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Christina Jones

OGL220 Assignment #1 Paper

What did you learn about yourself as a result of this process?

What I found out about myself in this process was a lot of information about how other’s
perceive my style when it comes to leadership. I have learned how to assess myself and seen how
other people assess my traits and communications skills. Although I didn’t have any coworkers
to interview due to timing problems I feel my two family member did a great job with the
interviews and gave honest answers for me to do self-reflection. Although this process was a
little lengthy it was worth knowing these interpersonal skills from a different perspective. I also
learned that I am a little hard on myself when it comes to scoring. Mostly with all things I tend
to be hard on myself and with the ratings it does show. I always strive to better and always feel
sometimes at my best I can do better. In comparing with my family’s scores some categories I
rated low on, they rated very high. So even though this was no surprised since I knew about
being hard on myself, it makes me reflect on how this can be improved. What I also learned
about myself is how I communicate with others, effectively and it justifies some of my answers
that I stated about my interpersonal skills. Most of them were pretty similar to what I put for
myself which lets me know that I have a good idea of who I am and how I come across to others.
One last thing I have learned is how highly my family thinks of me and it makes me very happy
to know that I can provide them with good communication and care when it comes to situations,
it boosts your self-esteem knowing that they can express these things about you, in the end it is
rewarding to get feedback and criticism so you can help improve yourself.

Were there any surprising results from your interviews? Explain?

In comparing with my families scores something’s I rated low on, they rated very high.
This going back to what I had mentioned previous is surprising to me how hard on myself I am
at scoring certain questions, especially relationships questions. Not only that but the
relationships questions I scored fairly high on but I feel when it comes to relationships is where I
need to improve. What also surprised me was that my description of my interpersonal skills
were seemingly close to my interviewees which to me overall was a good thing. There were many
things that surprised me in this process. My sister although very personal with the questions she
did not have much to say which was surprising. She knows me very well but I think maybe could
have more details answers. Also in my sisters interview she stated that I needed better stress
method which was surprising but it makes sense so I won’t overwhelm myself and take a step
back. Lastly what surprised me was that my mother in her interview said I was very self-aware
which I felt was lacking and I gave myself a lower score then her. This was surprising to me
because I felt I needed to learn more skills for myself awareness.

What might you have done differently to obtain even better information regarding your own
behavioral tendencies?

I think what I could have done differently in obtaining better information is start to get
interviewees much sooner. This way I can have more than two to get even a better perspective
on my interpersonal skills. I would have like to get someone from my work environment but
schedules with adults are very difficult, if I stated sooner I could have obtained this to learn
about how I am in a work environment and get a non-personal perspective. I also felt I could
have taken notes during my day or work day to better understand the conflicts and how I react
in certain circumstance. Like a self-monitoring guide so I can give more in depth comments of
why I treated myself the way I did and have a reference to refer to. Although I felt I answered my
questions thoroughly, I feel I could have done differently more self-reflection and possible refer
to examples of times I felt I did good at characteristics and bad at some. I stated in one of my
interpersonal traits was quiet and aloof at times. Comparing this to my interviewees they did not
feel that way. Being more self-aware and researching skills to do this may have helped prior to
taking m interview.

How will you think differently, and what will you do differently, as a result of this assignment
(self-monitoring, working on developing certain skills, etc.)?

As a result of this assignment, I would like to do more self-monitoring. With my results

from myself and interviewees it gave me insight of what I can work on and how to better
relationships and communication. I hope with this knowledge to work on my relationships with
others especially at work, if I am going to be a great leader fell I must develop more positive
relations. The other specific skill I want to work on is handling conflict. These situations I do try
to avoid as they can get out of hand with emotions and can escalate quickly. Being a leadership
conflicts will come up daily, and the more I practice and learn skills to better handle them I will
be gain comfort in stressful situations. Lastly, I feel my sister made a good point in finding
different ways to release my stress, leaders deal with stress on a daily basis and can effect work,
moods, and relationships. Learning to deal with my stress healthy can channel better self-
awareness and help with y self –esteem and emotions in handling relationships.
Interview # 1

Person Interviewed: Christina Jones

Relationship: Me


1. When you think about my general interpersonal skills, what are some adjectives or phrases
that come to mind that are good descriptions?

Outgoing, independent, positive, motivated, caring, straight forward and honest, sometimes
quiet and aloof, thick skinned and not easily offended, passionate for change in society and
wanting people to seek their full potential.

2. What do you consider to be my greatest strengths in this regard? My strengths I feel are the
greatest is my positive energy, my passion, honesty, sometimes I feel my honesty may be
overwhelming for some people as a lot of people tell little white lies here and there. The rei
many people that I have found in my life that finds this intimidating and other find it very
admirable. I feel these three are my strengths because those are the things I am proud.

