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‘ALONE PAGE DUNGEON WRITTEN AND DESIGNED LUNE FAVE VINER HIRI IEN BY VEZIUNEY DY ABINUR FMI ANY IBM NU BOWK (200 60) “ie dost ook ie much but he can |BY AARON FROST AND MMLINDI KING ICK'S NGE Meckwick was once a prominent wizard Meckwick was once'a prominent wizard ‘whose influence extended« known world. In more recent times, polit cal maneuvering by long sfanding rivals has ruined Meckwick, and forced him to withdraw from society Living in isolation Meckwick has purchased a vacant dunge« and{begun plotting his revenge, Meckwick has Spread rushors detailing the location of the fabled MUCE OF GUFFIN and the SCMRLET HERRING, which are sure to catch theattention of his foes. Meckwick looking for seasoned adventurers to stoch his dungeon with guards and traps and prevent his rivals from making itout liv. The party will Be given 800 gold coins (G2 in credit with BAMIG'S EMPORIUM, which is located in a nearby town. Three standard traps (trip wires/ pit traps/ crossbow ete. are available for 50 Gc each in addition tc Balrigy featured deals. ‘NOTES FOR THE DIM Herejisa chance for your small role of game mastering and for you to oer have alittle revenge of your own GARUMBLE (16060) “Gorumble ill Garunbic ri ¢ MBBS WITH THEA slotolins eatin termite bones! Garumble seepy..zzzz2z Garumble! Invaders mocking the dungeon! ‘This fiercelooking ogres sure to frighten any AEy~URDS: The Mace and Herzing (mine players to Lake on a ak dor ite nobody nes” ‘would be ueasure hunters. Unfortunately be erporary tems ae well any cre remain ‘Thisstone golem haslosttsarmsin abate has ficukystayingawake. Garumble isles ug wath Busy Mcrae wily conde long ago, but can still put up a fight by ‘when encountered on atoll of 1 or 20n (116, tne party a “loose end” and begin plotting. in and using its head as a battering ram _ % PARK CHLTIETS (120 6€) “017 ack . ore ‘DRAGON BONE MERCENARY eee COMPANY (160 6C) 7s rh alent pees er anes The Invading party should be scaled highe eile their on mosters fora few com. This powerful group of evil priests Bcraeapa: eres ares aire “Reep em aay from yours!” instill dread to all who encounter them. Bsesign is critical to success. This table deta green reall humanckd sentient dent the Behavior of the DM contlled part. ‘hat ionly interested in geting eel Roll (Ld) to determine which entrance th mercenaries will claim any lot from invaders the Dark Cultist are hired. erty use asthe ightfl property. COM GOLEM (220 66) fen is money a este Cea 7 Fra dete dcermine which drecion the wih your bar hands! said doi uch it” Fe eg ace enc a Soparteroonn ce nat weal ete ay itor hit eal pers tara elec wil fof what constitutes an intruder and the oore very prone to wandering, SLOBOLINS (100 .6C) “thes thy beers | areas nasty as te arceap and wot |S te bck rove oso These vile creatures ae woatl and ‘predictable Ech round rll (a0). & rest of tthe slobolins Invade another room, A result of 2: fens one hitp:// SS “The coin golem must be contained in atleast reas Teel The purty wil continue until they reach th doors by ether room 6 or 8. They will hes {nto the inner circle there. Then rall(1d6 again to determine if they will o Clocks ‘oF not (using the same table above, +6: CCW 1ealong with any other treasure “carried by the group and attack. TRAFED TP (200 6) “rhe ce an iy thy fl hin eis Socal, what Pe _Succesflly disarming this trap “leases several smal gas ils fled ‘wih enchanted termites. They ean devour support beams in (142) turns, “The invading party will then head to the central chamber through the door in toon 9or 11. This table can also be used to de termine Slobolin movement ifthe “invade eee -~$a/3.0/ BADABOOMBB font © Nate Piekos Visit KIRITH.COM for more! NTO THE Worms GULLET a mid-level adventure location by Dyson Logos of A Character For Every Game In ages long past, a great worm erupted from the mountain face in a dire frenzy, only tobe struck to stone almost immediately by it’s poor choice of meals - a young cocka- trice. The local dwarves celebrated the demise of both the cockatrice and the worm _and expanded the intestines of the worm into a homestead for the small dwarven clan in question. ‘But even that was ages ago and the worm fortress has been forgotten far from any useful veins of ore or trade caravans. Now adventurers are drawn here in search of the Heart of Dur, a magical ruby that is said to have been swallowed by a great wyrm. Only recently has a sage determined that this may actually be a reference to it being protected within the gullet of the petrified worm, Wandering Monsters (1 in 6, check every 2 turns, d4 for type) 1,143 Living Statues, Rock (can occur twice, ignore if rolled again) 2, 1d12 Rock Baboons 1 Gray Ooze escaped from room 5 (can only occur once, ignore if rolled again) 1d8 Dwarven Acolyte Shadows (can occur twice, ignore if rolled again) 1. The Mountain Face - a score of rock baboons have set up their nest around the ‘worms mouth on the cliff face and the ground leading up to the mouth, although there are many more living in the area. They fight to protect their territory and ‘grudgingly allow the apes in area 2 access in and out. They will continue to pes- ter adventurers throughout their explorations, with scouting groups entering the ‘worm’s gullet after them (via the wandering monsters) 2. The Maw -5 white apes live here and venture forth at night for food. 3. The Twist - a smooth wall with a door has been carved here where the worm's body twists downward into the mountain face. Mosaics on this landing are colour- ful and garish and magically confuse viewers, making those who fail their save to travel back towards the entrance instead of deeper into the worm. 4. Statuary -2 rock living statues stand guard over the mangled and burned bodies Ss ‘of a pair of white apes. They will not attack the umber dwarf not his acolytes. The room to the south has a secret trap door to the tal of the worm. This door is not locked currently, but can be locked simpiy by ‘opening and closing it again. Paintings on the walls indicate that this was once a bedroom for young dwarves, 5. Fungus - this moist room has been completely given over to fungal growth. 