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Wrest Pam WS HET Le dCs PM me Me Cl] According to their meanings Re uLs rr eA at -Broups accot the words which were asked in p GROUP 1 1A AFEABLE(A) Friendly and easy to talk eS AMICABLE/A) Friendly relation between people wv AMIABLE(A) Person whose behavior is pleasant and friendly “\ Ld CONVIVIAL(A) Friendly and welcoming CONGENIAL(A) Friendly and pleasant GENIALIA) Friendly and pleasant & CORDIAL(A) Friendly but formal and polite AVUNCULAR(A) Friendly and caring just like ay * 1B we DISCORD(N) Lack of agreement HOSTILE (N), (A) Unfriendly ,not wv ot suitable INIMICAL(A) Unfriendly, hostile VIRULENT (A) 1, Full of flerce opposition, 2. dangerous disease IMPLACABLE (A) Strong tred impossible to change OBNOXIOUS (A) ve t and rude ODIOUS (A) MS unpleasant deserving hate 1c y AMITY(N) Gea ‘a good relationship RAPPO! Good understanding of someone and ability to communicate well with them HARMONY(N) When people are peaceful and agree with each other , or when things seem right or suitable together CAMARADERIE{N) A feeling of friendliness towards people with whom you work FRATERNITY(N) A feeling of friendship and support that exist between members of a group DETENTE(N) An improvement in the relationship between two countries which was not friendly in past i BI yocas BY AMAN SHARMA | @# 1D zs ' COHESIVE(A) United and working together effectively | ADHESIVE(N) ‘A substance that is used to stick things together | ¢15 BENEVOLENTIA) —Kind and helpful | MALEVOLENT(A) Causing or wanting to cause harm or evil , ! BENIGN(A) Pleasant and kind, describes a growth(on skin etc) that ie not Hely # cause q. | (CHARITABLEIA) Giving money , food or help free to those who are in need because i pe | homeless ® | ALTRUIST(N) Kind, Someone who makes charitable donations for human MAGNANIMOUS(A) —_Very kind and generous towards an enemy or someone you feated | PHILANTHROPIST One who helps the poor especially by money, one who MISANTHROPE(N) Someone who dislikes other and avoids involvement, ety BENEFACTOR (N) Someone who gives money to help an organization, or person MALEFACTOR(N) A person who does wrong, illegal or immoral | GENEROUS (A) Willing to give money, help, kindness, etc., es] more than is usual oF expecgs MUNIRICIENT(A) Very generous with money BENEFICENT Helping people and doing good acts ‘SAMARITAN(N) ‘A person gives help and sympathy to jle who need it. oo iF VIRTUOUSIA) Having good moral qualities ior , one who can choose between right Nag DEMEANOUR A way of looking ‘COURTEOUS(A) Polite and resp DECOROUS(A) Behaving politely andi controlled way URBANE/A) Confident , and polite in social situations ¢ 10 UNRESTRAINED(A) Not limited \y/controlled OBSTREPEROUS(A) Ni difficult to control LUNATIC who does crazy things that are often dangerous UNTAMED ‘not controlled SAVAGE 0 Uncivilized person 2. Wild and violent animal eee in a wild sate, especially describing an animal that was previously Keo! RUSTIC © ing lack of good manners, extremely cruel Simple and often rough in ay ; BUCOLIC Relating to the Sifted tne nag aren hef aca sat ered ouskIRTS countryside (rural regions) Countryside, The parts of towne ~ that are farthest PASTORAL Relating to the life in from the centre RAKESH YADAV READERS PUBLICATION 2 Compiled By Ankush VOCAB BY AMAN SHARMA o if INSOLENT Rude and not showing respect ILLBRED Rude and behaving badly ee Rode and not repel, expciy towards someone who ioe ora mare Sper BOORISH Ungleoeasit ‘arid uke ee ee : 8 and lack of ability to understand that your behavioris not accept: able to other people ; x oun \ RECHTUDER) Honesty and correct moral behavior SEEMLY(A) Socially suitable and polite APPROPRIATE{A) Suitable , correct , acceptable for particular circums' CONSIDERATE(A) Careful not to hurt or upset others CALLOUS ‘Unkind or cruel ; without sympathy or feeling People EGOMANIAC A person who considers himself to be extremely it and able to do anything he wants to do ‘SOBERIA) Dignified, Not drunk or affected by CONSCIENTIOUS(A) Virtuous , Taking a lot of care to do and carefully eas OUTRAGEOUS(A) Shocking and morally unac¢ ABERRANT(A) Different from what is typ) sual , especially in an unacceptable way REPREHENSIBLE/A) If someone's behavior ii insible , it is extremely bad or unacceptable UNSAVOURY(A) Unpleasant , or m¢ sive PERVERSE(A) Behavior that is not accepted by majority of people PERVERSITY(N) Deliberate detes to behave in a way that other people consider wrong, une\ ceptable, PROPENSITY(N) A tends a particular way of behaving, especially a bad one PROCLIVITY(N) A jgn or like something especially something immoral PREDILECTION(N) =A ) ¢ 1k MAJESTIC (A) ee vne who attract and impress others DEBONAIR {especially of men) charming confident and carefully dressed Very confident in behavior , oF intended to be noticed expecially by brightly colors RESPLENDENT (A) Having a very bright or splendid appearance GLOSSY (A) ‘Smooth and shiny HIDEOUS (A) Extremely ugly or bad GROTESQUE (A) eS CHARISMA’ e Rime * 1b 3 therefore deserving respect serious and f Diane cee a “spo iw dishonest and has no moral Princip, Re pervon, usually importance EXALTED (A) High rank, potion and of BF TT business OF industry MAGNATE (1) A pervon who ia very seh and o1im and spend time with other someone who likes 0 met People SOCIABLE(A) Describes ‘ “\ CREGARIOUS(A) Living to be with oer people s0cable \ ean ing outside or talking to who lives alone and avoids going People BECLUSE 0) ere person who refuses to take part aicorn separated from the work for protection from daneT SEOUESTERED Deseribes a place that is peaceful because itis ‘ way from people GAUCHE ‘awleward and uncomfortable with other because OF beng ya tacking in experience SOLITARY ‘Alone with no person or things DECAMP To leave suddenly and unexpectedly secretly OBLIVION ‘A state in which you are not aware of wigelt is happening around you BACONTEUR Someone who tells amusing ting stories JESTER Aman in the past whose tell jokes and make people laugh ASSIDUOUS (AD) Doing a work and giving @ lot of care and attention to detail DIGENT 1D) 4 lot of effort in work PAINS-TAKING (AD) careful and correct and using INDUSTRIOUS (AD} the characteristic of r oe regularly working hard ° a Showing a strong determi, : iasiioe ination to achieve something particular despite &* ery determined and refusing to be defeated by problem: UNPLAGGING (AD) Deseret «guy, gun of : (AD) as OGaED (AD) oltng tehty onto something Sr, interest or enthusiasm that never weakt™ Very determ OF keeping ' do something 4n opinion in a determined way NPN ee tt is very difficult WOCAE BY AMAN SHARMA EFFICACIOUS (AD) PASSIONATE OBSESSED PREOCCUPATION ‘TEMPESTUOUS PENCHANT ALACRITY ac RECALCITRANT INSUBORDINATE OBSTINATE (AD) OBDURATE (AD) INTRANSIGENT (AD) ADAMANT ‘STUBBORN (AD) ¢ 2D AMENABLE (AD) RESPONSIVE (AD) ACQUIESCENT (AD) PROTEAN ¢ 25 IMMUTABLE (AD) INVARIABLE (AD) IRREVOCABLE (AD) INDELIBLE (AD) INCORRIGIBLE ¢ 2F EDIFICE (N) RELIC (N) ENDURING(A) ic! OSSIFY (V), TENTATIVE ¢ 2G LUDDITE ORTHODOX (AD) FERVENT (AD) Able to produce the intended result ; effective Having very strong feeling or emotions ‘Unable to stop thinking about something; too interested in or worried about something A state thinking about something constantly Full of extreme emotions, showing violent anger AA habit of doing something that irritate other people or what others might not lle ; Great willingness and enthusiasm, eagerness Unwilling to obey orders or to do what should be done or controlled Not willing to obey orders from people in authority ‘Unwilling to change opinions, way of behaving despite argument ‘persuasion ‘extremely determined to act in a particular way and not to, ‘despite argument or persuasion Refusing to be persuaded especially refusing to ions that are strongly believed in Impossible to persuade or unwilling to change or decision Describes someone who is determined to do wigttXhey want and refuses to do any- thing else Willing to accept advice or be influet jething or someone Marking positive and quick reaction Willing to do what somebody ws Yo accept suggestions Able to change shape ete easily Not changing or unable, hanged Never changing sta} ‘same Impossible to cl Describes a mark or yibstance that is impossible to be removed by washing or in any other way, An inc \son or behavior is bad and impossible to change or improve that has been established or a long time, A large building especially a splen- A dig ject, tradition or system from the past which continues to exist 2.put up with something or bear something, » Yedsting for a long time hed ideas are so fixed or have existed for so long that they cannot be changed If habits or ideas ossify they become fixed and unable to change Not definite and certain ‘A person who is opposed to the introduction of new working methods , especially ne machines (of beliefs, ideas or activities) considered traditional, normal and acceptable by most peop Having strong and sincere beliefs and feeling about something vocan ar aan shana —_— ggasi or petits or deus ARDENT (AD) Showing strong feelings 9” rts a poli ADHERENT (N) ‘A person who supports a poi! Pa oe pays tanec PROTAGONIST (N) 1. One of the main characters 30 * ff beliefs or ide i 1 set of beliefs or ideas for a person - Sia many he PARTaNY oo) - ‘Showing too much ae wm particular opinion whit People gi Expressing or supi agree with rt and back a Person » statement eo of action ENDORSE (y 1 ee oe el are So 0 advertise som a new ah PROMULGATE (V) To announce something publicly eanenisay a particular idea or “I PROPONENT (N) A person who speaks publicly in CUPECT" SC ADVOCATE(V) Support of a particular idea or plan of ZEALOUS (AD,) Enthusiastic and eager ites VEHEMENT(AD,) Showing very strong feelings speciall¥ * 2H thing i extreme FANATIC (N) ‘A person whose strong admiration for something 1 pee a reasonable is 1 CHAUVINISM (V] The strong unreasonable belief that your own ot eee ee Pee aaa important JINGOISM (N) ‘The extreme belief that your own country 18 ae BIGOT . UNBENDING ‘ STEADFAST Staying the same for a long time and not a traditional rules or ideas in a subject al rules and small unimportant details PURIST PEDANT A person who is too interested PEDAGOGUE A teacher who likes to teacl specially because he thinks he knows more than others PAROCHIAL Concerned only about thy issues of local area rather than other big issues * ar iOpM2: (v)To approve, support or agree COUNTENANCE(N),(V) 1. (n)Facial expres: CONCUR (V) (V.C.) To agree with or have the same opinion as someone else ACCEDE To agree t or proposal CONCEDE (V.T.) To admi thing is true often unwillingly COVENANT (N) Legal it & @ promise to somebody especially to pay a particular amount m RATIFICATION To, jan agreement officially valid by signing it or voting for it RATIFY an agreement official (Especially of governments or organizations } G ct something or make something right weer make someone less angry or more friendly by giving them what they want CONCILIATIO] A formal ent ‘ Sees a tageha pegeeniien! be Sempinge i countries @ ag Mee tatg id er cad ken en re al FASTIDIOUS our too much chest ge ee — to details Bid wanting everything to be VOCAR BY AMAN AHARMA SCRUPULOUB Uxtremely ? 'onent or doing everything correctly and exactly as it should be done MATHADICAL Doing things in neardand ogee Ol Avolding risks and uncertainties, careful eauTious Deseret 8 making decane Cake Atay pe tomeone who avolds risks, careful iy Careful wn, tefl to notice things especially possible danger OF probe !® Making dealings because they think that there may be @ danger IRC a 1 CIRCUMSPEC Thinking carefully before doing something because it may involve risks or danger o aK . CONVERSANT To A. thing mlliar with and have knowledge or experience of the 18 of some- cowie Reewiedey and “understanding of something 'o make somebody familiar with or aware of something APPRISE To tell or inform somebody of something DISCERN To wee, recognize or understand something that is aL IMPETUOUS Tending to act on a sudden idea or wish , s considering the results of your actions REMISS Careless and not doing a duty well FLIPPANT Not serious about a serious subject i€ an Agethpt to be amusing or to appear clever CAVALIER Not caring enough about something im it such as feeling of others LEVITY Amusement or lack of seriousness, es during a serious occasion the air without any physical support LEVITATE To (cause to) rise and float sor INDISCRIMINATE —_ Actions without showing c erally results in harm it or planning or caring about result that gen- not severe or strong enough LAX Lacking care attention FACETIOUS Not serious about a’ subject in an attempt to be amusing or to appear clever DROLL Amusing especially usual way FRIVOLOUS Behaving in a silly lish way when you should be serious BUFFOONERY A person who di fy but amusing things INANE Extreme! lacking real meaning or importance IMBECILE ves in a stupid way PREPOSTEROUS ve i DEMENTED U: or act clearly because you are extremely worried, angry or excited by who thinks that pleasure is the most important thing in life 1, Deseribes a reaction which is not enthusiastic, 2. A liquid that is not very warr TEPID LUKEWARM 1. Not enthusiastic or interested, 2. A liquid that is not very warm APATHETIC Lacking interest or energy unwilling to take action especially over a matter of imp tance INDIFFERENT Having or showing no interest in something or somebody Describes a person who is not influenced or affected by something IMPERVIOUS RAKESH YADAV READERS PUBLICATION [= 7 OCAB BY AMAN SHARMA o 3B SANGUINE