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For parents and caregivers of children with autism, understanding the “Spectrum” is very
important. Unlike many other conditions, experts at the National Institute of Mental
Health believe that there is no “one size fits all” autism diagnosis.

In general, there is “severe autism,” “autism,” and “high-functioning autism” or Asperger’s

Syndrome. People can be diagnosed with autism anywhere on the spectrum at as young
as 2 years old. It’s even possible that a child can improve or worsen on the spectrum as
they get older. Adults are also frequently diagnosed with a spectrum condition.

The key is understanding where your child (or even you) fall on the spectrum so you can
understand the full level of imbalance and how to address it.


In people on the higher end of the spectrum, autism and its symptoms are usually more
“manageable.” However, According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders (DSM-5), there are still concerns with:

Social communication
Restricted or specific interests (e.g. only wants to talk/learn about one subject)
Repetitive behaviors
Asperger’s patients may be less verbal, more quiet, and have certain routines or
behaviors that are “quirky,” but they are usually less extreme than other patients with
more intense spectrum symptoms. And while many people can still function in society at
this level on the spectrum, it can still make anxiety, sadness, and difficulty in social
settings hard.


Many people have preconceived notions of what autism looks like, and most common
symptoms are associated with “middle of the spectrum” autism conditions. According to
the most recent version of the DSM-5, these signs include:

Difficulty in social settings (even with parent/teacher help)

Difficulty responding to emotions
Lack of eye contact or ability to read facial expressions
Distress when being removed from their favorite settings or activities
Inability to reroute interest or efforts to another activity or person
Many people on this level of the spectrum manifest signs when they’re younger and
often need support in school to engage in social and educational activities. However,
they can often operate well as they age, especially if they get support when they’re

For some, behaviors and symptoms may lead to a diagnosis of “severe” autism – on the
furthest end of the autism spectrum. Many may be non-verbal from birth, dislike
physical touch, and have more behavioral concerns than middle-spectrum or Asperger’s
patients, according to VeryWell writer, Lisa Jo Rudy.

These “severe” autism signs can involve:

Extreme difficulty, or lack of interest, in social interactions

Non-verbal and non-physical interactions
Sensitivity to stimuli (loud noises, lots of people, etc.)
Low IQ or inability to test well in “traditional” school measurements
Repetitive behaviors
Severe behavioral concerns (e.g. tantrums, self-injury, aggression, disinterest in food or
hygiene, etc.)
This is the highest level of imbalance a person with autism can reach, and often requires
extensive support, therapy, and modalities to alleviate. According to the National Autism
Association, severely autistic individuals are likely to suffer from anxiety, depression, or
even digestive disorders.


There is no doubt that autism, no matter where a person is on the spectrum, can affect
virtually every part of their life. As anyone who has or cares for a person with autism will
attest, you want to help lighten the burden as much as possible for the child and the

One way to help people and children with autism – without risking negative side effects –
could be introducing flower remedy into their therapy toolkit. Flower remedies can gently
and naturally build up a balance of emotional strength, which can help someone with
autism develop a stronger ability to meet their other challenges. These flower remedies
can also help the entire family because when one child struggles, be it on the spectrum,
or who struggles in any way emotionally, the whole family unit is affected in some way.

Used in combination with other modalities, flower remedies could be the tool that sets
your child or loved ones in motion towards feeling their best, helping anxiety, social
situations, protection of energy, sibling rivalry, rejuvenation in care taking for the parent,
relationship help and more. There are no negative interactions or side effects with flower
remedies, either, which means you can use them while using traditional medications or
your specific treatments, as well.


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