4 shriekers and a gray ooze are here along with the other harmless mushrooms and slime molds, Buried in the slime is a small coffer containing 4,000 ep protected by a poison needle trap. 6, Chamber of the Acolytes - once a small dwarven forge complete with hammer and anvil, now home to 4 dwarven acolyte shadows of the umber dwarf, Ifthe anvil is struck by a hammer, it rings out a pure note ané grants the hammer an additional “+1 bonus to hit and damage beyond any bonuses the hammer may currently have, This effect lasts for 1 hour, 7. The Umber Hall - The Umber Dwarf (an insane dwarf now made mostly of stone) resides here along with four captive white apes, Treat the umber dwarf as a rock living statue with a faster movement rate and more intelligence. If he can, he'll try to escape deeper into the bowels of the worm and then use the secret door into area 4 (locking it behind him) in order to escape Regardless, he won't help the adventurers to recover the heart in area X. The stone door to the stairs to areas 9 - 11 is locked and jammed, Treat the unlocking mechanism as a secret door for detection purposes. ‘8, Retreat - once a chapel toa dwarven god, this room is used by the umber dwarf in prayer and contemplation. Among the imple- ments of worship is a scroll of bles, resist fire, cure disease and cure serious wounds. Anyone defiling this space (and any elves or ‘ores entering it) must make a saving throw or be cursed - reducing their prime requisite by half until the curse is removed. 9. Alcoves - each ofthe four alcoves in this hall (three of which contain doors) contains a glowing orange mist. Living things enter- ing this mist must make a saving throw. A successful save increases Constitution by 2 for an hour, while a failed save reduces itby 2 for the same duration, 10, Statuary Redux - 3 rock living statues (in the form of dwarves) are arranged in a triangle in this room, around a large glow- ing ruby, The massive 1,000 gp ruby is incredibly hot via some unknown magic, dealing 146-1 damage per round to anyone touching it, although that is its only power. 11, The Heart of the Worm - a single pedestal in the middle of the room holds the Heart of Dur. The pedestal is actually an earth ‘elemental bound to protect the ruby who will fight to the death to keep it here in the deepest part of the worms gullet. released by Dyson Loges under the Creative Common Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 hetp// The Bastion of the Boglings; or, The Forgotten Sanctuary of Solis Hook: Cileren have Been Kitnapped froma focal vilage! The Wacks of bipedal fog-ike beings lead toa ring of ruined standing stones, There & rumbling staircase descends into the dark Wherein: The party confronts a small ibe of rog-ke boglings and finds allthe children eaten but one. They may also learn that this complex once Served as a religious site te the now-defunct faith oF Solis, God o Light All pit taps are covered and do 146.1 square = 10 eet. Wandering Monsters: (Random monsters ar in adstion to keyed monsters) Room Restock: 3.6 = Emply (1 in 6 hidden veasure) By Grog Gitespe. Designated open creative content: bipilereatvecommars orsicenses/ov-sa/3.0/ bitp:elscourseanddragons. blogspot com Moalshioids: The Classic faniasyFieling and Henchman Generator i ‘Sirges (6) arop nd atack The bogings conser the buy-ike Sirges a GeTeacy and catch Tem with Wher Tongues. Bogings can pass untinaered Iz Formerly a guarroom, tis room istered wih rubbish, i ‘rubbish pie the middle of he room contains Giant Rats (5) ‘Boglings (6) consuming cooked ehlcren and roling bones. One boy Kelgax, i bound and gagged inthe coiner of re room Astong lad of TF, a ls. ‘il serve as a hrelng freed, "Note: The bogings know the pit locations and can leap over the 10 foat concealed pits without dicuty. They carry sivorjowelry fora total of 7-20 sp each. All bogings attack al =1 when they leap ito (or during) comet is “The boglngs saried sculping a sialue of Te srake-Tke Water Weird (#12) hare fo place on the dias in Room 6 when ConpITE is ‘former statue of Solis, God of Light now reais ina ple of rubble, The das has obviously been Cleaned and prepared Tor some PurpOSS, With the exception ofa small spit nd fie-pt = and the remains of small humanoid children = this room s emp ls ‘Tha lage dias_a chipped and defaced stave of Sols sionds wih statin Tel hand and gatnvited righ hand upraised Ta he Sy le “Tis foom has trap S01 by the Boglngs. The back (south) floor of ns room i litered coms (Spp, T59p, 485s). However, a p-rope at THe Goo tggers a deadfal of rock debrs ina net rom above, The frst PC fo enter has a smal chance fo see the rope, unless obviously looking fr traps, “Tne wooden door To this room has @ Role int. Stirges (8) crested a nest in he secret ‘oom. They erier ana ex rough a crackin The secret door 110. | at ho caing. the party searches the room ar apens the secret door the stiges atack, Thi nest coniaine small shiny baubles as wel as hwo scroll cases: 1 clerical wth 2 cure ight wounds spels, and 1 arcane ith magic mist, shield, and fostor al [Ti [Tis room has tne rvten remains ofa bed, re-pit and small humanod bones broken wih the marrow sucked Oc, This foom has 4 fargo pare and a pool of sinking fotd water. Skils of children and boglinga, and many coins and com bags (aFemngs), Wier the 112 | floor (total of 6p, gp, 10Ssp, and a Dagger +1). Here the party nds tho adoated god ofthe boglngs. Ther god is a monstous Water Weird Bogling Zombies (3) se slowly out of the water 2 a nto combat and attack. nthe pool isa suit of stuaied leather +1. 