, speak English, as a foreign language.
The first English dictionary was written in 1755.
Did you know that of all the world's languages (over 2,700) English is
'Stewardesses' is the longest word that is typed with only the left arguably the richest in vocabulary; and that the Oxford English
hand. Dictionary lists about 500,000 words, and there are a half-million
technical and scientific terms still uncatalogued?
The word old English word 'juke' meaning dancing lends its name to
the juke box. Three-quarters of the world's mail, telexes and cables are in English.

1 out of every 8 letters written is an e. Did you know that more than half of the world's technical and
scientific periodicals are in English?
There is a seven letter word in the English language that contains
ten words without rearranging any of its letters, "therein": the, English is the medium for 80% of the information stored in the
there, he, in, rein, her, here, here, ere, therein, herein. world's computers?

The longest one syllable word in the English language is 'screeched'. Did you know that English is the language of navigation, aviation and
of Christianity? It is the ecumenical language of the World Council of
The word "queue" is the only word in the English language that is Churches.
still pronounced the same way when the last four letters are
removed. Five of the largest broadcasting companies in the world (CBS, NBC,
ABC, BBC and CBC) transmit in English, reaching millions of people all
over the world.
What movie features the line, “Mrs. Robinson, you're trying to
seduce me.” (The Graduate)
The first movie appearance of Dolphy - Sa Dugo At Bayan (I
Remember Bataan) Who said “I can't believe I gave my panties to a geek”? (Molly
Ringwald in Sixteen Candles)
First TV Show of Dolphy - Buhay Artista
In what film did the phrase, “Show me the money!” first appear?
What character is actor Daniel Jacob Radcliffe better known as? (Jerry Maguire)
(Harry Potter)
The line “Is this heaven?” “No, it’s Iowa” came from what 1989
Which actress won an Oscar in 2005 for her role as June Carter Cash baseball film starring Kevin Costner? (Field of Dreams)
in Walk the Line? (Reece Witherspoon)
What movie’s main character is Lara Croft? (Tomb Raider)
What was famous actor Tom Cruise’s first leading role? (Risky
Business) Name the main character in this film with the same name? It stars
Robin Williams. (Patch Adams)
What was the name of Morgan Freeman’s character in the 2007 film
Bucket List? (Carter Chambers) Who played Ethan Hunt in this film? Name the film and the actor.
(Tom Cruise played Ethan Hunt in Mission Impossible)
What actress holds the record for most Oscars won? (Katherine
Hepburn) What movie features the character Wolverine (X-Men)

What actor plays Det. John McClane in the Die Hard series (Bruce Who plays Gracie Hart? What movie? (Sandra Bullock in Miss
Willis) Congeniality)

What real-life couple starred in Overboard? (Goldie Hawn and Kurt What is the name of the main character in Independence Day? (Will
Russell) Smith)

What was the name of the 1988 film directed by Tim Burton in What movie is the character Colonel Koetzee from? (Blood
which a deceased couple hire a bio-exorcist with a black and white- Diamond)
striped suit and wild hair to rid their home of its new owners?
(Beetlejuice) In what movie is the main character named Evan Nolan? (Evan
Johnny Depp starred in this tale of a cursed pirate ship, what is the
title? (Pirates of the Caribbean) This movie is set in the bayous of Louisiana and centers around the
ten Biblical plagues. (The Reaping)
This 1987 film starred Jennifer Grey and Patrick Swayze. (Dirty
Dancing) This movie stars Haley Joel Osment as a little boy who can see dead
people. The movie co-stars Bruce Willis. (The Sixth Sense)
This film centers on a golf course with an obnoxious new member
and a destructive gopher. (Caddyshack) This movie stars a big green ogre who falls in love with a beautiful
princess. (Shrek)
What 1999 film is a must see for those who hate their jobs? (Office
Space) In this film, Nicholas Cage, as Benjamin Franklin Gates, decodes
riddles and follows clues left by the country’s forefathers to find
In what movie does Harrison Ford play the President of the United treasure. (National Treasure)
States who must save the his family and other passengers aboard a
hijacked plane? (Air Force One) Set in 1912, this movie centers on a sinking ship. (Titanic)

Who said “Go ahead, make my day” in the film Sudden Impact? Rick Deckard is a hunter of replicants in this 1982 film. A group of
(Clint Eastwood) replicants make it to Los Angeles to seek out a way to extend their
life span and Deckard must exterminate them before it’s too late.
In what movie did Arnold Schwarzenegger say, “I’ll be back!”? (Blade Runner)
Steve Martin fathers 12 kids in this comedy. (Cheaper by the Dozen)
What movie features the line, “Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a
damn!”? (Gone with the Wind)

In the movie Forrest Gump, who said, “My Mama always said, ‘Life
was like a box of chocolates; you never know what you're gonna
get.’” (Tom Hanks)

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