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Inspirasi Bahasa Inggeris


Salam Sejahtera dan Salam

Negaraku Malaysia,

Ucapan terima kasih kepada Yayasan

Pembangunan Ekonomi Islam Malaysia
(YaPEIM) kerana sudi memberi ruang kepada
saya untuk menyampaikan sepatah dua kata dalam
Modul Inspirasi YaPEIM 2018.

Setinggi-tinggi ucapan tahniah dan syabas kepada YaPEIM

yang telah berjaya menganjurkan Program Inspirasi YaPEIM pada tahun 2016 dan 2017 dengan
kerjasama seluruh warga Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia, Jabatan Pendidikan Negeri, Pejabat
Pendidikan Daerah serta warga sekolah terutamanya guru dan murid.

Pada tahun 2018 ini juga, YaPEIM terus memberi komitmen dalam usaha meningkatkan sosio
ekonomi ummah dengan menjadikan Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia sebagai rakan kerjasama
dan kumpulan sasar. Saya sentiasa menyokong usaha murni seperti ini di mana kita perlu
membantu dan memberi keutamaan kepada golongan yang memerlukan. Dalam pendidikan,
konsep ekuiti boleh bermaksud semua golongan diberi perhatian mengikut keperluan

Akhir kata, saya sekali lagi mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kepada YaPEIM dan semua pihak
yang terlibat secara langsung dan tidak langsung termasuk seluruh warga Kementerian
Pendidikan Malaysia yang membantu menjayakan program inspirasi ini terutamanya dalam
menyantuni golongan-golongan yang memerlukan.

Datuk Dr. Amin Senin

Ketua Pengarah Pelajaran Malaysia
Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia

Modul Inspirasi Sekolah Rendah YaPEIM 2018

Dengan Nama Allah Yang
Maha Pengasih Lagi Maha

Alhamdulillah, syukur kepada Allah swt

kerana terus diberi kekuatan dalam
meneruskan tugasan yang
dipertanggungjawabkan kepada saya dalam
merealisasikan visi dan misi Institusi ini disamping
komited menyantuni masyarakat melalui
aktiviti-aktiviti sosioekonomi yang diperkenalkan
khususnya melalui penganjuran 3 Program Inspirasi iaitu
Ramadhan, UPSR dan SPM.

Saya mengambil kesempatan ini untuk merakamkan jutaan terima kasih kepada semua pihak
yang terlibat dalam menjayakan program ini khususnya seluruh warga Kementerian Pendidikan
Malaysia (KPM), Jabatan Pendidikan Negeri (JPN), Pejabat Pendidikan Daerah (PPD), Pengetua dan
Guru Besar serta guru-guru yang tidak pernah serik memberi sokongan dan dokongan kepada

Seterusnya saya juga ingin mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kepada seluruh masyarakat di
Malaysia yang merupakan sebahagian daripada keluarga kecil YaPEIM yang terdiri daripada para
penyumbang atau yang terlibat secara langsung atau tidak secara langsung dalam program/skim
yang dilaksanakan oleh YaPEIM.

Semoga jalinan kerjasama yang sudah terjalin ini dapat dieratkan bagi persediaan program di
masa hadapan.

Akhir sekali, saya mendoakan agar segala keringat, cerahan idea dan sumbangan yang
dicurahkan sepanjang menjayakan program ini moga-moga diangkat sebagai pahala amal
jariah kita sebagai bekalan ke akhirat kelak.


Dato’ Abibullah Haji Samsudin

Ketua Pengarah | Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Kumpulan
Yayasan Pembangunan Ekonomi Islam Malaysia (YaPEIM)
Inspirasi Bahasa Inggeris


Modul Inspirasi Sekolah Rendah YaPEIM 2018

pengetahuan dengan

1 teknik yang betul untuk

menjawab soalan 3
Membantu Membantu
meningkatkan meningkatkan
pengetahuan dengan pencapaian murid
kaedah pengajaran dan dalam peperiksaan
pembelajaran yang terutama dari gagal
sesuai dan kepada lulus.


