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Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci.

ISSN 0077-8923

Issue: Environmental Stressors in Biology and Medicine

Flavonoids and metabolic syndrome

Monica Galleano,1 Valeria Calabro,1 Paula D. Prince,1 Marı́a C. Litterio,1 Barbara Piotrkowski,1
Marcela A. Vazquez-Prieto,2 Roberto M. Miatello,2 Patricia I. Oteiza,3,4 and Cesar G. Fraga1,3
Physical Chemistry, School of Pharmacy and Biochemistry, University of Buenos Aires, and Institute of Molecular
Biochemistry and Medicine (IBIMOL)-CONICET, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2 Department of Pathology, School of Medicine,
National University of Cuyo and Laboratory of Cardiovascular Pathophysiology, Institute for Experimental Medical and
Biological Research (IMBECU)-CONICET, Mendoza, Argentina. 3 Department of Nutrition, University of California, Davis,
California. 4 Department of Environmental Toxicology, University of California, Davis, California

Address for correspondence: Monica Galleano, Physical Chemistry, School of Pharmacy and Biochemistry, UBA. Junı́n 956,
C1113AAD, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Increasing evidence indicates that several mechanisms, associated or not with antioxidant actions, are involved
in the effects of flavonoids on health. Flavonoid-rich beverages, foods, and extracts, as well as pure flavonoids
are studied for the prevention and/or amelioration of metabolic syndrome (MS) and MS-associated diseases. We
summarize evidence linking flavonoid consumption with the risk factors defining MS: obesity, hypertriglyceridemia,
hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, and insulin resistance. Nevertheless, a number of molecular mechanisms have
been identified; the effects of flavonoids modifying major endpoints of MS are still inconclusive. These difficulties are
explained by the complex relationships among the risk factors defining MS, the multiple biological targets controlling
these risk factors, and the high number of flavonoids (including their metabolites) present in the diet and potentially
responsible for the in vivo effects. Consequently, extensive basic and clinical research is warranted to assess the final
relevance of flavonoids for MS.

Keywords: polyphenols; obesity; inflammation; lipids; hypertension; diabetes

tion of a diet consistent with the recommendations

Metabolic syndrome, diet, and flavonoids
in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans is associated
Metabolic syndrome and diet with lower values of several of the risk factors defin-
In 1988, Reaven first described syndrome X,1 which ing MS (i.e., waist circumference, BP, blood glucose,
later was renamed metabolic syndrome (MS). In and blood triglycerides),3 and a population-based
2005, a consensus criterion was attained for the di- study showing an association between a lower risk
agnosis of MS by incorporating definitions from of MS and the adherence to the French nutritional
both the International Diabetes Federation and the guidelines (Program National Nutrition Santé).4 Im-
American Heart Association/National Heart, Lung, portantly, both American and French guidelines
and Blood Institute. MS is diagnosed when three out strongly recommend a high consumption of fruits
of the five following risk factors are present: elevated and vegetables.5,6 We propose that the presence of
waist circumference (according to population- and flavonoids in fruits and vegetables can in part ex-
country-specific definitions); blood triglycerides plain their beneficial effects on MS.
(TG) ≥ 150 mg/dL; blood high density lipoproteins
(HDL)-cholesterol ≤ 40 or 50 mg/dL in men and Flavonoids and diet
women, respectively; blood pressure (BP) ≥ 130/85 Plants produce a large amount of polyphenolic com-
mmHg; and fasting glucose ≥ 100 mg/dL.2 pounds that act as secondary metabolites in plant
The relationship between MS and diet was re- physiology. According to their chemical structures,
cently analyzed in two epidemiological studies: a these polyphenols are divided into several families,
cross-sectional study showing that the consump- one of which is the flavonoid family.7 Edible plants,

doi: 10.1111/j.1749-6632.2012.06511.x
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c 2012 New York Academy of Sciences. 87
Flavonoids and metabolic syndrome Galleano et al.