3. What do you consider to be my greatest weaknesses or areas for improvement?

I would say my greatest weakness is at times I am aloof and quiet when I’m focusing on my
goals. I like having quiet times and enjoy

4. Specific Behavioral Competencies (on a scale of 1 to 10 – 10 being highest):

a. Ability to listen and convey empathy. Rating: __10__ Comments: I feel I listen to
feelings well

b. Demonstrates compassion, consideration and caring for others. Rating: __9__

Comments: I feel I am pretty well at this but there are times when my compassion
lacks with certain people.

c. Ability to understand and communicate effectively with people who see the world
differently. Rating: __10__ Comments: I feel I understand and communicate well
with people who see the world differently because I do and I know most people and
different view on many issues. I try to look at it from their perspective in all aspects.

d. Building trust and credibility. Rating: 7_ Comments: I could learn to build trust
more as past experiences has made it difficult.

e. Skill at cultivating relationships. Rating: _7 Comments: I am very good at making

friends in the workplace and getting along with everyone. But I have few close
relationships with family and friends. Can probably count just on 1 hand how many
people I have let in and be myself with.

f. Demonstrating an awareness of own style and how it affects others, and makes
adjustments as necessary. Rating: _6__ Comments: I feel this is a area I am lacking.
I don’t know how I am perceive, but if I were given feed back of my style and there is
need for improvement I can definitely make the adjustments.

g. Developing and maintaining positive relationships with others. Rating: _9_

Comments: I feel the relationship that I have and keep I have very positive ones with,
I feel the best relationship is a motivating one.

h. Demonstrates flexibility and adaptability. Rating: _10__ Comments: I feel I am

very fleaxbl and adapt well in all environments.

i. Works to build others' value with positive impact to all. Rating: _10__ Comments: I
think I do this very well.

j. Self-knowledge and self-awareness. Rating: _7__ Comments: I feel this can be

worked on a little more.

k. Ability to keep an open mind regarding controversial issues. Rating: __10_

Comments: I know I very open minded to all circumstance and no judgements with
controversial issues. I am more of a mediator then picking sides, or what is right and
l. Ability to separate emotions from facts in conflict situations. Rating: _7____
Comments: I feel I am ok at this as I try to avoid conflict but if it does arise I try my
best to calm down my emotions.

m. Resolving differences between people using persuasion, diplomacy and logic. Rating:
___6 Comments: I feel I could learn more skills in this.

n. Effectively handles conflict, preserving good relations. Rating: __8_ Comments: I

try to avoid conflict but when it does arise I feel I can effectively deescalate the

5. Have you observed any specific instances in which I have effectively adapted my behaviors in
order to relate more effectively with others who have different personalities, cultural
backgrounds, perspectives or beliefs? Please elaborate. I feel like I adapt my behaviors to my
work every day. Since I work in customer service, I speak with many people across the U.S.
seeking services. I feel that my customer services experience has widened my lense on
society and that everyone reacts differently to situations due to there background or

6. If you could suggest three things I could do to improve my interpersonal skills, what would
they be?

I think the three things I can improve on is learning more of my self-knowledge, learning
skills to help with my conflict resolution, lastly learn and be more aware of my style of how I
lead. All of these can help improve my leadership skills and communication with others.

7. In considering my human relations abilities, is there anything else you would like to add?
I don’t have anything else to add.
Interview #2

Person Interviewed: Lisa Palucci

Relationship: Mother


1. When you think about my general interpersonal skills, what are some adjectives or
phrases that come to mind that are good descriptions? Personable, approachable, out-
going, good sense of humor.

2. What do you consider to be my greatest strengths in this regard? Good communication

skills, considerate, cultural humility, polite, respectful.

3. What do you consider to be my greatest weaknesses or areas for improvement? Take

time to assess the complete situation, patience. Looking at ‘two sides of the coin’ before
making a final decision or opinion.

4. Specific Behavioral Competencies (on a scale of 1 to 10 – 10 being highest):

a. Ability to listen and convey empathy. Rating: __7___ Comments: Christina is

sensitive to others feelings and has a natural ability to show empathy.

b. Demonstrates compassion, consideration and caring for others. Rating: __8___

Comments: Christina is very compassion and considerate and caring of others.
She has a natural ability to show concern for others and is willing to assist
without being asked.

c. Ability to understand and communicate effectively with people who see the world
differently. Rating: __6___ Comments: Taking the time to reflect on both sides
of a story is important.

d. Building trust and credibility. Rating: __9___ Comments: Christina is very

trustworthy and credible, she is adaptable to meeting new people and trust is
usually built immediately.
e. Skill at cultivating relationships. Rating: ___9__ Comments: Christina is an
outgoing individual who excels at building new relationships and working on
relationships that already exist in her life.

f. Demonstrating an awareness of own style and how it affects others, and makes
adjustments as necessary. Rating: __7___ Comments: Christina is very self-
aware of who she is, not sure if she is aware of how her attitude affects others.