BAGI TAHUN 2016 & 2017



Inspirasi Bahasa Inggeris

BAGI TAHUN 2016 & 2017

202 136 1,823 152
TEMPAT daerah TEMPAT ppd
& daerah
sekolah 14
3,530 1,903
buah buah
sekolah sekolah
65,201 72,671
ORANG 2.259


BAGI TAHUN 2016 & 2017

12,637 71,847

2016 2017 1,259 buah

36 1,261 A+
daerah ppd & daerah

Modul Inspirasi Sekolah Rendah YaPEIM 2018

Guidelines on how to use the module

Dear fellow teachers,

This module, inspired by Datuk Dr Amin Senin, the Education Director-General, Ministry
of Education is designed to cater for the low achievers. Based on the previous national exam
results, statistics showed that there were still a large number of pupils who were unable to
acquire the basic skills in the English Language.

This module which is aligned with The English Language Curriculum for Primary
Schools aims to equip pupils with the basic language skills enabling them to communicate
effectively in a variety of contexts that is appropriate to the pupils’ level of development. It is
highly recommended that teachers plan the lesson based on the six principles of KSSR: Back
to Basics, Fun Learning, Learner Centredness, Integration of salient new technologies,
Assessment for learning and Character Building.

The activities are designed to enable the low achievers to acquire the basic skills of the
English Language. This module covers the Vocabulary, Grammar, Reading and Writing Skills
which are the essential basic skills to be acquired by the primary school pupils.

This module is a collection of some suggested activities and method carried out by
excellent teachers around the nation. It caters to the low achievers and intermediate pupils. It
may not be the best method but it has been proven applicable and effective for the targeted
group of pupils in some schools. Feel free to adapt and adopt the activities to suit the pupils’
proficiency level.

Inspirasi Bahasa Inggeris 1


It is suggested that for the low achievers, pupils should be given the opportunity to be engaged
with the language as much as possible. One of the suggestions is to exploit the use of the same
content or material for the 4 skills. The aim is to enable pupils to look at the words, use them in different
contexts, understand the words and be able to comprehend meaning. Teachers are recommended to
integrate Fun Learning elements in their lessons such as integration of new technologies i.e Padlet,
VLE-Frog and Language Games to arouse pupils’ interests. Teachers may include the use of various
21st Century Learning activities and thinking tools such as the i-Think maps.

Example :

(English Year 5 Textbook, page 3)

The same stimulus can be used in Listening & Speaking, Reading, Writing and Grammar. Teacher
introduces the activities by pointing to the picture, saying aloud and carrying out the activities during the

Week 1 (Production Stage)

Modul Inspirasi Sekolah Rendah YaPEIM 2018 2

Listening & Speaking : carry out information gap activities about the games (co-operative learning)

Reading : reading musical chair (language game)

Writing : pupils practice writing simple sentences to form a story (flow map)

Grammar : grammar in context from previous sentenecs (VLE-frog)

Week 2

(English Year 5 Textbook, page 4)

Listening & Speaking : create a dialogue about the poster with guidance (WH-Q)

Inspirasi Bahasa Inggeris 3

Reading : WH- Qs Power ( label & answer)

Writing : write a dialogue based on the poster (Make Me Whole Game)

Grammar : use the poster and the writing exercise to extract the grammar rule

- Teachers can also post their quizzes via WhatsApps or any other channels
of your preference.

Vocabulary Learning

Modul Inspirasi Sekolah Rendah YaPEIM 2018 4

Activity 1 : Word Cocktail (Group work) Level: Intermediate

Procedures :

1. Each group of 4 pupils is provided with a jumbled list of words which are taken randomly from
the textbook.
2. Teacher chooses a theme / topic and asks each group to circle words related to the topic
3. Pupils write the words on papers and compare their answers. Examples: PLACE, FOOD, etc.


architect waterfall fish skateboarding cat

crocodile bread cupcakes tunnel lake

race princess mother wife bridge

seaweed female lettuce toilet hornbill

fries sandwich table nuggets king

man boy astronaut office turtle

mountain sky volcano children castle

island raft sun dust queen

ice-cream bee horse tourist basket

zookeeper village parent hand tusks

goldfish beach orang utan bell museum


Inspirasi Bahasa Inggeris 5

kindergarten laptop e-book horse elephant

gallery track rope equipment lion

junction captain guard stable gloves

library thief bedroom detective harness

kitchen computer roof antennae soil

army waves wire wheels monster

roundabout earth ocean clock domes

courtyard pirates chocolate dog city

playground girl paragliding family peach

palace goat factory canteen acrobatic

university mosquito surgeon monkey queen

orange radio star coral egg

watermelon street sports baby riverbank

picture space trunk factory compass

unicorn cherry husband prune ointment

Follow up activities

Modul Inspirasi Sekolah Rendah YaPEIM 2018 6

Tick the correct statements for the pictures.

