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1 2 3
3:00 - 4:30 5:00 - 6:30 6:40 - 8:10

Mo Programming Fundamentals Calculus and Analytical Geometry Basic Electronics

DB-06 Mr. Tassaduq Latif DB-05 Mr. Asad Tufail DB-12 Ms. Misbah Hafeez

Tu PF ( LAB ) PF ( LAB )
Introduction to Information and
Communication Technology

Lab-04 Mr. Tassaduq Latif Lab-04 NB-19 Mr. Tauqeer Ul Ameen

We Programming Fundamentals Introduction to English Grammar

DB-05 Mr. Tassaduq Latif DB-05 Mr. Raza e Mustafa

Th Introduction to Information and

Communication Technology
Introduction to English Grammar

NB-19 Mr. Tauqeer Ul Ameen DB-05 Mr. Raza e Mustafa

Fr Basic Electronics Calculus and Analytical Geometry

DB-05 Ms. Misbah Hafeez DB-06 Mr. Asad Tufail

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1 2 3
3:00 - 4:30 5:00 - 6:30 6:40 - 8:10

Mo Programming Fundamentals Basic Electronics Calculus and Analytical Geometry

DB-05 Mr. Bilal Tariq Butt DB-06 Ms. Misbah Hafeez DB-05 Mr. Asad Tufail

Tu Programming Fundamentals

DB-06 Mr. Bilal Tariq Butt

We PF ( LAB ) PF ( LAB ) Introduction to English Grammar

Lab-04 Mr. Bilal Tariq Butt Lab-05 DB-05 Mr. Raza e Mustafa

Th Basic Electronics
Introduction to Information and
Communication Technology
Introduction to English Grammar

DB-12 Ms. Misbah Hafeez NB-19 Mr. Tauqeer Ul Ameen DB-16 Mr. Raza e Mustafa

Fr Introduction to Information and

Communication Technology
Calculus and Analytical Geometry

NB-21 Mr. Tauqeer Ul Ameen DB-06 Mr. Asad Tufail

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1 2 3
3:00 - 4:30 5:00 - 6:30 6:40 - 8:10

Mo Multimedia Systems And Design Introduction to Psychology

DB-07 Ms. Bushra Fareed DB-06 Ms. Ayesha Arif

Tu Pakistan Studies Web System and Technology Data Structures and Algoritham

DB-05 Ms. Maryam NB-25 Mr. Rameez Iqbal DB-05 Mr. Tassaduq Latif

We Discrete Structures Web System and Technology Data Structures and Algoritham

DB-07 Mr. Naseer Ahmed NB-20 Mr. Rameez Iqbal DB-07 Mr. Tassaduq Latif

Th Data Structures and Algo LAB Multimedia Systems And Design Pakistan Studies

Lab-1 Mr. Tassaduq Latif DB-18 Ms. Bushra Fareed DB-05 Ms. Maryam

Fr Discrete Structures Introduction to Psychology Data Structures and Algo LAB

DB-05 Mr. Naseer Ahmed DB-09 Ms. Ayesha Arif Lab-04

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1 2 3
3:00 - 4:30 5:00 - 6:30 6:40 - 8:10

Mo Pakistan Studies Introduction to Psychology Data Structures and Algoritham

DB-09 Ms. Maryam DB-09 Ms. Ayesha Arif DB-07 Mr. Tassaduq Latif

Tu Discrete Structures Pakistan Studies Web System and Technology

DB-06 Mr. Naseer Ahmed DB-07 Ms. Maryam NB-26 Mr. Rameez Iqbal

We Multimedia Systems And Design Web System and Technology

DB-06 Ms. Bushra Fareed NB-25 Mr. Rameez Iqbal

Th Multimedia Systems And Design Discrete Structures Data Structures and Algoritham

DB-07 Ms. Bushra Fareed DB-06 Mr. Naseer Ahmed DB-06 Mr. Tassaduq Latif

Fr Introduction to Psychology Data Structures and Algo LAB Data Structures and Algo LAB