as well as foods and beverages derived from them, of chemical mediators that relate obesity and
provide the human diet with generous amounts (up inflammation.
to 1 g/day) of flavonoids.8 Flavonoids have a ba- A series of interventional studies were done in
sic chemical structure constituted by two benzene overweight and obese subjects to test the effects of
rings linked through a heterocyclic pyran ring. Hy- different flavonoid-rich foods or beverages on obe-
droxyl group substituents provide centers for reac- sity. The consumption of a polyphenol-rich cloudy
tion. Flavonoids can be divided into several sub- apple juice (a mix of flavonoid and nonflavonoid
families according to the degree of oxidation of the compounds at 750 mL/day) for four weeks caused a
oxygen heterocycle and the substitution patterns, significant reduction of the percentage of total body
for example, flavones, flavonols, isoflavones, antho- fat and an increment in lean body mass in obese
cyanins, flavanols, and flavanones.9 subjects.19 However, other studies showed no ef-
The understanding of the molecular mechanism fects of flavonoids on obesity parameters. For exam-
by which a food component can mediate a physio- ple, in overweight/obese subjects, the consumption
logical effect is necessary to design diets, to consider of dark chocolate rich in catechin and epicatechin
supplementation and/or to plan pharmacological (1.0 g/day) for two weeks20 or administration of a
approaches. During many years, the beneficial ef- licorice flavonoid oil (300 mg/day) for eight weeks21
fects of flavonoids on health were ascribed to their did not modify body mass, composition, or waist
antioxidant capacity that results from flavonoids’ circumference. In another study of obese subjects
chemical possibilities of scavenging free radicals flavonol quercetin supplementation (500 and 1000
and/or chelate prooxidant metals. Increasing evi- mg/day) for 12 weeks did not modify body mass and
dence suggests that a variety of mechanisms, as- body composition.22 However, it should be noted
sociated or not with antioxidant effects, are in- that changes in body mass in obese/overweight in-
volved in the actions of flavonoids in biological dividuals need strong, long-term interventions to
systems.10–15 Based on these mechanisms, many result in a significant change in body weight or waist
flavonoid-rich beverages, foods, and extracts, as well circumference. For example, the supplementation
as pure flavonoids are being studied as potential with a flavonoid at concentrations compatible with
agents for the prevention and amelioration of MS- those present in a normal human meal could hardly
associated risk factors. This short review will fo- produce a reduction of 5 kg in a person weighing
cus on the flavonoids that are more abundant in 100 kg (5%), in a 15-day period.
the human diet, and/or on those that have been Special attention has been paid to green tea con-
more studied in terms of modifying the risk factors sumption and obesity. A metaanalysis performed
defining MS. It should also be noted that the effects on 15 randomized controlled trials evaluated the
of flavonoids on the different risk factors defining effects of green tea catechins ((–)-epicatechin, (+)-
MS will be addressed separately, although many of catechin, (–)-epigallocatechin, (–)-epigallocatechin
these factors can share a mechanism, for example, gallate (EGCG), and (–)-epicatechin gallate) on
inflammation related to obesity, diabetes, and hy- body mass index, body weight, and waist circum-
pertension. ference, concluding that, only when combined with
caffeine, these catechins reduced those parame-
ters.23 These associations could be the result of the
Metabolic syndrome factors and dietary
effects of green tea catechins on energy expenditure
and fat oxidation.24 Additionally, green tea catechins
Obesity and dietary flavonoids could reduce glucose absorption by inhibiting gas-
Obesity is characterized by the accumulation trointestinal enzymes related to sugar metabolism
of large amounts of fat in adipocytes, as well like ␣-amylase and ␣-glucosidase.25 Flavonoids have
as by an increase in adipocyte size and num- also been reported to decrease lipid absorption
ber.16 Solid evidence support a correlation be- by inhibiting the activity of pancreatic lipase.26,27
tween an excess of intra-abdominal or visceral Flavonoids can directly act on the enzyme active
adipose tissue (waist circumference) and other site or, indirectly, by increasing lipid (triglyceride)
risk factors observed in MS.17,18 In addition, droplet size, which reduces the substrate accessibil-
excessive fat is responsible for the production ity to the enzyme.27,28

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c 2012 New York Academy of Sciences.
Galleano et al. Flavonoids and metabolic syndrome