vIvAcIOUS ‘ENLIVEN ANIMATION EXUBERANT INDEFATIGABLE VIGOROUS EBULLIENT EUPHORIC BOUYANT BOLSTER FEISTY ¢ 3c SLOTH IDOLENT LACKADAISICAL TORPOR TORPID LETHARGIC ‘SEDENTARY DESK BOUND IDLE LISTLESS ENERVATED INVIGORATE REVITALIZE EXHAUST BLEAK @ 3D LANGUID SLUGGISH DALLY DILATORY TARDY LINGER PROTRACT DETAIN positive and hopeful ‘A vivacious person To make something more ae Enthusiasm end energy in the WaY ye Full of energy excitement ee Aienye: atarsdinnd woe enexesee AT sind ‘admit defeat ing to admit defeat ap oot tp i x Very forceful or energetic, heal Full of energy and confidence ae KUSH N\ extremely happy and excited ! Confident, positive, progressing and cheerful To make something stronger OF improve it Active, forceful and full of determination 1. Habit of being lazy and not working, 2. naan it moves slowly and lives in trees yy Lacking enthusiasm and effort Not showing enough enthusiasm or Lack of activity no energy or enthus . Not active moving or thinking elogiy expecially a8 a result of being lazy or feeling sleepy 3 Lacking in energy feeling um “nd unable to do anything activity , sitting at a desk Weak and tired To mi feel fresher healthier and more energetic To give activity or success to something To, body feel very tired nae ing or giving any reason to hope or speaking slowly without energy , often in an attractive way foving or operating more slowly than usual and with less energy or power To waste time or do something slowly Slow and likely to cause delay Slow or late in happening or arriving To take a long time to leave or disappear To delay or postpone 1, To delay someone for a short i ada paenant length of time, 2. To force someone to stay in VOCUR BY AMAN SHARMA PROCRASTINATE DEFER STALL MORATORIUM RESPITE ¢ 35 ECSTATIC EXHILARATE, JUBILANT JOVIAL HALCYON IDYLLIC SALVATION COMPLACENT MALCONTENT BEATIFIC EQUANIMITY CURB PLACID PHLEGMATIC ¢ 3F SOMBRE IGN/ DOLOROUS MELANCHOLIC DESPONDENT DETERRENT DEJECTED GLUM DISTRAUGHT DESPAIR LAMENT WISTFUL(A) SUBDUED 0 DESPERA\ DISILLUSION ¢ 3@ HAPLESS WRETCHED BELEAGUERED PLIGHT To keep delaying i boring” “ISIN something that must be done, often because it is unpleasant oF Te delay something until a later time ate ‘action or avoid giving an answer in order to have more time to make i stopping of an activity for an agreed amount of time Pause or rest from something difficult or unpleasant ae ‘someone strong feeling of happiness and excitement ling or expressing great happiness, especially because of Friendly and in a good mood Peaceful and happy Peaceful and beautiful, perfect, without problems ee aie. of being saved from danger , loss or harm eed Spee er eee gv oem Extremely happy, excited and enthusiastic to try any harder Not satisfied with the way things are , comy YotNund is unreasonable and diffi- cult to deal with x , Expressing happiness and calmness, es; la holy way Calmness and self - control, es cult situation To control or limit something that is sirable Having a calm appearance or cl Describes someone who does % ional or excited about things Unhappy r ‘aged because you feel you are in a difficult situation i 8 people from doing something ited or lacking hope unhappy, and quiet worried, anxious or upset of having lost all hopes or show great sadness or disappointment about something because you wish for something that you can not have jet and unhappy Feeling of being desperate to something To destroy someone's beliefs in something or opinion of something Somet Unlucky and usually unhappy Unhappy , unpleasant or of low quality , used to express annoyance, very ill ‘Troubled by someone or a situation , surrounded by an army , being criticized ‘An unpleasant condition especially a serious, sad or difficult one ‘ ile things by chance ee oe toe trolled or pre ¢ on to find int thing can be con! PFOVEDIed fo, /RENDIPITY ‘The lucky tendency 1° 1 ctieves that eset Who believes in fate a6 eee happening petives that good. eine * oprimistic Someone who always PEST pings will RaPPO PESSIMIST Who always believes ition oar cyss good com Raper RESILIENT Able to quickly return eae cri fginative but not Bese : vs 2 cumore fg erfect socie | ave Ar jog about peasant tinge Ite eee sily frightened ae Sty and neous, cing cones and be @enNansed cal fortal BASHFUL Shy, Tending to feel uncom sa ts or feelings t your though! idea RETICENT ‘Unwilling to speak about of women Shy, quiet and well behaved ( especially e isashamned DEMURE BRAZEN Open and without shame or any attempt t0 be coy Shy or pretending to be shy sometimes to DIFFIDENT Shy and not confident of your abilities TIMOROUS Nervous and lacking confidence ¢ 3K EMACIATED Very thin weak, usually because, ENFEEBLED To make someone or somethit weak ; get back your strength, health ilinéss or extreme hunger RECUPERATE To become well again after CADAVEROUS Looking pale, thin and Tall, thin and tendit awkwardly as a result be "I KUSH LANKY @ 3L FRAGILE Easily damaged, ‘or harmed ‘FLIMSY A flimsy , excuse, etc is weak and difficult to believe INFIRM I, sick specially for a long period of time BRITTLE Delicate iW broken, unkind and unpleasant DEBILITY To, so#feone or something physically weak somebody or something to live or work normally INCAPACITATE To ROBUST f healthy, ( of an object or system) strong and unlikely to break or fail ¢ 3M eae ene and showing sympathy for the people who are suffering ee i sive help and comfort to someone when they are feeling sad or worried eeling of being sorry for somebody, or understan, i x ecoets standing and caring about sometx *ATHY To share someone else' 1 8 fe ‘ Pas aca fethet’ Cleats feeling experiences by imagining what it would be like t To express sympathy BEWAIL x "Ympathy to someone about some bad luck BEMOAN Be eee Sadness or disappointment about something plain about i Something or express sadnes: (WOCAD BY AMAN SHARMA cay 7 oe ) Poem or other piece of writing which expresses sadness about someone's RUEFUL Feeling sorry and ful ll of, DOLEFUL Very sad ee ‘psTUARY A report, especially 4 7. je ly in a newspaper, which give the news of someone's death and details about their tie eer “MD ® ¢ 4A PANDEMONIUM (N) Lot of noise and confusion because people are excited angry CLAMOUR (¥) (N) To demand something loudly, shout loudly oe nt GROUP 4 A COMMOTION A sudden 61 ee CACOPHONOUS (AD) A mixture eeu ea Sian ana STRIDENT (AD) Having a loud, rough and unpleasant noise RAUCOUS Sounding loud and unpleasant CRESCENDO A gradual increase in loudness, or the moment wi oise or piece of music is at its loudest CADENCE Rise and fall of noise while speaking ¢ 4B ‘TRANQUILIZE To make a person or an animal c: scious by giving them drug STUPOR (N) A state in which a person is almost jous their thoughts are very unclear DAZE In a daze means unable to think clearl VEGETATIVE (AD) QUIESCENT (AD) REPOSE (N) SOPORIFIC (AD) SOMNOLENT (AD) INSOMNIA (N) SOMNAMBULATE i SAUNTER (V) PERAMBULATE (V) ¢ 4c : ae ne Hf self control , especially after a shock or disappointment or in a dif EQUANIMITY (N) Ci a cull ition UNRUFFLED (AD) Aci nervous or worried usually despite a difficult situation GROUP 5 o 5A AMPLE More than enough ; BOUNTY ‘A large amount money given as reward COPIUS In large amounts more than enough MYRAID of something CASCADE and in large amounts BOR Ne i ee VOCAB BY AMAN stARMA o sp SURPLUS PLETHORA. ‘SURFEIT EXTRANEOUS * sc PAUCITY DEARTH BEREFT SCANTY MEAGRE PALTRY MEASLY * sp PROFUSE REPLETE RAVENOUS SLUTTON STUFFED BINGE @ SE is needed amount than you t ‘An amount which to more (seg , especially «larger Paes A very large amount o! are Se ent ae ae ee Hod ‘An amount w! large, to something, not requir Not directly connected with or related A lack of something tenis When something ts not easy to find oF DO tack of som ‘An amount or supply which is not large en i thing at loss - Sonal in nas or amount that i considered necessary or de : ts or numbers Very small or not Seats es eat Beste A very small amount oe Paes Useti A wey small amount of something to be considered Too small in number or amount, or not enough ‘ Produced or given in large amounts & Full especially with food , well suppl Aw Extremely hungry Person who eats so much : fiag ee ee a Gi Something is filed with material in orterj keep its shape To eat a lot of something Something that is agh\e and often extremely powerful Extremely large, A large hairy elephant with tusks which no longer exists Extremely large Very large in si it or number Extrem gi Extreme! Aw] of being large , heavy or ineffective jonster, extremely large and powerful unpleasant or bad, shocking frightening , character in children's stories who eats children » heavy , awkward person or thing Very small Extremely small Extremely small in size aa ce ce tle ala ot est sepcctmena de Small in number or amount oftes over a large area Someone with a small height, shorter than normal yocas BY AMAN SHARMA ¢ 8a pRopiaious Extreme ely (GRANDEUR ‘The qu: wigan {in ability , amount or strength ae being very large and special or beautiful cAPACIOUS Ha carne, Hang nw atone wring B® (¢8-Voluminous clothing is a large piece of slathing, Votuminous near SPACIOUS La, a etn th a lot of space GROUP 6 ¢ 6A DOSSIER (N) Collection of papers containing information arn. iat g eee ere ec) ARCHAIC (AD) Extremely old fashioned. OBSOLETE (AD) No longer fashioned PASSE (AD) No longer fashioned or effective ay VOGUE (N) Popular and fashionable. ANACHRONISM (N) A person, custom or an idea that is not belong to present ‘SUPERANNUATED (AD) Too old and can't be used any longer, ‘purpose. DEFUNCT (AD) No longer existing, operating or being’ ¢ 6B NOVEL New and different from anythit x S INNOVATIVE (AD) _New and original, introduces & ‘and ideas. BRAINCHILD (N) Idea or invention. Clever or skillful w something successfully ‘and new ideas, very suitable for something partic KNACK (N) INGENIOUS Inventive, Resulting lever Jar ¢ 6c EPOCH (AD) A peri history especially in which important events happened. MOMENTOUS (AD) Very imy dgvision, event or change. FUTILE (AD) Of po use Dyfause of no chance of succeeding. TRIVIAL (AD) U: it and not serious. ‘TRIFLING (AD) it and small : EXTRANEOUS (AD) fevant or essential about the topic. INCONSEQUENTIAL ( Npt important anc worth considering SUPERFLUOUS ( fore than what you need or necessary: REDI No longer needed , not useful LUDICROUS Foolish, unreasonable FADDISH (AD) Not remaining popular for long time ¢ 6D PETTY (AD) Unimportant. ‘TYPICAL{(A) Most common, most usual tial, perfect or typical examples VOCAB BY AMAN SHARMA ‘EPITOME (N) EXEMPLAR (M/A) EXEMPLARY (AD) VINTAGE (AD) * 6E INIM1.ABLE. (AD) PARAGON (N) ‘SUBLIME (AD) MANDARIN (N) AUGUSTIN) COLOSSUS (N) SOLEMN(A) ¢ 6H INDELIBLE ( 0 INDOMITABLE WD) IMPREGNABLE Best possible example. ‘A person or thing that is good and typical a Extremely good. Most typical example. Extremely good, impossible to COPY Without mistakes or faults Free from faults and impossible to be criticized * 1A pereon who is perfect or a perfect éxample of @ good qual “A Of wonderful quality. \ That cannot be denied, disproved, refuted or demised 1 Best of its kind, excellent _2.conclusive statement | Never wrong or failing Not perfect and is likely to make mistakes & Incorrect or partly worst. ‘A mistake or shortcoming Stupid mistake, blunder A stupid and embarrassing “hen Socially embarrassing action or mis! Important, highest point AN force Very important, central Most essential, som: solutely necessary, that cannot be avoided ‘Most important feat \t ‘Most important organization. 1.most important @ group or an organization em suppom or jas} an plata job in civil service. gent red ,respected eo importance and reputation 2. Sth that is abnormally lan ied No somber in manner, committed to keeping promises “Unlikely to be forgotten 2.cannot be removed or erased Sb or something. That can not be defeated by anyone. Impossible to be captured 1, Immune to attack, impossible to be captured 2. An impregnable building cannot entered by force. Supreme power, Complete power over things or people. Who knows everything. Present everywhere VOCAB BY AMAN SHARMA o 61 scat 0 Highest point of achievement. i Most successful, highest ; : Point of someth PINNACLE (N) Highest point of career. cs (ADIR (N) i ma is ieee Point of something, a state of extreme adversity sua ea Laie level of development , extreme point 2.Meeting of heads of government 'eone who helps to open up a new line of research, technology or art GROUP 7 @ TA MALICE (N) A feeling to see others ‘suffer or be in pain MALICIOUS (AD) ‘Having or showing harted to harm somebody or hurt ee MALIGN (V) (AD) ‘Saying unpleasant and untrue for people, courses SMEAR (V) (N) Sayind or spreading unpleasant and untrue rumour, BLEMISH (N) (V) ‘Spoil the appearance etc. ( eg scars on her cl yh her face) DENIGRATE (V) Criticizing people in unfair or insulting way. ‘SLANDER (N) (V) ‘Saying untrue things to damage someone's CALUMNY (N) Untrue statement about someone. LIBEL (V) Print or publish false statements al 1¢ to damage someone's reputation. BESMIRCH (V) (Charge falsely to attack reputation of som} * 7B DEMEAN (V) Reduce in value, respect, char; saying something or criticizing somebody DISPARAGE (Vv) Bexpress a negative opinion someone. DEBUNK (V) Expose somebody's false ideas DEROGATORY (AD) Showing a critical ay ‘ds somebody. ASPERSIONS (AD) A disparaging rem: someone down. DETRACT (V) Make something aj Yor seem less good or impressive. CAVIL (V) Criticizing “aa you think are unimportant or unnecessary. ¢ 7¢ FULMINATE (V) Criticize ly®and intensely VILIFY (Y) somthing unpleasant about