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What is Curriculum?

Curriculum is the outline of concepts to be taught to students to help them meet the content standards.
Curriculum is what is taught in a given course or subject. Curriculum refers to an interactive system of
instruction and learning with specific goals, strategies, contents, measurement and resourcement.

What its purpose?

The purpose of curriculum development is to ensure that students receive integrated, coherent learning
experiences that contribute towards their personal, academic and professional learning and

Fragmentary – the fragmented methodology is a traditional curriculum design which separates topics
and courses into distinct disciplines. In this model courses are separated into traditional areas of study :
mathematics, science, humanities, social studies, art, technical arts, etc.. Each area is defined as an
independent course of study. At the middle, secondary and post secondary levels these courses are
generally taught by different teachers, in different locations or rooms, and students commonly move
from classrooms to classrooms.

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