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A. Identify the voice of the verb in each sentence. Write A if it is active and write P if it is Passive.

______1. The team will celebrate their victory tomorrow.

______2. For the bake sale, two dozen cupcakes will be baked by Susan.
______3. My sales was not responded to by anyone.
______4. Larry generously donated money to the homeless shelter.
______5. The staff is required to watch a safety video every year.

B. Change the voice from active to passive.

1. Tom will finish the project tomorrow.

2. Alex posted the video on Facebook.
3. The kangaroo carries the baby in her pouch.
4. Some people are raising sugar cane in Hawaii.
5. The critic write a scathing review.
6. Father repaired the old chair.
7. Emily bought two kilos of apple.
8. Dianne and Kim watched the festival in the near city.
9. The choir enjoyed that piece.
10. The saltwater carroded the metal beams.

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