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ESCOLA DE POSTGRAU & DOCTORAT Model 0: RESEARCH LINE PROPOSAL Universitat Rovira i Virgil To be filled out by the candidate of the doctoral programme (fields with * are mandatory) ONI/NIE/Pass* |G 3999442, Name * (iswtAg ug | Sonne Before filling out the next fields, please, visit URV's doctoral programmes webpage to get information about the research lines associated to each doctoral programme: itp:/ The research line pointed out in this document must be present in the chosen doctoral programme's webpage. Otherwise your application may be rejected. | wish to camy out my doctoral hess nthe docerl programe: * mpuker Science and Vatheun eu ate in the flowing research ne, associated tothe doctoral programme: * MATDISCR (Discret Mathempkics) DSFluids (Oynamical Systems in Fluid Mehanic} 'am also intrested in beng supervised by the flowing pofessr ofthe doctoral programme: Rodriguez Velazgue Name and Sumames [()y With the next co-supervisor: cosupenisor [ Dy. Rafsel Oxlanda Rami? Inati zh Do you have a suppor leer by a professor ofthe doctoral programme?* CJves JNO Have you applied or will you apply for: 2) amy kind of financial help or fellowship for you doctoral programme ?* E]¥es No Wes, state the name ofthe financial help or felowship and the granting institution a ' doctoral thesis in joint supervision regime? * Oves No lt Yes, stale the name of the foreigner university of the joint supendsion —_] €) industrial doctorate? * Dives No Yes, state the name of the fm or company: {and the granting institution ofthe financial help:

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