someone, spread negative information about PAN ‘negative opinion about somebody or something PILLORY (V) harshly or violently , public shame DEPRECATE icize somebody ABASE (V) ‘Embarrassed and ashamed because of something that you have done. FLAK (N) Intense and adverse criticism PEJORATIVE ‘A word or remark that expresses disapproval or criticism. BELEAGUERED Experiencing @ lot of criticism, problems ¢ 7D ° PIQUANT (AD) 1. Pleasant spicy taste 2. interesting and exciting. ‘ACRID (AD) Strong and sharp smell, and usually unpleasant, acidic eh cave eles e dishonour CAUSTIC (AD) Extremely eine vspuee, @ sate of extrem BARB (N) Aggressive sulting from publi COPEROBRIUMIN) State of eisgrace HAT” IGNOMINY (N) Shame or ee “tenuneiation DENUNCIATION (N) Severe public tan) DERISION (N) Expressing contempt = RIDICULE (¥) aking fun of someone, meone or something BRICKBAT (N) etal or insulting remarks about so! fe king Meant o ‘cally humorous, scornful moc! Neer SARDONIC (AD) pelea’ se eS a "sean in order t0 1 ake furor aa v aarp and el f humor. WASPISE. (N) Sharp and critical sense of saat INNUENDO 0) Indirect reference to something rude OF unP' SNIDE (AD) Criticize someone in indirect way: ( ne overly criticize minor, NITPICKING {V) (N)_ Find fault with something, Very critical about someone, resentful SCATHING (AD) ‘ QUERULOUS (AD) —_Often complains about things. oe mies CONTROVERT (AD) To say or prove that something is not iN (MqWfrove that something GROUSE ) To complain PRUDE Teo easily shocked especially by the spies CANTANKEROUS Bad tempered and always ‘ ¢ 7H DOUBLEENTENDRE() A statement that has two me} 1¢ of them is indecent and offensive RIBALD (AD) Humorously vulgur OBSCENE (AD) Offensive, indecent becay ‘Contains violence or sex * 71 LAMPOON (V) To represent somel jle in a humorous way, satirical representation of some- thing PARODY (N) (¥) Humorous and mimicry , spoof ‘MIMIC (v) Imitate, e in amusing or entertaining way. ANECDOTE Short, stpry about something that has happened. CARICATURE (N) {V] A Represent @ person in @ way that is comical and y exaggerated EFFIGY A tation of a person in the form of a sculpture MINIATURE: ion of bigger thing, a ; y ATURE AD 1 thing, a small copy or model of something or someone FESSTLAGE: sway. ase HP which people laugh of each other in a fairly unkind but nt rious way. BANTER (N) 0 feasing or joking talk that is amusi NAGE’ Banter, Light hearted conversation, © “endl: JEST (N) Telling jokes or say amusing things, ‘REPARTEE (N) 2 Conversation consisting of quick comments and replies RIPOSTE (N) A quick and clever reply, especi . , €8pecial to critic FATUOUS. Extremely silly, showing a lack zd ‘bgen ao nary Amusing in a clever way. Poidi Te fo make fun of somebody in a very severe manner, to discourage or frighten in # domineering manner RAKESHYADAV READERS PUBLICATION ces BY AMLAN SHARMA otk pEvEREM Respect and admire ‘someone, yENERATEM Feeling great respect for someone, Polite and respectful attitude towards someone. LAURELS (N) Award, honour, accolade LADES ‘acco w) An award, reward, gift etc given to appreciate. ¢ ™ be ‘ACCLAIM (V) Praise enthusiastically ye ‘APPLAUD (V) Praise someone action or at attitude. “ EXTOL (V) Praise someone very highly. N EULOGIZE (V) To praise somebody/something very highly. LAUDATORY (AD) Expressing praise or admiration GLORIFY (V) Praise or honour, idealize y ¢ 7™ ADULATION (N) —Admiation and praise generally in excess, " INEATUATION (N) Sense feeling of have or passion for someone ey ¢ 7N HYPERBOLE (N) Make something sound much more To think or describe something a8 | ACCENTUATE (V) . Make something more noticeable, vereater than it really is, hyperbole A ¢ 8A IRASCIBLE (AD) Becoming angry IRRITABLE (AD) Easily annoyed very a Gets angry veryerasi i with a large group of people or majority FACTIOUS (AD) Disagree! PETULANTIAD) = S*t pet very easily and very often ¢ 8B ho is easily irritated CROTCHETY (AD) Pe PEEVISH person. pean ered and minerale PE HUFF or offended about something IN AHUFF dpoare py moot, exes beceue vrehndy bas anny o= WPS YO oS and bitterness. Person full of anger i RANCOR (N) eee eka oa ser perenne 7ST mething unfair to you. somebody has done 801 RESENTFUL (AD) ecpiter or angry about something that you tin & Uni sas ie SO bai Full of anger and bitternes ial areata TP VOCAB BY AMAN SHARMA * ap ism ACRIMONIOUS (AD) Bitter, resentful, strong dislike, oie " ment. ALTERCATION (N) A noisy argument or disagree! (condemn somebody TIRADE (N) hey spssth of violent criticlam and denunciation ( F some, thin, d criticizing somebod, DIATRIBE (Ny A De and angry speech or piece of writing attacking and : ieee. thing, WRANGLE (vy Arguing angrily for long time. Unfriendly and aggressive FEROCIOUS (AD) Having extreme and violent energy Encourage people to fight especially against law or govt. Aggressive, showing tendency to fight CONTENTIOUS (AD) Readiness and Inclination towards dispute, controvers ¢ se ° \ PUGNACIOUSIA] Always ready to quarrel oy ¢ oF LIVID (AD) Festiig oc! alisalig extretoevenaes A FURIOUS (AD) Very angry. FUME (V) (N) Expressing anger about something. Wy PEEVED (AD) Angy. Aw IRATE (AD) Very angry ‘VEXED (AD) Annoyed, troubled especially with pet joyances, TRAMPLE (V) * Walk with heavy steps and stompiag (geherally when you are angry) STOMP (STOMPING) Move with heavy steps because angry. * 8c changing mind it by impulse angry, excited or upset easily, and to behave in a FICKLE (AD) Keep changing th ‘opinions VACILLATE (v) To keep ing you opinion or thought about something, especially in a way th annoys ae E o WAVER (v) To be k or unsteady. MERCURIAL (AD) —Often Teacting in a way that is unexpected, WHIMSICAL (AD) A or Méea that is unreal, playful and unpredictable ¢ 8H PESTER (V) somebody, especially by asking then something many times. HASSLE (N) G ‘oy continually, 2.disorderly fighting 3, A disturbance that makes you angry NAG (v) ther persistently with trivial complaints Repeatedly asking questions and make you feel angry INCESSAN Continues without stopping that makes you angry sometimes RANKLE (V) Make angry or resentful GALL (N) Irritate or make somebody angry HECKLE (V) Interrupt someone by making rude remarks, EXASPERATE (V) Make very annoyed or feel frustrated or upset PERTURB (V) Disturb, make ego TRE be worried Insuting some oy Bat ring them or speaking rudely to them. VOCE BY AMAN SHARMA ¢ or ADMONISH (V) REBUKE (V) ENSURE {V) REPRIMAND {V) REPREHEND (V) BERATE (V) CRUCIFY (Vv) ¢ 87 CONDONE (v) PERPETUATE. @ 8K PROPITIATE (V) PACIFY SOOTHE (V) MOLLIFY (V) APPEASE GRATIFY ASSUAGE MITIGATE (V) AMELIORATE (V) EXACERBATE ALLEVIATE (V) ALLAY QUELL (V) EMOLLIENT @ 8L PAMPER (V) CODDLE CUDDLE ¢ 8M HAGGLE (V) SQUABBLE (V) @ 8N ARBITER (N) ARBITRATOR ADJUDICATOR CONCILIATION (N) ACCORD (N) (V) ic et ig Express disay Prov ® tor Plld rebuke of ere a Speak gies or disapproval Express etree erously to somebody who has done something wr To critics we cussPPreval of something Leola: Ir 9 they have dens Pea Sstlly to somebody because you do not approve of something To crit co Somebody/ something severely. ee oF puniah ooceene N\ Overlook mistakes, be lenient To cause to coi ; tinue, a ae : octinus sy Conte, To make something euch on a “ey fa belief, ete. Stop someone to get angry. To make somebody who is angry or upset b and quiet. Making someone satisfied. ny Make someone less upset or less To make somebody calmer or less them what they want. To make somebody happy or satis! ying them what they want To make unpleasant feeling less seve To make something less unpl serious or painful. Making situation better or e To make something worse, e Making something such To make somethi Stop yourself or ot 1.A moisturizing and) ful. ‘Treat ssWve love and affection é To treat so with too much care and attention. / Te ¥y/ something close in your arms to show love oF affection: reach an argument or settle for the cost, angue over Petty late el not really important. over something that is over petty things ly a disease or problem, } fear etc less intense. a feeling, less strong. i from feeling of fear or anger. lotion 2.Making a person or situation calmer and pea who settles quarrel js chosen to who i ‘an official decision about settle a disagreement. P is it b who is right in @ disagreement QUIBBLE (V) Pe nimportant ting. BICKER (V) 0 Quarrel ‘b/w two other people or groups: Procet ae eee ee something over a long peri, “ YOCAB BY AMAN SHARMA ¢ 80 ginted about EMBITTERED ‘To make somebody feel angry OF time. AGGRIEVED Felling of angry and upset. ir pas been done to you (AD} Shocked and angry as someting wneir Bae INHIGH DUDGEON Leave a place angrily. MIFFED (AD) ‘Aroused to impatience or anger ¢ oP STRIFE (N) Strong disagreement or fighting. usually in a publi place. BRAWL (N) ‘A noigy and violent fight involving a gFOUP re ¢ sa do : tell people what to viRAGo ‘A woman who is aggressive and tries 10 what to do, Unpleasant TERMAGANT ‘A woman is very strict or who tries to tell people = ' scolding »nagging woman A scolding woman who is unpleasant. HARRIDAN (V) ¢ 9A FOE (N) Enemy. BETA NOIRE (N) Dislike for someone REVENGE (N) Action taken in return of an injury AVENGE (V1 Take revenge for a wrong doing that ioc tp yous ink past (he want. aera Bs father's death) RETALIATE() Take revenge of a wrong doing n two families or groups VENDETTA (N) A long and violent disagreemy ‘ to hurt or upset somebody. ‘SPITEFUL VINDICTIVE ‘Trying to harm or upset ty, or showing that you want to harm them, becaus you think that they y VENGEFUL ‘One who seeks reve @ OB AGITATE 2) agitate for something that you want, especially against a policy of gover REMONSTRATE Protest sémething, criticize severely ¢ 9c FURORE org or excitement shown by a number of people, usually caused by a pu OUTRAGE feeling of shock, anger that may lead to violence INSURGENT (yee fighting against the government or armed forces of their own country. REBELLIOU: Inwilling to obey rules or accept normal standards of behaviour, dress, etc. HOSTILE Very unfriendly or aggressive and ready to argue or fight. : : ¢ 9D DISSIDENT peers especially with a majority, a person who opposes an established sY CONTUMACIOUS _Lacking respect for authority or government DEFIANT Boldly resisting authority or an opposing force FLOUT To show that yOpingut hededayctAMKaIAM, etc. by openly not obeying it. 2 eeEeE oF ySURE Tees change of take governme MSURRECTION A aituation mmr Pomition pt hat le tga en cn vine country with Nae 4 large group pee ‘without having the right to do this : prec ecb people try to take political control of their own SUBVERSIO! pt to ine is destroy the ae & government by force, ssri0N at ky of political religious ayatem by attacking it secretly oF me ds or acti coMMANDEER eo wins tions that are intended to encourage people to ‘a govern- tice @ bulla acres fo your own x ling, a vehicle, etc, for military put a war, oF by To take \dlord that compels « tena: INTRIGUE 1, Plan something bare ae toean ey So = know more See ers nos somebody ee and want to control 4 OR NSPIRATOR Ferend Sears Rows connyiex wation will be eons rally illegal) e oF wolved in @ conspiracy(a secret ‘perform an unlawful act) TREASON ‘The crime xe of ci i ing tare Sn ae .r to your country, such as help- ‘TRAITOR {A person who gives away secrets nds, their country, etc ESPIONAGE The activity of secretly getting i Fe ee ee een couny getting im jitical or military information about & RECONNAISSANCE The ‘ i ae ‘of scouting (travelling) ISring (esp. to gain information about an en- wee fperaon wo tok arama « Rp ‘ty to find out private things about somebody 9 PLAGIARIZE ese pret ort eer APPROPRIATE unlawful possession 2. ‘Suitable for « particular place o FABRICATE give false information in order to trick people. FORGE ecuments etc to deceive 2.To put a lot of effort into making som, strong. FUGITIVE from prison or custody, someone who is sought by law offcsrs. ABSCONDING place that you are not allowed to leave without permissien DOMUNE ae be punished by law 2.Tat cannot be eatched or be afeted BY & * 98 NOTORIOUS) INCORRIGIBLE CULPABLE CONVICT ACCOMPLICE MISCREANT ‘TRANSGRESSOR re © VOCAB BY AMAN SHARMA __ —— eee rime R. TRESPASS ‘To enter unlawfully into somebody's property” commit a ° ia INVADE Pace eran, wns ee, vag elltay Free of bog pale Foire ety INFRINGEMENT An Wega act, an act that diregard @ FM OP Mae uucit Tat apron by ea as enrann w IMOT G from somebody PERJUR’ ‘The crime of telling @ le in courts @ ou LARCENY ‘The act taking something from someone sev ts PLUNDER Steal or take illegal pow ns you oak rer of that was Ke} F Cnty Puree at vaal ane rc rae ‘or in amall quantities, enpectall 1 Place wher, you work. HEIST wet of atealing, burglary » robbery &t gunpoint \ o OK \ VANDALIZE ‘To damage something, expecially public Pre est fand for no good reason t ‘A destructive action, make « destructive raid du RANSACK anaes ‘a place untidy, causing damage, becau} looking for something, RUMMAGE To search something In & haphazard manner| m without care) ¢ 9L FELONY ‘A serious crime such murder ete DECAPITATE Cut the head of somebody or an ani SLAY ‘To kill somebody/something In a war ght. ¢ oM KINDLE 1.To start burning; to make fir ing, 2. To arouse emotions feelings etc. ARSON {x perwon who burns something ONPUrPO to destroy it, crime of setting a property on fire INCENDIARY 1.Deliberate 2,Causing strong feelings or violence. PERISH Get severely burnt IMMOLATE To kill somebody by g them. PYROMANIAC A person who controllable desire to set things on fire. ¢ on IMPOUND Take tem] jssession of something as a security by a