( ) The knife is very sharp.

( ) I have a pair of scissors.

( ) The crab is hiding in the sand.

( ) The boy saw the baby turtle crawling

into the ocean.

( ) She is hungry so she eats some fruits.

( ) She is hungry so she eats some


( ) Sam’s house is by the beach.

( ) Mariam lives in a busy city.

( ) The dog is barking loudly.

( ) The tiger is fierce.

6. ( ) My brother celebrated his birthday


( ) The cupcakes looked delicious.

7. ( ) The princess is riding a horse.

( ) The prince is riding a buffalo.

Activity 2: Scavenger Hunt (Group Work – Combo Mat) Level: Low Achievers

Inspirasi Bahasa Inggeris 7

Procedures :

1. Teacher assigns a topic, e.g. “people”.

2. Pupils work in groups of 4.

3. Pupils write their ideas about the assigned topic in the designated spaces, e.g. funny, shy, kind,

handsome, tall, etc.

4. After writing the words, they share with the group members.

5. If the word exists in their list, they tick it. If not, they add the words in their list.

6. Group with the most number of correct descriptive words is declared the winner.

Write at least five words to describe Captain Malaysia.

1. ………………………….. 6. ………………………………

2. …………………………… 7. ……………………………….

3. ………………………….. 8. ………………………………

4. ………………………….. 9. ……………………………..

5. ………………………….. 10. …………………………………..

Modul Inspirasi Sekolah Rendah YaPEIM 2018 8

Inspirasi Bahasa Inggeris
9 9
Activity 3: Blackboard Race (Group Work) Level: Low Achievers

Procedures :

1. Teacher introduces a theme, e.g. places, animals, or objects.

2. Teacher instructs a member from each group to race to the board to write words beginning with the

alphabet the teacher says. For example, animals begin with ‘a’. The next pupil will write words begin

with different alphabet.

3. Pupils can refer to the text book for the words. The same answer is acceptable since they are writing

it at the same time. Yet, copying is not allowed.

Example : Topic (Animals)


ant antelope alligator ant

Modul Inspirasi Sekolah Rendah YaPEIM 2018 10

Activity 4: Sight Word Recognition (Individual Work) Level: Average


1. Teacher does shared reading.

2. Pupils are given a list of sentences with words that exist in the text read.

3. Pupils identify and circle words found in the text.

(English Year 5 Textbook, page 35)

Identify and circle / highlight the words found in the text above.

1. Anisah’s favourite food is pizza.

2. Zain saw a herd of deer at the farm.

3. Joe was presented a set of story books for his birthday.

4. The ring was a symbol of love.

5. The dragon of Lake Chini is a legend.

6. Mother found the lost purse in the pile of clothes.

7. Aina is the only female student in the competition.

8. The singer will always be remembered for her sweet voice.

Inspirasi Bahasa Inggeris 11

Activities for Grammar Learning

Activity 1: Word Chain (Group work) Level: Intermediate


1. Teacher names a category, (suitable for nouns, verbs past tense (regular/ irregular).

2. Teacher starts the game by writing a word, pen.

3. The first player in the group writes a word that begins with the last letter of the first word, e.g a word

begins with ‘n’ – neck.

4. The next player continues with a word that starts with ‘k’.

5. This will go on until teacher instructs to stop, for example in two minutes.

Example : pen - neck - knee - ………..

6. To make the game more interesting, teacher can form a shape to the chain.


Pen neck knee eel lion

Shop pineapple egg girl lamp

Modul Inspirasi Sekolah Rendah YaPEIM 2018 12

Read the passage. Identify nouns and verbs in it. Write them in the space provided.

Chief Minister Jamal was a very wise man. One day, as he was walking along the river
bank, he saw a sad looking farmer sitting next to a fox, a goose and a bag of beans.

Chief Minister : Why are you so sad?

