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Primary Care 300,000 to 600,000 people each year in the United

States.8-10 Aspiration pneumonia is also common
among residents of nursing homes. In one study of
A SPIRATION P NEUMONITIS patients with nursing home–acquired pneumonia and
AND A SPIRATION P NEUMONIA controls with community-acquired pneumonia, the
incidence of aspiration pneumonia was 18 percent
and 5 percent, respectively.4
Aspiration pneumonitis occurs in approximately 10
percent of patients who are hospitalized after a drug
overdose.11,12 It is also a recognized complication of

SPIRATION is defined as the inhalation of
oropharyngeal or gastric contents into the lar- general anesthesia, occurring in approximately 1 of
ynx and lower respiratory tract.1,2 Several pul- 3000 operations in which anesthesia is administered
monary syndromes may occur after aspiration, de- and accounting for 10 to 30 percent of all deaths as-
pending on the amount and nature of the aspirated sociated with anesthesia.13,14
material, the frequency of aspiration, and the host’s ASPIRATION PNEUMONITIS
response to the aspirated material.2 Aspiration pneu-
monitis (Mendelson’s syndrome) is a chemical injury Aspiration pneumonitis is defined as acute lung
caused by the inhalation of sterile gastric contents, injury after the inhalation of regurgitated gastric con-
whereas aspiration pneumonia is an infectious process tents. This syndrome occurs in patients who have a
caused by the inhalation of oropharyngeal secretions marked disturbance of consciousness such as that re-
that are colonized by pathogenic bacteria. Although sulting from a drug overdose, seizures, a massive cere-
there is some overlap between these syndromes, they brovascular accident, or the use of anesthesia. Adnet
are distinct clinical entities (Table 1). Other aspiration and Baud demonstrated that the risk of aspiration in-
syndromes include airway obstruction, lung abscess, creases with the degree of unconsciousness (as meas-
exogenous lipoid pneumonia, chronic interstitial fi- ured by the Glasgow Coma Scale).15 Historically, the
brosis, and Mycobacterium fortuitum pneumonia.1,2 syndrome most commonly described as aspiration
This article focuses on the pathophysiology, clinical pneumonitis is Mendelson’s syndrome, reported in
features, and management of aspiration pneumonia 1946 in patients who aspirated while receiving gen-
and aspiration pneumonitis. eral anesthesia during obstetrical procedures.16
Pulmonary aspiration is an important cause of se- Mendelson revealed the importance of acid in the
rious illness and death among residents of nursing pathogenesis of this syndrome when he showed that
homes as well as hospitalized patients.1-4 However, the acidic gastric contents introduced into the lungs of
major pulmonary-aspiration syndromes are frequently rabbits caused severe pneumonitis that was indistin-
misdiagnosed and poorly treated. Four common prob- guishable from that caused by an equal amount of
lems are the failure to distinguish aspiration pneu- 0.1 N hydrochloric acid.16 Later, it was shown that
monitis from aspiration pneumonia, the tendency to if the pH of gastric contents was neutralized before
consider all pulmonary complications of aspiration aspiration, the pulmonary injury was minimal.17 In
to be infectious, the failure to recognize the spectrum experimental studies, the severity of lung injury in-
of pathogens in patients with infectious complications, creased significantly as the volume of the aspirate in-
and the misconception that aspiration must be wit- creased and as its pH decreased.17-19 Most authors
nessed for it to be diagnosed. agree that a pH of less than 2.5 and a volume of gas-
tric aspirate greater than 0.3 ml per kilogram of body
EPIDEMIOLOGY weight (20 to 25 ml in adults) are required for the
The lack of specific and sensitive markers of aspi- development of aspiration pneumonitis.16-19 However,
ration complicates the epidemiologic study of aspi- the stomach contains a variety of other substances in
ration syndromes. Furthermore, most studies do not addition to acid. Aspiration of particulate food mat-
distinguish between aspiration pneumonitis and as- ter from the stomach may cause severe pulmonary
piration pneumonia. Nevertheless, several studies in- damage, even if the pH of the aspirate is above 2.5.20,21
dicate that 5 to 15 percent of cases of community- Aspiration of gastric contents results in a chemical
acquired pneumonia are aspiration pneumonia.5-7 burn of the tracheobronchial tree and pulmonary
Aspiration pneumonia is the most common cause of parenchyma, causing an intense parenchymal inflam-
death in patients with dysphagia due to neurologic matory reaction. A study in rats showed that there is a
disorders, a condition that affects approximately biphasic pattern of lung injury after acid aspiration.22
The first phase peaks at one to two hours after aspi-
ration and presumably results from the direct, caustic
From the Section of Critical Care Medicine, Mercy Hospital of Pitts- effect of the low pH of the aspirate on the cells lin-
burgh, Pittsburgh. Address reprint requests to Dr. Marik at the Section of
Critical Care Medicine, Mercy Hospital of Pittsburgh, 1400 Locust St., ing the alveolar–capillary interface. The second phase,
Pittsburgh, PA 15219-5166, or at which peaks at four to six hours, is associated with

