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Environmental Conservation

The viable business perception takes into account not only profits and return on

investments but also how business tasks to influence the environment, natural

resources, and future generations. Sustainability at the business level at the airport can

be thought of as taking steps, such as recycling, conserving non-renewable material

and energy use to reduce the negative impact of a business’s operations, and also by

abiding the rules and regulations implemented for the concessionaries that would be a

substantial requirement for the safety and protection of the airport environment. The

business will abide with the following policies concerning the airport protection

regulations and also with the environmental law:

 The CAAP Concession Policy imposed by the Bohol-Panglao

International Airport having the purpose to evaluate, monitor and process
the contracts for concessions of all national airports.

 Presidential Decree No. 1152 “The Philippine Environment Code.”

 Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000. (RA No. 9003)

Other Benefits

The proposed business expansion will carry out the deviation for economic,
culture and tourism of the province by supporting the promotion of the Boholano food
aligned to Behold Bohol slogan. It stretches the proceeds and employment especially to
farmers that it creates jobs and by simply choosing locally grown food, it keeps the
money in the community.

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