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Dundigal, Hyderabad -500 043



Course Name : Rehabilitation & Retrofitting of structures

Course Code : BST214
Class : M. Tech, II-Sem
Branch : CE
Year : 2017-18
Course Coordinator : Mr. N VenkatRao, Assistant Professor, CE
Course Faculty : Mr. N VenkatRao, Assistant Professor, CE

The course should enable the students to:

I Identify the causes of deterioration in structures and suggest suitable remedial measures.
II Generalize the types of damages and understand their mechanisms.
III Infer the causes and prevention mechanisms of corrosion in steel reinforcement and fire induced
IV Learn to inspect and assess the structures using techniques of visual inspection and NDT.


Students, who complete the course, will have demonstrated the ability to do the following:
BST214.01 Understand deterioration and distress in structures
BST214.02 Identify the condition of structures.
BST214.03 Identify the type of deterioration and method of correction
BST214.04 Understand the general causes of distress
BST214.05 Evaluate causes and prevention methods
BST214.06 Understand the types of damage and damage mechanism
BST214.07 Understand how to handle hardened and fresh concrete
BST214.08 Understand corrosion of reinforcement
BST214.09 Identify the mechanism in corrosion
BST214.10 Analyze the importance of prevention of corrosion
BST214.11 Analyse inspection and testing of concrete
BST214.12 Identify symptoms and diagnosis of distress
BST214.13 Understand the damage assessment
BST214.14 Understand the working of NDT
BST214.15 Importance of repair of structures and common types of repairs
BST214.16 Understand the processes of Gunite ,Shotcrete,Underpinning
BST214.17 Understand the strengthening methods
BST214.18 Recognize the difference between various methods
BST214.19 Understand health monitoring of structures
BST214.20 Analyse the use of sensors
BST214.21 Understand building instrumentation
BST214.22 Recognize the behaviour of sensors
BST214.23 Understand modern sensors and methods