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Mechanism Aspiration of sterile gastric contents Aspiration of colonized oropharyngeal

Pathophysiologic process Acute lung injury from acidic and particulate Acute pulmonary inflammatory response
gastric material to bacteria and bacterial products
Bacteriologic findings Initially sterile, with subsequent bacterial infec- Gram-positive cocci, gram-negative
tion possible rods, and (rarely) anaerobic bacteria
Chief predisposing factors Markedly depressed level of consciousness Dysphagia and gastric dysmotility
Age group affected Any age group, but usually young persons Usually elderly persons
Aspiration event May be witnessed Usually not witnessed
Typical presentation Patient with a history of a depressed level of con- Institutionalized patient with dysphagia
sciousness in whom a pulmonary infiltrate and in whom clinical features of pneumo-
respiratory symptoms develop nia and an infiltrate in a dependent
bronchopulmonary segment develop
Clinical features No symptoms or symptoms ranging from a non- Tachypnea, cough, and signs of pneu-
productive cough to tachypnea, broncho- monia
spasm, bloody or frothy sputum, and respira-
tory distress 2 to 5 hours after aspiration

infiltration of neutrophils into the alveoli and lung present with dramatic signs and symptoms. There
interstitium, with histologic findings characteristic may be gastric material in the oropharynx as well as
of acute inflammation. The mechanisms of the lung wheezing, coughing, shortness of breath, cyanosis,
injury after gastric aspiration involve a spectrum of pulmonary edema, hypotension, and hypoxemia, with
inflammatory mediators, inflammatory cells, adhesion rapid progression to severe acute respiratory distress
molecules, and enzymes, including tumor necrosis fac- syndrome and death.35 However, many patients have
tor a, interleukin-8, cyclooxygenase and lipoxygen- only a cough or a wheeze, and some patients have
ase products, and reactive oxygen species.23-27 How- what is commonly referred to as silent aspiration,
ever, neutrophils and complement appear to have a which manifests only as arterial desaturation with ra-
key role in the development of lung injury. In stud- diologic evidence of aspiration. Warner and colleagues
ies in animals, neutropenia, inhibition of neutrophil studied 67 patients who aspirated while undergoing
function, inactivation of interleukin-8 (a potent neu- anesthesia.14 Forty-two (63 percent) of these patients
trophil chemoattractant), and complement inactivation had no symptoms. Of the 25 who had symptoms, 13
attenuated the acute lung injury induced by acid as- required mechanical ventilatory support for more
piration.24,28,29 than six hours, and 4 died.
Because gastric acid prevents the growth of bacteria,
the contents of the stomach are sterile under normal ASPIRATION PNEUMONIA
conditions. Bacterial infection therefore does not have Aspiration pneumonia develops after the inhala-
an important role in the early stages of acute lung tion of colonized oropharyngeal material. Aspiration
injury after the aspiration of gastric contents. Bacte- of colonized secretions from the oropharynx is the
rial infection may occur at a later stage of lung injury, primary mechanism by which bacteria gain entrance to
but the incidence of this complication is unknown. the lungs. Indeed, Haemophilus influenzae and Strep-
Colonization of the gastric contents by potentially tococcus pneumoniae colonize the nasopharynx or oro-
pathogenic organisms may occur when the pH in the pharynx before they are aspirated and cause com-
stomach is increased by the use of antacids, hista- munity-acquired pneumonia.36 The term “aspiration
mine H2–receptor antagonists, or proton-pump in- pneumonia,” however, refers specifically to the de-
hibitors.30,31 In addition, there may be gastric colo- velopment of a radiographically evident infiltrate in
nization by gram-negative bacteria in patients who patients who are at increased risk for oropharyngeal
receive enteral feedings as well as in patients with gas- aspiration.
troparesis or small-bowel obstruction.32-34 In these cir- Approximately half of all healthy adults aspirate
cumstances, the inflammatory response in the lungs small amounts of oropharyngeal secretions during
probably results both from bacterial infection and sleep.37,38 Presumably, the low burden of virulent bac-
from the inflammatory response to the particulate teria in normal pharyngeal secretions, together with
gastric matter. forceful coughing, active ciliary transport, and nor-
Patients who have aspirated gastric material may mal humoral and cellular immune mechanisms, results

