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Savanna Chambers Journal 1 2019-01-24

Throughout the semester, I have questioned what policy development would have to do

with nursing practice and what I would be gaining from developing a policy recommendation. I

had doubts at first about whether I would be gaining valuable experience from this project as I

did not see myself working in this sector of nursing. Completing this project has led me to realize

health policy development has a great deal to do with nursing as nurses have a deep

understanding of how policies can affect patients and the care the patients receive. As direct

caregivers, nurses possess a unique perspective on patient care; therefore, health policy nurses

are able to recognize where improvements are needed through the coordination of care and the

promotion of prevention, among others.

Developing a policy recommendation for Sophia Recovery Centre has helped me to

realize health policy is important in any workplace, medical field or not, as health risks and

issues are prominent in any work force. The absence of health policy is dangerous, in emergency

situations a lack of policy to outline procedure can lead to confusion, anxiety and ultimately

unsafe and life threatening situations. Together with my partner we have developed policy

recommendations for harm reduction strategies to prevent the transmission of HIV and Hep C

between all attendees of Sophia Recovery Centre and bring awareness to the diseases to reduce

stigmatization in the workplace. Key components of this policy recommendation were education

and occupational health and safety measures. The benefits of this policy are not only to

implement safety measures and precautions regarding infectious diseases, but also to increase

knowledge of HIV/Hep C in the workplace which will aid in the reduction of stigmatization

within Sophia Recovery Centre.

Overall this policy project has taught me a lot about policy development, the difference

between a policy and policy recommendation, and I feel proficient in the process of identifying
Savanna Chambers Journal 1 2019-01-24

key health issues within an organization and developing an action plan and policy

recommendation to solve these issues.

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