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School System

Screw the School System

We send our children to school to prepare them for the real world and
indeed, the modern real world is currently changing very fast. But schools, as the
primary institution of learning, haven’t changed yet once for a hundred years
already. This old way of school system is damaging our health, both physically and
mentally, and fundamentally making us dumb.

Students wake up too early than the time they’re expected to wake up. Most
of the school starts classes on 7 o’clock in the morning which forces students to
also wake up in the same time. This causes them to feel sleepy during classes. It is
conceptually waggish to think that this notion is yet still to be believed because
how can a student learn when he is not in the mood for learning and is sleepy in
any way.

Another reason on why school is making the students dumb is the way our
educators teach us. They tend to teach us in a manner of a repetition method. This
means that whatever the teacher will say must be also the same with the students,
which is very wrong because every student has its own level of comprehension and
understanding. They also differ in how fast they can fully understand a new topic.
That’s why this method of teaching is already ineffective for the students and for
the teachers.

And lastly, the grading system that is adapted in school. Grades in school are
defined as the standardized basis on whether a student is smart or dumb. This
mindset of some is irrelevant because you can’t define a student’s intelligence by
seeing grades as the basis. It is not the measuring scale on whether you are learning
or not. It is just a hypothetical numbers being posted given that people will see the
student’s failings and faults which results them to feel demotivated.

Schools existing around the world have been adapting the same old system
for a century already. It is now considered as outdated and already ineffective for
learning. And this causes students to become dumb at school.

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