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in clearance of the infectious material without se-

quelae. However, if these mechanical, humoral, or cel-
lular mechanisms are impaired or if the amount of as-
pirated material is sufficiently large, pneumonia may
Any condition that increases the volume or bacte-
rial burden of oropharyngeal secretions in a person
with impaired defense mechanisms may lead to aspi-
ration pneumonia. Indeed, in patients who have had
a stroke and are undergoing an evaluation of swallow-
ing, there is a strong correlation between the volume
of the aspirate and the development of pneumonia.39
Factors that increase the risk of oropharyngeal colo-
nization with potentially pathogenic organisms and
that increase the bacterial load may increase the risk of
aspiration pneumonia. The risk of aspiration pneu-
monia is lower in patients without teeth40 and in eld-
erly patients in institutional settings who receive ag- Figure 1. Anteroposterior Radiograph of the Chest, Showing
gressive oral care41 than in other patients. These risks Air-Space Consolidation (Arrows) in the Right Lower Lobe in a
largely distinguish aspiration pneumonia from com- Patient Who Had Recently Had a Thrombotic Stroke.
munity-acquired pneumonia. However, there is much
overlap. For instance, otherwise healthy elderly pa-
tients with community-acquired pneumonia have a
significantly higher incidence of silent aspiration than
age-matched controls.42
In patients with aspiration pneumonia, unlike those tients with dysphagia who aspirate are at an increased
with aspiration pneumonitis, the episode of aspira- risk for pneumonia. Among patients who have had
tion is generally not witnessed. The diagnosis is there- a stroke, pneumonia is seven times as likely to devel-
fore inferred when a patient at risk for aspiration has op in those in whom aspiration can be confirmed
radiographic evidence of an infiltrate in a character- than in those who do not aspirate.9,50
istic bronchopulmonary segment. In patients who as-
pirate while in a recumbent position, the most com- Assessing the Risk of Oropharyngeal Aspiration
mon sites of involvement are the posterior segments Assessment of the cough and gag reflexes is an un-
of the upper lobes and the apical segments of the reliable means of identifying patients at risk for aspi-
lower lobes (Fig. 1), whereas in patients who aspirate ration. A comprehensive swallowing evaluation, sup-
in an upright or semirecumbent position, the basal plemented by either a videofluoroscopic swallowing
segments of the lower lobes are usually affected. The study or a fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation, is re-
usual course is that of an acute pneumonic process, quired. A speech–language pathologist can perform
with features similar to those of a typical communi- this evaluation at the bedside.51-53 In patients found
ty-acquired pneumonia. Without treatment, howev- to be at risk for aspiration, further behavioral, dietary,
er, these patients have a higher incidence of cavita- and medical management to reduce this risk can be
tion and abscess formation in the lungs.43 initiated. In patients with swallowing dysfunction, a
soft diet should be introduced, and the patient should
Risk Factors for Oropharyngeal Aspiration be taught compensatory feeding strategies (e.g., re-
Patients with neurologic dysphagia, disruption of ducing the bite size, keeping the chin tucked and the
the gastroesophageal junction, or anatomical abnor- head turned while eating, and swallowing repeatedly).
malities of the upper aerodigestive tract are at increased Tube feeding is usually recommended in patients
risk for oropharyngeal aspiration. The risk of aspira- who continue to aspirate pureed food despite these
tion is relatively high in elderly persons because of the strategies.
increased incidence of dysphagia and gastroesophage-
al reflux in this population. In addition, elderly per- Feeding Tubes and Aspiration Pneumonia
sons frequently receive poor oral care, resulting in In 1995, more than 121,000 percutaneous endo-
oropharyngeal colonization by potential respiratory scopic gastrostomy tubes were placed in Medicare re-
tract pathogens, including Enterobacteriaceae, Pseudo- cipients in the United States,54 most commonly be-
monas aeruginosa, and Staphylococcus aureus.41,44,45 cause of dysphagia after a stroke.54,55 However, the use
In patients with stroke, the prevalence of swallow- of a percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tube has
ing dysfunction ranges from 40 to 70 percent.8,9,46-48 not been shown to be superior to the use of a naso-
Many of these patients have silent aspiration.49 Pa- gastric tube for preventing aspiration in these patients.

