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How to solve a scientific problem :

• State the problem :

❍ Drawing a picture is often helpful in this step.
❍ If you do not have a clear understanding of the problem, you are not likely to be able to
solve it.

• Describe the input values (knowns) and the required outputs (unknowns) :
❍ Be careful to include units as you describe the input and output values.
Sloppy handling of units often leads to wrong answers.
❍ Identify constants you may need in the calculation, such as the ideal-gas constant and the
acceleration due to gravity.
❍ If appropriate, label a sketch with the values you have identified, or group them into a table.

• Develop an algorithm to solve the problem :

In computer applications, this can often be accomplished with a hand example .
You’ll need to :
❍ Identify any equations relating the knowns and unknowns.
❍ Work through a simplified version of the problem by hand or with a calculator.

• Solve the problem.

• Test the solution :

❍ Do your results make sense physically?
❍ Do they match your sample calculations?
❍ Is your answer really what was asked for?
❍ Graphs are often useful ways to check your calculations for reasonableness.

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