Blooms Course
S.No QUESTIONS taxonomy Learning
level Outcomes
Part - A (Short Answer Questions)
1 Define distress? Remember BST214.01
2 Name different types of distress? Remember BST214.01
3 What is renovation? Remember BST214.01
4 What is rehabilitation? Remember BST214.01
5 define restoration Remember BST214.01
6 define repair in a structure Remember BST214.01
7 What is retrofitting? Remember BST214.01
8 What is remodeling? Remember BST214.01
9 What is deterioration in a structure? Remember BST214.01
10 Write a short note on honey combing Remember BST214.01
11 Write a short note on cracking Remember BST214.01
12 Write a short note on settlement Remember BST214.04
13 Write a short note on spalling Remember BST214.04
14 Write a short note on causes of damages in fresh state Remember BST214.04
15 Write a short note on causes of damages after hardening Remember BST214.03
16 Write a short note on physical causes of damages after hardening Remember BST214.03
17 Write a short note on chemical causes of damages after hardening Remember BST214.01
18 Write a short note on thermal causes of damages after hardening Remember BST214.01
19 Write is setting shrinkage? Remember BST214.03
20 What is aggregate shrinkage? Remember BST214.01
21 Write a short note on temperature variation Remember BST214.03
22 Write a short note on effect of free-thaw cycles in fresh state Remember BST214.01
23 Write a short note on alkali-aggregate reaction Remember BST214.01
25 Write a short note on creep Remember BST214.03
Part - B (Long Answer Questions)
1 What do you mean by deterioration? Explain the mechanism of Remember BST214.01
deterioration in concrete structures?
2 Discuss in detail the various factors responsible for deterioration. Understand BST214.01
3 Discuss in detail various construction stage defects & their preventive Understand BST214.01
4 What are the various pre-construction stage damages & how can it be Remember BST214.03
5 Explain the mechanism of various causes of deterioration in post- Understand BST214.02
construction stage?
6 Explain the cracking phenomena in plastic concrete. Give the remedial Understand BST214.02
7 What are settlement cracks? What are the factors affecting the Remember BST214.03
settlement cracks?
8 Explain mechanism of crazing, causes of crazing. Give the remedial Remember BST214.03
9 Write the different reasons for development of cracks due to errors in Remember BST214.04
design and detailing. Give preventive measures.
10 Name various chemical attacks in concrete & explain their mechanism Remember
in detail. Give the preventive measures?
11 Explain sulphate reaction in detail. Give various preventive measures? Understand BST214.01
12 What is carbonation, factors effecting carbonation? Explain its Understand BST214.01
mechanism in details, suggest suitable remedial measures.
13 What is distress? Give its classification. Remember BST214.01
14 Explain in detail various causes of damage in fresh state? Suggest the Understand BST214.02
suitable remedial measures?
15 What are the various pre-construction stage damages & how can it be Remember BST214.03
16 explain in detail regarding mechanism of creep in concrete and their Understand BST214.01
remedial measures
17 Discuss the affects of freezing and thawing of structures and give Understand BST214.02
remedial measures.
18 explain in detail regarding mechanism of accidental overloads in Remember BST214.03
concrete and their remedial measures
19 Discuss in detail the cracking of hardened concrete. Understand BST214.01
20 explain in detail regarding mechanism of temperature variation in Remember BST214.02
concrete and their remedial measures
Part – C (Problem Solving and Critical Thinking)
1 Write short notes on division of maintenance. Understand BST214.02
2 What is distress? Give its classification. Understand BST214.02
3 Write short notes on division of maintenance. Understand BST214.02
4 What are the factors responsible for the deterioration of paints? Understand BST214.01
5 What are the various categories of deterioration? Understand BST214.02
6 explain in detail regarding mechanism of freeze thaw disintegration in Understand BST214.04
concrete and their remedial measures
7 explain in detail regarding mechanism of temperature variation in Understand BST214.04
concrete and their remedial measures
8 explain in detail regarding mechanism of early thermal cracking in Understand BST214.04
fresh concrete and their remedial measures
9 explain in detail regarding mechanism of accidental overloads in Understand BST214.03
concrete and their remedial measures
10 explain in detail regarding mechanism of creep in concrete and their Understand BST214.02
remedial measures
11 What is drying shrinkage? Understand BST214.02
12 What is crazing in concrete? Understand BST214.04
13 Write a short note on chemical attack on concrete structures Understand BST214.02
14 Write a short note on chemical attack aggregate alkali reaction Understand BST214.01
15 Write a short note on cement carbonation Understand BST214.04
16 What are the various causes of damage? Understand BST214.04
Part – A (Short Answer Questions)
1 Write a short note on corrosion Remember BST214.05
2 discuss how the variation of pH affects the corrosion process Remember BST214.05
3 What is importance of passivating film in RCC members? Remember BST214.05
4 what are corrosion promoters? Remember BST214.05
5 what are corrosion inhibitors? Remember BST214.07
6 What is delamination? Remember BST214.09
7 What is cracking? BST214.10
8 What is spalling ? Remember BST214.05
9 Write the effect of cast in chlorides on corrosion Remember BST214.13
10 What is carbonation? Remember BST214.13
11 what happens to concrete in fire? Understand BST214.12
12 write about changes observed in concrete in fire Remember BST214.13
13 Name few laboratory tests for fire safety Remember BST214.13
14 Name few corrosion prevention techniques? Remember BST214.13
15 what is fire rating? Remember BST214.05
16 What is desiccation? Remember BST214.06
17 how does the strength of concrete vary due to rise in temperature Remember BST214.06
18 how does the strength of steel vary due to rise in temperature Remember BST214.06
19 Behavior of masonry under fire? Remember BST214.08
20 Name various stages of repair of fire damaged elements Remember BST214.09

Part - B (Long Answer Questions)

1 Discuss the factors affecting corrosion. What are its effects? Remember BST214.07
2 Explain the mechanism of corrosion; name the corrosion inhibitors Remember BST214.07
and promoters?
3 What are the factors effecting chloride induced corrosion, explain in Remember BST214.06
detail mechanism of chloride induced corrosion and suggest suitable
remedial measures?
4 Explain in detail mechanism of carbonation induced corrosion, Remember BST214.05
suggest suitable remedial measures?
5 Explain in detail cathodic corrosion protection, electrochemical BST214.12
chloride extraction, galvanic protection system. Suggest its suitability
depending on the problem?
6 Explain in detail the behavior of concrete at various temperatures Remember BST214.08
when it is subjected to fire
7 write about the embedded metal corrosion and tolerable crack widths Remember BST214.08
to avoid the rebar corrosion
8 write in detail about the factors influencing the cracking and spalling Understand BST214.05
and mention regarding C/D ratio
9 Describe the method of protecting building against fire Remember BST214.05
10 Explain the phenomena of desiccation in structures. Understand BST214.05
11 Explain fire rating of structure? Understand BST214.10
12 Explain behavior of steel under fire? What is the effect of yield Understand BST214.10
strength of steel with increase in temperature?
13 Explain the effect of steel manufacturing process, type of connections Understand BST214.11
on the behavior of steel under fire?
14 Explain in the detail the assessment procedure to be followed in Understand BST214.13
concrete structures subjected to fire?
15 Explain in detail differential thermal analysis (DTA) and thermo Understand BST214.05
gravity analysis along with its merits & demerits?
16 Explain in detail repair of fire damaged elements? Understand BST214.10
17 Explain the procedure for fire rating of structure using ASTM E 119? Understand BST214.10
18 What is the effect of thickness & cover requirements on the fire rating Understand BST214.11
of the structure or vice versa?
19 Explain the Effect of desiccation of concrete on the deterioration of Understand BST214.11
20 Write different preventive measures of self-desiccation of concrete Understand BST214.13

