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1 What are three things you are scared of?
2 When was the last time you were afraid? What happened?
3 What’s something you used to be scared of, but aren’t anymore? What changed?

LISTENING –Fear of animals

Listen to an extract of a BBC radio programme on our irrational fear of animals. Complete the
blanks in the sentences below with UP TO FOUR WORDS. 0 is an example

0. Example:
The reporter finds our fear of moths absurd.

1. Anna Stratadaiki has been afraid of moths since she was a child, and whenever she’s anxious
about something moths come _________________ .

2. The worst thing about moths for Anna is their movement, when they fold in their own shell,
which gives her _________________ . She finds it appalling.

3. Dr Dean Burnett, a neuroscientist at Cardiff University, is the author of _________________ .

4. After receiving sensory information, the brain also sends a message to the amygdala, which
immediately triggers the _________________ response, a kind of survival mechanism.

5. Once the stress hormones are set in action in the body, we can’t turn our reaction off even if we
realise it is _________________ , like a phobia, because we experience the biological reactions
to something which is genuinely dangerous.

6. When the girl who has a fear of spiders sees one, she feels like she had been _________________ .

7. A person strongly tends to _________________ memories a lot better if they have a strong
emotional component.

8. The terrible fear response I experience whenever I encounter a spider is _________________

which keeps happening every time I encounter a spider.

 Is it common for people to discuss their fears? Do you think this is a good or a bad thing?
 Look at the pictures below. Which of these things are you most/least scared of?
 Describe your experience with one of the things you are most scared of.
 Choose one of these fears and think of specific techniques that may help a person overcome their
phobia. You may find these ideas helpful:

relaxation techniques – physical exercise – facing the fear –

understanding the problem – hypnotherapy –
gradual familiarity when facing the problem

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