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Steven Chambers 1-3

Who Am I?

Doing the survey has really confirmed the career path I have chosen. My dream career would be
to be an in wealth management, the ability to manage a person's hard earned money in the
attempt to make a better future for them. 16 personalities has informed my personality traits are
perfect for those of a manager. Instead of managing just a group of people I will be able to
manage hundreds of clients. Being charismatic and warm is perfect for the position of wealth
manager as there are many a time when you are meeting with potential clients that possess a
large sum of money that could help the firm you are working for. These two characteristics mean
that I will be able to make potential clients feel welcome and feel as if they are safe allowing us
handle their money that they have worked countless hours for. Wealth management is not about
short term gain for you clients but instead more about long term gain. When investing for
someone it is not the goal to make money for them the next day but for the next ten years. The
ability to look at the long term was one of the major work habits of a person that is a protagonist.
16 personalities states that as a person I am overly idealistic, this is very true there are many a
times a day where I catch myself looking to my future and possible ways that I could live it
many of which very few people in the world get to live like. The most powerful part of this
exercise was looking at my weaknesses, these are not things the everyday person looks at as they
think about their future lives but even when you have an idea of what your weaknesses are it is
different for them to be truly explained in paragraph form. Fluctuating self esteem is one of the
weaknesses that I had which is a big part of my life. As a young child I struggled with body
image issues which still haunt me every now and then. This is the biggest weakness I have been
trying to fix, allowing what others think of me determine my happiness about myself. 16
personalities has opened my eyes to the possibilities and struggles in my life and will allow me
to live a better life.

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