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How To Turn Your

Shiny Object Syndrome Into

EASY Auto-Pilot Income!
We ALL do it.

We all have an extensive collection of info & software products

that we bought over the years now sitting on our hard drives,
some we never even unzipped.

Well it’s time to blow off the dust and put them to use.

But let’s be honest. We don’t actually want to go through them

and start implementing it all (otherwise we would have already
done it)...

No no no, we ain’t got time for that.

Here’s a super simple but easy way to turn those products into
autopilot gold.

And don’t let the simplicity fool you. You can actually do this
and if you think about it... it can be super profitable for the
products that actually do what they claim.

Here’s the secret...

You see, there’s a site called

On this site, you will find people in the Philippines who will do
practically any online task for you for $2-4 an hour. Yes... DIRT
CHEAP! (and they speak & write very good English)

So you can literally hire someone to work part time 20 hours a

week for you for just $40. Imagine what someone working with
focused effort solely for you can accomplish in that amount of

Here’s the kicker...


You just send them your shiny object product and tell them to
carry out the instructions in the course.

Revolutionary.. right? LOL, ok I get it... rather simple. I told you.

That’s the point.

They make you money while you do other stuff. You just pay
them and send them the products

Now let’s say the guy does a damn good job and has you all
setup and has run out of things to do because he carried out all
the instructions.
Now what?

Send him another product!

In this manner, you could have dozens of systems and methods

set up very quickly, making you some killer coin.

Well that’s it.

Hope you enjoyed this and put it to use.

Go hire somebody right now!

Jeremy Kennedy

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