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Why was the constitution so important to the people who planned and imposed

martial law 1972?

From what I understand in the documentary we have watched, they are trying to tell
us that Ferdinand Marcos and his administration planned and imposed the martial
law 1972 because of his immense greed for power and wealth. Seeing as, it was his
last term in running for presidency that he was painted by most people as a dictator.
For me, maybe it was his will and motivation to change the economy that we had at
that time that he did everything he could to stay in power in order for him to see the
change and to see his visions implemented in our country. As the saying goes “the
road to hell is paved with good intentions” He was trying to do what he thinks
would most benefit our country and himself that he wasn’t able to see the basic
casualties of the effects of his actions.
Did the imposition of martial law benefit the sovereign people or carry out their
will? If yes, how? If no, why not?
At first, I personally think that it did benefit some people. But somehow throughout
the process the goal and the importance of the martial law were skewered, by the
excessive abuses that the people had experience. Somehow the Filipino people,
started to fear for they feel that they are not in a democratic country anymore. Their
will of freedom, was taken from them.
Did the imposition of martial law defeat the will of the sovereign people? If yes,
how? If no, why not?
Yes, as I stated earlier the Filipino people started to fear for themselves. Seeing as,
they felt that they had no power of speech or actions. During the Martial Law 1972,
the military emerged into seeing that the constitution was implemented. The
Filipino people, wasn’t used with all the new rules that have been imposed during
the martial law. Thus, they felt that they had no will of their own. Honestly
speaking, I for one am a supporter of Martial Law. I think that the Filipino people
would thrive more in an environment, where there are a more assertive

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