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Javier Colomer Castiisjos ‘PROFESSOR DE TROWGO | TROWEO BAX Ot. Riu Pandgulla, 8 Tol; 96 959 21 26 - Tol. Mévil. 629 08 02 14 03820 COCENTAINA (Alicante) Avancep Emeoveyure Stuvfes For Bass TRomBoné By PIL Teete Coryni ct 2001 Pure Teete AFiLAny Beast Music Propuct Pusli sHep ey Fercvson Misi¢ Eviteo ey Steve Fercvson Mste copying ey bseruine Doran, AM Local 47 Puotocrarly sy Pail Teele Printer TN MS Shace Toaster Font, to Mud] PHIL’S Hanoi Hine For many Years, fromBonists ARounD 4HE wRLD wii SPERED BEHIND CLosép poors GBovt FE UNSEEN tRomBoNi sts: Wwio work iN FHE RECORDING sfuDios oF Los Axetes. THEY MARVELED WIEN THEY HedRD THE WONDROUS SOUNDS GND Eqn Qué FRom PHIL TeELE, one of fue eusiest ass dRomBoni sts Tn fue L.A stuvios. A Glosén Few Hap HEARD oF PHIL’s Practice RovfiNes. Tiese rovtines, Fey HINFeD, weRE FHE seenet fo Mastering 4HE HUGE RANGE OF FHE Bass 4RomBoNe, GND veRE JHE key 40 PRopucing HE Elusive sic Bass FROMBONE SOUND FEY HEARD ON THE movie sounntracks. PUIL’s sfupents sPREaD FUE woRD, But He Rovt Nes confi NveD to BE SHROUDED iN Mystery. “He Pract ces ALL vay”, Some sdiv, WITLe ofeRs sPoke agovt HouRs oF Long fonés. THEY wonperer TF TF REALLY woRken. Now FoR tHe Finst Hee, PHIL TeeLe’s Rovfines ORE iN PRINE AND avaiLasle fo ALL, You Wht vecipe iF HEY CAN work FoR You. THEY ORE Not compLicaten, evt HEY REQUTRE @ Commitment oF Fim Ano a vEtEeRMi Nation to Propuce results, May 4HEY Leap You FURFIER bow tHE Pat fo mastering fue Bass trombone. Steve Ferqvson Javier Colomer Castlligjes Wee UP Sele Tals 96 85924 26 - Tel. Mévll 629.08 02 14 03820 COCENTAINA (Altcanto} é AAAAA CO) eft, ywoer7e SRESFS fal a BEER R BeEFF a , Bases =Bzea2 FRBoe Zssa7 THis 1s @ LIFETIME ROVHINE, SEF YOUR EmBoueyuRE as iF You are s@ying He LeHen “M’. Say file Letter fo set 4HE LIPS. THE ExBovelvRE sHoULp Be FE Save FoR towB FLAY Gnp PeDal BFLGH. No SHIFFING Tay fo keer fue LIPS focetHeR, THE FobLLow ng Rovfine WLL Give You ie strenctl fo RELAY AND INCREASE YOUR Comfort ZONé. Day 1 Play as many notes as Possisle wih sof faiccers. Tis WLL ee FE Mavim Resistance. HoLp caqy note as Lony as Possiele. Take a Bic Breaty, ct a sid SOUND, OND PLAY Loup. THis 7s one Set, tuenty notes On Pepa E FLa#: Start wi fiw sets oF tuenty notes edal — on cacy Pita. THEN app séts oF tueNtY notes as You cet SFRONCER, TNEREGSING fo Five sets, oR 100 notes PER Fitey. Rest Five MINES BEIWEEN Sets, oh 4 Es TOCTOTVCCTOTUUOSCCUTUOT savier Colomar Castilgjos ‘PAOFESSON OF TROMBO + tRowad Barr C1 Riu Pentguia,« Ta: 965602126 ro want Gs 0 0214 Tay 1 03820 COCENTAINA (Alicante) Sts aReE 20 notes Eda. ConfiNve BELow PLAYNG fHis ENHTRE Pace ¢BA bow on octave. Do tw fo Five sets 1 ON EOC Note. ee 4S You Blow 4RY 4o keer fue Livs focetHer. yg FFFFSFFS ESE SSS SSVGES Strive FoR @ BiG FULL soUN. Pute your F ano D attaaiment stipes fo cet fue povele veval A as a ye é Day 2 Sts ane 20 notes cacy. Rest tunce MnvtEs Bet EN séts. THis fs one set oO Play tio fo Five sets For cacy note. Ap sefs as you cet stroncer. Use Boll valves as wal as Fossisle fo PLAY AGG? st FHE MAM REST STANCE, a EEE fTTTIe Strive FoR @ BIC FULL SOUND, GND dO Not sHiFH! ‘ on f yrocrr oo fR eesE fT77oe Savior Colomer Castillejos ‘PROFESSOR OE TROMGQ | TAOWBO