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Sarah Maurice

World History 2


Period 1

Race: The power of an illusion

In the documentary; race the power of an illusion, The House We Live In. I knew that the

institutions and policies gave advantage to groups while others received less. it discuss or rather

state that white people we benefited because of the racialized nature of the law and that

integrated into housing. I feel that it was cruel to “segregated” houses such as the Cul-de-Sac

which was at a better advantage for white people than the non-whites who live outside that line.

I’m happy that segregating housest ended but the after effects I wonder how it could be

fixed. In the matter of my own opinion I believe that the law back then basically contradict itself

by seeing immigrants from Italy or Japan not white even though their skin color was caucasian

and it made me thought; what really is being white?

I knew the equality of african-american wasn’t the same but I did not know it was the

same in the housing system and that the networth of the average african-american was ⅛ of the

average white family back then during their research and it only has gotten worse. On the topic

of the economy, wouldn't it bring more money in since the houses would have equal the prices

for whites and non-whites? I do understand that wealth, power and advantages would be chosen.

On the topic of immigrants, for I am one myself. I fell like the cycle for blaming

immigrants never stopped, it continued under our noses. Last week President Trump stated( I'm

50/50 if I should believe it or not) that Haiti and Africa was “shithole” countries and why we
were letting them in, instead bring people from Norway or China. It was upsetting when I read

the news title. Yes I do agree that Haiti isn't the best and economically failing but a president to

say such word disrespectful. I feel like President Trump judges the worth a person based on the

country of origin, which I think isn't fair. I just hope that the world doesn't turn blind from the

truth and justice.

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