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A Low Art from the novel The Penelopiad talks about the view of Penelope of her
husband, Odysseus. Odysseus has this persona of being a sweet talker. He played a
trick on Penelope and made her believe his version of events. Until one day
Penelope realized that people are gossiping and making fun of her behind her back.
In today’s generation, there are people who are like Odysseus who are delighted in
making stories with the absence of veracity. Gossiping is now often done with
people with the help of social media or even in personal. Gossiping can even ruin
someone’s life and can be the cause of having an increased rate of people who have
low self-esteem or even depression. I realized that people like them are a “low
art” just as how Penelope described them. Low art because they are the kind of
people who are low-class that always gossip even no one is bothering them. I’ve
once experienced being gossiped by other girls, and it does not feel good. The
story made us realize never to judge a person by what we just hear from others
especially when we never step a foot in their life. There will always be two sides
of the story, so we better not judge by just hearing one side.

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