DB-06 Ms. Ayesha Arif Lab-03 Mr. Tassaduq Latif Lab-03

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1 2 3
3:00 - 4:30 5:00 - 6:30 6:40 - 8:10

Mo Visual Programming Database system Internet Architecture and Protocol

NB-20 Mr. Nadeem Yaqoob NB-25 Mr. Ikram Ul Haq DB-09 Mr. Junaid Muzaffar

Tu Database system Database system LAB Database system LAB

DB-09 Mr. Ikram Ul Haq Lab-03 Mr. Ikram Ul Haq Lab-03

We Visual Programming Wireless and Mobile Computing Object Oriented Analysis and Design

DB-09 Mr. Nadeem Yaqoob DB-07 Mr. Naseer Ahmed DB-09 Mr. Syed Nakhshab Hussain

Th Object Oriented Analysis and Design Internet Architecture and Protocol

DB-07 Mr. Syed Nakhshab Hussain DB-09 Mr. Junaid Muzaffar

Fr Wireless and Mobile Computing

DB-07 Mr. Naseer Ahmed

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1 2 3
3:00 - 4:30 5:00 - 6:30 6:40 - 8:10

Mo Introduction to Mass Communication System And Network Administration Introduction to Mass Communication

DB-13 Mr. Abdul Ghani DB-11 Mr. Junaid Muzaffar DB-10 Mr. Abdul Ghani

Tu Data Mining Professional Practices

DB-09 Mr. Hafiz Muhammad Usman DB-06 Mr. Adeel Ahmed

We Business and Technical Writing Data Mining Professional Practices

DB-06 Ms. Namla DB-09 Mr. Hafiz Muhammad Usman DB-10 Mr. Adeel Ahmed

Th Business and Technical Writing System And Network Administration

DB-05 Ms. Namla DB-09 Mr. Junaid Muzaffar

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1 2 3
3:00 - 4:30 5:00 - 6:30 6:40 - 8:10

Mo Programming Fundamentals Calculus and Analytical Geometry Introduction to Grammar

DB-10 Mr. Zulfiqar DB-12 Mr. Asad Ijaz DB-17 Mr. Junaid Ashraf

Tu Calculus and Analytical Geometry Introduction to Computing Basic Electronics

DB-07 Mr. Asad Ijaz DB-10 Mr. Nadeem Yaqoob DB-0 Mr. Waqas Zafar

We Programming Fundamentals PF ( LAB ) PF Lab

DB-10 Mr. Zulfiqar Lab-04 Mr. Zulfiqar Lab-04

Th Introduction to Computing Basic Electronics Pakistan Studies

DB-10 Mr. Nadeem Yaqoob DB-17 Mr. Waqas Zafar DB-07 Mr. Imtiaz Ahmed

Fr Intro to Computing Lab Pakistan Studies Introduction to Grammar

Lab-05 Mr. Nadeem Yaqoob NB-26 Mr. Imtiaz Ahmed DB-05 Mr. Junaid Ashraf
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1 2 3
3:00 - 4:30 5:00 - 6:30 6:40 - 8:10

Mo Calculus and Analytical Geometry Introduction to Grammar Programming Fundamentals

DB-11 Mr. Asad Ijaz DB-13 Mr. Junaid Ashraf DB-13 Mr. Zulfiqar

Tu Programming Fundamentals Introduction to Computing PF Lab

DB-11 Mr. Zulfiqar DB-05 Mr. Adeel Shahzad Lab-05

We Calculus and Analytical Geometry Introduction to Computing Intro to Computing Lab

DB-11 Mr. Asad Ijaz DB-11 Mr. Adeel Shahzad Lab-05 Mr. Adeel Shahzad

Th PF ( LAB ) Pakistan Studies Basic Electronics

Lab-04 Mr. Zulfiqar DB-11 Mr. Imtiaz Ahmed DB-11 Ms. Misbah Hafeez

Fr Basic Electronics Introduction to Grammar Pakistan Studies

DB-11 Ms. Misbah Hafeez DB-11 Mr. Junaid Ashraf DB-14 Mr. Imtiaz Ahmed
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1 2 3
3:00 - 4:30 5:00 - 6:30 6:40 - 8:10