2 potion of heroism. [7S Wurals, heavily worn and defaced, depict Sols caling on aly power to tun undead, * Close inspection reveals gaunJeed righthand emiting IgA Iya.) Attpute allached toa rusted heavy crossbow rests across ine entrance rom the NV. Thera isa chance that To rusted crossbow wil nl fr. Under a loose stone, only found on a successful search, is a small Scarab of Protection ina brown leather pouch [15 nis room is empty, aftough carefully searched wil reveal racks in the cirecion of Room 16 [16 Amol, rite, blood-stained curtain barely hangs from the cling. Ol wacks lead 16 Room 15, iz] Aol, defaced mural doping the ath of Sols adoms be wal. The secret doors represonted Ts Uwe mural as Deal's Door, and Sols bockars is followers, ined in procession, towards the glorious doorway to the ARerif. ‘The Wap inthis rooms a ple soyiing blade (For he west and east simulaneovsly,folowed irmedaly by Tira Wom the south). THis = ye, | acthated by a prossur plate immediately in font of te ala. The abject isthe Hamess of Solis, a clerical magic Rem given to his follwers. The bhamess is gauntlet that increases a cleric’ tur undead abilty (subject to DN), In adaltion, any undead tured by the wearer wil aso take 148 [DN trom tha haly power ol the harness. The lalor powers only avallable ifthe woaroris a care of Sal. HS | Formerly a guardroom. Wis room is now Used as altine (fhe OW doosat want a 2" Tavel simply remove We Sais) (20. | Ord moléy Soaks lay sewn across the Toor. Searching reveals the Coder of Sols, a Book thal outlines a naw T"Tevel cere wpal. bon, | Tere ate Boglings (7) hare resting and clearing the weapons ard non-combatant females (3) Fore. 2-20sp gach In jawalry. Farvalos Rave = 30gpin gos Jewelry. Blub-Gup. the Chef is among the warriors, Hols stfonger and bettorsklled, He possesses a spear and a shield +1 [22 | Skeletons (6) rise from the floor and attackt (23. This rooms empty with the exception ofa Rra-p. The bones of RUman chIEran War Whe Teor A Sal Wooden Toy Gan Ba TOUR [2a | Boglings (8) are searching tis room. The boglngs are engrossed, check surpisa. [25.| Tre bogings believe this room fo be a dead end and so There ae vary few tracks in (Hs (oom afd fone on The sour end of he oom. This erpt has remained undisturbed since the ime of re Sols cleries, Fach aleove conlaie fe remains ofan scaly, A have decayed [orTery lye, | white) fobes, beads, cicets SOgpx6, bracers SOppxS, usted armour, shilds, and quartersafs. cove D canlains th romains of a High Prost and Inches @ book Tho Holy Word of Sols that contains everyting a player would need to reconsbtute the fat (value: 2500gp); Staff of Ught +1 (Light as per spell 1 lime per day). Underneath these remains are Giant Centipedes (5) “racks lead Ine certer of the ia in his dusly room and than ext the way they Game in. The dias aiical tothe one Tound ia roam 6. The West 27. | player to stand on the cas in the pose ofthe statue in Room 8 wil receive the grace of Sols. cleric will have histher wsdom Increased by one. Any other character wil have ane randomly determined ablty score increased by one. This happens only once Machine Roo AAU what at they wsed fore Temple OF Théme ger Menasha, vas Hiis2}@ RAID ON CHINATOWN XR = Source! Bromiley Alas ofthe City of New York, Borough of Manhattan, 1913. Map key: Numbers are adventure locations. Fists are roving gangs of highbinders. T: ‘Tenement. W: Warehouse. S: Store. KIDNAPPED Someone the players care about has been ab- ducted by the nefarious highbinders of the Hip Sing tong and taken to the steaming, rat- infested heart of New York City’s Chinatown, ‘Time to rescue them before it 8 too late! The map shows the block between Mott & Bowery west to east and Bayard & Pell north to south, in New York City. The let- ter or number in each building is located at ils primary entrance, but each structure has an alley exit and a connection to one adjacent structure, The walls are also flimsy! The vie- tim could be anywhere, and will likely be in the last place they look. Keep the pressure on! LOCATIONS 1. Law offices of Waugh Gee. Waugh Gee is a Harvard-educated Chinese attorney. He is smooth talking and charming, with an innate ability to play the role his audience expects, from bumbling “foreigner” to accomplished defense lawyer, He is in the pocket of the Hip Sing and frequently counterbalances corrupt jurists in the pay of rival tongs. 2. The Alley of Death, This narrow alley Feaches deep into the bioek’s interior, Its the informal headquarters of the Wah Caing fang, the Hip Sing’s elite cadre of hatchet fielding enforcers 3, Celestial Market, A labyrinth of market Halls that eater strictly to Chineve locals, crowded a all hours. Obscure, curious and iit goode from China, as well ss Chinese vegetables can be oblained here 1 Htum Mon Tau's Chemistry Shop. Dr. Tau if widely known in the America Chinese community s+ criminel deviant. Although fligned withthe Hip Sings bes happy to sup Plylethal concoctions (principally nitrogye- Eclsbased explosives Butaltopetons and other chemical exotica) tothe highest bidder. 