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Two studies compared these two methods of feeding at least 6 hours after extubation (in case reintubation
with respect to their efficacy and rates of complica- is required), followed by institution of a diet of pureed
tions.56,57 In both studies, gastrostomy-tube feeding food and then soft food for at least 48 hours. A for-
was significantly more effective than nasogastric-tube mal evaluation of swallowing may be useful in cases
feeding in delivering the prescribed nutrition. How- of traumatic intubation and in patients with anatom-
ever, the incidence of aspiration pneumonia was sim- ical or functional abnormalities of the upper airway.
ilar with the two methods. Likewise, among patients
who have had a stroke, the incidence of aspiration BACTERIOLOGY
pneumonia with postpyloric tubes (those placed in the A number of studies in the early 1970s investigated
small bowel) has been shown to be similar to that the bacteriology of so-called community-acquired
with intragastric tubes.58-60 aspiration pneumonia.43,73-75 Bacteriologic specimens
Feeding tubes offer no protection from colonized were obtained by percutaneous transtracheal sampling
oral secretions, which are a serious threat to patients or thoracocentesis. Anaerobic organisms were found
with dysphagia. Furthermore, scintigraphic studies to be the predominant pathogens, isolated alone or
have revealed evidence of aspiration of gastric contents with aerobes. On the basis of these studies, antibiotics
in patients fed by gastrostomy tube.61,62 Over the long with activity against anaerobic organisms became the
term, aspiration pneumonia is the most common cause standard of care for patients with aspiration pneu-
of death in patients fed by gastrostomy tube. How- monia and aspiration pneumonitis.2,76 However, in all
ever, because of the problems associated with nasoen- these studies the microbiologic specimens were ob-
teric tubes — including discomfort; excessive gagging; tained late in the course of the illness, frequently after
esophagitis; misplacement, displacement, or clogging complications such as abscesses, necrotizing pneumo-
of the tubes; and poor cosmesis — gastrostomy tubes nia, or empyema had developed. Furthermore, many
are usually preferred for long-term nutritional sup- of the patients had chronic alcoholism, and most re-
port.63 Patients who are likely to recover their ability ported having putrid sputum; these patients are un-
to swallow within a few weeks are not candidates for like the typical patients seen today with acute aspi-
gastrostomy tubes, and whether patients with a short ration pneumonia. In addition, it is possible that the
life expectancy should be considered candidates for organisms recovered by transtracheal sampling were
gastrostomy tubes is debatable. oropharyngeal flora that contaminated the trachea
during the procedure (due to aspiration) or that col-
Aspiration in Critically Ill Patients onized the trachea, rather than true pulmonary patho-