I cannot go to the market because I have not been able to solve
a problem.
Chief Minister: Tell me your problem so I can help you.
I need money to buy food for my family so I brought a fox, a
goose and a bag of beans with me to sell at the market.
However, I cannot take all of them across the river because the
boat can only carry me and one of them.
Chief Minister: So, how is that a problem?
The fox will eat the goose when I ferry the bag of beans across
the river. So, I can’t leave them alone. I cannot leave the goose
and the bag of beans alone because the goose will eat the
beans. What shall I do?
Chief Minister : That is easy. Let me show you how….
Example :

Nouns Verbs

Inspirasi Bahasa Inggeris 13

Activity 2 : Board Rush (Group work) Level: Intermediate

1. Teacher chooses a theme that pupils had already learned, e.g. buildings, vegetables, animals,


2. Pupils are divided into two groups.

3. Teacher divides the board into two parts.

4. Teacher writes the theme on the board, e.g. adjectives.

5. Teacher writes the nouns for each team, e.g. animals.

6. Each pupil will take turn to write the adjectives or describing words to the animals.

Example :


Camel Horse
humps four legs
four legs shiny fur
mammal neigh
long neck powerful
strong fast

7. The group with the most correct adjectives is declared the winner.

8. If there are more than two groups in the class, the teacher gives two other animals for them to

Modul Inspirasi Sekolah Rendah YaPEIM 2018 14

Enrichment Activities:

Inspirasi Bahasa Inggeris 15

Activity 3: Musical Box (Group work) Level: Low Achievers


1. Teacher gets a bag / a box/ etc with cut-outs of preposition words,

in on at

2. Teacher plays the music and asks pupils to pass the box/ bag around until the music stops.

3. The pupil who is holding the box will have to pick one card from the bag.

4. The pupil will have to come out with a phrase using the preposition.

Examples: on the chair, in the room, at the bus station.

5. If the pupil got it right, he/ she will be out of the game. If he/she got it wrong, he/she will have to stay
on with the game until he/she gets it right.

Notes for pupils:

Modul Inspirasi Sekolah Rendah YaPEIM 2018 16

Enrichment Activities:
A. Fill in the blanks with the correct preposition of place – ‘at’, ‘on’ or ‘in’. Then, rewrite the
complete sentences in the space provided.
I put the cups ___________ the table.
________________________________________________________ .

I saw them ________________ the bus stop.
________________________________________________________ .

I met Tina _________________ the library.
________________________________________________________ .

Miss Nina works _______________ London.
________________________________________________________ .

The dictionary is _____________ my table.
________________________________________________________ .

I sat ______________ the bed and read the story books.
________________________________________________________ .

I left my school bag _______________ school.
________________________________________________________ .

There was still a lot of water ______________ the ground when we arrived.
________________________________________________________ .

Hasif lives _____________ a very nice part of town.
________________________________________________________ .

I put the butter ______________ the fridge last night.
________________________________________________________ .

Inspirasi Bahasa Inggeris 17

B. Read the text below and answer the questions.

(English Year 6 Textbook, Page 107).

i) Identify words in the past tense form. Then give the root words.

Past Tense words Root words

lived live

Modul Inspirasi Sekolah Rendah YaPEIM 2018 18

ii) Match the words to pictures.




Fly swatter


Inspirasi Bahasa Inggeris 19

Suggestions to instill Reading Habits / Reading Activities

Suggested strategies in classroom teaching,


Pupils should be able to:

1. read and understand phrases and sentences from linear and (non linear) texts.
2. read for information and enjoyment with guidance.
3. become a better reader.

(English Year 5 Textbook, Page 9)


1. Teacher introduces the text to the pupils.

2. Extract the first sentence of the text as stated in the example 1 given below.
3. Break up the words and write them on the board (refer to the sight word mat).
4. Pre- teach the words or vocabulary and meaning in Bahasa Melayu.
5. Pronounce and drill the words of the first sentence with the pupils.

Modul Inspirasi Sekolah Rendah YaPEIM 2018 20

Example 1:

During the last school holidays, Irfan and his family went to a beach in Perak for a Family Day.


During school and went beach for Day

the holidays his to in a
last Irfan family a Perak Family

6. Sentence drillings on the board.

a) Teacher writes the first sentence on the board.
b) Teaching reads the sentence word by word by pointing finger.
c) Pupils repeat the words after the teacher.
d) Teacher repeats the process for a few times.