Mo Data Structure & Algorithms Introduction to Software Engineering Introduction to Database Systems

DB-12 Ms. Bushra Fareed NB-19 Mr. Tauqeer Ul Ameen DB-14 Mr. Ikram Ul Haq

Tu Intro to Data Sys Lab Data Structure & Algorithms Data Structures and Algo LAB

Lab-03 DB-11 Ms. Bushra Fareed Lab-04 Ms. Bushra Fareed

We Introduction to Software Engineering Data Structure & Algo Lab Introduction to Database Systems

NB-19 Mr. Tauqeer Ul Ameen Lab-1 DB-11 Mr. Ikram Ul Haq

Th Intro to Data Sys Lab Linear Algebra Digital and Logic Design

Lab-03 Mr. Ikram Ul Haq DB-12 Mr. Asad Ijaz DB-18 Mr. Tanweer Arshad

Fr Linear Algebra Digital and Logic Design

DB-12 Mr. Asad Ijaz DB-17 Mr. Tanweer Arshad

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1 2 3
3:00 - 4:30 5:00 - 6:30 6:40 - 8:10

Mo Introduction to Software Engineering Data Structure & Algorithms Data Structures and Algo LAB

NB-21 Mr. Tauqeer Ul Ameen DB-0 Mr. Sohaib Latif Lab-04 Mr. Sohaib Latif

Tu Data Structure & Algo Lab Linear Algebra

Lab-1 DB-13 Mr. Asad Ijaz

We Intro to Data Sys Lab Introduction to Database Systems Introduction to Software Engineering

Lab-1 DB-12 Mr. Ikram Ul Haq NB-19 Mr. Tauqeer Ul Ameen

Th Digital and Logic Design Introduction to Database Systems Intro to Data Sys Lab

DB-09 Mr. Tanweer Arshad DB-13 Mr. Ikram Ul Haq Lab-03 Mr. Ikram Ul Haq

Fr Linear Algebra Digital and Logic Design Data Structure & Algorithms

DB-10 Mr. Asad Ijaz DB-17 Mr. Tanweer Arshad DB-0 Mr. Sohaib Latif
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1 2 3
3:00 - 4:30 5:00 - 6:30 6:40 - 8:10

Mo Computer Communication and Networks Software Design and Architecture Software Engineering Economics

DB-14 Ms. Bakhtawar DB-14 Mr. Saqib Rasool DB-16 Mr. Gul Sher Ali

Tu Computer Communication and Networks CCN Lab Data Warehousing & Data Mining

DB-12 Ms. Bakhtawar Lab-1 Ms. Bakhtawar NB-25 Mr. Naveed Anwar Butt

We Business and Technical Writing Data Warehousing & Data Mining

DB-10 Mr. Junaid Ashraf NB-26 Mr. Naveed Anwar Butt

Th Business and Technical Writing CCN Lab

DB-14 Mr. Junaid Ashraf Lab-04

Fr Software Engineering Economics Software Design and Architecture

NB-20 Mr. Gul Sher Ali NB-19 Mr. Saqib Rasool

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1 2 3
3:00 - 4:30 5:00 - 6:30 6:40 - 8:10

Mo Software Engineering Economics Computer Communication and Networks Software Design and Architecture

DB-16 Mr. Gul Sher Ali DB-16 Ms. Bakhtawar NB-26 Mr. Saqib Rasool

Tu Data Warehousing & Data Mining

NB-19 Mr. Naveed Anwar Butt

We Business and Technical Writing Data Warehousing & Data Mining Computer Communication and Networks

DB-14 Mr. Junaid Ashraf NB-25 Mr. Naveed Anwar Butt DB-12 Ms. Bakhtawar

Th Business and Technical Writing CCN Lab CCN Lab

DB-11 Mr. Junaid Ashraf Lab-1 Ms. Bakhtawar Lab-1

Fr Software Design and Architecture Software Engineering Economics

DB-07 Mr. Saqib Rasool NB-20 Mr. Gul Sher Ali

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3:00 - 4:30 5:00 - 6:30 6:40 - 8:10


