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1) which of the following statement best describe you?

i volunteer or participate in activities that contribute positively to my community and/or world.

2) I am the creator and participant of a volunteer project in my city to teach english to kids and
teenarger, promove the american culture and the importance to speak a new lenguage like the

3) the most difficult thing for me is the economic situation of my country, the way to overcome it
is my love to work with people like this, just speaking with them can change their way to see.

5) The organization partners of the Americas, and teachers of English in my city.

7) I think that one of the fundamental bases of life, business, projects is to have the sufficient
knowledge obtained by quality education that everyone deserves.

8) I would like to be the first ambassador of my state and perhaps the first of Venezuela, to apply
them with this assembly these goals and to continue promoting them in my community, my
country and the world, as it is needed. And I think I can do it with this wonder of the youth

9) To know and learn from other young people and to implement it, to represent my country and
the young people of my country, to learn from this wonderful experience to become part of the
world change, to be a world voice.

10) With the good knowledge I have acquired, spread it in my community and achieve that change
that we need, with good education and without ignorance.

I am a business administration student, I love to cook and play my instruments like guitar, piano
and Venezuelan cuatro, I like music a lot, it's also a great way to learn, know new places, travel. In
my free time I like to investigate and try to learn a new language, I have 3 year with my volunteer
work on teaching English. In September of 2016 I got a scholarship to be a youth ambassador with
program of patners of America and with a cultural exchange in Washington DC and Tenneesse.

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