3h residence Low Hee, Dragon Head ol the Ilip Sing tong Low Hee lives in heavily guard edt ornate hcury, He isa fat man With low tastes who enjoys «sumptuous back garden, 6: the Tong bal of the Hip Sing Mercantile ‘Association. The hall i a meeting place, & ihuiness office «trading Noor anda gambling den all elled into one’ It isthe epicenter of Hip Sing territory and uninvited visitors are violently discouraged, 7.A respectable cigar sore. The font for an copitan den. Acces tothe miserable pit of sopo ‘ic lethargy ie through the sey. Slaves to the pipe come fom al socal classes, and anyone might be lounging here 8 Alley of Chaos. The haunt of Mock Duc knowin ss “the Clay Pigeon of Chinstoven” cause ofhis uncanny ability to survive sash nation attempts. Mock Dick wears chain mail thirts and walks everywhere witha bodyguard Healsocatres tivo 45 revolvers anda hatchet, anid he is well known for his favorite fighting ‘method, squatting in the middle of the street Shutting his eyes snd Sing both of his guns in ‘ull elfle around him. 5. The Canton Club. A nightclub and brothel run by Chong Sing, wo isthe leader of the in famous Red Door gang Catering to welshecled New Yorkers, the Canton Club isan clegant and deceptive gateway to gambling prosittion, and drags 10. Alley of Despais. The women (principally ‘opim-addicted Ralian and Jeveish immigrant) wtho ae slaves to Chong Sing and bis minions in the Red Door gang congfegate here when they are not working, whichis Fey. TENEMENT ENCOUNTERS 1. Wong Get, Hip Sing Liewenant 2. Achild who thinks you are playing a game 53, R child who intends to sel from you 4.4 Screaming mother-in-law with a batchel An accidental kitchen fe 6. Loose chickens 7 Avery pregnant gis who needs el 8. Abrick val about to fll own 9, Anillegal hospital ull of sypiltics io. Taforaal Red Door gang brothel WAREHOUSE ENCOUNTERS Caboys of acid, tacked in pyramids ‘Amaze of cates containing porcelain ‘An open safe containing gold relics ‘loud drunk ands na-studded board ‘Waly Ching gang security guaxds ‘Actumbling abundoned pump house 7 Darkness, raten bostds cesspool & Opium pied tothe ceiling 5: Highbinder dormitory and thug central 10. Anillegal slaughterhouse STORE ENCOUNTERS 1. An Krish “bill collector” and his “helpers” 2. A gambling room choked with old men 3. A false wall with a surprise behind it 4A shopkeep with a shotgun 5. A Sixth Ward cop visiting for his payoff 6. Slumming socialites 7 Flash powder and throwing knives 8, Two goats and a wagon-load of rotting fish 9, Rev. Chasles Parkhurst, reformer 10. Red Door gang pimp and bodyguard © 2011 Jason Morningstar. Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 3.0 license http://ereativecommons org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ His voice echoes in your ears. “Please...” he gasps, struggling futilely against the grip of death, “save her: The Heart of thegy inotaur Ty Papasoe Goesarnowaki@yahoaom) {his obvious what happened. A man and woman traveling alone were tacked. The man pt upafght which ended with a stab othe back The woman had ben dragged any. How Tong ag di ths happen? Noting the man was sl clinging oie when yu fund hi. The tail lft behind looks prety easy to flow. 1."The Big Gant Head: Fou scutes ct while siting opposite e lage carved Minot bead Three are armed and one ia inner At the ist sgn of wouble the runner il yt unt Are ‘41to warn the others the players wil encounter revsance in Area #2 he ete aay 2'The Poo: Seallered atthe bottom ofthe pol in he center ofthis oom ate ne, simmering gems. A creature ves inthe pool tat will ambush anyone Who tis to reve he gems | Whispering: Mushrooms row it every nook and remy of hie room, The mashrooms have limited psychic abies. Anyone who vies to communicate wit the mushrooms g's the pete response "What iin the your heat?” 4 Hlome Sweet Home: A fe harried females terd:0 group of youngsters. Several males sit ter the ir ling stories, Vicious personal lms me called ubou, Stew beds recovered (it simple Mankets- There ze sx bartels at base ofthe lacde 5. Storage: This re holds the community’ bods and some valuable posession, {Hall to the Chief: Bein the curaia Lives the chi Hes home and uted and very any Thechos in this chambr contains precious gems and iver, 1 Trapped: The ext this room is sealed with a portals. This oom has (players 12) holes ingo a hoe rol 1620 to give the impression thatthe following events are random. The fast player wil ind 10 god pices, Av each successive player reaches int a hole thei haps rapped and ten: he cence seals, a mchanism wrist, the cling begins to lowes, ps tithe st players tan The at payer shoul ave chose etn wo ls. The fist i opens sere dor neat the exrance. I the player goes throwgh the secret door the ling comes down behing, hing the thes, and sealing tae player into de slow death I the player does not go through the secret door bus decides to stay and real fata te second hole then theaters are releed and he ens open with js seconds to spare! ‘Temple ofthe Minotaur: Fvom the ledge (ich could be easly climbed dow) the players fan takeout 2 groop sanding ner large opening inthe oor. In nike sind a rssive Site of « Mirotu A latge male shaman holds abound, emblingfigute, 2 woman! As he ‘heen chuss» rer comes Gout the opmang. thea wth 8 abot Ue shueea pes the won ing the hoe. She disappears om sight A roar. A borifid steam, Thn silence 9. Crypts a immense pile of bone cushions the all of anyone who gaps rough the Ble fiom Area #8 The bones are covered in tite and claw marks, None ofthe bot ae umn Hoof punts are visible the dst ont lor. Primitive charcoal dee ings ‘over te walls in hi Area and every are Area #16 10. Sper: A large spider has a web hee It hides in the crevasse, and wses the crevasse to move Between Area #10 and #12. The ches on the Fr ledge consins 2 olien nom (8m Mion orn), 4H Minotaur Statue: Tis Mizcnu statu is about a all asthe players ane missng ne ofits golden hors, [replaced te sort door Area #12 opens, 12, Seeret Passages This dominated by a crevasse in he flor, whic hele spider se o reve om anyone ataeking in Ares #10, 13, Treasure: Ths ches contains eandom magical woasue 114 Row Your Boats Hoofprints inthe sand le othe