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There were two drawings in front of me.

One of a successful businesswoman who is

socially praised, loved and admired, who affords the shiniest Lamborghinis and resides in the
elitest residence in the middle of an upscale city. The other, a humble-living philanthropist
doing work unpulished or unpolished in any glossy newspapers.
“Who would you rather be?” – my 5 year-old niece asked her friend.
“I don’t know, neither of them. I just want to open a Youtube channel about sewing
clothes for my dolls.”
I was sitting there reading, suddenly astonished, I felt some sort of selfdoubts arising.
Strangely, to me – someone who can not bear the idea of not understanding something never
quite seemd to answer that question.
Year passed by, that question passed by unnoticed, untouched and unchallenged. Yet,
test after test, I sailed through all of them with top results. I quickly harvested the fruits of my
effort, earning myself a direct entrance to Highschool for Gifted Students - one of the most
prestigous school in my country.
That transition unfolded a new world in front of me.

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