Studies in various experimental models explored regulates PPAR␥ and induces the transcription of
the actions of flavonoids on certain pathways of lipid inflammatory genes that both maintain a sustained
metabolism. For example, a mulberry water extract inflammatory state and impair insulin signaling,
containing flavonoid and nonflavonoid polyphenols leading to obesity-triggered insulin resistance.32
administered to high fat-fed hamsters for 12 weeks Flavonoids and flavonoid-containing foods in-
promoted lipolysis and prevented hepatic lipogen- terfere with inflammatory signaling.33 In fructose-
esis.29 This was linked to an increased hepatic ex- fed rats, administration of flavonoid-containing red
pression of peroxisome proliferator-activated recep- wine reduced adipose tissue weight and favored an-
tor (PPAR)␣ and carnitine palmitoyltransferase-1, tiobesity (antiinflammation) pathways by reduc-
which are involved in lipolysis, and to a decreased ing resistin expression (proobesity) and increas-
expression of enzymes involved in lipogenesis, in- ing adiponectin expression (antiobesity).34 In obese
cluding fatty acid synthase (FAS) and 3-hydroxy-3- Zucker rats, a 10-week administration of quercetin
methylglutaryl (HMG)-coenzyme A reductase. (10 mg/kg of body weight/day) increased plasma
When administered to obese-diabetic mice, tiliro- concentration of adiponectin, reduced TNF-␣ se-
side, a glycosidic flavonoid present in strawberries, cretion and the expression of the proinflammatory
increased whole-body fatty acid oxidation but failed iNOS (inducible nitric oxide synthase) in visceral
to prevent body weight gain and visceral fat ac- adipose tissue.35 In high fat–fed rodents, the ad-
cumulation.30 The increase in fatty acid oxidation ministration of EGCG (3.2 g/kg diet to rats for 16
was mediated by the activation of the adiponectin- weeks36 or 30 mg/kg grape-seed procyanidins to
mediated signaling through an upregulation of the mice for 19 days37 ) reduced adipose tissue inflam-
mRNA expression of hepatic adiponectin receptors mation.
AdipoR-1 and AdipoR2, and skeletal muscle Adi- In a coculture of adipocytes and macrophages,
poR1. 10–20 ␮g/mL of oligomerized grape seed polyphe-
In summary, there is not enough evidence to at- nols (essentially constituted by 4-S-cysteine deriva-
tribute an effect of flavonoids on major end-points tives of procyanidins B-1 and B-2) ameliorated
of obesity. However, the strong possibility that their inflammation by reducing NF-␬B–regulated tran-
beneficial actions may be due to their capacity to scriptional activity, and downregulating phos-
improve adipocyte functionality and fatty oxida- phorylation of ERK1/2 (extracellular-regulated
tion guarantees further investigations. It should be kinase 1/2).38 In human macrophages and
stressed that the flavonoids and flavonoid mixtures adipocytes treated with macrophage-conditioned
discussed above have different chemical structures media, quercetin (3–30 ␮M) attenuated the acti-
and could thus exert their action through more than vation of NF-␬B and MAPKs, decreasing not only
one mechanism. parameters of inflammation but also of insulin
Obesity, inflammation, and dietary
In addition, EGCG (100 ␮M) reduced the expres-
sion of the proinflammatory adipocytokine resistin
The adipose tissue is an endocrine organ that se- via in 3T3-L1 adipocytes.40 (–)-Epicatechin was re-
cretes a variety of proinflammatory adipocytokines, cently found to inhibit TNF-␣–mediated NF-␬B,
including plasminogen activator inhibitor-1, tu- and MAPKs activation and PPAR␥ downregulation
mor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-␣), interleukin-6, in 3T3-L1 adipocytes.41 These effects were associ-
monocyte chemoattractant protein-1, resistin, lep- ated with a decreased expression of proteins involved
tin, and adiponectin. Increased visceral adiposity in inflammation and in insulin resistance.
is associated with a higher production of these
adipocytokines leading to local and generalized Dyslipidemias and dietary flavonoids
inflammation.31 Dyslipidemias are defined as abnormal amounts
Among the adipocytokines, TNF-␣ is of partic- of lipids in the blood. MS dyslipidemia is char-
ular relevance. TNF-␣ activates proinflammatory acterized by elevated levels of TG, low-density
signaling cascades, such as the mitogen-activated lipoproteins (LDL) cholesterol, and low levels of
protein kinases (MAPKs) and AP-1 (activator HDL cholesterol. Flavonoid-rich foods or bever-
protein-1). The activation of these pathways down- ages and/or purified flavonoids, have been shown to

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c 2012 New York Academy of Sciences. 89
Flavonoids and metabolic syndrome Galleano et al.

