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Learning Plan in Facilitating Learning

Date: August 03, 2019

Topic: Constructivist Teaching and Learning Principles, Knowledge

Acquisition, Representation and Organization

Desired Result:
By the end of the session the students will be able to:
 State the importance of constructivist teaching and learning.
 Apply principles of constructivism in a class.
 Able to create semantic network to present new information or ideas.

Reference: Facilitating Learning pages 21-25


Learning Competencies

The learner must know the importance of constructivist approach in learning

and will be able to create and visualize semantic network or concept map to present

Values Integration:

 Teamwork, Socio-emotional development

Essential Understanding:

Application of constructivist teaching and learning in a classroom help students

to actively create knowledge out of their experiences.
Representation and organization of information help students to acquire
knowledge much easily.

Essential Questions:

 How can you apply constructivist principles in a class?

 What are the advantages of creating a semantic network in presenting new


 Divide the class into two and let them present a role play that involves
constructivist teaching and learning in a classroom.
 Group the class into three and let them create a semantic network or concept
map diagrams to be presented in a class.


 Summative Test

Prepared by:

Leah T. Tamac

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