waters edge, The water is to deep andi moving too quickly tobe erosed in ayching bt bos, 15, Sandy Beach: Light fiers down fom several small openings above. Wet hoot prints lead pase fe buts owing nea fe ensance fo the Minotaur Ii 16. The Minotaur: This charsber ste la of te Minotar Tere ae few tems ere. a spe al fora be sack of eaherbotnd books. The chamber is itusnatod bosh by fre ia apt and by Light coming trough an sed neta! chimney ‘hat leads tothe surface. The Minotaur sa powerful eae, «caved sword Ings at his ie, a gre biting ewe arg rm a chan around eck, The jewel pulses ith anata pt hit he heart OF te Minot. The oly way getthe heart ofthe Mintau is though combat ‘The Minsu stands over a hound woman, is bak is towards the cance He draws his sword and growls “Tas will be over soon” The Minot his notre i harming he woman, be plans ext hr fee 20 the ean escape, tthe players dont know ta, Ifthe players tack the ‘Mino:aur they cate him Matfoed and be wil ght unl he al the players ate dead. Should his HP be educedto near death the Minotau wil age his hand tothe ‘ext allackiog player in a grtre ening for mercy I the player grata mere te Minolarsays “Finally, im fee” end the Bert of te Minott mets frm ered Fis nck al that i et 10420 worth of gold. Bofors te player eyes the Mincaur change int a normal anand then gues the group ta the naturel chine. Wher he was the Minotaur he ws 1 are to climb up the hime, but now he can ft an wil lead the whole groupt he srfae ad freedom the player does ‘not grant mere tea the ext uack wil kil the Minotau The plaje that revioves heat ofthe Minotaur wil be immediately changed into @ Minotaur (ao save pomibl, life sucks sometimes. The others may escape up te chimney but this player romain Behind imprisoned fore Adventure and Masrations create by: Joe Sarnowshi GoesarnowskiGayahoa cum) fr the One Page Dungeon Contest 2011 This work snder he Creative Common tribution ShareAlike 30 lcone hty-erealivecommaneorlicensc 503.0 HORROR COMES To HADDONFIELD ‘A one-Page Horror by Kelvin Green vio ‘A: Laverne's Orchard in addantel for at east ten days, hough the smoke makes the Tre hans ene, hte dacs smashed aa dea syst stuagle pesoge of tne Gia ue simple stove arch aria. A single leather boot la, scut-szee but Blackened Things to watch over I ©: Fremont Farm (2) Theme ct Aton an Ceri ramon nerded vy, tush ne couple 3 Temple (6) foaming the Rees Cloris les one and saw Teturn back to one of her frat anct eave me temple peur, bt ao camo eter te temple Issues under a Creative Commons Attrbution-Sharesike Licence: http:[/c-eat-vecommons.ora/lcanses/by-s2/3.0/deed.0n Gis 2. Towa Parish Paster Grayson ‘Pal Cason wl be ie that wae wat wife Erma Willams wanted. Who was Mr. Gibb to arzue? i 1 I I for man of Wiliam? H Il ' I Poce woraa’s been through | l Shen Matthew Culpepper and hs ‘tro depaties Vernon and Jake willbe found here watching over tei prisoner. Schoolhouse: Mise [Emma teaches here Jerrod Daniels 1, ier afternoon. | wae at herbie study clase rerbinthecomer fenced ost | Preside over Mes a {ona th conmseratd space amd funeral | | once saw 2 eee Hews el ‘ehooiar geting “ombtone's 3 ile chen comforting for fea nly with Mar Emmain ier | | Pastor Gray he stating, ola bat fine of ne ear Soe ee folks tet srs ble stad smite 3 Simple man, he was iwacdsaw he | [i Stent Mis Rina’ Sheriff and Frank | | Culpeper’ office | // swevtear before she Chambers arene ee mario the About hs dt before Easterer Willams ‘he murder, ‘Gallows 16. Corral Acoapie of hase rot abt here neo them a ae. Tt had been a it fom Mk Wiliams to is young wife Emma according to Weedward the young wife Alesine and tod hi the did want im towing sway hc mevey on such things 1S. Livery and stable Stableran (and poor ier player) Barsey Fester lezen the these days. Seems le saw Mis Ein ‘ith Sheriff Culpepper afew days tack: My ondnes, that Mist Broa ha a mouth 0 her aetty tle thing that shes She sat Something about money, and that suze ‘ete the Sherif down 1. Gibb Undertaking: The Cheeval Mr. Gib atready gota pine box and smarker for Gaston, Fanny all eoet, {Ge town mote than what Mss Ema ba or her own husband’ funeral 15. Sawil: Williams lamer Compan, once ced bythe recently deceased Burt Willams Everyone ier thougit Paul Gaston was 2 good wot ate uate got drunk and ‘abba! ankle! Burt Wim: Lest Shaliviaiie Set ye TE Stat pater Wis Ena |. wal wait here fr the 12 locke to Pocuile the day ater the hangin. | the Willan’: house sre sale or 20 up the road. othing Tet excep ashes, id more than 3 few econ kerorene ea ‘Thaghéally Mis Eanna itn Pastor Grayson at he 5 Mrs, Warden’ boarding house: ik: Emma stayed here following the fire Paster Grayson athe Sherif oth called upon he 20 ira, Warden says, Such entleren, they were 6 Bergeron's General Store: Tear hi tlt, Burt Wiiars had hur wife oder bone of Exedior lamp few weeks back, Hie wife never sa why She just pa for and had young Farrod Daniele iki up. 7 Doctor Hershey office: (ie good doctor witnessed the signing of Me Walion' wil few months ago. I gave Miss | Emma everthing. Thelawser J” ‘8 Wolverine City Hotel & Saloon: ‘The ground Hoor houses the saloon and poker rom, where Gaston wat 3 sy egal alongwith Sherit Culpepoer Ie Spark, Frank Chamners and Barney Foster Gaston wan bi the fst | time, Big earaah to alk about moving | [9 Wolverine Cig Banke ‘According to Bessie the teller, Mr, Frank Chamber's gota ‘ache’ check oral of Mice [Emma's inentance waiting for her Oh nd The Sherif has paid of i deb 10. Ticket, Telegraph and Post Office Mr Sparks has ticket waiting for Miss Erna, Bes got Escape From the Lost Laboratories During 2 baroly remembered golden age, a cabal of wizards constructed a sees of expecimentaion chamber, scattered all over the weld To protect ine pubic