lower plasma TG and/or total cholesterol and LDL administration improved the lipid profile and re-
cholesterol (or increase HDL cholesterol) in circu- duced visceral fat mass. These effects are likely medi-
lation in both humans with MS and rodent models ated by the activation of the adiponectin/AMPK (5
of MS.35,36,42–50 As previously discussed, flavonoids AMP-activated protein kinase) pathway, which ac-
could be decreasing lipid absorption at the gastroin- celerates FA utilization in the muscle and decreases
testinal level. However, flavonoids can also modu- fat storage in the adipocytes.48 Finally, in a type
late the activity of different enzymes involved in 2 diabetes model (db/db mice) the administration
lipid metabolism and the expression of transcrip- of a proanthocyanidin extract of persimmon peel
tion factors involved in TG and cholesterol synthe- (10 mg/kg body weight/day) caused the downregu-
sis, for example, sterol regulatory element-binding lation of SRBEP-1 and SREBP-2.59
proteins SREBP-1, and SREBP-2.51 In summary, flavonoids may improve dyslipi-
A grape-seed proanthocyanidin extract (25 demias by modulating lipid absorption and lipo-
mg/kg of body weight/day for 10 days) was found to genesis.
reduce postprandial TG in normolipidemic rats52
and mice,53 and in high-fat fed rats,54 in associa- Blood pressure and dietary flavonoids
tion with the downregulation of hepatic SREBP-1. The regulation of BP is the result of the interaction
Additionally, the same extract suppressed the over of a network of molecules and systems. We will fo-
expression induced by a high-fat diet of enzymes cus on the bioavailability of NO (nitric oxide) that
involved in lipogenesis: FAS and ATP-citrate lyase plays a central role in this complex scenario. Ad-
isoform;55 microsomal transfer protein, the key con- equate NO levels are associated with appropriate
troller of very low-density lipoprotein assembly; vasodilation and normal BP, while decreases in NO
and diglyceride acyltransferase 2.54 Similarly, other bioavailability led to failure in smooth muscle re-
flavonoid extracts, such as licorice, and purified laxation resulting in BP increase. The maintenance
flavonoids, such as baicalin, decreased liver SREBP- of NO steady-state levels has multiple steps suscep-
1, acetyl-CoA carboxylase, and FAS expression56,57 tible to be regulated by flavonoids. In fact, several
and activity58 in rats fed a high-fat diet. EGCG ad- flavonoids cause a BP lowering effect in normoten-
ministration (3.2 g/kg diet, 16 weeks) to high fat-fed sive and hypertensive subjects, (reviewed in Refs. 60
mice decreased body and liver weight and TG, and and 61).
plasma cholesterol levels.36 In subjects with MS or presenting some of the
In LDL receptor-null mice with diet-induced in- risk factors associated with MS, supplementation
sulin resistance, the flavonone naringenin (3 g/100 with different flavonoids resulted in lowering BP.
g of the diet for four weeks) accelerated hepatic FA Berries were found effective in reducing systolic
oxidation and prevented TG accumulation in the and diastolic BP (SBP and DBP) in patients with
liver, effects associated with an increased expression MS-associated risk factors (reviewed in Ref. 43). In
of PPAR-␥ coactivator-1␣, carnitine acyltransferase overweight/obese subjects, a polyphenol-rich dark
I, and acyl-CoA oxidase, molecules involved in FA chocolate (0.5–1.0 g/day for two weeks) reduced
oxidation. Naringenin also reverts the increased ex- SBP and DBP; 20 cocoa flavanols administered at 902
pression of SREBP-1 in liver and muscle of rats, di- mg/day for 12 weeks lowered DBP and mean arterial
minishing the SREBP-1c stimulated lipogenesis.46 BP in association with an increase in flow-mediated
In a six-month treatment, narigerin lowered total dilation.62 By contrast, the administration of hes-
hepatic cholesterol and cholesteryl ester.49 Recently, peridin (0.5 g/day for three weeks) did not reduce
the effects of administrating a cranberry extract en- BP in MS patients but resulted in an improvement
riched in flavonoids (2% of the diet for eight weeks) in flow-mediated dilation; 63 EGCG administration
were evaluated in both nonobese and obese C57/BL6 to subjects with MS did not affect BP.64
mice. At the end of the treatment, nonobese mice Flavonoids also showed BP-lowering effects in rat
showed a reduced expression of hepatic key enzymes models of MS.34,47,65–67 In many of these studies,
involved in cholesterol synthesis: HMG coenzyme improved endothelial function and increased NO
A-reductase, HMG coenzyme A-synthase, farnesyl bioavailability were associated with lower BP. Aug-
diphosphate synthase, and squalene synthase. On mentation in NO bioavailability can be the result
the other hand, in obese mice, cranberry extract of higher NO synthesis resulting from increased