g. Developing and maintaining positive relationships with others. Rating: __7___

Comments: Christina excels at developing relationships with others, her
outgoing personality lends itself well to this personal attribute.

h. Demonstrates flexibility and adaptability. Rating: __7___ Comments: Christina

demonstrates flexibility and adaptability, I have always thought of her as a ‘happy
go lucky’ person.

i. Works to build others' value with positive impact to all. Rating: __8___
Comments: Christina’s sensitive nature assists her ability to build others up when
they are down.

j. Self-knowledge and self-awareness. Rating: __9___ Comments: Christina is

very self-aware of who she is, she knows herself well.

k. Ability to keep an open mind regarding controversial issues. Rating: __8___

Comments: Christina is very open minded, but at the same time strongly

l. Ability to separate emotions from facts in conflict situations. Rating: ___8__

Comments: Christina sticks to facts in a conflictive situation and does a good job
of separating emotional interference.

m. Resolving differences between people using persuasion, diplomacy and logic.

Rating: __9___ Comments: I see Christina is a strong advocate and ‘middle
person’ when she is trying to help resolve conflict with others. She has a way of
bringing other perspectives into focus for the other individual when they are
conflicted with a situation or relationship.

n. Effectively handles conflict, preserving good relations. Rating: ___8__

Comments: Christina handles conflict effectively, she is a good listener and it is
important for her to preserve good relationships.

5. Have you observed any specific instances in which I have effectively adapted my
behaviors in order to relate more effectively with others who have different personalities,
cultural backgrounds, perspectives or beliefs? Please elaborate. Christina was raised in a
non-biased family with multi-cultural backgrounds. She has always held the value of
accepting those with different personalities, backgrounds, perspectives, and beliefs. She
is open to learning about new cultures and is intrigued by this added body of knowledge.
She is cultural sensitive

6. If you could suggest three things I could do to improve my interpersonal skills, what
would they be?
a. Keep an open-mind to all situations and individual opinions
b. Remember to ‘think of the bright side’ of any situation
c. Be happy and smile!!!

7. In considering my human relations abilities, is there anything else you would like to add?

No other comments.
Interview # 3

Person Interviewed: Cassandra Ramirez

Relationship: Sister


1. When you think about my general interpersonal skills, what are some adjectives or
phrases that come to mind that are good descriptions?
Social, friendly, and professional. Works well with others, ability to converse with
2. What do you consider to be my greatest strengths in this regard? Likeability factor and
3. What do you consider to be my greatest weaknesses or areas for improvement? Stress
due to overwhelming customer service obligations. Could improve ways to organize
stress levels with confronted by customers (like most people in stressful situations)

4. Specific Behavioral Competencies (on a scale of 1 to 10 – 10 being highest):

a. Ability to listen and convey empathy. Rating: __10___ Comments: Christina always
has been a good listener, she always helps and listens to my problems.

b. Demonstrates compassion, consideration and caring for others. Rating: ___10__

Comments: When My sister does listen to me and shows me she care is means a lot.
She shows a lot of compassion and ihas always been considerate when it comes to
family issues.

c. Ability to understand and communicate effectively with people who see the world
differently. Rating: __9___ Comments: Christina is very understanding and
communicates well with all walks of life.

d. Building trust and credibility. Rating: ___10__ Comments: My sister has always
been trustworthy and a credible source for information.
e. Skill at cultivating relationships. Rating: ____10_ Comments: I think my sister
does very well at this.

f. Demonstrating an awareness of own style and how it affects others, and makes
adjustments as necessary. Rating: ___10__ Comments: I have no comment.

g. Developing and maintaining positive relationships with others. Rating: _9____

Comments: I have no comment.

h. Demonstrates flexibility and adaptability. Rating: __9___ Comments: I have no


i. Works to build others' value with positive impact to all. Rating: _10____
Comments: I have no comment.

j. Self-knowledge and self-awareness. Rating: __9___ Comments: I have no


k. Ability to keep an open mind regarding controversial issues. Rating: _8____

Comments: I have no comment.

l. Ability to separate emotions from facts in conflict situations. Rating: _8____

Comments: I have no comment.

m. Resolving differences between people using persuasion, diplomacy and logic. Rating:
__9___ Comments:
I have no comment.
n. Effectively handles conflict, preserving good relations. Rating: ___9__ Comments:
I have no comment.
5. Have you observed any specific instances in which I have effectively adapted my
behaviors in order to relate more effectively with others who have different personalities,
cultural backgrounds, perspectives or beliefs? Please elaborate.
In the work setting, you have showed exceptional adaptions of working with others from
different backgrounds, beliefs, and personalities. Same can go for school.

6. If you could suggest three things I could do to improve my interpersonal skills, what
would they be?
Ways to deal with stress due to work conflicts and school load.

7. In considering my human relations abilities, is there anything else you would like to add?
Very good at socializing with others and providing service to customers.

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