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Upskilling for the new World of Work.

In the actual word, and tomorrow’s world of work, jobs are getting harder and
harder to get. Even the hobbies that you do everyday, are changing, because of
the “state-of-art” of the things that we use on our daily basis.

Thanks to this, people are forced to learn new things. This things are called
“Upskilling”, which is basically learn new things that can make a huge or a little
difference that means a “progress” in life, or something like that. Upskilling is
important to people who have a job, and to people who don’t have one and need to
get one. Upskilling make you have a better chance in life.

As a student, I think the most useful thing I can learn for the next two years is:

1. Learning other languages: the fact that the world is getting more and
more globalized, it is something to consider. Learning foreign languages is a
request in the jobs these days, and not only that, but that learning new
languages is really funny, it will help you if you need to travel abroad and
learn about other cultures. Learning languages is pretty easy, maybe look
for a evening/weekend course will be helpful. Listening to music in English,
and watching English TV programs works too.. Try to read short stories in
English and trying to translate them by yourself is really useful.
2. Improve writing skills: when you are a student, it is necessary to write
essays, or some tesis, whatever you need; but you can’t write the way you
want to, or the way you talk, you need to use some formal writing when
doing college stuff. You can improve this skill if you read a lot of books, not
dictionaries, books, interesting stories, things that catch your attention.
Reading new things involves the fact that you are learning new words and
make your head memorize things that you didn’t knew before; maybe you
are reading something, and you find a word that you don’t know what it
means, so you search for information, and in that way, the books teach you
how to improve this skill.
Laura M. Ayazo Pérez. Inglés IV.

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