legal ‘ authori CONFISCATE To pificially die something away from somebody, especially as oe INCARCERATE To mebody in prison or in another place from which fa se APPREHEND somebody and arrest them, escape. ¢ 90 Se erates ro. it seem as if somebody has d IMPLICA’ To show or suggest that somebody is ee eee wrong or illegal. RETRIBUTION A Gol opted Seats ie taeniee te in something bad or criminal. oUapUpeAN sot) Ae suet oe ta ak B Gh dace ¢ OP deserved DETAIN Te rer somebody in an official place, ouch OSTRACISE oe them from leaving. a8 @ police station, a prison or a hos! * cresmupineria Bapupmiepediahm ent, avoided by others "RARERH YADAV READERS PUBLICATION fo Ea BY AMAN SHARMA BANISH To order soma ‘ body to Te OUTCAST A person hoi ny Epes, PY com, = aN - -ARIAH 's rejected by society or fami p Pameoe wha te not acceptable to coca we + 98 society and avoided by everyone. ‘BSOLVE To airs EXCULPATE To prove og ally that somebody snot gully or reeponable VINDICATE AiChoar te officially that somebody is not guilty of something. proof” SCcusation 2.7» prove that you were right by providing justification or REBUTTAL Refuting a charge is fie or accusation by giving an argument or a proof that ghe accusation IMPUNITY Exemption i u es Gone, from punishment or loss, a privilege of not getting, for what one acourr igi nce that somebody is not guilty of criminal charges EAONERATE » leclare that somebody is not guilty of criminal ae fo release or enable somebody to escape from difficult Pere ire - free somebody, especially from legal, political or ictions. free a country or a person from the control of ty else. UNFETTER ‘To loose from fetters, to liberate, to set free @ OR REMISSION Act of making free from claims, debt | or shift a case to other court or authority REPRIEVE To oficial cane or delay pushin fa prisoner who was given a death pen- ty srs to go free. AMNESTY ‘An officially statement that i ‘CLEMENCY Kindness shown towards crimihelX by not punishing them severely. ALIBI Evidence that proves that ‘was in another place at the time of a crime and 90 you could not have comm CORROBORATE Strengthen or Back evidence that make a claim stronger, give evidence ¢ 98 EXILE the state of being set Yo live in another country that is not your own as punish- ment. EXTRADITE Hand Pyn\oi or a person to the authorities of another country their own. u EXPATRIATE ‘A person country that is not * ho. of people generally to escape from a hostile environment from EXODUS # 104 0 : : \TTLE Jot about unimportant things. rurne A\O) esos wc «set Talking @ lot, especially about ‘unimportant things. ee a * especially about things that are not impos ‘ve, able to talk very easily ond persuasively siasm, about a subject. VERBIAGE ‘or containing more words than are needed. bs ee use of too many words, of of more difficult words than are needed, to re GRANDILOQUENT Using long or complicated word in order to impress people. Using.complicated words in order to impress people: BOMBAST ants ing, excessive pride (eg-His speech was full of bombast) Bw Me 3ititaty 7 is confident. PC AU yee 29, behav ive in way that is too proud or POMPOUS Parente: poise mamed wid vaniyy, es. Pompe apenci> 8, FP tat showy Doiteervon gy sary ySHVE Pride and arrogan , - ce, CIRCUMLOCOTIGN” Using more words ha’ "oe necessary, instead of speaking or writipg in a cies, Usis words to say something. S on ee 2..Having only one syllable. 1.One who speaks very less ‘Tending not to say very much, in a way that seems unfri h A person of their expression that are hard to know wi thinking or feting ‘ae they do not show emotion. Using very few words and sounding rude. because something is done in g ‘Appearing rude because very few words are very quick:way: Deep and rough, and often sounding FE Using few words ‘and’ often not seemil or friendly. That is suggested indirectly or itood, rather than said in words. IMPLICIT |?" Suggested without being di ssed. evince °° '° °""t6" show clearly that you ing or quality. INSINYATE, oT, suagest indirectly ae ing unpleasant is true. ALLUDE To mention some! Indirect way. O29 Fo ELOQUENT Able to use express your opinions well, especially when s ven d96 i, Publi, Ei bleep COGENT ‘Strongly, expressed in a way that influences what people believe. PROVOCATINE jy austetrseat le, angry or upset; intended to make people argue about some- ‘great joy and enthusiasm, 2, To say something with great enthusiasm ic statement, answer, ete; is given with force to show that it is important. -about-something importante...» i Tp talk about something in a way that is deliberately not clear in order to avoid of EQUIVOCATE 0 the truth, VERBATIM sing exactly same words as epoken or written, word for word A performer who projects the voice into a wooden dummy SQUILOQUY A speech in a play in which RHETORIC thoughts (speaking to ia wrho in along, i, nae, spent IE RE Speech, or writing that i i ea Rosa or ee i intended to influence people, but that is not completely Unlikely to happen and therefore not w outa nit 1 ‘vom meena esucirion }—eonptbet-2yankush AOA RUN Anta AVDA 5 & ecu BY AA SARI ee 9 10F Ire Dull pete, 1 gee 1m reo r aa ies because It hae been expreased wo many rinnes batons: Mt ee : internment oF statement that fas been made very olen before aid thaetone 008 CH! A cu coterie a that has en ied $0 heh thie nd loge aw sc MORO ating. chet U aNODYNE ay to catise disagreement of offend anyone; ren expressing: 70% BANA , zh ordinary ard containing nothing thad f6 interesting or fnporsant ACKNEYED jsed too often and therefore boring. @ 100 wat 1RONY ae cas or stratige aspect of a eituation that Is very 49 ‘x ae wrY Humorously sarcastic and mocking , @ 101 APPOSITE Very appropriate and suiteable for a particular situation ‘Appropriate to a particular situation, related to the Connected with something in an important or GERMANE EXTRANEOUS Not directly connected with the particular dealing with APROPOS Pertinent, appropriate, Concerning or Clear and accurate. @ 105 APT Suitable or appropriate in the cirgamst 2 ‘Appropriate for a particular are de \ KUSH. Well Chosen, very suitable; FELICITOUS NICHE ‘A comfortable or suitable * way of life, ete “09 VOCATION ‘A type of work or W [at you believe is especially suitable for 10K : scat : To reject oF refuse ty/something, expecially in @ Proud S=7- REBUFF ‘an unkind re! or friendly offer, request or suggestion. onesies ca Me ee oo @ So A 1a WMee or their expression: Tos Be eg mrt cee Tn det ae wma | SHRUG j : Ea you havea particular fring 0 I § : ma re ig a ie 7 A ceo eR LEER 7 nig nt we rsh 6 Ein 08 A —or ‘somebody speaks, MOVES, behaves, ete, especially in order to make MIMIC pot ’ IMITATE, yocis BY AMAN SHARMA eee oe ‘i ¢ 108 4 ‘siogat of. opiritual lesser, oRecially one of at story that teaches & OT thong ‘A short ha in the BibIe- ‘ai PARABLE fous as record sith a.m tegg0ns SPREE. ORF With ante, ‘ % tory Sas “EARLE ‘A traditional short sto” She A : ‘al truth about people or th ‘ a gener 1© Wor - _ A well-known phrase exPressiNB® Ts people believe, is always try, * pictus A statement that expresses ome ana followed. i ing true or Wise. ‘APHORISM reas shad wen oe PROVERB ‘A.well-known phrase oF ee at a ‘a aya Ar ¢ 00 ii them and bei i CAJOLE To make somebody do something bY. a ag ie eon ip COAK To persuade somebody, to do someting PY aa See Ei PERSUADE ‘To make somebody do something by siving ore qe oe, ‘Te persuade somebody not to do something. ; Seems To’ey hard to persuade somebody to do‘something, Pe ROIST > ‘To force somebody to accept somebody/ saree GOREcaUA ‘The action of making somebody do something ey donot want to do, using or threatening to use. force: = meer T ‘The act of uraging somebody to di violent, illegal or unpleasant ABET To help or encourage somebody to i Pf ARTE To urge somebody to do something, i (ATE To deliberately and intentionally i jebod} thing. INTIMIDATE To frighten or threaten. sma it they. oi a ee writ ‘the jo, what you want. BANOELIZE fo try to perauade people to Christians. ma To make something start or , usually something official. INCISIVE ‘Showing clear thought und is i coe 8 lerstanding of what is important, and the ability ASSERTIVE Expressing opinions = # strongly and with confidence, so that people take ARTICULATE To express i : ce hing Your thoughts or feelings clearly in words. . " ree ss look in’ Prey, eegressive way. FROWN ake sotnethinis Lager, M tan ob Me serious,’ angry or worried wider or imore; open, yous frckey expression ingi eae ad, ; by bringing your eyebrows closer 6 angry. we ay, SNEER ear you have no reg pect f xs a. fin 3 °F Somebody by the expression on your face or by aAzis 0 way you speak, look ‘steadily at soineboa} a ested or surprised Y/ something for a tong tithe by . ecause you ‘are very inter eA Sa ASTEFUL (a) pISGUSTING (A) PALATABLE: (A) NSAVORY (A) A oploustA) SLEAZY (A) ¢ 1B SQUALOR (N) FILTHY (A) SLOPPY(A) ‘SORDID IA) ¢ uc ‘STERILE (A) PRISTINE (A) DAPPER (A) ‘SPRUCE (N) TRIM ¢ 1D UNDEFILED (A) UNCORRUPTED CELIBATE (A) * IE EFFLUVIUM REDOLENT (A) INISCE! FRAGRANT(A) SCENTED (A) BANCID (A) STALE (A) * uF COLLATE (Vv) * ue ABOMINATE (V) Makin, 1B You fe Lunpleasant 1 tone di ant in islice oF dig B odour o gust. xtremely unple, t taste 2. Highly of Unpleas, Pleasant, ighly offensive arousing disgust Unpleasant 4,20 easy to accept or of P vey bad, oe Rot considered morally acceptable. xtremely unpleasant or condition Dirty, uny » Unpleasant * and not socially acceptable, especially be Lack rahe Posters and order, That shows a lack o or dishonest 2. Foul and repulsive i ; P deen to make free from germs. 2,4lopahleNb reproduce; infertile and clean, unused 2. compl mm dirt or contamination man with a neat appearance and ni 1.To make neat,smart i i smart Facet tae Suen inarh or, 6m. 3-uots dae In, dross and mannera 3-An evergreen To make something neater, s: tter, etc, by cutting parts from it. 1.Pure and uncorrupted m stain and blemish Undefiled, not de! Not married and n sex, especially for religious reasons. A foul smelling Sytflow or vapour, somebody/something. 2. Having a very strong smell or odour 1.Remin Remindi of|somebody/something. Having a pygfant smell. ing pleasant smell. Haligame 8 1 Sone fat is rancid, it tastes or smells unpleasant because it is no longer fy fresh and therefore ‘unpleasant to eat. idy , lacking order ; ery untidy which there is a lot of confusion. -om different sources in order to examine and com- A situation in w! To collect information together fr pare it . disgusting. ely unpleasant; diseut’ i thing/ somebody. especially for moral isgust for somet To feel hatred oF Gisele a way of behaving or thinkifg, ABHOR (v) To hate something, reasons ———oa. 27 RAKESH YADAV READERS PUBLICATION edi By Ankusn ae ee: a ae To feel hatred or disgust for something/ #0” “t is the opposite of what YOu belicy Bening or an idea which auch, find repugnant(unpleasant) ey fing shows how much YOU dislike the, curse - To hate somebody/something Ver? Ty To eriticize somebody/something 7 4 To hate somebody/ something very ANTIPATHY (N) A strong feeling of dislike. — AVERSE TO (A) Strongly opposed, dislike(he is averse 10 a a ANIMOSITY (N) [A strong feeling of opposition, anger © hated ANIMUS (N) ‘A strong feeling of opposition: anger ’ f ¢ un 2 ae oe DISDAIN (N) The feeling that somebody/something is not good enough ae attention. A aed SCORNFUI Expressing extreme contempt spect ; SNEER (V) To show that you have no respect for somebody by the sion! on your face or j, the way you speak. yvunusual 2. A person with * our 1. Something considered by other people to be st ECCENTRIC (A) unusual interests or personality Having or expressing a strong interes ypleasant things, especially dis MORBID (A) ease or death. IDIOSYNCRACY {N) A person's particular way of beha an unusual feature. FOREGO (A) 1. Be earlier in time, go back further, feit (give up) a right etc FORGO (V) To decide not to have or do someth ‘you would like to have or do. ¢ ug ABSTAIN (V) To choose not to use a vote, g@ffycN\in favour of or against something. REFRAIN (V) To stop yourself from doi ing, that you want to do. ESCHEW (V) To deliberately avoid or fay from something. ELUDE (V) To manage to avoid \gr from somebody/something, especially in a clever w: @ 11K , building, etc. in order to make it more attractive, m To clean and decoratd a’ REFURBISH (V) useful, ete. ‘RECLAMATION (V) i land to suitable for cultivation or habitation, reformation,recov from waste 2 REFIT(V) parts, equipment, etc. to something PROACTIVE (A) ce ing & situation by making things happen rather thai itis i fC aneaion eee Pt er than waiting for thing REJIG (V) y changes to something; to arrange something in a different way. ¢ uL > ADORN (V) Tp make something/somebody 1 i ; 0 ye cune g/ ly look more attractive by decorating it or them | ORNATE ( Covered with a lot of decoration, especially is i cated designs. ee aie ‘Weer fia, npebves, weary, seal OA FESTOON (V) To decorate somebod} it rit ly/something with flowers, coloured paper, etc, often as part celebration. To make something more beautiful by adding decorations to it. EMBELLISH (V) 1.Elaborately or excessively ornamented or decorated 2. Red in colour FLORID (A) GARNIS! decorate is mane a “ deems esp. a dish of food with a small amount of another food. to be bright and attractive but cheap and low quality. _RAKESH YADAV READERS PUBLICATION Compiled By se — ae ne e re (V) fo spread to en ev poeMeeATE (VY) Pass into or cua of an object or a place. pensive (*) Existing in all parte of omething: (eg. The bullet penetrated his chest) ven or thing. °F @ place or