Tu Software Project Management Mobile Application Development

NB-20 Dr. Ansar (SE) Lab-1 Mr. Muhammad Ejaz

We Web Engineering Software Project Management Mobile Application Development

NB-25 Mr. Saqib Rasool NB-21 Dr. Ansar (SE) Lab-1 Mr. Muhammad Ejaz

Th Web Engineering

NB-25 Mr. Saqib Rasool

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3:00 - 4:30 5:00 - 6:30 6:40 - 8:10


Tu Web Engineering Mobile Application Development Software Project Management

NB-25 Mr. Saqib Rasool DB-14 Mr. Muhammad Ejaz NB-20 Dr. Ansar (SE)

We Mobile Application Development Software Project Management

DB-14 Mr. Muhammad Ejaz NB-21 Dr. Ansar (SE)

Th Web Engineering

NB-21 Mr. Saqib Rasool

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1 2 3
3:00 - 4:30 5:00 - 6:30 6:40 - 8:10

Mo Introduction to Grammar Programming Fundamentals

DB-10 Mr. Moazzam Ali Malik NB-21 Mr. Bilal Tariq Butt

Tu Programming Fundamentals Introduction to Grammar Calculus and Analytical Geometry

DB-14 Mr. Bilal Tariq Butt DB-16 Mr. Moazzam Ali Malik DB-14 Mr. Saqib ul Zaman

We Introduction to Information and

Communication Technology
Intro to Computing Lab Intro to Computing Lab

DB-16 Ms. Zunaira Zainab Lab-03 Ms. Zunaira Zainab Lab-03

Th PF ( LAB ) PF Lab Applied Physics

Lab-05 Mr. Bilal Tariq Butt Lab-05 DB-13 Mr. Muhammad Abo Bakar Aslam

Fr Introduction to Information and

Communication Technology
Applied Physics Calculus and Analytical Geometry

DB-09 Ms. Zunaira Zainab DB-18 Mr. Muhammad Abo Bakar Aslam DB-18 Mr. Saqib ul Zaman
Timetable generated:9/7/2019 aSc Timetables
1 2 3
3:00 - 4:30 5:00 - 6:30 6:40 - 8:10

Mo Intro to Computing Lab Calculus and Analytical Geometry Introduction to Grammar

Lab-05 DB-18 Mr. Saqib ul Zaman NB-25 Mr. Moazzam Ali Malik

Tu Introduction to Information and

Communication Technology
Introduction to Grammar

DB-10 Mr. Syed Nakhshab Hussain DB-09 Mr. Moazzam Ali Malik

We Intro to Computing Lab Programming Fundamentals Calculus and Analytical Geometry

Lab-05 Mr. Syed Nakhshab Hussain DB-18 Mr. Bilal Tariq Butt DB-17 Mr. Saqib ul Zaman

Th Introduction to Information and

Communication Technology
Applied Physics Programming Fundamentals

DB-06 Mr. Syed Nakhshab Hussain DB-16 Mr. Muhammad Abo Bakar Aslam DB-14 Mr. Bilal Tariq Butt

Fr PF ( LAB ) PF ( LAB ) Applied Physics

Lab-04 Mr. Bilal Tariq Butt Lab-04 DB-13 Mr. Muhammad Abo Bakar Aslam
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1 2 3
3:00 - 4:30 5:00 - 6:30 6:40 - 8:10

Mo Computer Organization & Assembly

Pakistan Studies Differential Equation

NB-19 Mr. Muhammad Abo Bakar Aslam DB-17 Ms. Maryam DB-11 Mr. Saqib ul Zaman

Tu Data Structures ( LAB ) Discrete Structures Data Structures

Lab-05 Mr. Waqas Haider Bangyal NB-21 Dr. Ikram Ullah DB-13 Mr. Waqas Haider Bangyal

