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The structure of the entire body is based on Vaata (vaayu), Pitta & Kaffa.

If any of these things increase

in the body then a person gets diseased.

So, Kaffa has 20, Pitta has 40 & Vaayu has 80 diseases. If Vaayu goes bad then there are chances of
getting the 80 diseases.

It is said about vaayu that, find the most idiotic person on earth, idiotic of the highest order & on top of
that mischievous amongst the mischievous of the highest order, Vaayu creates more mischief in the
body than such a person.

Diseases like body pain, joint pain, stiffness etc are all from Vaayu going bad. If Vaayu is in control then
all related diseases will be in control


It is said about diabetes (Allopathic doctors pl excuse) that diagnosis of diabetes by doctors is 90% false.

In Ayurveda, diabetes is called as “Madhu Prameha”, which mostly happened to the Rajas & Maharajas
because of their life styles & running after pleasures.

If someone really gets diabetes as per Ayurveda angle, that person can’t live for more than 6 months & if
he lives then it is not diabetes.

Then what the hell is it???

See, whatever food we eat, it does not get digested fully & because of that something called as “Kacha
Ama” or “Ama” gets developed in the body, which literally means half-digested unmetabolised food
product which circulates in the body as toxins. Ayurveda has named such toxin as “Ama”. Ama is a
Sanskrit word which literally means undigested or uncooked. The first stage of any disease is also
sometimes called Ama

This Ama that gets developed in the body is diagnosed by Allopathic

doctors as Diabetes

But the simple solution to this is:

 1 hr before food if 1 tbsp of Dry Ginger powder (Sunth) if taken

with water, then that Ama gets digested.

All people whether Ama develops or not should take the above. This will
solve all major problems.

Now, why should dry ginger be consumed 1 hr before food:

- If taken after food, it only aids digestion

- Else it will digest the Ama, increase blood, provide strength etc.
What if the digestion itself has become weak?
The solution in Ayurveda “Charaka” is

Cook rice in butter milk till it becomes very soft & soluble type. All rock salt, jeera & pepper powder. This
is called as “Mand”

This will help regain digestion.

Now, you may ask that I eat very simple food, no sweets etc still why do I have this digestion problem.

All people who don’t have any physical work / activity, they should stop eating anything made out of

People who have lots of physical work will never have a problem but those having compete non-physical
job (sitting job) for them dough will create a problem.

Allopathy has not been able to cure diabetes is because there is no solution. Solution is there but they
don’t have it.

As per Ayurvedic solution, if one follows what has been stated earlier & change your diet, you will never
have a problem.


One should definitely fast as minor diseases in the body will get burnt.

Best is to do water less fasting. If it is not possible then brink normal water. But never have fasting foods
like faraal etc.

Now you may again ask that if I stop eating sweets, dough etc., then how my body can get protein,
vitamins etc.

If for your entire life you eat only Moong or daal bhaat or Khichadi Kadhi, then too, if it gets fully
digested, the liver is capable of producing everything that the body needs out of the food.

You must have seen Indian laborer’s, who pulls a heavy cart for the whole day. What does he eat
then….of course he does not get butter milk and all that. All he eats is some dry rotis, some raw chili and
water, then where does he get his protein from ??? It is a very simple diet but still he has the capability
of pulling a heavy cart for the whole day. If you just carry a 5 kg weight and walk for some distance your
knee pains for 4 days.

So, whatever the labourer eats it gets digested (even dough items). The body gets everything it needs.

We have all these knee problems due to inactivity & doing sitting work.

In addition to Dry Ginger

All people above 40 – should gulp 4-5 peppercorns between 5-6 pm & drink water over it. You can chew
if you wish.
By doing this Vaayu, Pitta & Kaffa will be in control & major diseases can be cured. Pepper corns are
Tridosh Shamak, it balances the Vaata, Pitta & Kaffa.

This should be followed every day.

Butter Milk

This is a very good food item, it will prevent minor diseases.

But preparation of butter milk is wrong. Just mixing water & just churning it casually is harmful & such
butter milk should not be consumed.

- If butter milk is made in blender then it should be churned for 7-8 minutes
- If done manually then it should be churned for at least 45 mins.

In Ayurveda, one should consume only 2-3 tbsp of curd, not more than that.

But if one has a habit of consuming curd daily in large quantities, then that curd should be churned
without any water for 10 mins in a blender. This curd is very beneficial. Even readymade curd should be

Harad / Harde / Haritaki churna

This is one thing that should be consumed everyday.

For people above 18 years old – they should take this first thing in the
morning after waking up. All diseases related to vaata, pitta & kaffa will go
away. Quantity should be 1 tbsp.

If you can’t take it in the morning, then one should consume it in the night,
but make sure there is a 2 hr gap after having dinner.

If you take harde for 100 days then your intestines will become as clear as glass. The energy level at 4
am will be maintained till midnight

Harde’s main benefits are cleansing of bones & flesh, Blood & nadis.

If all this cleansing happens then what is left to clean in your body.

It is just not a medicine, but a meal by itself. It keeps your body alive & rejuvenates the body cells giving
a long life.

There is no disease that cannot be cured with Harde. It cures all kinds of pain in the body.

Harde, Dry Ginger & Papper corn should be taken regularly. It comes under the “Jadi Butti” category of
Ayurveda. They are the concentrated extracts (ark) of Ayurveda.


Drinking carrot juice will remove Asthma from its root.

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