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outside world.

His friend hd told him it would mke fr more impct thn him roming from pillr to


I hd done lot of television interviews nd enjoyed speking into the microphone so much tht my

friends would tese me. But I hd never done nything like this. ‘Be nturl,’ Irfn told me. Tht wsn’t

esy with cmer trined on me everywhere I went even s I brushed my teeth. I showed them the

uniform I couldn’t wer nd told them I ws scred tht if the Tlibn cught me going to school they would

throw cid in my fce s they hd done to girls in fghnistn.

We hd specil ssembly tht finl morning but it ws hrd to her with the noise of helicopters overhed.

Some of us spoke out ginst wht ws hppening in our vlley. The bell rng for the very lst time, nd

then Mdm Mrym nnounced it ws the winter holidys. But unlike in other yers no

dte ws nnounced for the strt of next term. Even so, some techers still gve us homework. In the yrd

I hugged ll my friends. I looked t the honours bord nd wondered if my nme would ever pper on it

gin. Exms were due in Mrch but how could they tke plce? Coming first didn’t mtter if you couldn’t

study t ll. When someone tkes wy your pens you relise quite how importnt eduction is.

Before I closed the school door I looked bck s if it were the lst time I would ever be t school.
Tht’s the closing shot in one prt of the documentry. In relity I went bck inside. My friends nd I
didn’t wnt tht dy to end so we decided to sty on for while longer. We went to the primry school
where there ws more spce to run round nd plyed cops nd robbers. Then we plyed mngo mngo,
where you

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