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Here are psychological facts:

1. There will always be a reason why we meet people. Either we need to change our
life or we are the one that will change theirs…
2. Don't take everything personally. Not everyone thinks about us as much as we
think they do.
3. People who swear a lot tend to be more honest, loyal and upfront with others.
4. Intelligent people are more likely to remain faithful while in a relationship.
5. The less we speak, the more our words will matter.
6. After being disappointed so many times, we begin to lose hope in everything.
7. Tears won't come when we miss a person. But they come when we don't want to
miss a person.
8. Love starts when we don't need it and ends when we need it the most.
9. It is always those we love the most that will hurt us the most…
10. Men are more romantic than women and they are likely to fall on love at first sight.
11. When a person sleeps more than average and likes sleeping all the time, then he is
very sad.
12. Never be afraid to try something new, because life gets boring when we stay
within our limits of what we already know.
13. Long liers are good at detecting other person's lies.
14. While talking to someone use their name to make them like us more…
15. When we are ignored by a person whose attention means the most to you, the
reaction in our brain will be similar to physical pain.
16. When we focus on problems, we will have problems. When we focus on
possibilities, we will have more opportunities.
17. Never give up on something we really want. It's difficult to wait but it's more
difficult to regret.
18. Decisions become more rational when thought in a foreign language.
19. Beauty never lasts forever…
20. The older we get, the less people we trust…
21. Finally…realising the fact that it takes less than a second to upvote my collection
and encourage me… :-)

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