Critically ill patients have an increased risk of aspi- gens. This hypothesis is supported by the work of
ration and aspiration pneumonia. A number of fac- Moser and colleagues, who showed in dogs with ex-
tors may increase the risk of aspiration in these pa- perimental pneumonia that there are discrepancies
tients, including a supine position, gastroparesis, and between bacteria recovered by transtracheal sampling
nasogastric intubation.64-66 Gastroesophageal reflux and those obtained by transthoracic needle biopsy.77
occurs in critically ill patients even in the absence of In two studies performed in the 1990s, sampling
nasogastric tubes and enteral feedings; up to 30 per- of the lower respiratory tract with a protected spec-
cent of patients who are kept in the supine position imen brush, followed by quantitative and anaerobic
are estimated to have gastroesophageal reflux. Clin- culturing of the specimens, was performed in pa-
ically important gastrointestinal dysmotility, ranging tients with acute aspiration syndromes.78,79 Mier and
from a moderate delay in gastric emptying to marked colleagues studied 52 patients admitted to an inten-
gastroparesis, has been described in critically ill pa- sive care unit with a diagnosis of aspiration pneumo-
tients with conditions such as burns, sepsis, trauma, nia.78 Bacterial pathogens were isolated in substantial
surgery, and shock.67,68 A high gastric residual volume concentrations (»1000 colony-forming units per mil-
due to gastroparesis, leading to gastric distention and liliter) from only 19 patients, and the spectrum of
regurgitation, increases the risk of aspiration of gas- organisms identified depended on whether the aspi-
tric contents. Use of a postpyloric tube for feeding ration syndrome was community acquired or hospital
may have advantages in these patients.69 acquired. Strep. pneumoniae, Staph. aureus, H. influen-
The risk of aspiration is especially high after re- zae, and Enterobacteriaceae predominated in patients
moval of an endotracheal tube, because of the residual with a community-acquired aspiration syndrome,
effects of sedative drugs, the presence of a nasogastric whereas gram-negative organisms, including P. aeru-
tube, and swallowing dysfunction related to alterations ginosa, predominated in patients with a hospital-
of upper-airway sensitivity, glottic injury, and laryn- acquired aspiration syndrome. No anaerobic organisms
geal muscular dysfunction.70-72 Alteration in the swal- were isolated. In a similar study, in which sampling
lowing reflex can be detected in patients who have with a protected specimen brush was performed in
been intubated for as short a time as 24 hours, but a blinded fashion in 25 patients with gastric aspira-
this complication usually resolves within 48 hours.70 tion,79 bacterial pathogens were isolated from 12 pa-
I recommend the discontinuation of oral feeding for tients, 8 of whom had risk factors for gastric coloni-

