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To be a student, when studying away from home, you must have faced

up to the lack of family affection, difficulties in the new environment,

take care of your own life. Like many other students, I had sleepless
nights because I was homesick. I went to work to earn a living, and
when I had difficulties at work, I could appreciate the money that my
parents worked too hard for raising me. I am currently only a freshman
who has no experience as well as a low life skill, so I still feel very
difficult in work and my normal life. Many times when I was sad, I just
want to cry and run to my parents to be comforted. But student life is
not only difficult. I have made friends with many new friends in
different regions. I experienced many new things, set foot in new lands
with friends that so funny and very nice… If I wasn’t a student, I
couldn’t have memories with such sad and happy days.

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