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Legs The tiger's legs are very powerful. The tiger can leap up to 30 feet.

Paws The tiger's paws are like a soft pad. They are not rock hard as they
appear. The tiger's claws are very sharp. They can reach up to 4 - 5 inches
in length and are retractable. When tigers walk, they retract their claws, in
order to keep them sharp. Behavior Hunting: Tigers are very good hunters.
They like to hunt large animals, such as: deer, antelope, wild oxen, pigs,
and buffalo. Some tigers attack elephant calves when the calves are
unprotected. Tigers also prey on small animals such as: monkeys,
tortoises, and frogs. Tigers a re very fast while running short distances.
They can leap up to 30 feet. After a tiger has killed an animal, it eats
everything except for the bones and the stomach. Territory: Most adult
male tigers claim a territory and keep other males out of it. Sometimes,
their territory can range up to 250 sq. miles. Tigers mark their territory
with urine and fluids that come out from a gland under their tails. Mating:
The tiger is a solitary animal. Males and females only come together at
mating time, to share a kill, or to drink and rest at watering holes. A tigress
is sexually mature at around the age of 4 years. A litter can usually consist
of about 6 cubs. Tiger cubs weigh about 3 pounds when they're born.
Types of Tigers Bali Tiger (Panthera Tigris Balica)

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