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1) The consequence of bruxism : - front teeth becomes smaller ,consumed by the excessive
pressure in occlusion .
- micro-cracks and broken fillings
- gum recession ;
- lose teeth ;
- headache and pain in the jaws ( aching jaws ) ;
- enamel is damaged and the dentin is exposed ,causing sensitivity to heat and cold.
2) Benefits associated with laser dentistry : - Procedures with laser don’t require suture
( are suture free);
-Procedures with laser don’t require anesthesia;
-Laser dentistry minimizes bleeding;
-Bacterial infections are minimized;
- Damage to surround tissues is minimized;
- Wounds (ferite) heals faster with laser, so the tissues can be regenerated.
3) Which problems dental veneers solves? : worn enamel ( consumed); wear and tear; genetic
problems; irregular tooth ( spacing); chip (scheggiature) and crack (crepe).
4) Prosthodontic principles of dentures: support; stability, retention.
5) Prosthodontic treatments: -Esthetic reconstructive dentistry: reconstruction of tooth
with implants.
- Dental veneers and other bonded restorations: type of restorations that may solve a lots
of tissues, including discoloration, chips (schegge, cracks and irregular teeth.
- Ceramic and metal ceramic dental crown: to repair damaged teeth.
- Dental bridges: function in treatments for missing teeth; tooth support or implant support.
- Removable complete denture: replacement of all the teeth; designed for edentulous people.
- Removable partial dentures : designed for partial dentures.
- Fixed partial dentures ( dental bridges) : designed for partially edentulous people.
6) Triggers of oral herpes: stress, pain, surgery, fever, irritant factors like exposure to sun,
wind and cold; menstruation; immunosuppression; lack of sleep.
7) Sedation dentistry modalities: - local anesthesia;
- inhalation analgesia
- oral sedation
- intravenous sedation
- intramuscular sedation
- general anesthesia.
8) Gingivitis symptoms: you will notice red, swollen, ( distension/gonfiore) gums that bleed
9) Chronic periodontitis: chronic periodontitits and aggressive periodontitis.

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