7. Sentence drillings from the text.

a) Teacher reads the first sentence and pupils point to the words uttered by the teacher using
their fingers.
b) Pupils read the sentence together with the teacher.
c) Pupils read the sentences independently by pointing the words correctly.
d) Teacher goes around and assures pupils read and point to the words correctly.
e) Pupils continue reading the same sentence through group and invidual practices a few

8. Repeat the same process sentence by sentence until the whole text is completed.

9. Pupils will then proceed reading the text as a whole in class, group and individual activities.

Inspirasi Bahasa Inggeris 21


Pupils should be able to:

1. read and activate grammar on singular and plural nouns.


1. Teacher selects the singular and plural nouns from the text (English Year 5 Textbook, Page

Example 2:

beach family sausages coconut

nuggets chalet sandwiches

2. Teacher writes the words on the word cards (Example 2)

3. Teacher draws a table on the board in two columns to differentiate between singular
and plural nouns.

4. Pupils pick and choose the words and paste them in the given table on the board

5. Teacher discusses the correct answers with the pupils.

6. Teacher asks pupils to read the correct answers from the table.

7. Teacher distributes worksheets and asks pupils to complete the table on singular and plural

8. Teacher asks pupils to read out their answers individually.


Modul Inspirasi Sekolah Rendah YaPEIM 2018 22


The pupils should be able to:

1. Answer ‘wh’ questions correctly.

2. Identify the sentences in the text which are related to the ‘wh’ questions.
3. Use the ‘wh’ formula to answer the questions.

Simple tips to remember:

Tune: Mary Had A Little Lamb

Who - Siapa?

What - Apa?

When - Bila?

Why - Mengapa?

Where - Di mana?

Which - Yang mana?

How - Bagaimana?

Steps :

1. Teacher introduces the ‘wh’ questions by singing along with the pupils.
2. Teacher explains the meanings of the ‘wh’ questions.
3. Teacher asks pupils to read the text aloud.
4. Teacher shows a bubble map using the ‘wh’ questions to the pupils.
5. Teacher distributes A3 Reading Text (English Year 5 Textbook, page 9) which has been
enlarged to each group.
6. Teacher gives word cards pertaining to the ‘wh’ questions.
7. Pupils paste the word cards to the keywords related to the ‘wh’ questions.

Inspirasi Bahasa Inggeris 23



why who


when what


Modul Inspirasi Sekolah Rendah YaPEIM 2018 24

‘wh’ questions Key words

1. Who? Irfan
2, Where? beach
3 What ? Sandwiches, chicken nuggets, sausages

Answer the comprehension questions below.

1. Who went to the beach last school holiday?

___________ went to the beach last school holiday.

2. Where did they have a picnic?

They had a picnic by the ________________.

3. What did Irfan’s mother bring to the beach?

Irfan’s mother brought ________________________________ to the beach.

Inspirasi Bahasa Inggeris 25

Enrichment Activity

Read the sentences below. Identify the nouns and verbs. Colour the people yellow, places blue
and the verbs green.

1. Medina rides her tricycle in the garden.

2. In the afternoon, Aliff eats his ice-cream in the kitchen.
3. In the evening, Nur watches television in the living room.
4. At night, Ali sleeps in his bedroom.

Modul Inspirasi Sekolah Rendah YaPEIM 2018 26


OBJECTIVE : Pupils will be able to:

1. acquire sight words skill of the words to be used in the writing stages.
2. understand the meaning of the words through fun in learning using a game and an i-Think map.
3. contruct simple sentences independently based on a stimulus.

Activity 1:

1 3

(UPSR 2011)

Step 1:Let’s play ‘Odd Word Out’. Look at the picture. Cross out the word that does not belong to the
person numbered 1 to 5.

1 man boy taking care tree goat

2 girl carrot cabbage feeding rabbit

3 man carrying running pails milk

4 another man geese feeding chickens grains

5 woman taking milking cow hut

Inspirasi Bahasa Inggeris 27

Step 2: Let’s play ‘Read, Point and Write’. Read the words in Step 1. Point to the picture. Then, write
the verbs in the squares and nouns in the circles.

Modul Inspirasi Sekolah Rendah YaPEIM 2018 28

Step 3: Complete the Tree Map given with the the correct words.

Step 4: Constructing sentences using the POPSICKLE method.

Picture Picture 1 Picture 2

who The boy The girl

is taking care of

article + object the goats

where under the tree.

