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BIENVENIDO A ERASELAHISTORIA > 2º ESO CIENCIAS SOCIALES > Tema 8. El siglo de la hegemonía hispánica.
El Renacimiento. >

05.4. The Renaissance Art.

The Renaissance Art is a style born in Italy and developed during the 15th (Quattrocento) and 16th centuries (Cinquecento);
from there it expanded into Europe. During the Quattrocento the main artist city was Florence but it was substituted by
Rome in the Cinquecento. The main characteristics of the renaissance art are:

Ø The revival of the classical forms developed by the ancient Greeks and Romans.

Ø Art is unlinked from the Church influence and maecenas became the artists customers and protectors.

Ø Anthropocentrism. Human beings are the reference of art and the beauty canon is based on the human

Ø The artist dedicated to scientific experimentation, and developed mathematical and lineal perspective to find a
solution to formal and visual problems.

Ø In painting and sculpture, objects are both related proportionally and rationally.

¯ Architecture. In architecture the main elements are:

· The use of the classical orders columns (Doric, Ionic, Corinthian and Tuscan).

· The use of central floor plan (round or square) and Latin cross plan.

· Round arch, dome and flat structures (architrave).

· Buildings are decorated with frontons, medallions and niches. Many buildings are triumph arch

The main Quattrocento architects were:

ü Filippo Brunelleschi. He developed the lineal perspective and designed the dome of Florence Cathedral.
He also built the Lorenzo’s Basilica and the Pitti Palace.

ü Leon Batista Alberti. He built the Palazzo Rucellai and the front of Santa Maria Novella Church in

The most important architects of Cinquecento were:

ü Donato Bramante. His main works were San Pietro in Montorio temple and part of Saint Peter’s Basilica.

ü Michelangelo. He continued Saint Peter’s Basilica and built its dome.

ü Andrea Palladio. He built many villas such as Villa La Rotonda in Vicenza.

¯ Sculpture. The most important characteristics of the renaissance sculpture are:

· The artists looked for the perfect beauty.

· Usually, the theme of the works was portraits or naked bodies.

· The most used materials were marble and bronze.

Some of the most exceptional sculptors were:

ü Lorenzo Ghiberti, known for his reliefs such as the ones made for the Baptism Doors of Florence

ü Donatello. He is famous for his expressive free-standing statues, as bronze David or Condotiero

ü Verrochio. He made exceptional portraits full of psychology, as David and Condotiero Colleoni.

ü Michelangelo (Cinquecento). He built the gigantic statue of David, showing his self-control the moment
before facing Goliath. Other works are Mosses, Vatican Pieta and Rondanini Pieta.

¯ Painting. The most important characteristics of painting are:… 1/2

· The painters dedicated to a more rigorous interpretation of landscape (trees, plants, flowers).

· They also studied the effect of out-of-doors light and how the eye perceives all the elements in

· The developed aerial perspective.

· Themes are usually taken from the classical mythology or Judeo-Christian tradition.

· The painter shows their characters in full range of postures and poses, as well as in diverse
emotional reactions and states.

· Portraits of naked bodies are frequent.

Important Quattrocento painters were:

ü Fra Angelico. He was interested in perspective. Some of his works are the Announcement and the
frescoes of Saint Marcos Covent in Florence.

ü Sandro Botticelli. He used the mythological and religious themes as in Venus birth.

Painters of Cinquecento were:

ü Leonardo da Vinci. He was the best artist who represented the renaissance spirit. He studied the human
body, the light and created the sfumato. His most important works are The Last Supper and Mona Lisa (La

ü Michelangelo. His paintings are influenced by the sculpture with great importance of volume. His
masterpiece is the Sistine Chapel frescoes.

ü Tiziano. He was the most gifted painter in Venice, who made important works for the Roman Emperor
Charles V. One of his works is Charles V at Mühlberg.… 2/2

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