fom accidens, great magical efot buried the chambers deep un |derground, with no connections tal to the ouside ward. With ther intimate Jenonledge of the deals and location of each chamber tho wizard simply leteported in and out ofthe iaboraceies, but their assistants and other msons Jeu not. So the wizard connected the chambers with a network oF elope ion cies oallaw minions withthe proper keys to move about the abe The wizards have long since passed and, with ther, the knowledge of the la network. Even the ew teleportation circles that would cary ther mirions into ine lat rom the surface were destroyed and forgotten. The network remains powerful magi, however, and undulates throughout the wort. Occasional Je matumetions and “captures” craters rom the surface word, expecially hon stong magical events occur thee. Event isthe one tha just happened around dhe PCs, transporting them all go oom ane. ‘The telepomers connecting the chambers are easly spotted, circular pales slowing slver green, ed or blue. The s ver irl transport any ving create Butte others require 4 key of the coresponding color to be held when the icles actvated though the cicle remain ative to anyone fo 30 seconds ster this. Travellers arrve slaionary t the destinatin’s tame of reference Gtcles give off eltale sounds when used (ised in parentheses. Most teleport cers ate linked to another, proving two say Vase weshh, ariaing onthe Corresponding cite. Some work only one direction ish raveller arrive ata random (but sate location tthe desnaton. Some ofthe one-way cles §te malfunctioning and randomly send travellers tothe wrong room fehance Tsted on maps lis for most key path, shaak otherwise, When this happens, ailtraveling on that setvation ofthe teleporter seve atthe same place The keys ae obviously magical, anctent and of unfathomable constuction ‘Once every few years the network reclaims the keys, wherever they ae, tele. poting them back ita 2 random room in the network. The PCs are fortunate thatthe keys currently ese in room that wil lw them to reach the contol room and get home Others have not been so lucky (/_ Teleporters Unlocked scons | @ Requested key Aequres blue key" ¥P)] Requires all keys / J Unlocked Section 1 Unfinished Lab: Water dros in slowly. Nex vo a conpee in remnans of fashion from lst century, a name carved int the cave floor, followed by "No hop” 2 Item Repair: Bones of ever ity diferent humanoids are piled among stone ‘work tables, endlessly sited by the ravenous undead femains of ve cannibals 3 Endless Foundry: Cocwork slowly, bur methodically assembles mecharical beasts from the sad parte scattered all ver The grown key here, having been used 3 a central component of the largest of the Beas ‘4 Temple to a Magic Gad: This large cathecal i sill consecrated (an quite impressive}, but water seeping through cracks has lle entirely. 5 Fabrication: A large, parialy assembled, stunningly beautiful contraption of stained glass dominates the roam. The rooms at, als, m0 longer breathable, Green Section 6 Vestibule: Alcoves with exquisitely dagled Watues of various spell estes round long dry healing fountain. Liquids poured into the fourtin are pur into pure, fresh water With enough water the fountain could work a 7 Glass Works: A bizarre glass works, with sil active Furnaces, Active, because the place is eawling with fre wemental last in the Past: Devastated by an ancient magical accident, Remaining say energy atracs mingles extra planar creatures who now lait ere. 9 Demonstration Theater The devil in room 11 keeps three ogres, who ap= peared saveral days ago, here for entertainment. wil licey eat them before {hey starve. Ithas canupted ths room inta a shine to sew greatness, 10 Groto: Magica ight sustains an arboretum grown amok, complete with bites, Growing bythe red clcle, 3 huge, repr, rae ike fungus waite to eed 11 Alchemy Lab: A devil captured by the network eventually discovered how to Work the ities connecting tooms 7,9 811 without a key. Able to telepar on is own, it comes and goes ai pleases, I wants to gain conto of the network, but knows only these rooms 0 far Its offen here experiment onthe elemen ‘al rom oom 7,stempting to unlace more cles. Trough # eanrot telepor. others, tight Be convinced to help the PCs, for an obscenely high price 12 Flight Lab: platoon the floor instant transfers everything landing on itto the ceing causing ito fall n an endless cycle, The teleporers are onthe wal the balconies around them are long since destyed).Seatered debris fas ‘ever, inladng the re! key. PCs are bkely tobe injured by debris unt they eat "up to Is speed (terminal velocity. A few zombies ae als alin Red Section 13 Conjuration Lab: An imp, once a familia, was abandoned here. His boradom tended when he figured out when the tars ae igh (once every few decades, how to gate in anche imp Now i stating to get crowded 14 Trap Proving Grounds: Six chambers in which room vaps weve developed! Many’af the are sill armed. The wizards used wo ive the red key 1 expend able minions and see they could reach the teleporters though the aps 15 Enchantment La: A magical fog (condensation ofthe room's ambient magic) inflicts temporary “confessional insanity", Vieums yell out secrets random intervals. Tae wide, high ceiling~close to collapsedoesn' like loud nose. 16 Transmatation Lab: Several hundred years ago, a visitor onvitngly activated 3 long dormant experimen: here. Ever since the direction of gravity randomy Suites every few seconds. 