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Praise and gratitude we pray to God Almighty, thanks to His grace and His blessings we can finish
our paper entitled "Calculation of Calories And Nutritional Adequacy With Risk of Nutritional
In this paper we explain the calculation of calories and nutritional adequacy in the human body and
the risk of nutritional disorders. Our goal is to write this paper primarily to fulfill the tasks of the
Human Basic Needs lecturer. On the other hand, we write this paper to find out more about the
importance of calorie and nutritional adequacy.
We realize this paper is still far from perfection. Therefore, it is expected the criticism and
suggestion of the reader for the perfection of our paper for the future. Hopefully this paper is useful
for all of us.

Semarang, September 11, 2017


A. Background

The problem of calorie and nutrition sufficiency is still quite vulnerable in some
areas of Indonesia, especially in slum areas of urban areas, where the condition of many
people who lack understanding of the importance of the adequacy of calories and nutrients.
That causes many infants suffered malnutrition. Malnutrition / nutrition is less common due
to unbalanced food, especially in terms of calorie and nutritional content.
For that is important for you and your family to keep paying attention to the daily calorie and
nutritional intake. Calories and Nutrition can be found in foods you may find or even
consume daily.
Calories and Nutrition are essential to help the growth of children, and increase their
endurance. And also the excess Calorie will also cause illness, such as obesity. So it can
cause diseases like kwasiorkor, marasmus, and obesity.
Many consider food to be of vital importance. Throughout our lives, Calories and Nutrition
are the basic elements that can sustain life and provide the energy needed by cells so that
various tissues and organs can perform coordinated actions. Human life can be likened to a
small wooden tree that needs water spray continuously, fertilization and maintenance in order
to be able to do growth strongly. Thus the importance of nutrition for human life
During the period of nutrient addition, only balanced nutrition can prevent the body from the
unbalanced state between Yin and Yang which can lead to the onset of the disease. Provision
of additional nutrients should be reasonable and according to scientific knowledge. When a
person becomes ill, it is necessary to obtain treatment; When a person is in good health, it is
necessary to take care of the disease. Therefore, prevention of disease is a very basic problem
in relation to health care.
As a key point in relation to eating habits is to keep from overeating so that the satiety, eat
with the vegetables, do not eat cooked food until overcooked, eat in a hurry, the food has a
mild taste, the food is still in fresh condition; has a variety, with cool conditions, there is
separation, accompanied by maturation. Only then can a person be able to have a healthy
body accompanied by a vigorous and confident life.
Based on the exposure of the background that the author has described, the author is
interested to create a paper entitled "Calculation of Calories and Nutritional Adequacy With
Risk of Nutritional Disorders".
B. The Formulation of problem
The formulation of the problem in this paper the authors describe in several points namely
1. How To Calculate Calories In The Body?
2. What is the Definition of Nutritional Adequacy?
3. What is the Risk of Nutrition Disorder?

C. Purpose
The purpose of writing this paper is:
1. To know how to calculate the calories in the body
2. To know the definition of nutritional adequacy
3. To know the Risk of Nutrition Disorder

A. calculation of calories in the body

Calorie is the energy that enters the body and is released by the body associated with
calories. According to Sunita Almatsi (2000: 133) Calorie is the unit of energy expressed in
hot units. Then this opinion is reinforced by Imam Hidayat (2000: 188) which states the
calorie is the amount of heat power used to raise the temperature. The unit of energy is
expressed in calories (kal) and kilocalories (kcal), 1 kilocalories = 1000 calories meaning one
caloric equal to the amount of heat or chemical power used to raise one degree celsius
water temperature by one gram.

So it can be concluded that the calorie is the unit of energy expressed in the heat unit. Each
ingredient must have a different amount of calories that can affect the energy that humans
use to work. If the number of calories that enter the body is not processed into energy then
the calories will become saturated fat that will cause fat deposits in the body.

The amount of energy needed per day per person is different, this is influenced by several
factors: age, gender, weight and height and activity level.

 The formula for calculating caloric needs

formula to find the daily body caloric needs = BMR x value of activity level. Before calculating
the caloric needs of the body, must know in advance what the BMR (basal metabolic rate).
BMR is the energy / calories needed during the day, in a resting condition.

The formula to know the male BMR

= 66,4730 + (13,7516 x BB kg) + (5,0033 x TB cm) - (6,7550 x age)

Formula to know female BMR

= 655,0955 + (9,5634 x BB kg) + (1,8496 x TB cm) - (4,6756 x age)
Which one:

BB is weight in kg.
TB is height in cm.
And x age is how old now.
If already known the amount of BMR, then multiplied by the level of activity level.

activity level values:

o Not active = 1.2. Which they do not exercise at all in a week.

o Light activity = 1,375. Which they exercise about 1-3 times a week.
o Medium activity = 1.55. Which they exercise about 3-5 times a week.
o Weight activity = 1,725. Which they exercise about 5-6 times a week.
o Very heavy activity = 1.9. Which they exercise about 2 times a day, including extra-
severe physical exercise, or indeed his job desc full of physical activity

B. Definition of Nutritional Adequacy

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