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Central Concern: Radiographic Anatomy and its importance in Chiropractic care as

an evidence based diagnostic tool.

What is the real problem? Do I have the skills/Knowledge to address the
central concern?
In week 3 we started learning Radiographic Anatomy of the Cervical spine. I found
this learning absolutely fascinating for multiple reasons.
1. We can diagnose so much more than joints in malposition!
1.1. The effects of Rheumatoid Arthritis on the Odontoid process of C2
1.1.1. Through use of Chamberlain’s line and McGregor’s line
2. In my head I find this evidence sound as a reference whilst in practice to support
2.1. GORP OMNI, other diagnostic tools such as Nervoscope for skin
temperature differential (Media, 2019)
3. As someone who wants to study further into Gonstead method of adjustment this
is of interest as I have seen this used in practice
What I struggle with is conversations with practicing Chiropractors of second-hand
stories through siblings to Chiropractors who suggest forgetting or not paying too
much heed to this method of learning and diagnosis as it “will not be needed in real
Is there a great divide on this topic?
Where do I find the information I need? Can I trust the new information
Through multiple conversations I am finding an even amount of people either for or
against the full time use of Radiographic imaging as a diagnostic tool. Why is it not
mandatory or ‘Gold Standard Chiropractic’ to use this tool through association
membership and insurance…we get taught and are assessed on this skill throughout
our university studies, I also assume it is a part of the Board exams to become a
practising Chiropractor. So where is the follow up in the industry?
I can only at this stage continue to have conversations with lecturers, fellow students
and practising Chiropractors to gage what the lay of the land is and how I will apply
this to my own practise when I graduate. I for one will be using this skill for the
betterment of my clients/patients.
Do I need a team approach to this? Who do I recruit into my management
I am keen to link up with Dr Martin D. Timchur in 4th year face-to-face and pick his
brain, possibly ask him to become an ongoing mentor for me, listening to him teach
in this space gets me excited for the learning outcomes in Masters and the care I will
be able to give to existing clients of mine who transition to Chiropractic care with me
and new people who come into the clinic.
I would also be keen to get my hands on some reference books now which are used
to study this subject in Masters. I do not know which ones I should look at or who to
ask… Maybe Dawn Dane or Marti Harris?
How can I be sure this new approach has addressed the central concern or
resulted in a positive change - outcomes..
Well I guess at this stage the issue is unresolved, I will not be dissuaded though and
will persist in applying myself to learning Radiographic Anatomy and how best to use
this diagnostic tool in practice...
Apply my renewed approach next time around.
Ongoing and dynamic approach

Media, A. (2019). Gonstead Chiropractic Society Australia. [online] Available at:
use-gonstead/ [Accessed 16 Sep. 2019].

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