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Descriptions of a House

This is a terraced house. From the outside this house looks lavish.
It has been built with walnut wood and has grey brick decorations.
Small, triangular windows allow enough light to enter the home
and have been added to the house in a fairly symmetrical pattern.

The house is equipped with an old-fashioned kitchen and one small

bathroom. It also has a huge living room, two bedrooms, a
spacious dining area, a lounge area and a grand garage.

The building is square shaped. The house is fully surrounded by

glass overhanging panels. The second floor is smaller than the first,
which allowed for a large balcony on one side of the house. This
floor has a different style than the floor below.

The roof is high and rounded and is covered with rounded roof
tiles. Two large chimneys sit at either side of the house. Several
large windows let in plenty of light to the rooms below the roof.
The house itself is surrounded by a tranquil garden, with various
flowers, a long pond including a small waterfall and various rock

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