thing; spreading gradually to affect all part of place To make som, issn edge, etc, nN Widely known, broadcast, circulate, to spread information, know! Seeming to be everywi mon, Present everywhens no” % i several places at the same time, very com! sul sSNA Going beyond the limite 7 ‘ especially in religious or sping of human knowledge, experience oarapm especialy A dise aspen ase that spreads over a whole country or the whole world. Fr Fi ‘ twits) descent \ i 4 124 £ To make somebody/something less poxcMghemess effective. To become gradually weaker or less (gor To become gradually less smaller DLE (V) = weaker > Ci a ‘ ‘A process of making somebody /sametiiffig , especially your enemy, pesiha peatedly attacking them 7 To spoil or reduce the effect . epee To make something weak: yen 7 yECLINE (N) A continuous decrease j w rber, value, quality, etc. of something. PALTER “ To become weaker & Ie ce ag i To become or to mi thing become smaller, ete snug Sea To show or treat sor iy in a way that makes them seem not worth any resPec DEGRAD! not worth takip®\seribusly. oa ETERI in strength ete / Se At i. < aa hear ea of several falling down a steep slope with rocks 7 a ov, oF ‘e something flow, slowly in a thin stream. TRICKLE (V) a vt nt. oat ebody to lower position or rank, often 9s & punishmer = eae et 7 easily a lower or less important position, baad ee a arlier or less advanced form or Way vin son Dad or away from a previous position. saa ot gradually away from somebody sala A ree ame when the sea flows away from " EBB IN) ‘The period of time tely. hae something comple! ; nee ANNIHILATES (V) To destroy ot ter by destoing oF CERNE remove all si ing: QBLITERATE (V) T° es abl : yull or knoc! sagan DEMOLISH {V) To pl all the members of a group aie dee eras EXTERMINATE (V) TO e a amber a a DECIMATE (V) To "UKESH YADAV READERS PUBLICATION By Anh specially something bed of something completely» © ‘To destroy or get rid ‘To make something les © 1, To get rid of something 2. To cop from @ moving plane or throw away somethin information from a book ship to make it lighter. ; ae a og get rid of something, sven as RADE? piece of or list, or from your mind. : EFFACE (V) To make something disappear; t0 remove something. @ 128 PROLIFERATE() To increase rapidly in number amount. “A BURGEON (¥) ‘To begin to grow or develop rapidly: SURGE (V) ‘To move quickly, and with force in particular direction: MOUNT (V) ‘Te advance, to go up, to launch ,To esi something, ¢ uF AUGMENT (V) To increase the amount, value, © CONSOLIDATE (v) To make a position of powerior #USSS stronger § jt is more likely to continue, CMALGAMATE (v) 1 $wo organizations amalgamate or OF amalg' es to form one large organization. ¢ 12G THRIVE W) ‘To become, and continue to bey § Nedong, healthy, ete FLOURISH (V) To develop quickly and be wecen oF cl PROSPER (V) To develop in @ successful way; fal, especially in making money, ACCRUE (V) To increase over a period period of time RAMPANT (A) Existing or spreading oeN ‘a way that cannot be controlled esp. disease, population etc ¢ 128 ‘ASCEND [(V) To rise; to climb up ASCENDANCY (N),__ The position of bai + of influence aver somebody /something HEGEMONY (N) ok by one , organization, etc. other countries, etc. within a particular # 121 ‘TROUNCE (V) ‘To defeat sdpebody completely DRUBBING (N) i Where one’ team easily beats another ROUT (N) \ in which somebody is defeated easily and completely in a battle or corm 1aJ tou 0 officially end @ law, a system or an institution If a government or other group or person with authority. repeals a law, that law longer valid ea 1) To officially state that a law, contract, decision, etc. is no longer valid To officially cancel something so that it is no longer valid SEROGATEN Revoke formally QUASH (V) To oficial sey that a decision mae by a cour is Jonger vals or COTS ANNUL (V) ‘To state officially that something is no longer legally valid RAKESH YADAV READERS PUBLICATION “Genpaied By Bnkua LAMAN SHARMA oo > Bk re) To rem oan ‘ove a problem wave To choose not to demona nee! F something, elimi name hie 2, demand something eliminate, get ri of pron CEDE fiateaeee in a particular case (eg. he waived his right 10 Somethin, 4 2h Fs '® » Move into position of something 30 R pIVEJA) lot successful, ; failed : my re An event or a situation that i yoRtBU! No longer fechas complete fare and causes eenbiriaanineat 0 () somal agosto about to come to an end completely opITIOUS (A) egy tn noe Bet een fies nm ny that cane ment FrausPICIOUS (A) Showing signs that gucouail real E a cba Ree 4 12M cing used, or being stopped for time. BASE (V) To stop something fr : cessATION (N) ‘The stopping of rom happening or existing cULMINATE (V) a a ee eer a i @ particular result, at a particu as 4128 at a particular pAgt uKS' Immediately before the last one. INTERIM (A) Intended to last for only a short tim( unt body /something more permanent is ADHOC (A) Arranged or happening when necegsary id not planned in advance AD LIB Tem soning = on Roe 78 He me sed. IMPROMPTU Done without preparation (ie EXTEMPORE Spoken or done without, ious thought or preparation. AMIDST (P) In the middle of or vrething, especially something that causes excitement or fear In the middle of or dyring something, especially something that causes excitement AMID (P) of fear INTERVENTION (VY) T° in a situation in order to improve or help it Sian = Mn institution, an organization, etc. Jugedinning INCEPTION (N) INCIPIENT (A) NASCENT at to exist; not yet developed ce woman who is not married 2.Firet (eg. Maiden speech) MAIDEN (N) Jy young gitl or wom! x DAMSEL, A ‘ung woman WhO js not marri Saar A aa who is not married, especially an older woman who js not likely to marry ( ae thing shorter, especially by cutting off the top or end fuce in size tec for a shorter tim TRUNCATE () ‘To make some As 28 Cee erething 2-70 Limit something or make it last 10 mething neater, smaller, better, To make $0 = 01 eaTION yocan BY ana sania ABBREVIATE (V) To make a word, phrase or name shorter by leaving out letters oF using only the aay letter of each word. ABRIDGE (Vv) Shorten, making concise, curtail etc ELIDE (V) To leave out or strike out " DOCK ff 1 deduct from someone's wages 2.A part of a port where ships are parked ¢ 12k RESURGENCE (N) To bring again into activity and growth i RESURRECT (V) 1.To restore faith, confidence etc that was lost. bring back to life * 128 a \ PITHY (A) Short but expressed well and full of meaning ABSTRACT (A) L.A theoretical and unpractical view of something 2. of the main points of an argument or theory SUCCINCT (A) Expressed clearly and in a few words CONCISE (A) Giving only the information that is necessary and imy ing few words NUTSHELL (N) In a very clear way, using few words RECAPITULATE (V) To repeat or give a summary of what has aa id, decided, etc. * iT VICISSITUDE (N) One of the many changes and problems jp vs. or in your life, that you have to deal with FRAY (V) i lath ape ow mnctidag her in it start to come apart GROUP 13 * 134 CONVOLUTED (A) Extremely complicated It to follow ABSTRUSE (A) Difficult to unders BAFELING(V) To confuse somebody Mepbletely; to be too difficult or strange for somebody to under- stand or explain PERPLEXING(V) If somethi x 8 you, it makes you confused or worried because you do not unders ENIGMATIC(A) ran) ficult to understand MAZE(N) A x pW separated by walls built in a park or garden, that is designed so that it is ft to get out LABYRINTHINE(A) 4a complex problem ENIGMA (N) on, thing or situation that is mysterious and difficult to understand OBSCURE (A Ce clearly understood or expressed, 2.Not clearly visible INTRICATE ‘omplex, Having a lot of different parts and small details that fit together ESOTERIC Sth that is understood or enjoyed by only few people with a special knowledge of inter- est IMPENETRABLE (A) 1. That cannot be entered, passed through or seen through 2. Something that cannot be understood CRYPTIC (A) With a meaning that is hidden or not easily understood UNFATHOMABLE (A) Too strange or difficult to be understood INSURMOUNTABLE (A) That cannot be dealt with successfully RAKESH YADAV READERS PUBLICATION 32 Compiled By Ankush, gqIMMERING(V) 13D yuciDIA) PICACIOU! viviD(A) ‘cONSPICUOUSIA) pERCEIVE(V) PALPABLE(A) sUBTLE(A) APPARENTIA) 4 13E MANIFESTATION(N) PERVADEV) ACCENTUATE(V) DELINEATE(V) ELUCIDATEM) ANNOTATE(V) MNEMONIC(N) DECIPHER(V) 4 13F UNDERHAND(A) CLANDESTINE{A) ‘STEALTHY(A) COVERT(A) OVERTIA) CONCEALE(V) DIVULGE(V) SLYIA) EURTIVE(A) ibe ee ake 0 meting That can leas bs clear and To ee ced in mee ne ile to understand, unl deliberately talk something ‘ore than one way; having different meanings truth in a wa ay that is is deliberately not clear in order to avoid or hide the Neary dark, or badly it in . Not clear; ¢ way that make “ 5 dal A 8 you feel sad or dirty with mud or another substance To shine with & soft light that seems to move slightly ae: expressed; easy to understand le to unde: - rstand somebody/something quickly “urately pen iB very clear pictures your mind ms 'y to see or notice; likely to attract attenti notice or become aware of somethis may noticed by the mind or the difference Difficult to detect or to be grasped by becat ‘ ; or hidden meaning ete = ty Easy to see or understand AN ‘An event, action or thing ‘sign that something exists or is happening To spread through and ceable in every part of something To emphasize somelyjiNpN make it more noticeable To describe, draw o something in detail To make something Yearer by explaining it more fully ‘\book or text, giving explanations or comments. To add A word, eNpoem, etc. that helps you to remember something To succee’ ing the meaning of something thet is difficult to read or under- a d_ dishonest ‘secretly or kept 5 vag things quietly or secretly A ay o au in the hope that other people will not notice ‘making it difficult to notice open way and not secretly something To hide somebody/ Ha ieee information that is SUP a secret or dishonest way, often intending to trick people sor to keep something secret and do Acting 1e a Zo way that shows that you want wing oe be noticed ecret "UKESH YADAV READERS PUBLICATION Compih TT [intl GROUP 14 ention completely a ee it all your attention ang o 148 oe ABSORBING(A) Interesting and enjoyable and holding your MNO TN ENGROSSING(V) If something engrossce you, It 1s so Interesting time ‘ention completely RIVETING(A) ttre ing eacling that 3k olde gout altenion OP GRIPPING(A) Exciting or interesting in a way that Keepe Your GUT ET | ay Mawr INTRIGUING(A) Very interesting becauee of being unusual or not tye tall xen, attention ENTHRALL(V) If something enthralls you, it is so interesting Ee ad THRALL(N) ‘A otate of being under control of other person, #OMEONE NST AACN ve something RELISH(V) To get great pleasure from something; t0 want very mucl LATING} Very clever, amusing and interesting ENCHANTING(A) Attractive and pleasing is yu to influence others ens that ability or attractivent 1 te tdoi.eto CHARISMATIC(A) Having charisma (an TEMPTING(A) Something that is attractive, and makes people w Producing a large amount of money; making @ we LUCRATIVE(A) ALLURING(A) Attractive and exciting in a mysterious way o 148 TEDIOUS(A) L.Not interesting 2.Lasting or talki IMSPIDAD fan een apniicence or ii faving almost no taste or flavour PROSAIC(A) Ordinary and not showing any imaginati : BLAND(A) Without anything to attract attenwgn With little colour, excitement OF interest MUNDANE{A) Not interesting or exciting “ VAPID(A) Lacking interest or intelliges MONOTONOUS(A) _Never changing and there ing STAID(A) Not amusing or interes! jring and old-fashioned PONDEROUSIA) 1. Too slow and car ious and boring ¢ 14¢ ARDUOUS(A) Involving a lot ofeffor and energy, especially over a period of time JOUS Needing and energy GRUELING(A) Very di iring, needing great effort for a long time. ONEROUS(A) Needing ffdit; causing trouble or worry KNOTTY(A) te@and difficult to solve TAXING(A) p great amount of physical or mental effort TOIL (V) ‘very hard for a long time, usually doing hard physical work erk hard and steadily at something, especially something that takes a lon is boring or difficult SLOG(V) G ¢ 14D 0 ANOMALOU: Deviating from the general or the common type BIZARRE Conspicuously or grossly unconventional, unusual ABERRATION(N) ‘A fact, an action or a way of behaving that is not usual, and that may be unacc Strange, mysterious and frightening EERIE(A) ERRATIC(A) Not happening at regular times; not followin, % ater ig any plan or regular pattern; t Happening only occasionally or at intervals that are not regular SPORADIC{A) RAKESH YADAV READERS PUBLICATION Compiled By Ankush Or ¢ oRMM) To behave gat teh o e nro! and thi cONCEMITYIN) Behaviour on 8D in th, fo) © © sam, CONPORMISTIN) =A Person who (oP that folloy: ga 28 Most ot sro naan Tees ma te ened oe Te iff inks in seer one © obey a rute, ere Le ‘the same way as most other people and who does A ; ‘ To kee some Si BEEROASTEDIAL mely surpr Y's attention by being ecuaNTT) To attract some Vor shocked nnn attractive, ete BS yg0UNDIO To confuse ana tonely and mak SyBSTRUCKIA) — Unable to steak ee eg iG pre ay No is FrumP(’) 1.To make somebody perce TPES N\ rest has ‘body perplexed 2.The ae cut de - Dottom part of a tree left in th) ground after the T/A) Attractive QualN’ in an unus oct) Tice, or idan eats: old-fashioned way a with foreign countries St PRIME xing any because it is connected pecuLlAl Strange or unusual, especi especially in a way that it or worrying, when it is something unusual or sQUISITIVELA) ‘Showing curiosit _ Ask people