BAIK 1 Riu Perdgute,¢ Tay 2 Te: 96 559 21 26 - Tel, MOvIl 629 08 02 14 03820 COCENTAINA (Alicante) Conti we PLAYING W4H @ 87g, FULL, Loup soun. PLay tuo fo Five sets, INCREASING fHE NUMBERS oF sets as You cet stroncer, Sooke eB Hod eae Note as Long as Possi ele. Use FHE Same EmBovelluRe As You woULp on HE note aN octave HicHeR. Ton’# sured! —————— vy ot Se al gil al qty au Javier Colomer Cast ‘PROFESGOR DE Tadd raat DAY 5 BREE enn Sales, starting on Peal C, Do HE Follow no EVERC) ses iN fHESE keys: 1. Key of C 2. app BFLat 3. app BFL@4 ano E FLat 4, app AFLAF ano D FLat 5. app BeLat, E FLat, AFLat 6 app Brlat, E Flat, ArLat, D FLat Peay Lovp, No SHIFHING AL Lecdto, i 2 Hl yD wu su RFs EF Start W4H scales one np tw. AS you cet stroncer, vp more until you at to siy. a a =ae = Fe Ere = Javier Gelomer Castillejos PR OE TAY 3 Bemigeer mute ys Tals 96 659-24 26 - Tel. Movil 629 08 02 14 03820 COCENTAINA (Alicante) ao a a = i Fre > 9 QQ o Q : & : £24 atatast 2 atatett® stote cy Javier Colomor Castlisjos ‘PROFESSOR OE TROMBO 1 tACMBd BALK Cl. Alu Pendguiin 9 y 3 Toh: 98 589.25 26 - Tol. Mévil 628.08 02 14 03820 COCENTAINA (Alicante) ? 2 ate coeattt atetettt ttete2t2E eiets£is £5 4E4Rre Est B ES: Rest 15 40 20 mMinvfés. WIEN You can, app He FoLLow NG scales to His evEeRci se 43) a Q 2 24 out tt atatette whe ee ttt Mt epeetes’ tateten |) sptneg, B = a Rest fo 40 15 MNvtés, JHEN REveRSE He eveRcise as BeLow . a pectatats o : : as oO ttt Rest wien you néep 4o, Bvt WIEN You cet stronceR, way From Bottom fo for WtHovt @ Break, ae il 629 08 02 14 INTAINA (Alicante) Castlejos TTROMBO BAH or mo rr) 2126 savier Colomer h Riu Pana Ta: 96 559 -PROFESON OF TR 03820 coce: Day 3 Cy a ud the i> ® ty TT FT FTES TSS loos q a ens Wes ip ae Un rs ie Hs ne Ws Nt th Ud Hd tim Ie he is ls he Ib Ib: LF You CAN confi VE... a Who am © ts Th 1 ins nth is tne | As Ite Ue ue iin tlt Nb He ans lit tnt iis Vi hp Tit hi Tih Tie Hip title Te ne Hite 10 THEN po seate #2, ete, Rest 15 40 20 Minvtes, Javier Golorer Castllejas -PROFESBOR DE TROMEO | TAOMEO BAI 2. Riu Pentgula, ¢ 4 Tels 96 589 25 26 - Tel Mbvi, 629 08 02 14 03820 COCENTAINA (Alicante) REs4 on veay sone sd27 oR work On WIAtEvER YoU Want. But fake t+ easy. Day 5 Save as Tay 2 THEN REFEOH pays 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 WHHINa year You SHOULD Know How YouR emBoveyuRE works. THis is 4 LIFESiMe eVERC SE. Javier Colomer oa stlliejos aoesson Ch Ale mentale ow eax TIPS SPEER nSeo 1. Don’ + suiF# your empovalvee to cet notes ovt. WIEN You Gre at work, vo wWidt You Have to vo to cet Jue note ovt, Bvt WIEN You Practice, use verrect Form Use tHe Mipple aecister as Your CUI DE FoR FEELING FE PROPER EmBoveyuRE SEHING 2. As Your EmBoverure ets sfRonceR FHE ATR WLL SPEED VP, Giving You BeHtER SovND dnp BEHteR intonation [4 7s HE sheep oF tHe afR tHat is fwPoRtant, Not so wed 4HE volune oF aia. As tHE EvBoveyvre céts sfroncer, T+ WLL cLose DOWN ON Fue ain stream THE TR cones ovt FasteR np You et wore For Less ENERGY. 3. DONS Funk too wail ust po fue everci ses, A.[F you ct foo S#IFF, Lay OFF FoR 4 coVHLE oF pays. 5. THE ENeRC SEs are Sime, aut T+ fakes Lots oF avts fo vo fem pay arter vay. | FHINK TF You bo Fem consi sHENILY, You WEL cet consistent RESULHS, 6. Rest PROPERLY. 