90 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1259 (2012) 87–94 

c 2012 New York Academy of Sciences.
Galleano et al. Flavonoids and metabolic syndrome

NOS expression and/or activity or lower superoxide Insulin resistance and dietary flavonoids
anion-mediated NO degradation. NADPH oxidase Insulin resistance leads to the impairment of glu-
(NOX) is considered the most important source of cose tolerance, hyperinsulinemia and plays an im-
superoxide anion in the vascular wall, thus, lower portant role in the development of type 2 diabetes. A
expression and/or activity of NOX would be asso- role for flavonoids preventing/reverting insulin re-
ciated with decreased superoxide anion production sistance has been suggested by improvements in sev-
and the consequent diminished NO consumption. eral of these parameters in humans and animal mod-
The hypothesis that flavonoids act through a re- els supplemented with flavonoids.20,30,35,36,44,46,69 A
duction of NO degradation is supported by nu- recent meta-analysis showed that short-term con-
merous studies in animal models. In Otsuka Long- sumption of flavanol-rich cocoa was associated with
Evans Tokushima Fatty (OLETF) rats, the long- an improvement in insulin sensitivity in humans.70
term administration of (+)-catechin, reduced the By contrast, two prospective studies did not show ev-
spontaneous increase in BP and prevented endothe- idence of an association between flavonol or flavone
lial dysfunction, in association with a decrease in consumption and markers of insulin resistance and
NOX activity and expression of its subunits, p47phox type 2 diabetes in women,71 and in a cohort of male
and p22phox , in thoracic aorta.66 In parallel, en- smokers.72 These observations stress the relevance
hanced eNOS activity and decreased expression of of a mechanistic approach to the problem, consider-
NOX membrane subunit Nox1 were detected. In a ing not only the different physiological aspects but
fructose-fed rat model, the administration of red the flavonoids ascribed to a particular effect.
wine and dealcoholized red wine reduced NOX ac- Mechanistically, adipose tissue insulin resistance
tivity in aortic tissue34,67 and NOX subunit Nox4 is associated with increased fat storage in adipocytes
expression in mesenteric tissue.34 Even in MS mod- and the development of local inflammation. Ben-
els where BP was not increased, such as in the Zucker eficial effects of flavonoids on these aspects have
fatty rat model, treatment with a red wine polyphe- been detailed in previous sections. Hepatic inflam-
nols extract corrected endothelial dysfunction.68 mation and oxidative stress, considered inductors of
The effects of flavonoids on hypertension are very hepatic insulin resistance, were ameliorated by ad-
well documented and appear to be mechanistically ministration of a flavonoid to fructose-fed rats for
related to NO bioavailability regulated through the 60 days. Galangin (100 ␮g/kg) prevented the rise in
activation of NOS and/or the inhibition of NOX. plasma glucose and insulin, oxidative damage and

Figure 1. Metabolic syndrome and dietary flavonoids. The figure shows the five risk factors that define metabolic syndrome (gray
boxes) and the potential beneficial effects of flavonoids on parameters associated with each factor (white boxes). The arrows indicate
the direction of the changes mediated by flavonoids.

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c 2012 New York Academy of Sciences. 91
Flavonoids and metabolic syndrome Galleano et al.

inflammatory changes in liver associated with fruc- a consequence, intense basic and applied (clinical)
tose administration.73 research is necessary to better understand the role
The defects in insulin signaling leading to insulin of flavonoids in the prevention and/or amelioration
resistance can occur at different levels: insulin of MS and MS-associated diseases.
binding to its receptor, insulin receptor autophos-
phorylation, tyrosine phosphorylation of insulin Acknowledgments
receptor substrates, recruitment and activation of This work was supported by grants of the University
phosphoinositide 3 (PI-3) kinase, production of of Buenos Aires, UBACyT (20020090100111 and
phosphatidylinositol (3,4,5)-triphosphate, and/or 20020100100659). MG, BP, MAV-P, RMM, PIO, and
activation of the protein kinase B pathway. In rats CGF are members of the Scientific Investigator Ca-
fed a high-fructose diet, green tea extract supple- reer of CONICET, Argentina. VC, PDP, and MCL
mentation was evaluated in its ability to modulate hold CONICET fellowships.
the expression of genes involved in glucose trans-
porters and the insulin-signaling pathway in liver Conflicts of interest
and muscle. Results showed protective effects but The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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