are doing ‘ene one 10° many au to find out about what other ly A sudde i 1 n wish to won) unnecessary |” °° have om MLACRITYIN) Great willingness or enthusiasm 4 48 REMINISCENT|A) Reminding you of somebody NOSTALGIA(N) A feeling of sadness mixed ji yare and aflex when you of ‘ in the past ae think of happy times EMOTIVE(A) Causing people to fel ‘aaiee COMMEMORATE(V) To remind people of yy ‘t person or event from the past with a special actio or a ceremony 4 141 _ SOMBRE(A) 1,Gloomy adil 2. Dark in colour, lacking brightness JADED(A) Tired and) , ually because you have had too much of something RESTIVE(A) Unable to shy) still, or unwilling to be controlled, especially because you feel bored fie : Fs Ja duty or habit, without real interest, attention or feeling wrong or false sng 1 yr true but actually SPECIOUS(A) Seeming right ° ‘oe to be genie ‘ ; although SS ie scathing in order to trick people into thinking tha look exact COUNTERFEIT{A) Made to 100) a thing shat inno an goo or trac an tae 1 UF are gettne , ete - not knowing whether SHAM(N) A situation, fee! ey suspicious about something; n\ DuBIOUS;A) Not certain and va! thing is PARP vane = a= meas ATION UCAS BY AMA STARE em re . Well known, but probably not #736. cannot recognize You farance 5° tary equipment, using Paint, leaves gy. ‘APOCRYPHAL(A) DISGUISE(V) To change your ape: si (CAMOUFLAGE(N) Disguise, A way of hiding soldiers and ™ o wR ‘onceal something unpleasant 2. The FACADE(N) 1A showy misrepresentation intended to °* front, of a building der to trick people ise in orde IMPOSTORI{N) yn wh nds to be somebody ¢l oii i 1e wi it clearly is n, CHARADE(N) A ciation uk wtih’ pope probs tat wometilnd 18 tae situation in 01 goer not Fe CHARLATAN(N} ‘A person who claims to have knowledge 0 skills za DUPLICITOUSIA) _Deliberately deceptive, unrelaible I iN that DECEITFUL(A) Behaving in a dishonest way by telting lies andl malking PoP = not true PERFIDIOUS(A) That cannot be trusted, unreliable TREACHEROUS(A) That cannot be trusted; intending to harm You | legally FRAUDULENT(A) Intended to cheat somebody, usually in order to make KNAVE(N) Deceitful, unreliable o we boyish : INFIDELIN) ‘A person who does not acknowledge or believe ething un ee ana ‘The quality of being loyal to somebody /: ip oe ee eel ‘ebodyand or partner, by having sex EIDELITYIN) ‘The act of not being faithful to your » INFIDELITY(N) with somebody else * 15D ROGUE(N) Deceitful, A person who behaves, and dishonestly CROOK(N) A dishonest person SORDID(A) Immoral or dishonest DEVIOUS(A) Behaving in a dishonest t way, or tricking people, in order to get something SCOUNDREL(N) Aman who treats badly, especially by being dishonest or immoral \yr immoral things in return for money VENAL{A) Prepared to do di Giving unfair advantigey'to your own family if you are in a position of power, espe- NEPOTISMIN) cially by giving them Jobs i ich people in power give jobs to their friends CRONYISM{N) ‘The situa @ 15E ples; not honest or fair what you want, sometimes by not telling the truth UNSCRUPULOUSIA) Without ml ARTFUL(A) Cl oe WILY(A) oN} getting what you want, and willing to trick people ¢ 15F SCUTTLEBUTT(N) about other people's private lives, that may be unkind or not true TWADDLE(N) jething that has been said or written that you think is stupid and not true FICTITIOUS| = ination oe than fact, made up by somebody to deceive ming or stated to be real or true, when this is perhay PURPORT To claim to be something or to have done something, when is nay ae de true ID(N) Ape eae Pretends to know a lot about a particular subject in order to impress ¢ 15a PLAUSIBLE{A) Reasonable and likely to be true ‘That can be believed or trusted CREDIBLE(A) CONCEIVABLE(A) That you can imagine or believe RAKESH YADAV READERS PUBLICATION = 36 Compiled By Anikashn bea ys eget a Saying whar tru; th, WhAL You thiny «te habit of Not telling the exe penly and oe ‘the truth Not straights honestly; not hiding your thoughts pou THE quality of sayine eds Biving af ake IGHTIA) Direct and ho. YE What you thane = Mise appearance of frankness forttnio LDirectness opt Mant think openly and honestly xT) 88 of speech 2 ese and speech , 351 a < “Without a sharp edge or point Person thai xRIDANTE t You tru, CNFRIDAYIN) A Male assistant who gone YO tl to about private of who d rege “sp wART) A loyal supporter who es many different kinds of work and y Sooscoa Strong and loyal ny, ® lot of work for an organization, es political party ea ‘our opinions and attitude ’ cI ces Sea dishonest, ‘way of behaving opponer SSSIAGEMIN. oon et ‘use to ; A plan to gain an advantage eo ae sNOEUVREIN A deceptive manoeuvre 1.To rip off somebody,ask an An act intended to make : someb i* something unpleasant a To trick somebody into doing som Mmething that is not true, especially . pecially by being nice to them A GROUP 16 Relating to or cor money Rich and superior zs Having a lot of m a good standard of living Rich and supegiok in quality Very confoyabl\containing expensive and enjoyable things Very hi ngmal esp. price ,rent etc person it money. food and the other things necessary for He ing little or no money Et gal * Hf e for money the loan ‘ving by asking peoP! to pay what you owe, unable to repay the oan Not having enough money , bligations 2.0 liquid capable of dissolving 1.Capable of meting ‘The state of being Very tata need for living ssc) HOAXIN) secu) 168 pECUNIARYIAl OPULENTIA) AFFLUENT(A) sUMPTUOUS(A) LUXURIOUS(A) EXORBITANTIA ery te® 4 16B PAUPERIN) INDIGENT(A) DESTITUTEIA) IMPECUNIO! Ws SOLVENT (A) PENURY(N) PRIVATION(N) IMPOVERISH(V) OCA BY AMAN SHARMA to place ¢ 16C VAGABOND(N) A no home or job and who travels place TRAMPIN) 4 pergon wo has no ome Spo reves frm place t place, usually aking peop oa the test for food oF OEY ay apd wore + lace to place, €81 ee ee ey a moe wi ns Hm te oe MIGRATORY(A) Habitual moving from place to place esp. in search of seaso * 16D : SCROUNGE(Y) ‘e wit tein sombody by aintog tance be eats Ben OY PEE SOLICIT(V) To ask somebody for something, such ae suppers, mons} or informatiyp; to try to get ‘some or le somebody to do some! soucrronny ——methin or persuade met 0 went on tte, an roe sent them in court ¢ 16e & STINGY(A) Unwilling to spend money PARSIMONIOUS(A) Extremely unwilling to spend money MISERLY(A) Hating to spend money FRUGAL{A) Using only as much money or food as is neces: NIGGARDLY(A) Unwilling to spend money, time, etc. [RIFTY (A) Careful and diligent in the use of re ey etc ABSTEMIOUS{A) Not allowing yourself to have much f ‘or ol, or to do things that are enjoyable AUSTERE(A) 1. Simple and plain (lifestyle) 2. wit decorations ASCETIC(A) Not allowing yourself physical pleagure pecially for religious reasons; related to a simple and strict way of living CELIBATE(A) Not married and not having cially for religious reasons a So PROFLIGATE(A) ‘Using money, time, mat “ic. in a careless way PRODIGAL{A) Too willing to spe1 yr waste time, energy or materials ‘or using a lot more of something than you can afford or EXTRAVAGANT(A) Spending a lot more| than is necessary ete, in a stupid or careless way SQUANDER(V) To waste mone ¢ 16G ALIMONY(N) The moni t a] court orders somebody to pay regularly to their former wife or fa When the marriage is ended husomel PATRIMONY(N) is given to somebody when their father dies M Jat somebody owes tha t they have to be paid at the right time, unpaid debt ARREARS(N) REPARATIONS(N) SF it is paid by a country that has lost a war, for the damage, injuries, etc. tha caused SUCCOR(N) Gy Ip or assistance that you give to somebody who is suffering or having problems security kept by bank etc while it gives you a loan SUBVENTI An amount of money that is given by a government, etc. to help an organization REMITTANC! A sum of money that is sent to somebody in order to pay for something REMUNERATION(N) al bea of money that is paid to somebody for the work they have do! (salary) ene 'UATION(N) 1. Pension; monthly payment given to a person after retirement 2. Obsolete; outdal Ae ar) Money, clothes and food that are given to poor people |AGE(N) pe Beret especially financial, that is given to a person or an organization »} RARERHYADIN READERS PUBLICATION | array am 3 n ae ot Ment held wuegt8 oF “ To care for . ut the SUPport of a rm fF and protect ot Bcc ‘srticular organization or person (eg, The tourna: a ebook to eprtcA) Cone; 'Y/ Something whi Mitty, Raa Pa cee eae eas eee S50 Us Behaving nO*NE strong, ieasure Li in a we Sexual “ ustful, ay that desire Lethal Referring vy StI consider ae ane Sex ina ‘ed sexually immoral ean Connected with te 2 MUCH Interest ge ae MOY os = owing ‘© body or with ee in things connected with sex BetBROU (A) a ving too much aT 84 love tow eipHOMANIA (8) A woman who peg Me*est in "towards somebody . er PULA) Feeling or show & WAN (0 have, Pleasure \J pets) Marng oct an na eet =? USANOVAI) Aman who has sen”, TORS sexual feelin pouiscuousiA) Having many pecs with @ lot of women mepsTuoust*) Involving sex betwen Partners Ni L.Lewd or lasci: "eR two people in a family abl ivious wom ly who closely e le reason en 2.Causing harm deliberately for no accept- ol 5 US(A) Liking to dri piBuLo' erent k drink too much alechol Person who has a strong desi be epRIATENN) A chronicthabitu al) daisies lesire for jc drink that he cannot control sOAKERIN) i ne who drinks alcohol in excess pabit pagCHANALIANIA Wild and involving large amoun : BOOZINGIN) oo of drinking alcoholic drin! —— To drink i : imBED(V) Saran ee es] ‘ohol 2. To fit or secure deeply trink ething, es alcohol learn something or retain in mind s GROUP 17 4174 S Skilful \ds; skillfully done ANBIDEXTROUSIA] Able to usW{th) le hand or the right hand equally well Skjjful_and Wever, especially in dealing with people ROITIAI Don ‘out skill, especially in a way that annoys or offends people ‘ at skill at doing something that is quite difficult gre PRODIGYIN) person who is extraordinarily intelligent or skilful for their age PROWESSIN) t skill at doing something tural ability to do something well nie (9 er ality of being able to do things ina confident and elegant way that othe PANACHE( The qui find attractive i ething successfully despite diffu ii determination to do something NETTLE(N) The ability and de ee ACUMEN aes tity to understand and decide things quickly correctly . aay think, see oF EEE ee cular situation, especie ACUITY(N) The ability to quick at seeing What to do in a partic ASTUTEYA) very clever and na wth ny pat oink pre VOCAB BY AMAN SHARMA SERSEIAN Clever at understanding and making judgment about @ situation PERSPICACIOUS(A) a Able to understand somebody/something quickly and accurately ‘Showing no sign of intelligence or sensitive feelings VACUOUS(A) smcrurniyaia) Obtained by using your feelings rather than by considering the facts BIA) Some qualy ete that you have when you are born (eg. an innate talent of playing excellent cricket) CONGENITAL(A) Existing since or before birth * 178 ERUDITE(A) Having or showing great knowledge that is gained from academic study ERUDITION(N) Great academic knowledge TYROIN A cetaon iho has ile of no experience of something or is be vethe a thing as DILETTANTE(N) {A person who does or studies something but is not seriously have much knowledge NEOPHYTE(N) ‘A person who has recently started an activity CALLOWIA) Young and without experience Y NEOPHYTE(N) ‘A person who has recently started an activity NOVICE(N) ‘A person who is new and has little experience in a, or situation NASCENT(A) Beginning to exist; not yet fully developed NAIVEIA) Lacking experience of life, knowledge APPRENTICEIN) ‘A young person who works for an employer (n\yder to learn the particular skills needed in their job PROTEGEN, ‘A young person who is helped in Jand personal development by @ more experienced person AMATEUR(N) ‘An person who takes part in a sport apArder activity for enjoyment and not as a profession, fresher * 37c \VETERANIN) A person wh has tf eofWN nile o act SEASONED(A) Having a lot of experience icular activity CONSUMMATE(A) Extremely skilled; perfe VIRTUOSO(N) 1.One who has a ill in any field. accomplished misician VERSATILE(A) Able to do many i @ 17D EMINENTI(A) Famous , especially in a particular profession IMMANENT(A) Present atWral part of something; present everywhere IMMINENT(A) Likely to RENOWNED(A) Fagpous epected 7 work of art, literature or music, especially one that is the best work by MAGNUM OPUSIN) An it or writer etc. ALMA MATERIN) , college or university that somebody went to ¢ #17E CREDULOUS| ready to believe things and therefore easy to trick 0 Yjonest, innocent and willing to trust people Too willing to believe or accept what other tell you and therefore easily tricked S| Behaving in a very honest way; not knowing how to trick people ‘SKEPTICAL(A) Having doubts that a claim or statement is true or not, and that something bad happen SKEPTIC(N) ‘A person who usually doubts that claims or statements are true or not, especis those that other people believe in CYNICALIAL ‘One who Believes that people only do things to help themselves rather than for 6 or honest reasons 4 RAKESH YADAV READERS PUBLICATION Compiled By Amkusin a Coa pRCUIOUSIA — Behaving toy a (A) rds pavanet Behaving tn an other people ae ity peter than (eaettienlly wa OX think you are better than they are x00 BISA) Feeling that yan ¥ way towards other people b hat you ple because you think that you are cONcEITEDIA) Having too mcg Te Better than oth yaner¥(N) ‘Too much ae, pelde in yoursett ier people because you are more intelligent STICIN) The habit ot wry eet 8D PPE eee wearstis) pocrant of admiring