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Acute Parturient Hypocalcemia In Bitches

1 Synonym:
Eclampsia, Peurperal tetany

2 Definition
It is a metabolic disease occurring commonly in young bitches within 2-10 days of whelping
and clinically characterized by restlessness, excitement, panting and tonic-clonic convulsions.

3 Etiology

4 Predisposing factors
Atony of smooth muscle and skeletal muscle Improper prenatal nutrition In appropriate
calcium supplementation Improper prenatal nutrition Heavy litter size Lactation in young
bitches Toy breeds Neuromuscular tetany Concurrent hypoglycemia is the cause of signs of
tonoclonic convulsions. Clinical signs Restlessness Excitement Poor maternal care Salivation
Dyspepsia Increased respiratory rate Panting Stiffness of joints Ataxia and staggering gait
Tonoclonic convulsions Opisthotonus Hyperthemia Stiff tilted gait due to muscular tetany

5 Dignosis
History of late pregnancy and early lactation Clinical signs are always observed in nourshing
bitches Characterstic symptoms Low serum calcium level - less than 7 mg/dl Low blood
glucose - less than 80 mg/dl

6 Treatment
Remove the sucking puppies 25 percent of calcium borogluconate 1ml/kg b.wt slow I/V 20
percent of dextrose 30-50ml slow I/V To control Fits - Diazepam 0.5 mg /kg b.wt slow I/V

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