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1. Barack Obama was the first sitting U.

S President to visit Hiroshima, 71 years after

the atomic bomb.
2. There's a restaurant in Japan using monkeys as waiters.
3. Monkeys are trained and employed as harvesters of large coconut plantations in
Malaysia and Thailand.
4. The human eye can distinguish about 10 million different colors.
5. There's an empty place next to Muhammad's Tomb, Islam's main Prophet,
reserved for Jesus.
6. Jesus is mentioned more times in the Quran than Muhammad.
7. Queen Elizabeth II holds the record for appearing on more currency than any other
person. Her portrait has appeared on the currency of more than 30 different
8. In North Korea if you get caught reading the Bible or watching porn, you will
receive the death penalty.
9. In North Korea people don't celebrate birthdays on July 8 and December, since
those are the dates that Kim II-Sung and Kim Jong-il died.
10. 80% of animals on earth are insects.
11. Antarctica has only one ATM machine.
12. 1.3 million Earths could fit inside the Sun.
13. In 1962, the US blew up a hydrogen bomb in space that was 100 times more
powerful than Hiroshima.
14. China used more cement in 3 years(2011–2013) than the US used in the entire
20th century.
15. A dog's sense of smell is 10,000 times stronger than a human’s.
16. Jupiter has 67 moons, Saturn 62, Uranus 27, Neptune 14, Mars 2 and Earth just
17. Kim II-Sung, the founder of North Korea, was born the day the Titanic sank.
18. A month after the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima, a typhoon hit the City killing
another 2,000 people.
19. There are more living organisms in a teaspoonful of soil than there are people on
20. 2,520 is the smallest number that can be divided exactly by all the numbers 1 to
21. Only 8% of the world's currency is physical money, the rest only exists on
22. A man named Moondyne Joe escaped prison so many times, that the police built a
special cell for him, from which he escaped as well.
23. There is a secret swimming pool in the Mojave Desert that anyone who finds it can
24. Put together all of China's railways lines could loop around Earth twice.
25. In 1969, a musician named Sullivan recorded an album called “U.F.O” , which
featured strange lyrics about leaving his family and being abducted by aliens.
Sullivan disappeared 6 years later without a trace, the only piece of evidence being
his abandoned car found on a desert road.
26. All pandas in the world are on loan from China, and when a baby panda is born, by
agreement, it is sent back to China to help expand the gene pool. The baby
pandas are shipped back by FedEx.
27. North Korea is the world's only nation to currently have US Navy Ship captured.
28. Polar bears can smell its prey on the ice 20 miles(32 km) away.
29. Humans are killing 1,776 animals for food every second.
30. Brad Pitt was banned from ever entering China because of his role in seven years
in Tibet.
31. Your body has enough iron in it to make a metal nail 3 inches long.
32. The only woman to have ever appeared on a US currency note is Martha
Washington. She was on the $1 Silver Certificate in 1886 and 1891 and on the back
of the $1 Silver Certificate in 1896.
33. In 536 A.D., there was a worldwide dust cloud that blocked out the Sun for a year,
resulting in widespread famine and disease. Sorry for the long list😄 please
upvote if you liked😍 and kindly follow for more interesting facts and relevant

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