yourett tn recwa; williles oF aailavecintge much aban (hike that he oF ie et sepaiaty vast 2m oOMANIAC(N) Goin wis ae hat he or she fe better then other and fand talks too who has inten: a deeeds intense and irresistible love for onese#Agnd concern of his own ysoALOMANIACIN) One who thinks that really is. wat he is more powerful , muc fal , much ‘and influent GoNDESCENDIY) —1-To do something that " at ee and dishonorable way considers to be bel dignity 2.act in an arrogant poMPOUS(A) Showing that you think ing long and formal mee So other people, especially by us SWAGGER) To walk in an extremely proud and ani Expensive or noticeable in a way that ae | PARADEAN) 1iDisplay:eométhing: prowl tsbyftended to impress people | in the streets and Betsy sly.2.4 public celebration usually with bands ys | GAUDYIA) ‘Too brightly coloured in a ackcn taate | SELF EFFACINGIA) a wanting to attract at to yourself or abilities | MODEST(A) . simple, humble, gt’ it. 2.Not very large, expensive, important, ete. | @ 188 | sTOIC(N) A person who isgable] suffer pain or trouble without complaining or showing wh | they are feqli | SPUNKYIA) Brave 4; full of enthusiasm | | INTREPIDIA) Very braven laid of danger or difficulties | GALLANT(A) Bi Yay in a very difficult situation | VALIANT(A) ve} ¢ or determined shown by who is sulfering &reat pain or facing great difficulties 8 ts GUMPTIONIN) W jitude and determination: 2.sound practical judgment | rr ave,Willing to take OF to do something shocking | Qn | is take risks Ppen | braver oF more confident | EMBOLDEN(V) ro make somebOey Ting, to gn cont somebody] something mebody iTo agree to do something that you he voc AY AMAN SHARMA obey another person ¢ 18D i ‘The condition of being ‘a slave or being forced to SERVITUDE(N) ENSNARE() To trap somebody and control them ot Lasy to control le want without expressing your SESS ety mene own opinion en ‘SERVILE(A) ‘Wanting too much to please somebody ea ey a nebody who is important OBSEQUIOUS(A) _Trying too hard to please somebody, especially SOM, TT ty or try to please to PANDER(V) Pander to something/somebody to do what som! somebody's wishes mm often in @ is not sincere FLATTER(V) to say nice things about somebody, . to please ae oa sated Yh order to get 'SYCOPHANT(N} ‘A person who praises important or powerful people something from them + we thing unpleasant that yee TREPIDATION(N) Great worry or fear about some Worry or fear that something unpleasant may hapP@ APPREHENSION(N) SPECTRE(N) Something unpleasant that people are afraid that SS amine CONSTERNATION(N) A worried, sad feeling after you have received ANXIOUS(A) Feeling worried or nervous ‘-. DREAD(V) To be very afraid of something , to fear, g bad is ~ ie mae MISGIVING(N) Feelings of doubt or anxiety about 1 yappen, or about whether some. thing is the right to do JITTERY (A) Anxious and nervous . FOREBODING(N) —_A strong feeling that something yfeasint or dangerous is going to happen PREMONITION(N) _A feeling that something is pen, especially something unpleasant OMINOUS(A) Indicating that something bs to happen in the future is going to happen soon, often something bad omething will happen, usually something unpleasant come esp. something bad will be successful or not successful in the future HARBINGERIN) A sign that shows that To be a warning or si PRESAGE(V) PORTEND(N) To be a sign of som! AUGUR(V) BODE(V) To be a good/bad sigh fer somebody or something HERALD(V) To be a sign of going to happen in future PROPHETIC(A) Foretelli or something that will happen in future PRESCIENT(A) Knowing fing to know about things before they happen CLAIRVOYANT(N) One who to foresee future, talk with dead etc CHIROMANCY(N) tice of telling what will happen in the future by looki i =e Hee a y looking at the lines on PROGNOSTICATION(N) a statement about what might happen in the future SPECULATION(N) t of forming opinions about what has 5 ing all the-facts happened or what might happen withot Spreading false rumours and stir up trouble Tro frighten or threaten somebody so that they will do want you want Filled with horror and surprise when you see or hear something - we 0ovl') The Bly ct nda ee ol Sy n 100 CONN) + All th ee oM coda of gO belieta bs Man PeODIE 2A te as ot opines Nemo at Gn fn ‘ele ble jould be based on reason and logic rather lems in a ce 's in @ practical and sensible way rather than by having 2. The act of hota oR that is a ainst the principles of a particular religion cONFORMISTIN) Someone yon’ behaviog who Tefuses to egret it religion © to the established customs, stagdigdl\ of conduct or gtiNEIN) A person Pa Who does no BeveReNTI) NS shoving reo, ke oF understand an, teratre, ume RAT 'o damage a holy thin, ‘Somebody /something that other le UwGally respect 5560 OF place or treat it without coy 7 t are considered to be o (A) Showin BeUSCIOUSIAL Showing no rapt acred showing contempt towards wh To speak abo. nut god 01 t the holy things of a mesatt en in an offensive way OFANITY(N) Behaviour that shows a lack of (A) Showin, respect for god, urioust g 8 lack of respect @ things for god , 19H for god and 1 1.To make hol ly by religious purpose (eg. He consecrated aetate " aa 2.use specifically for @ dedicated gaNcTIFY(V) To make something holy and sa; é water etc on it 1. Wash something or vance Mike something or somebody holy by putting holy A GROUP 19 g about acting on one's own wish without carin 4 194 ‘AUTOCRATICIA) Absolute ing all powers, wrong © A ruler whl nstrained by law, tyrannical minance through threat of punishment or vi DICTATOR(N) absolute dictator or dot DESPOTISMIN} of lenc! er or authority over people in an unfair and cruel way stioned obedience to all corde ! * Fite ruler, having all powers, expecting unquest AUTHORITARIAN(A) i a ne a control other people without considering their opinions or feelings OPPRESS! ‘treating people in & cruel and unfair wey and not giving them the same freed rights, 42 oO ie caly sexual pleasure, from hurting other Peo persor sho jleasure, especially pl » ; pe zs dt vor use the power you have ro give orders OFFICIOUS(A) Too ready t? tell 5 1 OvERBEARING(A) —Tryiné 1° _— VOLITION(N) : IMPERIOUS(A) "AKESH YADAV READERS: PUBLICATION "I AA AR vocal $e ing if you hurt REMORSELESS(A) Without mercy oF IO) ger what you want and not cari shige RUTHLESS(A) Hard and cruel; determi ‘ ons he soc people 2 2, Something making thing SINISTER(A) 1. Someone seeming evil or dangero bad will happen co WICKED(A) Morally bad, extremely bad » ee ‘unpleasant ATROCIOUS(A) Shockingly brutal or cruel, Very bad 07 NEFARIOUS(A) Criminal; immoral 8 HEINOUS(A) Morally very bed horror 2.Nery difficult and King great ef. GRUESOME(A) L.shockingly repellent, inspiring fort for a long time APPALLING(A) Shocking; extremely bad DESPICABLE(A) Very unpleasant or evil objectio haviour INIQUITY(N) Absence of moral an spiritual values: poe ae standards INEQUITY(N) Something that is unfair, injustice, not acco am EGREGIOUSIA) Extremely bad BARBARIC(A) Cruel and violent, uncivilized DEPRAVE() ‘To make somebody morally bad & ‘STRINGENT(A) Very strict and that must be obeyed DRACONIAN(A) Extremely cruel and severe ; if people are shocked BLATANT(A) Done in an obvious and open way wil ee ¢ ic ‘ a ‘ which people sted the middle ages in Europe in peop! aaene eek ica Ned ed pete aoe and they had to work and fight for him in return 7 . COMMUNIST(N) A form of socialism that at Js private ownership and favours a classless society, SOCIALISM(N) A system in which tries are owned and controlled by govt. rather than by an individual or cor . 5 EGALITARIANISM(N) The theory of equalit ankind in all aspects political, social, economic equality Advocates an authoritarian hierarchical govt. and oppose { FASCISM(N) A political theory ti democracy or Jibyral 4 Yikze political organization (it is a humorous and derogatory term) 8 APPARATCHIK(N) An offic job is to examine complains made by people about companies, t OMBUDSMAN{N) An offici: govt. or pull authorities ¢ 19D PENITENTIA) Fy showing that you are sorry for having done something wrong REPENTANTIA) or showing that you are sorry for something wrong that you have done CONTRITE(A\ sorry for something bad that you have done APOLOGETIC 0 ling or showing that you are sorry for doing something wrong for causing a | lem CHASTEN(V) To make somebody fee! sorry for something they have done RUE(V) To feel bad about something that happened or something that you did because | bad results CHAGRININ) A feeling of embarrassment, being disappointed or annoyed ¢ 195 ABDICATE(V) To give up the position of being king or queen ACCESSION(N) The act of becoming a ruler of a country RAKESH YADAV READERS PUBLICATION Compiled By Ankush, 0 noue To sta, p Possess To state offician wo Of 01 t methin | Byun To give somebory it YU are ny fey Pel when this happens unwillingly 08) Bnwillingly “°° Control of gometh en BNE 10 Keep a title, position, ete | = io some cpu nhs OF give them power, a right, etc, especially . i worn gious ceremo ety 29 pun fom power | REM) To promise megs oll or water on somebody's head as a part of a reli- ABT UTIONIN) — The act of giving 8 YOU wil give ev! Bovernment jn © POW* from a centr UP or reject a belief or a way of behaving siTIONIN) The act remery e208 Fegion | "tT! Authority or government to an authority oF @ eM) 1. Take away 8% POWerful person f i vest himsett ot, Possession, garemno™ 0m a position or office, * a 8 jacket), tion, power or title.2.To remo(é es (he divested 1s ’ iGEDIA) No longer living wi 8 with pe queATHO) To say in a will that poo” Msmebodyand or wife RIT) To receive money, pre vant somebody to have your money, ete. " *e) ” Property, etc. from somebody wh die A formally it ATUTE(N) ly written dc i roc OU) A system of fixed rulen con nat Passed by axpiament, council ete. tween governments formal behavio at official meetings, usually be- srciPT(N) A rules about how to behave or what, cANON(N) A rule or principles that are conside i philosophy and fundamental in the field of art and An offici ' ae Rate ee ent that becomes the law DIKTATIN. = ent that, must obey | pier An official order or statement| ‘by somebody in authority FATIN) An official order given by ly in authority ORDAIN(V) 1.An order by superior Ity,2.To make somebody a priest, minister or a clerk CAVEAT(N) A pening against iA Abts (eg. they issued a caveat against gender discrimina- ion] | pROSCRIBE(V) To say officially that bomething is banned | An official ordgr that bans trade with another country EMBARGO(N) (4 198 ; THWART) To prevent 3 kiy from doing what they want to do eM To, int Mnebody from doing something that they have planned or want to do; to | magne from from happening f something INPEDI % lor stop the progress of ‘ Nu pce ‘ing that delays or stops the progress of something = i m Rehing that cavse problems and prevents you from achieving your aim jing that interfere with an action or progress ior enh | ‘eh quick short : SCUTTLE) To run with quick rarages a process or activity to develop more quickly i encot a to feel , Meztusey ‘Something that that causes something to improve suddenly or somebody "uur A thing oF person | encourag' more quickly ore, To make a process APPIN sity in a way that isnot organard Pexeniciay Involving a lot of energy a ad cena n “eae ‘ADAY READERS PUBLICATION VOCAB BY AMAN SHARMA GROUP 20 © 204 CATASTROPHE(N) A sudden 5 pate CALAMITY(N) {An event that eausee great damage to peopics Wwes, Property, et HOLOCAUSTIN) A situation in which many things are destroyed and many people Killed, copeciaty because of a war or a fire SONFLAGRATIONIN) A very large fire that 5 a lot of land or buildings DELUGEN) A aiden ery heavy falet ran, flood . TEMPEST(N) Acvilank solani. ~~ * 208 \ EPIDEMIC(N) A large number of cases of a particular disease happening st 67 same time in a particular community ‘ CONTAGION(S) ‘The spreading of a disease by people touching each other A contagious disease spreads ty people touching AN # 20c 7 PROPHYLACTIC(A) Done or used in order to prevent a disease INOCULATE(V) To protect a person from catching a particulary by injecting them with a mad form of the disease PANACEA(N) 1. Something that will solve all the particular situation 2. A hypother: cal cure of all diseases @ 20D CHAOS(N) A state of complete confusion and Ayck of order HAVOC(N) A situation in which there is 4, ., destruction or confusion -MAYHEMIN) Confusion and fear, usually violent behaviour or by some sudden shocicng event zl : ; FARCE(N) A funny play for the \gased on ridiculous and unlikely situations and events @ 208 LETHAL{A) Causing or able to death FATAL(A) Causing or endigg injdeath Not safe ; dangerous NOXIOUS: Poisor PERILOUS(A) very PERIL(N) Sex ; MENACE(N) A or thing that causes, or may cause, serious damage, harm or danger HAZARDOUS{A) , injurious especially to somebody's health or safety DETRIMENTAL(A) , causing injury si BALEFUL(A) ly, sinister, indicating evil intent faving a very harmful effect on somebody/something, especially in a way thi ICI 0 gradual and not easily noticed NSH Spreading gradually or without being noticed, but causing serious harm LURK(V) To wait somewhere secretly, especially because you are going to do something b illegal IMPERIL(V) To put somebody or something in danger JEOPARDIZE(V) To risk harming or destroying something or somebody INNOCUOUSIA) 1. Not injurious to physical or mental health. 