Part – C (Problem Solving and Critical Thinking)

1 What are the various methods of locating in structural members? Understand BST214.05
Discuss any one method in detail.
2 Write a notes on symptoms of corrosion. Understand BST214.06
3 Write about preventive measures that ensure good protection for new Understand BST214.07
4 Explain the method of repairing corroded steel in R.C structure. Understand BST214.10
5 Explain the cathodic reaction in detailed. Understand BST214.11
6 write about the embedded metal corrosion and tolerable crack widths Understand BST214.11
to avoid the rebar corrosion
7 write about the chloride penetration and factors on which the it Understand BST214.06
8 write in detail about the factors influencing the cracking and spalling Understand BST214.07
and mention regarding C/D ratio
9 Explain the phenomena of desiccation in structures. Understand BST214.11
10 Describe the method of protecting building against fire. Understand BST214.08
11 On what basis is a structure designed to withstand fire. Understand BST214.13
12 Give description about fire damaged structures. Understand BST214.11
13 What is meant by cementitious spray fire proofing? Understand BST214.09
14 Describe the concrete encasement method of protecting building Understand BST214.06
against fire.

Part – A (Short Answer Questions)
1 Explain the need for evaluation of structures. Understand BST214.14
2 Briefly describe of preliminary investigation &Detailed investigation. Remember BST214.14
3 Classify the damage based on preliminary investigation Remember BST214.14
4 Explain the Pull-out test with figure. Remember BST214.15
5 Explain the Flexure test with figure. Understand BST214.14
6 Explain the Splitting test with figure. Remember BST214.14
7 Write names of different NDT tests for strength estimation of concrete Remember BST214.14
8 write about rebound hammer test Remember BST214.15
9 write names of different NDT tests for assessing corrosion potential of Remember BST214.15
10 Write about half-cell potential method Remember BST214.14
11 Describe ultrasonic pulse velocity test with figure. Remember BST214.14
12 Names different semi-destructive tests for strength estimation of Remember BST214.16
13 Write names of different NDT tests for assessing carbonation depth? Remember BST214.16
14 Explain Phenolphthalein solution method to measure the depth of Understand BST214.16
15 What is petrographic analysis? Understand BST214.17
16 Write about chloride test for chloride content measurement? Remember BST214.17
17 Name different testing methods used for embedded metal detection? Remember BST214.17
18 Explain initial surface absorption test? Remember BST214.17
19 Name different testing methods used for detection of Remember BST214.17
20 Explain Windsor probe test? Remember BST214.17
21 Explain polarization resistance technique? Understand BST214.17
22 Explain acoustic emission technique? Understand BST214.17
23 Name common types of distress in concrete structures? Remember BST214.17
24 Explain stress wave propagation method Remember BST214.17

Part - B (Long Answer Questions)

1 Explain the Compression test & Tension Test Remember BST214.14
2 Explain carbonation test &cathodic protection test. Remember BST214.15
3 Describe the occurrence of distress Due to Pre-construction stage, Remember BST214.14
Construction stage and Post construction stage
4 Write a note on cracking, Spalling, Staining, Disintegration, Scaling. Remember BST214.16
5 Give a brief description about the factors that influence the Remember BST214.16
investigation plan
6 Describe Electrical Resistivity Method and its influencing factors Remember BST214.17
7 Explain petrographic analysis and its application in civil engineering Remember BST214.17
8 Briefly describe various voids detection tests along with their merits Remember BST214.17
and demerits
9 Explain commonly used NDT tests and write its advantages over other Remember BST214.17
10 Explain Initial Surface absorption test & brief its demerits Remember BST214.17

Part – C (Problem Solving and Critical Thinking)

1 Briefly describe of Recommendation for retrofit work. Understand BST214.17
2 Describe in detail the damage assessment procedure in Structure. Understand BST214.14
3 Differentiate non-destructive testing methods & semi-destructive Understand BST214.14
testing methods
4 Give a Short notes on Inspection of structures. Understand BST214.15
5 Explain the 6figg’s test. Understand BST214.17
6 What is the effect of aluminum in hydration process Understand BST214.17
7 Influence of silicates on hydration Understand BST214.14
8 Examine the role of chemical compounds on the durability of concrete Understand BST214.15
9 What is the effect of temperature on the strength of concrete examine Understand BST214.17
10 Explain various methods of crack detection Understand BST214.16

