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Sir, Isaac Newton, known as the father of modern science, invented the 3 laws of motion.

He derived it from Kepler’s law of planetary motion. He proposed the laws of motion at the year of 1687
in his book entitled “Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica”. The laws of motion are composed of
3 parts, the law of inertia, law of acceleration, and the law of action-reaction. The experiment that was
conducted by the group was centered around Newton’s second law( law of acceleration). It implies that
a velocity of an object changes due to the application of external forces or net force. This law describes
the relationship between an object’s acceleration and its mass. Net forces are the sum of the forces
that are acting upon an object. Usually, an object will accelerate in the same direction as the application
of the net force. It also indicated that the acceleration of an object is directly proportional to its net
force, the bigger the force inflicted on an object, the higher it’s acceleration will be. While acceleration is
inversely proportional to the object’s mass, meaning that if force is enacted to an object of greater
mass, then it won’t accelerate as fast.

The group utilized the following formulas:

For table 1 : Net force= m2 g

For table 1 and 2 experimental value acceleration formula: a=2s/t2

For table 1 and 2 percent error formula: percent error = (/experimental value-accepted
value/)/experimental value multiplied by 100


 2 quantities of photogates
 1 quantity dynamics track with pulley
 1 quantity dynamic cart
 1 quantity picket fence
 1 quantity smart timer
 1.5 m string
 1 quantity set of weights
 1 quantity weight hanger

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