7. THE Foncve WLL cance is Position automat cally. Ton’ + worry agout i. Javier Colomar 0 astiligjos ares en ena 9 em el: 96 559 21 26 - Tel Miu, 03820 COCENTAINA ‘heat on 9, Your PRocREss WLL @¢ Like FHis: Jue viPs ane WIEN FHE EmBoveURE moves fo @ New OND MORE REFINED Position | N FHE DIPS THE EmBovayvRE WLL eB @ LIFLE ovt oF syne. ust keer doing tHe EVERCISES An 74 WEL ALL wrk ot. Sometines tis WLL Fake @ WEEK OR Fro. 9. THE SCALES WLL sHow VP @LL YoUR PROBLEM Reds, Tay 40 Lay fHEM as MST C@LLy as Fossisle. 10. WIEN You SHTFH, You FIN oné oF Your LiPs Wty FYE movdHPi cee Because HIE EmBovalvRE Ts Not strong EnovcH fo PLAY USING BofH LIPS Equally. Using sof LiPs Equally Gives you fe Best ano ost RESONANE sounn. | FING 74's easy fo cet Into SUTFAING, But HaRD to cet ovt. 11, Rewewser fo always rest wien You need to. 12, THEse EveRcises may seem eveessive to som. But TF You work TN tHE stupfos pay arter pay Sove}i mes For 12 HOUR DAYS BLowNG YouR Guts ovt, You néep fo Be as strong as Possisle svst to suavive. 13, Oe Last FuINe WIEN You Blow FHINk oF BLOW ng piRectty FNto FYE HOLE oF Your movtHPiEdé, Tis is not 4H on-Y vay fo Practice, evt 74’s widt WORKS FOR ME. { West You all He gest! pu ey Oss Coop Luc, THe instauvents PHIL uses are: Yamaua YBL-612 Bass romBone CLasseL contra Bass $RomBone ALCYANDER ContRd Bass FROMBONE Yara EvRioNi um Besson E FLat 4usa Conn 931 enon 4RomBoné Javier Golomer Gastillejos PROFESSOR DE Towa TOMAS BAK CI. Ru Pongo, 9 Toh: 96 658 21 26 - Te. MOvi, 629 08 07 14 03820 COCENTAINA (Alicante) Bass 4nomBoné GNp Contra Bass FROMBONe wovtHPieces By Larry MN Sové Filws PHIL Has PLOYED on THe Cov Fatuer, Patton, Planet of fue Aves, Lusu Lire, Sano Peestes, [noiana byes & tue Temrte of Doom, Irotana Jones & Hue Last Crusave, Tue Mateiy, ¥ Men, E.T., beasste Park 3, Tie Azyss, ams Family & Family values, Batman & Rogin, Ae Force Ov, Aien 3, Astin Powers: THE SAY Wlo SHacce> Me, Backorart, Back fo $e Future 2 & 3, Batman Cartoons, Lion King, Die Haro 1 & 2, Doctor Doli He, Enemy oF tHe State, Fantastic Voyace, Forrest Gump, Gremins 1 & 2, How to SHeaL a MLLToN, [NDePENDENCE Tay, Kina Kong, Lavy Hanke, MASH, Tora Tord Tora, Movay, Pale River, Payeack, Raveo 2, Tank Girt, Peart Hareor, Tave Lies, Evolution, AtLantis, New PLanet of fue Aves, LetHal. vearon, 2, 3, 4, Nacéntiur, MAGI, MN TN Black, Mars Attacks, Mian, Rosin Hoop, Canctot, THe Siti Sense, Stan Taek |, 1N, %) WI, VIL, LL, Staasut Troorers, Tie Tiree Musketeers, Tie THIN Rep Ling, Toys, US MaasHales, Win Cavés, Unven Sice |, ||, HeLLo DotLy, Har Contract, 13" wirator, Heat, Home Aone, CovriLla, Tie Eoce, Epwian Seissorvanns, Eine oF fue Sun, Env of Days, THe Enforcer, Dean Paesi vents, CHE, Bours BY Honor, Butal Cassipy & tHe Sunnance Kip Javier Colomer Castig BrooraRy of Pure Teeve “teeter el 9892426 T. st 29080214 Phil Teele (Philip Allen) was born in Ottumwa, IA 6/6/42. He plays bass Tro EAB AS Alicante) trombone, euphonium, and ophicleide. He began wind studies in LA schools at age 13. Between 1958 and 1964, he studied bass trombone with Ernie Smith, George Roberts, and Dick Nash, He performed in the late ‘50's with Onzy Matthews, George Andrews, and Gerald Wilson. He played in the Army Norad Band from 1961-63, returned to LA and performed with Tex Beneke End