17 Human Tals: Years of stocity in this room created dozens of extremely 2ngiy spr Millennia of exposure tothe oom esidual energy allows them 0 Shot energy out of thei outs. 18 Bestiary: Filled with tering crystal chambers holding Very Bad Things in suspend animation. The blue key is here Inside one ofthe chambers 19 Climate Lab: The air and ether elementals who shaped the weather inthis ‘vast chamber during the ners beyay change thet moad every decade oF so. Currently they ike f extremely coll andl windy 20 Targeting Range: An extended fail of eeatures who can pl stone Fas made ths vas, colummed charsber home for centuries Blue Section 21 Time Lab: Ancien! experiments have [ell andom pockas of acculerated and decelerate time throughout this chamber. Some ae obvious. Most are no Some only activate when magic Hers enter thom 22 Council Room: A sone table seating 100 sit atthe center ofa silver penta gram. Five antmated stone enforcers stand opposite each point of he star 23 Smithy: Magical constructs with very large hammers waiting fos years to do ‘what they were bul to do: pound things. They've ows a Bit-thy. 24 Necromancy Lab: A thousand years ago, a not so wise dragon was pulled into the Iab and managed to gater the al the keys. She aapaened to ein tis room when the network reclaimed the Blue key, eaving her rapped. Her rage and the dark energies ofthis room combined tb tum her ito a power Ich 25 Fase Control Room: A convincing (but healy tapped facsimile of the retwore’s contol room conceals the crcl that leads" the rel thing. 26 Control Room: A massive, insratable device seems to grow out of the rock ifthe PC's can figure ou: hav to use the contraption it wil eeporther safely anywhere thay want to go. Che Belly of the Beast by Mike Monaco ephinctere” that a ‘more dificult to notice than valves. However they can be opered Placement of “antibodies” and “tumors”: These can usually ‘erupt fom anywhere. Randomly selec! a player character and Seploy the mansion er hazard 620 away Yom him/her. Thon roll for surprise and. BE 7} Da temures ‘| Gray 007e (7 Gaaivie event bia. ia door, wall. etc s damaged, then d12) +a es n play moved $0 (5, 7 ‘ares Tor, walls, and movement ust stops ignite on a 1-5 in; closed lames (e.g. lantern) itn 6 fbaom) e ea ber fils with Gt Tee af lod (cumu edn cecurs again while paty Inthe “Tumor erupts = Rollon Tumors table. Nausea ‘eas 1417 moved Towa Cloaca ‘tvowr ‘sbove. Crealutes in area 2 3: Some encounters can appear only alimited number es, Ieicated by a number moury orackels, eg. (2} means ‘ough acids, sparks, hes, col, ete. The DM must keep an account of damage dea hazards ofthe Beast, as these are us the paty attacks hints apart fom the fttack as an Ochre hours 3. Wind tunnel, Smooth, damp tunel. Swit wind flows into and Bats roost hete. They Fandom area to drop 7. Artery. Ankle deep in blackish, four-smel atory hosts dB Larvae or rolon Antibodies table) ors has been entered. the seething n one random monster (Level raved. ‘eet deep. Sticky and nauseating. jcken PC2 when ‘rst encourtaring it. Mode lod, knee deep. Slight damage every 1 deep. Slight damage every round prone, seated, or cra 13, Stomach, Once any ac pray of acid shoots ing ofsutur. The floor is 20d ‘Suturous and dark tke the intestines. Roll onthe reacres her Unseen sources, An Inv ‘ore leave the room, Read mere about this dungeon at Swords & Dorkery: brtpzimiberenace mordpreascomagitelly-of-the-beast Crime and Punishment siereze%in mse mepoedtleeleconter releated under Creative Commons Licenes TELLASTORY soins: ant sra shanti a Ender deter sponrerrasin, Carele:aas ose The DOSTOEVSKY GGG. THE WAN SEA ing RESEARCH STATION THE CRYSTALLINE VORTEX san onrenwer wots Eooseatmotywaernaarsihe Pies mera resale é seroanen om Spats Se ug sattgettacetc afb dene ‘rear xtre ‘Spots eres does Pace caciascn coord eee “Tecate anata Sens talons pce Statetgsotes cata ee css.n tS etal nt Tone "Nec 639) z Hscoceberparir ate" Sian sntgunecroweran + Exh amore ae + Surface is 79% water Ni rcnssdgetdaiene fori a tinonhesdox gone experimetts (gateways current research fles) 1 Sites trea argocee "Semarang dy Sm Sean Santee ea + Tete oning ane + Year-tound cold (avg -15° ©) and LOCATIONS IN THE WAN SEA ‘+ Zhour sub tip from Pleragreb. ‘gateways are tested by momentary Orrich atmosphere force WI. Ox Rif, 18kmong curtain of O; ‘+ 3 pressurized geodesic domes: Visions of@ very personal and dificult inhabitants to wear protective gear ‘bubbles rising from sea floor habitat and labs (R'), fusion power ature Speers bert | Meee |. gpm ‘Syeda Wem enmecamerar, Saunas incarnate Ramfonecabersinis Wi Galeetesingotomestes + Chui auneroeie.¢Patai ‘Theesrgamennens,” — We-fekasesiat epee * Suet Seta Yeoman ora, Semgscu ‘Tenderers A THE HEART OF THE TEMPEST 7 bepted Sean TCmalnetare ‘ies an ancient secret. Possibilte ss Seteatetateicecc)| BiScen aed SMES) Accmcioraierecncndoiene, 2 e ' subdermal Xenon implant, ‘operating ater eons, can be stood anough pool coin feoscr ee be ec 2. Anabove, bl th doe srs fegatto peri emey its hey {Slant rok at, war eee tees Ia est iners pops Delage feng on i payer of te oS 8 ie sn a ms 7 PTERAGREB (u32" wo")isa jumbed cluster of uly reprocessed: Sone bulings on the muddy coast OSKAR fe nervous othe Wan Sea. Young eseoren sient populace of Bostoerhy =" captalat me Otgarchy of Yazand plagued by gut 5, Asteeing member ofthe Ancient 1 ub of agreutural vase om Poss ‘aoa fs ragmantary conciousness nec terre ORS es Betcianel eee «+ Inter naumourtble poe Saino ws and depraved chief Denevclent bt lot, os a venerable Testers um‘omorose pocites husband, Zane cee pea ae Oe sora dverions,unawretnee 2. Murdered an ead husbaed, Zane 6. As above, bu to being was Seen es rae lxchectogt narod te hourtho ter. iorsanes her, and was a nearoy Cysaine orex Taavoarasoithe Hetca! Tous. Pests tebe revenge on hose nearby 3, Boleves his research is being used". Zane. so 2 scent ‘when released. LOCATIONS IN PTERAGREB focgiane|Durposes by wile, and mse into the Vortex. 