We Data Structures ( LAB ) Discrete Structures Data Structures

Lab-03 NB-19 Dr. Ikram Ullah DB-06 Mr. Waqas Haider Bangyal

Th Pakistan Studies Introduction to Economics Differential Equation

DB-14 Ms. Maryam DB-10 Mr. Muneeb Ud Din Ahmed DB-12 Mr. Saqib ul Zaman

Fr Computer Organization & Assembly

Introduction to Economics

NB-19 Mr. Muhammad Abo Bakar Aslam DB-16 Mr. Muneeb Ud Din Ahmed
Timetable generated:9/7/2019 aSc Timetables
1 2 3
3:00 - 4:30 5:00 - 6:30 6:40 - 8:10

Mo Pakistan Studies
Computer Organization & Assembly
Pakistan Studies

DB-17 Mr. Imtiaz Ahmed NB-21 Mr. Muhammad Abo Bakar Aslam NB-20 Mr. Imtiaz Ahmed

Tu Data Structures Data Structures ( LAB ) Discrete Structures

DB-17 Mr. Sohaib Latif Lab-05 Mr. Sohaib Latif NB-21 Dr. Ikram Ullah

We Differential Equation
Computer Organization & Assembly
Discrete Structures

DB-18 Mr. Saqib ul Zaman DB-13 Mr. Muhammad Abo Bakar Aslam NB-20 Dr. Ikram Ullah

Th Data Structures Introduction to Economics

DB-0 Mr. Sohaib Latif DB-04 Mr. Muneeb Ud Din Ahmed

Fr Data Structures ( LAB ) Differential Equation Introduction to Economics

Lab-1 DB-10 Mr. Saqib ul Zaman DB-12 Mr. Muneeb Ud Din Ahmed
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1 2 3
3:00 - 4:30 5:00 - 6:30 6:40 - 8:10

Mo Theory of Automata & Formal Languages Visual Programming

DB-07 Mr. Adeel Ahmed NB-20 Mr. Nadeem Yaqoob

Tu Theory of Automata & Formal Languages Analysis of Algorithms Data Mining

NB-19 Mr. Adeel Ahmed NB-26 Mr. Waqas Haider Bangyal DB-17 Mr. Hafiz Muhammad Usman

We Data Communications and Networks Analysis of Algorithms Data Mining

NB-20 Ms. Bakhtawar DB-17 Mr. Waqas Haider Bangyal DB-14 Mr. Hafiz Muhammad Usman

Th Computer Architecture Visual Programming Computer Architecture

DB-18 Mr. Naseer Ahmed NB-26 Mr. Nadeem Yaqoob DB-10 Mr. Naseer Ahmed

Fr Data Communications and Networks DCN ( LAB ) DCN ( LAB )

DB-12 Ms. Bakhtawar Lab-1 Ms. Bakhtawar Lab-05

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1 2 3
3:00 - 4:30 5:00 - 6:30 6:40 - 8:10


Tu Compiler Construction Eenterpreounship Human Computer Interaction

NB-20 Mr. Gul Sher Ali DB-18 Ms. Hira Javed DB-18 Mr. Junaid Muzaffar

We Human Computer Interaction Eenterpreounship Machine Learning

NB-21 Mr. Junaid Muzaffar NB-26 Ms. Hira Javed DB-16 Mr. Sami Ullah

Th Compiler Construction Machine Learning

NB-20 Mr. Gul Sher Ali NB-20 Mr. Sami Ullah

Timetable generated:9/7/2019 aSc Timetables
1 2 3
3:00 - 4:30 5:00 - 6:30 6:40 - 8:10


Tu Eenterpreounship Human Computer Interaction Compiler Construction

DB-18 Ms. Hira Javed DB-17 Mr. Junaid Muzaffar DB-16 Mr. Gul Sher Ali

We Eenterpreounship Machine Learning Human Computer Interaction

NB-26 Ms. Hira Javed DB-16 Mr. Sami Ullah DB-18 Mr. Junaid Muzaffar

Th Compiler Construction Machine Learning

NB-21 Mr. Gul Sher Ali NB-19 Mr. Sami Ullah

Timetable generated:9/7/2019 aSc Timetables

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