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What is first literary work of Salman Rushdie?

At what age do you consider Kipling publishing his first

R/ Grimus book?
the midnight`s children’s made him famous in R/ twenty one years old
R/ 1980 Which were the most outstanding novels of Kipling
R/ Kim and Intrepid Captains
What won Toni Morrison during his career? Edgar Allan Poe got married at the first time with
R/ the Nobel prize for literature R/ their Cousin Virginia clemm
What was her main occupation? The works of Edgar Allan Poe were by being
R/ she was a writer R/ of Mystery, Macabre and Short Story
Who was Thomas Hardy? Geoffrey Chaucer was known for
R/ writer, poet, novelist R/ all of the Above
How many time Thomas hardy was married Geoffrey Chaucer wrote the following works
R/ Twice R/ The book of the duchess
R/ Lak of Steadfastness
What was the most known novel of Robert Louis Which is the most important of work James Joyce
Stevenson? R/ Ulises
R/ kidnapped What were the element of the important dealer?
What year Robert Louis Stevenson was born R/ Salt and Stone
R/ November 13 in 1850
That Jonathan swift`s work was the most Is Harriet Beecher Stowe a Person?
outstanding R/ white
R/ Gulliver`s travels Is Harriet Beecher Stowe from
Jonathan swift`s was a? R/ United State
R/ he was a Irish writer poet
R/ he was an Irish essayist and religious
What age William Shakespeare died? Who are the parents Oscar Wilde?
R/ 51 years old R/ William wills and Joana Elgee
Romeo and Julieta was work written between Where was Oscar Wilde Born?
R/ 1957 and 1599 R/Dublin, Ireland
What was the name of the wife of Charles Dickens?
R/ Katherine Hogarth
In which year died Charles dickens
R/ 1870

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