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zation (small-bowel obstruction or ileus, the presence

of a feeding tube, or therapy with histamine H2 an- TABLE 2. EMPIRICAL ANTIBIOTICS RECOMMENDED
tagonists). The spectrum of pathogens was similar to
that reported by Mier and colleagues,78 and no patho-
genic anaerobic organisms were isolated. SYNDROME AND
MANAGEMENT Aspiration pneumonitis
The general management of respiratory failure in Signs or symptoms Levofloxacin (500 mg/day)† or ceftriaxone
lasting >48 hr (1–2 g/day)
patients with acute lung injury has been reviewed Small-bowel obstruc- Levofloxacin (500 mg/day)† or ceftriaxone
extensively in the literature and will not be discussed tion or use of ant- (1–2 g/day) or ciprofloxacin (400 mg every
acids or antisec- 12 hr) or piperacillin–tazobactam (3.375 g
here.80 This section highlights specific issues relevant retory agents every 6 hr) or ceftazidime (2 g every 8 hr)
to the management of aspiration syndromes. Aspiration pneumonia
Community-acquired Levofloxacin (500 mg/day)† or ceftriaxone
Aspiration Pneumonitis pneumonia (1–2 g/day)
Residence in a long- Levofloxacin (500 mg/day)† or piperacillin–
The upper airway should be suctioned after a wit- term care facility tazobactam (3.375 g every 6 hr) or ceftazi-
nessed aspiration of gastric contents. Endotracheal in- dime (2 g every 8 hr)
Severe periodontal dis- Piperacillin–tazobactam (3.375 g every 6 hr) or
tubation should be considered for patients who are ease, putrid sputum, imipenem (500 mg every 8 hr to 1 g every
unable to protect their airway (for example, those with or alcoholism 6 hr) or a combination of two drugs: levo-
floxacin (500 mg/day)† or ciprofloxacin
a decreased level of consciousness). Although it is (400 mg every 12 hr) or ceftriaxone (1–2
common practice, the prophylactic use of antibiotics g/day) plus clindamycin (600 mg every 8 hr)
in patients in whom aspiration is suspected or wit- or metronidazole (500 mg every 8 hr)
nessed is not recommended. Similarly, the use of an- *The doses listed are those for patients with normal renal function.
tibiotics shortly after aspiration in patients in whom †Levofloxacin is given by slow infusion over a 60-minute period. Levo-
a fever, leukocytosis, or a pulmonary infiltrate devel- floxacin (500 mg/day) may be replaced by gatifloxacin (400 mg/day).
ops is discouraged, since the antibiotic may select
for more resistant organisms in patients with an un-
complicated chemical pneumonitis. However, empiri-
cal antibiotic therapy is appropriate for patients who
aspirate gastric contents and who have small-bowel function, lung injury, alveolar–capillary permeability,
obstruction or other conditions associated with col- or outcome after acid aspiration.87,88 Furthermore,
onization of the gastric contents. Antibiotic therapy given the failure of two multicenter, randomized,
should be considered for patients with aspiration controlled trials to demonstrate a benefit of high-dose
pneumonitis that fails to resolve within 48 hours af- corticosteroids in patients with the acute respiratory
ter aspiration. Empirical therapy with broad-spectrum distress syndrome, the administration of corticoster-
agents is recommended (Table 2); antibiotics with oids cannot be recommended.89,90
anaerobic activity are not routinely required. Sam-
pling of the lower respiratory tract (with a protected Aspiration Pneumonia
specimen brush or by bronchoalveolar lavage) and Antibiotic therapy is unequivocally indicated in pa-
quantitative culture in intubated patients may allow tients with aspiration pneumonia. The choice of an-
targeted antibiotic therapy and, in patients with neg- tibiotics should depend on the setting in which the
ative cultures, the discontinuation of antibiotics.81,82 aspiration occurs as well as the patient’s general health
Corticosteroids have been used for decades in the (Table 2). However, antibiotic agents with activity
management of aspiration pneumonitis.83 However, against gram-negative organisms, such as third-gen-
there are limited data on the role of these agents. In eration cephalosporins, fluoroquinolones, and piper-
a prospective, placebo-controlled study, Sukumaran acillin, are usually required. Penicillin and clindamycin,
and colleagues found that radiographically evident which are often called the standard antibiotic agents
lung injury improved more quickly in the patients giv- for aspiration pneumonia, are inadequate for most pa-
en corticosteroids than in those given placebo; how- tients with aspiration pneumonia.78 Antibiotic agents
ever, the patients given corticosteroids had a longer with specific anaerobic activity are not routinely war-
stay in the intensive care unit, and there were no sig- ranted and may be indicated only in patients with se-
nificant differences between the two groups in the vere periodontal disease, putrid sputum, or evidence
incidence of complications or the outcome.84,85 In a of necrotizing pneumonia or lung abscess on radio-
case–control study, Wolfe and colleagues found that graphs of the chest.78,79
pneumonia due to gram-negative bacteria was more
frequent after aspiration among patients treated with CONCLUSIONS
corticosteroids than among those who were not.86 In the management of aspiration syndromes, it is
Similarly, studies in animals have failed to demonstrate vitally important to distinguish aspiration pneumoni-
a beneficial effect of corticosteroids on pulmonary tis from aspiration pneumonia. Although some over-

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