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The Impact of Overtime Works on The Overall Quality

of Human Resources
Fitria Sabrina Tsani (04311940000061)
Nafisah Noor T. (04311940000068)
Abriel Surya (04311940000082)
Fadria Athaya M. (04311940000089)

1.1 Background
Human productivity is something important in our daily life. Our productivity shows
our efficiency in working the input for getting the output we desired. The more
efficient we have in working means that we have a higher quality of productivity.
This quality of productivity differs from people to people due to their capability.
Overtime work is something unavoidable in the human busy activity. Especially
when many tasks need to get done in a short period of time. Overtime work
consumes much energy that will impact human productivity. It is because overtime
works make human to work more than its regular capability. Many surveys show
that overtime works will reduce human productivity and quality of it. Thus, we
conduct this research to know the impact of overtime works on the overall quality
of human resources.

1.2 Problems
- Why does overtime work happen?
- What causes overtime work?
- Who is impacted by overtime work?
- What impact does overtime work causes?
- Is overtime work a problem?
- What are the evidences of those overtime work effects ?
- How to prevent and overcome overtime work and its effects?
1.3 Purpose of The Research
- Figuring why overtime happen
- Knowing the causes of overtime work
- Finding who impacted by overtime work
- Knowing the impact from overtime work
- Learning whether overtime work is a problem or not
- Finding the evidences of overtime work effects
- Figuring the solution or alternative to prevent and overcome overtime work and
its effects.

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