Part – A (Short Answer Questions)
1 Enumerate the various cracks repairs techniques and other repair Remember BST214.18
techniques for structures.
2 How bridge Decks are repaired? Discuss briefly. Remember BST214.18
3 What are underwater repairs? Mention its special features. Remember BST214.18
4 What are the various types of surface coatings? Remember BST214.18
5 Discuss in brief the methods of grout injection. Remember BST214.18
6 Define epoxy resins. Remember BST214.19
7 Write short notes on member replacement. BST214.18
8 Define overlays. What are the materials generally used for overlays? Remember BST214.19
9 How erosion control can be done. Remember BST214.19
10 What is slope protection? Remember BST214.19

Part - B (Long Answer Questions)

1 Explain the process of guniting in detail with figure. Remember BST214.18
2 Discuss the method of underpinning in detail. Remember BST214.19
3 Discuss the various types of blanket repair techniques. Remember BST214.19
4 Enumerate the different methods available for repairs of concrete Remember BST214.18
works. Discuss the any one in detail.
5 Write short notes on Deep dump bucket method and pre-placed Remember BST214.19
aggregate method.
6 What is jacketing? What are the different types of jacketing? Remember BST214.18
7 Explain the concrete column in detail with figure Remember BST214.18
8 Explain the column strengthening and strengthening flexural BST214.18
9 Explain strengthening and stiffening of beams and girders. Remember BST214.18
10 Explain the application of erosion control. Remember BST214.19

Part – C (Problem Solving and Critical Thinking)

1 Enumerate the different methods available for repairs of concrete Understand BST214.19
works. Discuss the any one in detail
2 Explain the methods of stitching in crack repair. Understand BST214.18
3 Explain the steps involved in underwater repair of structures Understand BST214.18
4 Enumerate the various methods of placing concrete in underwater Understand BST214.18
structures. Discuss the tremie pipe method in detail
5 What do you mean by leak sealing? Discuss the various methods of Understand BST214.19
leak sealing.
6 What are the protective surface treatments for structures? Understand BST214.18
7 Discuss the replacement of concrete. Understand BST214.18
8 Differentiate strengthening and stiffening of members. Understand BST214.19
9 Discuss the slope protection with detail. Understand BST214.19
10 What are the prevention for erosion control. Understand BST214.19

Part – A (Short Answer Questions)
1 Explain the Acquisition data in detailed Understand BST214.20
2 Explain the communication data in detailed Remember BST214.21
3 What is smart sensor? Remember BST214.21
4 What is sensor? Remember BST214.21
5 Explain the Communication of data in health monitoring of structures. Remember BST214.21
6 How the structural health monitoring process is divided into various Remember BST214.21
7 How does sensing technology is used in structural health monitoring Remember BST214.22
8 What is the role of signal processing in health monitoring Understand BST214.20
9 What is damage identification analysis Understand BST214.20
10 What are the various structural evaluation methods Remember BST214.21

Part - B (Long Answer Questions)

1 Explain the use of Smart sensor for monitoring civil engineering Remember BST214.21
2 Explain the methodology of health monitoring of structures and how Remember BST214.20
is it monitored.
3 Explain the components of health monitoring of structures. Remember BST214.21
4 What are sensors? At what locations are they used. Remember BST214.21
5 Where Building Instrumentation are located ?&How ? Remember BST214.20
6 Explain active and passive structural health monitoring of structures Remember BST214.21
and differentiate between them
7 Explain various smart materials and its application in structural health Understand BST214.21
monitoring system.
8 What is fiber optic sensors how they are used in health monitoring Remember BST214.20
with suitable merits and demerits
9 explain in detail regarding the criteria for damage classification, Remember BST214.22
mention the class of damage and repair requirements
10 explain in detail regarding effects of fire on concrete structures and its Remember BST214.20
behavior with temperature change

Part – C (Problem Solving and Critical Thinking)

1 What do you understand by health monitoring of structures? Understand BST214.21
2 Explain the advantages for health monitoring of structures Understand BST214.21
3 What are the advantages and disadvantages of smart sensor? Understand BST214.21
4 Explain the Advantages of Structures health monitoring. Understand BST214.20
5 Explain the Disadvantages of Structures health monitoring. Understand BST214.21
6 Explain Diagnostic signal generation Understand BST214.21
7 Explain various types of sensors Understand BST214.20
8 Which type of sensors are used to detect seismic vibrations Understand BST214.20
9 What are the recent innovations in structural health monitoring system Understand BST214.21
10 What are the green materials explain in detail Understand BST214.20

Prepared by:
Mr. N VenkatRao, Assistant Professor, CE

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