Inspirasi Bahasa Inggeris 29

Picture 2 Picture 3 Picture 4

Another man
The rabbits The man

Picture 4 Picture 5

The chickens

Modul Inspirasi Sekolah Rendah YaPEIM 2018 30

Step 5: Write a story based on the picture below. Your answer should be within 80 – 100 words.

INTRODUCTION: TPP (time marker + people + place)

CONTENT: POPSICKLE METHOD (who + what + object + where)

ENDING: Feeling (happy / on cloud nine )

Inspirasi Bahasa Inggeris 31

Activity 2: CREW (Circle map, REarrange, Write)


- Pupils brainstorm on the words based on the given picture (with teacher’s guidance)

Modul Inspirasi Sekolah Rendah YaPEIM 2018 32
(UPSR 2008)
Step 2: Prepare coloured wordcards. Jumble up the wordcards. Pupils rearrange the words to
form meaningful sentences.

Example : yellow (people) , green (verb) , blue (object)

Puan Rina Her eldest Her youngest

daughter daughter
Her mother Her sister Her husband

is preparing is carrying is helping

is weaving is sewing is hanging

Inspirasi Bahasa Inggeris 33

the dishes the cake to hang the
the ‘ketupat’ the ‘baju the curtain
Step 3: Rewrite the sentences, add adjectives and place / noun used.

Who Verb adjective + noun where / using ?

Suggested answer:

Who Verb adjective + noun where / using ?

Puan Rina is preparing the delicious dishes in the kitchen.

Her eldest daughter, Alya is carrying the freshly-baked from the oven using a

chocolate cake pair of mittens.

Her husband, Encik is hanging the newly-sewed at the window.

Rahman curtain

Her youngest daughter, is helping to hang the curtain in the living room.


Her mother, Puan Asmah is weaving the ‘ketupat’ on the mat.

Her sister, Puan Nita is sewing the ‘bajukurung’ using a sewing machine.
*The highlighted words are suggested additional answers. Able to construct simple sentences are the main focus.

Modul Inspirasi Sekolah Rendah YaPEIM 2018 34

Step 4: Write a story based on the given picture. Your answer should be within 80 -100 words.

INTRODUCTION: TPP (time marker + people + place)

CONTENT: POPSICKLE METHOD ( who + what + object + where)

ENDING: Feeling (happy / on cloud nine )

Inspirasi Bahasa Inggeris 35

Activity 3: My Story Board

Teacher drills the words that will be used in the essay with pictures as guidance. Teacher takes
out the verbs or nouns and replace with a picture.

Step 1: Focus on the noun.

Last Saturday, _____________________ went to the National Zoo. His son was

very ___________. Firstly, he bought the tickets at the

_____________________________. There were many ________________ there.

There were also _____________flying in the huge ________.

Rewrite the sentences correctly.


Modul Inspirasi Sekolah Rendah YaPEIM 2018 36

Step 2: Focus on the verbs.

After a few hours, they found a perfect spot to _____________.

His wife, Puan Nita ___________ the food. They __________

the mat happily. His son, Aliff enjoyed _________ the food that she had prepared.

Rewrite the sentences correctly.


Step 3: Drill on suitable endings based on various situation or stimulus.

Situation Sample ending

gotong royong They went home feeling tired but happy.
family outing He really enjoyed spending time with his family.
doing a good deed He was glad that he had done a good deed.
school activities They ejoyed themselves during the ___________.
Incident He regretted and apologised for the incident.
Competitions He was very happy because he won in the competition.

Inspirasi Bahasa Inggeris 37

Sample question:

The pictures below describe a family outing. You may use the the words given. Write you answer
in 80 – 100 words.

UPSR 2005

INTRODUCTION: TPP (time marker + people + place)

CONTENT: POPSICKLE METHOD ( who + what + object + where)

ENDING: Feeling (happy / on cloud nine)


Modul Inspirasi Sekolah Rendah YaPEIM 2018 38


Modul Inspirasi Sekolah Rendah YaPEIM 2018

Inspirasi Bahasa Inggeris
“Maka yang akan menang dalam perlumbaan itu
hanyalah orang yang tetap, tekun dan sabar
menjalankan kerja-kerja kewajipannya itu dengan
bergantung kepada ikhtiar dan daya upaya dirinya
sendiri dan memohon pertolongan hanya kepada Allah
S.W.T. sahaja”.
Pendeta Za’aba



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Modul Inspirasi Sekolah Rendah YaPEIM 2018


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