2. Not intended to harm or injure Sia aa aaa cana COCA BY AMAN SHARMA BENIGN(A) SALUBRIOUS(A) ANOREXIA) in pio ‘motional disorder, especially y the Person to atop eating Till” | women- an abnormal fear of being fat, causing « 2F FALLOWIA) A Piece of land let ) the will improve | USC Not used for growing crops, especially 0 that the quality of ARIDIA) Having litte or no rain; very dry A pie * BARREN) LExtresectantl Not good enough for plants to grow on it “\ TORRID(A! Pepa Lae, Petitemperarare) » 2.Pull of strong emotions es; onnected with PARCHED(A) Very ary, ‘especially because the weather is hot QUENCH) To drink water etc. so that you no longer feel thirsty “~)e 206 BANE() Something that causes trouble and makes peopl Py CURSE(N) 1. Something causing misery, 2. To say offens; rd when you are angry * 208 INFLATION(N) A general rise in the prices of service; in a particular country, resulting in @ fall in value of money DEFLATION(N) ‘A reduction in the amount of money ig J country's economy so that prices fall or remain the same ‘STAGFLATION(N) An economic situation where inflation but no increase in the jobs that are available or in business =) © 201 RETRENCH(V) To spend less money; to, costs, make reduction in no. of employees or workforce to cut expenses REINSTATE(V) To give back a job that had been taken away from somebody |REIMBURSE{V) To pay back ‘body which they have spent or lost because of you 205 ADVERSEYA) ; not likely to produce a good result EXCRUCIA: iG{A) Extremely bad a ‘unacceptable, often in a way that shocks people ePLORENY) = disapprove of something and criticize it, especially publicly ABIECTIAL fe, miserable, Terrible and without hope mAs ely bad or of a very low standard ? be amber of complicated and unexpected rests that follow an action or « cx ‘One of the ™ eckson vont en as a a moicanon) pene ts ran ot te who smoke incur a great upon oneself (eg- People 47 divided into flats/ apartments, especially in a poor area of a ciny EME) . FeNEMENTSI ac where someday semeting i fms et The bine where somebody tives GROUP 21 ‘ed to describe somebody /somety ‘An adjective or phrase that is us EPITHETIN, order to give praise or criticism ame of a person .ed version of full ns MONIKER(N) ‘A nick name or shorten i SOBRIQUETIN) ‘An informal name or title that you give somebody/something, a vname or a word that is not appropriate OF A€curale MISNOMER(N) Without revealing one's identity: ourself, especially na do not have the right INCOGNITO(A) SELF STYLED(A) Using a name or title that you give to doit ; EPONYMOUS(A) ‘The eponymous character of @ book, play, film/ tc. is the one mentioned in the title ANONYMOUSIA) Having no known name , someone whos ides 3 not made public AUTOBIOGRAPHY(N) The story of a person's life, written Py BIOGRAPHY(N) ‘The story of a person's life, written ly else EPILOGUEIN) ‘A speech, etc. at the end of a play, BeokJor movie that comments on or acts as a ‘conclusion to what has happened PROLOGUEIN) A speech, etc. at the beginning, , book, or film/movie that introduces it POSTSCRIPTIN) verona message that you sgfN\nNhe end of a letter after your signature INSIGNIA(N) ‘The symbol, badge or si 13 somebody's rank or that they are a member of « group ACRONYMIN) ‘A word formed from letters of the words, short form (eg. U.N.O - united na- tions organization) ¢ 218 ECLECTIC(A) Not fol tyle or set of ideas but choosing from or using @ wide variety ASSORTED(A) A collec yy different kinds but lacking uniformity MISCELLANEOUS(A) Consisting kinds of things that are not connected and do not easily form POTPOURRI(N) A of dried flowers and leaves used for making a room smell pleasant CONCOCTIV) |e different things , To make something, especially food or drink by mix MEDLEY(N) ( A Piece of music consisting of several songs or tunes played or sung one efter FARRAGO( ‘A confused mixture of different things # 2c NGI NIN) A group of people who are gathered together in a church to worship god, not inch the priest and choir BRETHREN(N) ‘The members of a male religious group ENTOURAGEIN) A group of people who travel with an i an important person CADRE(N) ‘A small group of people who are specially chosen and trained for particular Pt RAKESH YADAV READERS PUBLICATION [ Compiled By Ankusin pr AMAN SHARMA et NGENTIN) oxsorTiuM™) a SgpuAMATER) pis8ANDM gnercv) pssiMILATE™) gyMPosiUM(N) (yTELLIGENTSIAIN spBCTACLEIN) pARLEYN) pLENARYIA) MINUTESIN) cOTBRIEIN. sTRATUMIN) ¢ 21D PERKIN) PERQUISITE(N) ¢ ae Y | ‘TRANSIENT(A) EVANESCENTIA) FLEETING(A) CURSORY(A) VOLATILE(A) MODISH(A) ETERNAL{A) PERPETU/ ¢ 216 DISPARATE(A) DISPARITY(N) CONTRARY(A) DICHOTOMYIN) INCONGRUOUSIA) something A Bo of peop crane oer sey es ss vier it ie organizations emai, oe together different firms £0 Separate oF no to te oF are amalgamated, they join together to form one BN e ae enteea somebaaty something fom operat of individual a obtained two things working together wn addition To full ly understand a nimoephere OF ait {968 OF some information , to adapt climate oF =a 1 con ect; a small con- ic ference *h experts have discussions about a particular ‘The people i ple in a c ‘ : Sf palicay tui aceon em ere all tony are interested in cul- An unusual or notable sight A discussion betwi : Mwitune, who a an to try and find @ way Full or ab: solute power or right to do sorgethi to attend @ meeting) important points of @ Meet= A written detail a letail of what was discussed fing, or im A small group of people who have terests or Purpose set of layers 1, People having same social ee economic opptucational status 2. A layer oF A right or advantage belongi ar person or group because of their imPor- tant or social position ‘Something you receive your wages for doing & particular job ‘An extra benefit aw! certain type of employment, a right reserved BY ® PAs ticular group, Perk Continuing forgsAly & short time Lasting as fa short period of time Contim jonjy a short time jearinyquickly from sight or memory nly for a short time Jey and without giving enough attention to details easily from one mood to another, changing very fast anes ting or continuing forever . existis tin for thout an end; existing oF ¢ Hoss . cant ing for a long period of time without interruption very different from each other arts that Be unfair treatment especially one connected with something; that exists between two groups table in a particular situation Made of P A difference, Different from ‘The separation strange, and not § or things that are completely RAKESH YADAV READERS PUBLICATION Lipdomer tng talesrarebiinme cpa TANTAMOUNT(A) Equivalent Having the same bad effect (eg, his silence was tantamount to admission, of guilt) JUXTAPOSE(V) ‘To prut people or things together, especially in order to show a contrast Or a new rely tionship between them ‘SEGREGATE(V) To separate and isolate (eg. people of different races, religions or sexes and trea, them in a different way) [ew GROUP 22 o 22a GYNECOLOGIST(N) A doctor who studies and medical conditions and diseases of AON: for women's sex organs OBSTETRICIAN(N) A doctor who deals with diseases of children and mothers after “Every PEDIATRICIAN(N) A doctor who studies and treats the diseases of children DERMATOLOGIST(N) A doctor who studies and treats skin diseases dis the bones or muscles ORTHOPEDICS(N) —_The branch of medicine concerned with injuries an A doctor who studies and treats diseases related to CARDIOLOGIST(N) NEUROLOGIST(N) _A doctor who studies and treats diseases of the m PSYCHOLOGIST(N) A scientist who studies mental life and mental rristics of a person PSYCHIATRIST(N) A doctor who studies and treats mental illnes; i of the teeth and jaws ORTHODONTIST(N) A dentist who treats problems conce: CARTOGRAPHY(N) The art or process of drawing oF mi OPTOMETRISTIN) A person whose job is to examine pefQic's We8 and to recommend and sell glasses TAN(N ‘A person who make glasses to correct dent of vision CHIROPRACTOR(N) _ A person whose job involves treating sontediseases and moving the bones in a person's spine or joints catment of people's feet CHIROPODIST(N) ‘A person whose job is the GRAPHOLOGY(N) The study of handwriting to 1t the character of a person GERONTOLOGIST(N) A person who studies the ‘of people growing old ROPO! ‘A person who studies evelopment and social relationship of mankind GEOLOGIST(N) A scientist who stuc ry of earth NO} A scientist who st iverse and celestial bodies BIOLOGIST(N) A scientist who s BOTANIST(N) A scientist who: * 228 NEOLOGISM(N) Anew wol ession or a meaning of a word OLOGY! The study in and history of words and their meanings HOMONYM(N) We Nave same spellings but different meaning HOMOPHONE(N) A is pronounced like another word but has a different spelling or meaning f ple some, sum 22c PHILOLOGIST(N) (son who studies language and literature person whose job involves travelling and working in a spacecraft dies the institutions and development of human society A person who stu ‘A person trained to travel in space A person who studies family history ich a series of events happened; a list of these events in order CHRONOLOGY(N) —The order in whic! @ 22D SUICIDE(N) ‘The act of killing yourself deliberately FRATRICIDE(N) ‘The crime of killing your brother HOMICIDE(N) ‘The crime of killing of a human being deliberately ee VOCAB BY AMAN SHARMA REGICIDEIN) UXORICIDEIN) MATRICIDEIN) MARITICIDEIN) SORORICIDEIN) INFANTICIDEIN) GENOCIDEIN) PARRICIDE(N) MASSACRE(N) ‘The crim of killing a ki The Sie og «Eig wens iow The crime of ing your wie; men wo full of this crime Killing of one's eee a person who is guilty of this crime ating ee eee wl 1 crime of kill ‘The murder of ee ‘@ person who is guilty of this crime he ccinie'at ie race or group of people : kill this ee, oF Kelling your father, mother or a close relative, @ person who ‘The killing of a large number of people especially in a cruel way * is guilty of GROUP 23 UNCATEGORIZ1 ED WORDS (ALL ARE FROM PREVIOUS YEAR SSC EXAMS) Happening onl i Y ly occasionally or at intervals that are, Lack of definite order or path Je to do, use or talk about & A cultural or religious custom that does not particular thing as people 1.Harsh criticism 2.A swelling on the s\ filled with fluid Inherent or basic property or quality, e Jing or repairing things. enYod through prayer and meditation and $0 ‘beyond normal human ‘understanding Jn criminals, especially because A person who travelled from place to A person who tries to become united understand important things that} One who try to prevent crime police are not doing this. Something that causes mij Followers of an unot ‘The process by whi To involve something death, curse ‘cannot be avoided ENTAIL(V) ‘SPREE A brief indulgenge of impulse , fling 1.A contin vod in which you do something 2. A small OF meager allowance STINT INCUMBENT 1.Neces NSineone as a duty or responsibility | moral binding 2.the official w holds an EXCERPT J, \nerary work in order to cite OF COPY 2. A passage selected fror rk MAUL ly by beating or being run over by something TRANSITION ‘of state, place, stage ete MORPH ge in shape ete ” EXIGENCIES Cases that needs urgent attention, a sudden unforeseen crisis ENC) 0 "keeping end result in ‘mind and not caring whatever means adopted to ge! g.take advantage ‘of opportunity i ecessary BEHOVE Be appropriate oF necet BESTOW Grant a qualification, title, gift etc : i = ‘A theory that individual parts ‘of whole of something cannot exist or unders' VOCAB BY AMAN SHARMA EXCURSION cigcurrous ‘MEANDERING AMBIT VIVIPAROUS OVIPAROUS PERCH PREACH CONJECTURE ‘SURROGATE BIFURCATE DICHOTO! 4 0) CONSENSUS ay ‘dering from main path of a journey = ~-—_ ee wander deviating from main course ination, to move ina Spiral or something ‘A journey taken for ea rc wa ot hr : ‘someone ‘Area of jurisdiction oF POW! col ee) Producing living youné® not eggs ( To come to sisting of @ branch OF # rod Grecone werestaauppor consti 5) plead, or argue ieee! moral specc! 1.To give religious » thing, ump was used as singlespump way (eg. AN ee Pp a Added support to something (¢ sufficient) ul \ ‘A young person, not fully developed Ank US| Mentally or physically old ‘i Artificial not real (generally artificial body part 8) To obtain, get by special efforts Make a formal request for official services J. scone ‘A hypothesis that has been formed By speculating Very ston eve Someone who takes place of another person su! OTHER: do ive her body to give birth ; ee aa of a region (esp. term used for y yple of Australia) Like a palace, impressive ‘A hidden storage space for money, 1. Think deeply about something very 2. The source of an artist's inspiration Remove something (eg he doffed his L.Put clothes 2. Head of a Someone who is sent on a mis ‘An economic state of growth ‘sing profits, good fortune Extremely pleasant in a y_, pleasing to the year Difficult , having hegvy, pressure Showing no mercy tncy(kindness to the offenders while giving punishment A signal with hands, ‘etc sively or smoothly , a piece of clothing carried apart from main clothing early stage of development method, adopt ete 2. Include as part of something ity fh power or influence or determine the value, quality, ability etc 2. To consider something ied into two d into two sharply distinguished parts or classifications ‘public opinion, an agreement or opinion reached by a group as a whole Qiarer by chance , unexpectedly, or unintentionally Feel happiness or joy, ecstatic 1.Freedom from activity, work etc, 2.absence of mental stress or anxiety Bucket, cylindrical vessel Exhibiting soundness or wellness in body or mind Inspiring awe, worthy of adoration or reverence ‘An erroneous or false belief that something exists or is true without any evidence organisation messenger DELUSION RAKESH YADAV READERS PUBLICATION |-——___—— A

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