2) 1,008. swaequpoed spon, ZION an 2. hurled Zane out offesiosy,” THERE IS NO REST FOR THE ralBeatnapwaeccige,” S.Aaabora buiteckraingne, 5 Fadl weenrmaocenge NMCKED or Desens osc ane ig 8 Actaly a aber of pseu: Iwas was never marae she's | unbetnaunet toa he ncesant ‘eden an mum Sat eee fokng sanity fo geteassions (or pone manos othe Cystine ine avatabe “ pee ea ere 4. Zina lies enh an tpng enrages dow oo 2 War, enema housing Sse oe omaha oe hauntings to drive lwdris mad. jadness re are 6 od flocs 10 ate Square, where vendors 5. Zanes ghosts al he seks lasteferspace among bebiend __ROLis ati, cgruntos engoance fois doa : th ters piaromment wifes oxguar rom he Sas 6. Zanes ghosts rele ting to 2 ream vray of valent ace raha, 2 i fo valent spo. win cline ho dove ‘eta someting impotent. 3. enge fine py nyt PO, Docks, bull on a tick blue ee ogal att tere, moana 2 doueos warm above a ee, oven ‘het, Warehouses, sips, ana Possbltes fg burs hypertarma ele Trea Hee ‘THE HELICAL TORUS a ungturaertpernemia pr Rathi ee er Ege Is ated pak of 5. always quneton ter’ mo ‘coking or Shick sas y Freurable migraine is Backmaing wari of mate black mater PERSONALITIES. ST a eee | Cea ete suelo or use a8 eee ee Unknown fee. foming Oem: MISSIONS ON DOSTOEVSKY Pos cence: 4. cane ah abet glimpse of camel in cate your PCs need some erecion ‘Rane, back Bae pe oan 1 Looks thee, but much stonger 1 Recover te Haeal Torus ‘art fence “anybing to aproach again 5 etocttcay eondutve 2. Solve the murder of tod 2.Ward Vamenaar, ¢.Ackoinianinpersiogenih on + Pounenevepeloie powore (fam) archelogat nana Tayo pote secon ‘tpl agenda, gating evidence” are amped and kau when 5. Investigate ategatons af erminal 3.Allon new {Sahat dow the Staton Bron abies are axed ney, ct at be Researeh Staton. fred esearch) 6. Acti 8 mindy for stant uti subject the unbraiod. 4 Diacover he ever he 4 tnaimy Psonic oppremive amptn effects ofthe Crystline Vortex at oystane Vortex “acto pad farmer ‘erste in dpatng al tines 5. Fine ard top te mins 5. Yul aten pip o Ancient stes. amassing to acs of tho + Based ons and snape expect 6. Prteetthe Research Satin fom 6 Kila, Impenal surveyor CGyrialine Vortex Bayes tocal tthe mage dona animperding tenors! tock PJ CUNNINGHAM isto wt lor responsible for his mess. You can see more of his work al rosegime com or contact him a ionregimed@yahoo com Vermin Hollow - for 3 or more PC's of level 1 to 2 - by Rob wean 1. Entrance, Ancient dying forest, Heady siral of rt and decay. Hole in tstad primeval tre loads to pt entrance. 2. Guard post. Entrance arch wthos asf ahe wth movement of thousands of beatles, Throo halfepedes, rafing cortioade hybrids that are incvidualy woak es kobolds, and a giant slug protected by ad hoc bovine skeleton armour. Sigs spt causes acid damage and paralysis Ike certioede venom. 3, Fungus crossroads. Hurioss sivartn of beetoe kes High ust coloured mushroom spores causo rust as rust monster if listed. Lost amber worth 20 gp arnongst fungus 4. Home. Nasts of roting organic matter. Five halfepedes. 5. Lair of the Shadowpede. cy cold Pool. Larga mushrooms cover al surfaces. Mushroom caps have halting ke faces \which turn to face moversent. Concealed in the shadows isan insubstantial Shadowpede, a stealthy relation tothe carion Craw. A skoloton clutcning a coremnial bowl worth 200 gp les atthe bottom ofthe poo! 6, Sacrificial pit. Sench of death. Tench 15 . deep ana \wreathed in Ectoplasmic mist. Upon the spikes are sacrifices, both humen and arial, n varying decayed states. Some are pattaly consumed and rides with maggots and vermin 7. Corpse door. Double doors. Bloated bodes sped to door form tho whor! symbol of Grothenag. The decaying corpses, ‘lve with vermin, must be touched to open the doors, Whats going on. People ae missing, The ral leads to the backwoods on Burfoot land. Old “Toby Burt has been corsoring wath Grothmog Lord of Vermin. Wandering Monsters. 1-2, Hafepedes (1-4) 8-4, Giant Centipades (1-4) 56 Gant Slug Rumors +. Ifyour headed to the backwoods keep an eye out for my cow Lost her out that way afew days ago. 2. The forest fae's to blame, Too many mustrooms out that way. 3. Tha’s Bureot land, lant seen sary Burfoot apart from 01d Tom 8. Vormin shrine, Sia of Grothmog Lor of Vern. Tree beetle backed hating statues hold alot a bow in which sts a writhing sack, Lit candles iluminate the statue, Sack containing Six glant centipedes sis vin the bowl and may bo rstaken for a withing sacri, Ectoplasmic mist pours om ‘Grothmog’s mouth concesing the trench pt to location 6. Edges of cavern safe fo averse. The statues eyes are garnets ‘worth 250 gp each. A disnoveled halting Esmerelda Burfoot tres to ure adventurers ito stumibing into the pit. Esmerelda wears 61 amber necklace worth 100 go. 9. Viewing chamber. Desiccated gient spider with limbs shaped Into‘ throne, Those seated inhabit the minds of vermin and can vow a random cavern (1d12} trough thor eyes. Viowors run the risk of going temoorarly mad rom the sconcering ‘effect of inhabiting such an allen min. 10.01d Toby's cave. Pioe weed aroma, Entrance ‘rom location 9 blocked by vermin wal that clings to unbetevers. Vermin dono damage but ae a nuisance. Plark covers the drop to location £8, Bedtol, table, ol lamp and mildew damaged books on ung and vermin. Colection of pioes and pipe weed worth 75 gp. (Old Toby Burtoot 2 huiting priest of Grothrrog and two giant ‘contipedes. Old Toby woa's boots of spi climbing, 114i prison. Entrance barred by a rusted looked metal gate. (04d Toby has the key. A hurran and wo halting imprisoned by tee rots and suspended 10 ft off the ground, License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alke 3.0 http //creative/icenses/by-sa/3.0 uosuaqoy uems £q TAT » THOHLID ers ing the 10 ak he a

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