Bob Knight, Between 1973 and 1989 he toured Japan and Europe with the Akiyoshi- Tabackin big band, During the ‘80's and “90's he worked with the bands of Bill Watrous, Shorty Rogers, Gordon Brisker, Vinny Golia, and Jack Elliot. He played in the smaller ensembles of Steve Fluffsteter and Bruce Fowler, He is the co-founder with Bruce Fowler of the group Enormous Bones. He has taught master classes at USC, Cal-State Northridge, and clinics and seminars in Japan, Favorite players include George Roberts, Kenny Schroyer, Bill Reichenbach Records include Synthetic Division (Fossil Records), with the Akiyosho-Tabackin Orchestra on RCA and Concord, with Vinny Golia on Nine Winds, and with Rosemary Clooney on Concord Rocords. From The Encyclopedia of Jazz A Review oF On PEARANCE BY THE Enormovs Bones About Bruce Fowler, Phil Teele, and The Enormous Bones ‘The Enormous Bones, co-led by Bruce Fowler and Phil Teele, explore the universe through the perspective of perfect sonic infinity machine, the trombone, an immaculately conceived messenger of the messianic import. Its performances are legendary and far too rare. ‘New Town is honored to bring them to you as part of “Look, Up in the Sky, It's a..." ‘The Enormous Bones features Southern California’s best trombonists. Tonight is no exception with the presence of Bric Jorgenson, Steve Holtman, and George McMullen. Brice Fowler's careers traverse more musical and conceptual universes than Captain Kirk, all with a musicality and quirky humor that has made him a mainstay of Southern California music. He is an avant-gatdist with conceptual sound and space works ranging from fancifully quirky to stringently logical; a jazz trombonist with ‘mumerous recordings with his own ensembles as well as a featured soloist, and a composer/arranger/orchestrator for movies, with credits too numerous to list. His performing credits include stints with Oingo Boingo, Billy Chitds, Vinny Golia, Randy Newman, George Duke, and the late Frank Zappa. Phil Teele, one of the nation’s finest and busiest bass trombonists, has played with Marvin Gaye, The Temptations, The Supremes, Frank Sinatra, the Toshiko Akiyoshi Jazz Orchestra, Freddie Hubbard, Bruce Fowler and the Fowler Brothers, and the Glendale Symphony. He was on staff at Twentieth Century Fox, playing over on 1,000 films. His compositions can be heard on numerous recordings, including the duo set with Bruce Fowler, Synthetic Division, whose cover displays his other art, photography. , vist Colomer Castiliejos PHIL TeeLe’s Solo Agums jtivartmnb! nas I Riu Pondgu SET a on we 03820 COCENTAINA (Alicante) Synthetic Division Low & Outside Featuring: Featuring: Phil Teele on bass and contrabass Phil Teele on bass and contrabass trombones, bull roar, sousaphone belis, trombones, synthesizers (No tenor synthesizer, shakers, dijeridu, petrified trombones were used or injured in the whale bones, rattles, Japanese temple recording of this project.) bells, conch shells, lips Christian Teele on percussion, auto gas Bruce Fowler on tenor trombone, lips, tank gongs, washing machine tubs sousaphone bells, shakers, rattles, organ pipes, conch shells, vocal mauce POWER PHIL poe Available at your local dealer, or direct from

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