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Sam Bozzo’s film Blue Gold: World Water Wars is a documentary film based on the book written by Maude

Barlow and Tony Clarke entitled Blue Gold: The Fight to Stop the Corporate Theft of the World’s Water. It documents all
the aspects on why we are rapidly losing our fresh water supplies, corporations’ greed getting out of control, the politics
behind the ownership and distribution of water even though the public has the right and doesn’t need to pay these
greedy corporations to get access to clean water, and the scenarios if these problems worsen. This documentary
highlights stories about desperation, corruption, hope, tragedy, greed and success of activists. This film made it’s point
from the beginning that it is not about saving the Earth rather it is about saving us. Without enough water we would
hardly survive like how the scientist in the beginning of the film struggled for seven days without water. Because of
extreme dehydration he was literally bleeding from his eyes, have scratches but no bleeding, and dry purplish skin.

One of my reactions about this environmental documentary is the part where people are dying because they
don’t have access to fresh water. Come to think of it, water should be free and accessible. People in the developing
countries like Kenya travel far just to get access to water and it’s not even clean. It contains bacteria that causes illness
this is because of the privatization of water supplies and charging the people a large amount for water consumption.
There are times that there are no water passing through the pipes, only air/pressure, yet they still charge the people for
it. Because of greed, people are dying. It is not right to gain profit in the expense of others, especially when your actions
results to violence like what happened to Victor Hugo who was shot in the face during a protest in Bolivia, Lee Kyang
Hae and Joan Thorpe Root who died fighting for the rights of people to have access to fresh water and the two South
African girls who died while their neighbors watched the fire because there was no water during that time. It is never
right to hurt people.

Knowing that water wars is happening in some parts of the world is alarming. It only proves that we consume
water faster than it can be replenished. People in China are paying planes to perform cloud seeding before the clouds go
to the other country. People are taking water for granted, they waste water often and also cause pollution to some
water areas. Some of us don’t care if people are dying in other countries because of dehydration as long as they’re not
affected by the problem.

Let us act now. Through conservation of water we can help to avoid the world-wide water wars. Our water
supply is at risk of disappearing if we don’t act now. Both rich and poor are affected if the problem still continues.
Through activism, let your voice be heard.

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