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ADMISSION NO : 19030028



Critical theory came to limelight of academia of International relations in 1981 when

Robert W Cox in his essay "Social Forces, States and World Orders: Beyond
International Relations Theory" and "Gramsci, Hegemony and International
Relations: An Essay in Method" published in 1983 started an entirely different approach
altogether towards the study of Global Affairs . This book in many ways breaks down to
the fluctuating developments in International Relations from the perspective of its
distinctive subfields: Security Studies. Mark Hoffman claimed that critical theory should
pave the way to "next stage development of IR theory", advocated a critical theory-
based approach which when coupled with a superior level of understanding security can
fructify into the flawless strategy. Contextual Cold war era between the Soviet Union
and the USA saw a renewed interest in National Security approach in the UK, USA,
Eastern Europe. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, different perspectives came into
light in deliberations scrutinizing Security. Intellectuals, realists,neo-realists,neo-liberal
institutionalists, feminists,post-structuralists and critical theorists have debated the
subject of Security in theoretical and metatheoretical dimensions providing insights,
implications that takes its shape from ontological, epistemological methodical

Part 1 of the book looks at in-depth the concept of critical theory which forms the
fundamental basis of security. None of the contemporary studies during that time [Jay
1973; Held 1980, Dubiel 1985; Kellner 1989; Bronner 1994; Calhoun 1995) could do
justice to security studies from a theoretical point of view. Critical International Theory
which deals with application critical theory to the study of International Relations
although would seem to be influenced by Frankfurt School critical theorists but was
influenced by Hegelian Marxism as evident from work of Antonio Gramsci. The
theoretical approach of critical theory cannot always be appropriated while dealing with
security issues without accounting for contextual understanding, Eventually an approach
towards 'traditional & critical theory which are the founding ethics of study of security.

Theory: understanding of the social role of theory & theorists

Technology: understanding of social role & impact of technology

Emancipation: understanding the various methods to realize emancipation.

IN chap 1; Promise

Key arguments between members of Frankfurt school in the 1930s postulated by Max
Horkheimer in his essay "Traditional & Critical Theory" rejects the subject-object
dichotomy & deliberate distinction between fact & value. It calls an establishment
between dialectical commonalities of whats known & who is knowing it and a thorough
understanding of instinctive political nature of Social Theory. Critical Theory proposed
ReIntegration of various sub-fields of traditional critical theory into a new framework of
evolving progressive social theory that encompasses a thorough understanding of all
moving parts. Understanding political nature the way it is functioning has a role to play
which is the process of changing & improving society. With the purpose of emancipation
using the right critical approach within the room of prevailing social order. Inference
through these intellectual deliberations resulted in the following thought process where
emancipation as a rational order & judicious utilization of resources of production to
bring nature under rational human control.

IN chap 2 Impasse

It discusses an alternative version of critical theory developed by Frankfurt School in

the response of then prevalent fascism in Central & Southern Europe and Stalinization of
Bolshevik experiment in EAST.

Dialectics of Enlightenment-Horkheimer

It explores how sociological mentality that the status quo of then was responsible for
Failure of Age of Enlightenment. Horkheimer & Adorno believed that process of
Enlightenment became increasingly overlapped with over-rationalization & a platform for
technocracy while characterizing this history, Horkheimer & Adorno was influenced by
the idea of "Labour"; Neitzche's Genealogy of Morality & the evolution of Conscience
by sacrificing will to power.

Culture Industry was an umbrella term coined by authors in a Capitalist society is

similar to a factory producing standard goods which are used to manipulate the gullible
masses to passivity and conditioning to serve.

Adorno argued that "art may be the only remaining medium of truth in an age of
incomprehensible terror and suffering" and purpose of critical theory is to rediscover
the truth.

Stimulated Negativity & Non-participation socially & politically which evolves in time
as a result of uniform barbarity generated by instrumental over rationality exposes the
myth that truth and freedom actually exists and thus impasse remains.

In chap 3 Redemption: Renewing the critical project

This chapter deals with avenues by which future generations of critical theorists can
revive the old promise logicized in critical theory but now bulwarked with impasse thru
dialectic of Enlightenment. With a broader focus on thinker Jurgen Habermas, Ulrich
beck, Axel Honneth. The author here tries to diffuse impasse which was a result of
"Critique of Instrumental rationality" by the three-pronged approaches of theory,
technology, emancipation. Accepting much of discussion is mixed, lacking consensus, the
position of critical theory must be to question through the application of theoretical &
metatheoretical deduction which generations new thought processes, perspectives that
illuminate the potentialities and pitfalls of the theoretical framework.

Nancy Fraser argued that "It is in the crucible of political practice that critical
theorists meet the ultimate test of vitality" which essentially means even if the solution
to the existing impasse is not forthcoming in relevance to the contextual problems we can
continue to find solutions & make substantial progress at the metatheoretical level.

Part 2 of the book delves into foundations of alternative Critical Security Studies through
reconceptualizing security, strategy and practice.


Certain assumptions which were made like Politics and the Role of Conflict in political
life formulated the basis that Security is a derivative concept which needs Deeper
understanding. It was concluded that along with the threat of Military Force to Security,
every other non-conventional threat scenarios have to be considered for a Broader
Spectrum of Security. The importance of 'Referant Objects' (human beings) other than
the state was also institutionalised as the Ultimate Referents, which was an Extension of
prevailing orthodoxy. It was emphasized crucially that all the practice and theory of
Security should be viewed from the perspective of Emancipation. It is anticipated that
new tweaks in this reconfiguration are not only expected to meet the expectations of
Present but also Future.


Reconceptualizing Military Strategy by allocating resources to achieve end goal rather

than means and accounting for normative needs, concerns, issues as intrinsic to the very
ideals of formation of strategy through the prism of dialectical and critical understanding
of technology. The idea of the need for Nuclear Weapons as a means to make a country
more powerful by the efficient usage of its nuclear resources in a responsible way and
whether the development of Nuclear Technology at the behest of overutilization of
country's resources as a Natural course of action was discussed in detail. Role of
proponents of denaturalization strategy was chalked out by exposing the conglomerate of
vested interests, lobbyists, institutions, from which nuclear and other weapons technology


Taking inspiration from the work of Antonio Gramsci, an alternative theory-practice

method was conceptualized, in the way how critical security studies should go forth to
practice what's been deduced, after deliberations in theory and strategy. Realistic alternate
methods should be promoted to negate the obsolete hegemonic ideas rooted in traditional
theory. To treat those who are challenging the hegemony as addresses, lay the platform
for the critical social movements as intellectuals, to provide political spectrum for the
emergence of these social revolutions.

This book subtly does articulates, how traditional critical theory is no longer feasible with
modern challenges of Security and a shift in approach is very much the need of the hour.
For emancipatory transformation to be a reality, adaptation within Security, Strategy and
Critical theoretical reasoning along with political practice rooted in expanding human
security and human emancipation is necessary. Adorno rightfully said once Critical
Security Studies can assist in turning a new phase in International Relations and realize
the dream of a "landscape of benignly interacting particularities" into Future Reality.

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