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Classify as Sedimentary Rock (S), Igneous Rock (I), or Metamorphic Rock (M).

S 1. They are formed in layers.

I 2. They are formed from cooled lava.

M 3. These rocks are formed as the result of heat and pressure.

S 4. This rock can melt and become igneous rock without ever becoming metamorphic.

I 5. When these rocks cool quickly tiny crystals are formed.

I 6. When these rocks cool slowly big crystals are formed.

I 7. Pumice

M 8. Gneiss

S 9. Limestone

S 10. Sandstone

S 11. Fossils can be found in these types of rocks.

I 12. Granite

I 13. Obsidian

I 14. Basalt

M 15. Slate

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