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UNLV Student: Jordan Edwards PSMT Name: Stephanie Swain

Lesson Plan Title: Inferencing Lesson Plan Topic: Inferencing

Date: 11/14/18 Estimated Time: 40 mins

Grade Level: 5th School Site: Bunker

1. Common Core Standards

a. RI.5.1 Quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says

explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.

2. Teaching Models

 Direct Instruction

3. Objective(s)

a. SWBAT quote accurately from a text when explaining a text and when

drawing inferences.

4. Materials and Technology Resources

a. Garbage bag

b. Random items

i. Police badge, tutu, toy doll, softball glove and ball, Lysol wipes, high

heel shoe, hulk glove, wooden spoon, men’s watch, dog leash

c. Inference worksheet

d. White board: one half evidence, the other half inference

5. Instructional Procedures

A. Motivation/Engagement

- Give students scenario

 Scenario : I got some new neighbors last week and I want

to know what they’re like but every time I go over, they’re

not home. I saw they had a garbage bag outside, so I

decided to go through it and get some ideas as to what

they’re like. I need your help though to figure out what

some of these items mean.

B. Activities/Learning Experiences

- Write and state objective

- Divide white board in half, one side has evidence the other side has


- After you state the scenario, bring out the garbage bag full of items

- Have one student come up and grab an item from the bag

- Write the item on the evidence side

- Ask the students what they think the item means

- Write what they think it means on the inference side

- Once all the items are out of the bag, ask the students what they

inferred from the items about the family and write their sentence

on the white board.

 Ex: I think the family has two kids, one mom and one dad

and a dog. I think they have a little boy/girl who plays

baseball/softball and the dad is a police officer.

- Have the students go back to their seats

- Give directions about worksheet

 This worksheet has 5 different scenarios on it, I want you to

pick one and see what you can infer from the text. Answer

the questions: Where you think they are, What key words

helped you and, What are they talking about.

- Hand out worksheet.

6. Accommodations, Modifications, and Differentiations for Diverse Learners

- Chose easier objects that have just one answer

 Ex: dog leash: The family has a dog

- Chose harder objects that have multiple answers:

 Ex: wooden spoon : They like to cook or they are a bad


- Extension: Create a collage about yourself where people can make

inferences about you.


- Have the students come back together and share what word helps

them understand inferencing the best

7. Assessment/Evaluation of Learning
a. Inferencing Worksheet


8. Homework Assignment


9. Reflection

a. Overall this lesson went well. One thing that was successful was the level of

engagement. I had a lot of students come up and chose an item from the bag

and share it with the class and had them make inferences from that item. The

second thing that went well would be the outcome of the lesson. At the end of

the lesson I had to the students come together and share “I used to think….

but now I know,” statements and they really seemed to understand what

inferences were. The last thing that went well was how excited the students

got. Even when the class got noisy, they were all discussing about the lesson.

They seemed to have a fun time pulling items out and discussing what they

think the family is like.

b. One thing that can be improved is I always seem to forget to state my

objective. I have it written on the board, but I tend to jump into the actual

lesson and not go over the objective. Another thing that could have been

better was I could have tried to keep the level of noisiness down. It got a little

noisy when they pulled out an item and I should have stated before they

started the activity not to yell out and to raise hands.

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