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‘Korean War Veteran fand my uncie| Lee Broussara win his wife Jean, kids, angrandids VOCABULARY VITAMINS ‘adoptive parents ome grave aa ‘age gap ales inner inheritance -saich, allowance, 85.48 lenient ade ancestors ze itary family 2018 birth orcer Hoist eM musical incined 814 mo) = black shoop of the famiy #21 3 oa) originally from aa, tee dose / close to ‘aisiet ‘orphan no ‘dose knit, 2 a Personal wae ‘cousin Ne relive sa ‘doccendanto se feligious fanly Bani dsiant relative erat scandal Fe divorce ole spoled, spoiled brat H8i& o}| ‘extended family: aunis, unces, cousins 216 spread cut YA Hol 07) Gol UE family feud 7h a sti aaa tarung eat el se supportive silts, sa7= foster parenis sae take ater, favor edeton eect Peer rater gorda soe aunt by marriage &2, tao matemai grandmother 2 9}-4 eatin = 38 rofersaw 32s ‘hikron 0, 161 > ES roprow uniari faterinion 2 rise 1 noe pt teteousn ene EAT ptemalgrandaer sto greatgrancfaiher 55 ppatoral grandmother 3 tht! greet-great-grancfather 2=¥ ‘sisterin-ow “101, 224 hattbronner #27) 429 ve uA wm ‘step brotner/ sister 2184 / AH half-sister #22} 42 #92 ot uncle as 16 10 Half the questions are on this page (A), and haif are on the next page (B). So, you ask the questions on one page, and your partner will use the other page. How many are there in your family? There are five in my fernly: my grandmother, father, mother, my older sister, and me. Who's the oldest among your siblings? 11am the last of three chitcren. Is your extended family (aunt, uncles, cousins, everybody) big? Ye5, I have 4 uncles anc 4 aunts on both my mother and fathers sices. What does your father do? (My father is @ high schoo! math teacher in Mok-dong, Does your mother work? Not any more. She was a nurse before she got married. What school or university do your brothers or sisters go to? My older brother works for Samsung and my younger sister goes to Yonsei Are you close to your brother or sister? I'm close to my sister, but not my brother. He is eight years older than me. ‘Do you look more like {similar to) your father or your mother? | am tall and slender like my father, but my face is more like my mothers. In personallty, are you more like [more similar to] your father or mother? | think that lam more like my mother. We are both shy and artistic, ‘Are your parents strict or lenient? [My father is usually strict, and my mother is very lenient. Write your own question. 7 " 12 13 14 16 7 18 19 20 ALMOST FREE TALKING ) ‘Are you close to your grandparents? | am close to my maternal grancmother She used to baby sit me when | was young. What does your family do on Sunday? ‘We usually go to church, and then my father takes us to a nice restaurant, How many times has your family moved? ‘We have moved only once. I was born In Anyang, and we moved to Seoul when | was ten. ‘Are you close to any of your cousins, or aunts or uncles? ‘1m close to my aunt and her dauchter. My aunt used to aby sit for us. What does your family do for the Chusok holidays? My father isthe oldest brather, so we stay home, and everyone comes to our house, s your whole family talented in one area, like music, art, or math? Yes, my whole family is pretty good at music. We all play an instrument. Do your parents give you an allowance? Yes, they give me about 200,000 won a montn, Sometimes, more. Iris not too personal, is your whole family the same religion? No, that's OK. My mother and | are Christlans, but my father has no religion. Did you ever tell your parents a big lie? Yes, once | went to visit my boyfriend, but | told my parents I went on en MT. How often does your family eat out? ‘My father usualy takes us to a rice restaurant every Sunday, Write your own question. Brad Britney Britney Brad Britney Britney Brad Britney Brac Britney Brad Britney Brad Garis cea ee Say, Britney, wnere are you trom? Originally from Atlanta, but my farrily moved to California when | was ten. Realy, How many ate in your family? Im the middle of three. | have an older brother and a younger sister. ‘So, youre a midcle chia. Im the youngest of two. | have an older sister. ‘Aha, were you a spoiled brat? Not realy, but my parents were not too strict by the time I came along. What do your brother and sister do? My brother is an accountant, and my sister is a senior at Korea University. What about you? (My oer sister is a housewife. She usec to work ata bank, but she quit when she got married, What does your father do? He's a lawyer. And yours? Mine, too! Wow! Does your mather work? Yes, she has a small bookstore, What about yours? My mother is a nurse, but she just works part time. (Oh, I've got to run. Nice chetting with you. Same nere. Bye most religious heeviest drinker wakes up fist goes to bed last “watches the most TV 19 2 HOBBIES S UNVERESTS USEFUL EXPRESSIONS 1 began playing when I was ten. ‘began playing in 1995 | started playing when | was in middle school Ihave been playing since | was ten, 1 have been playing for ton yoars. | have played for ten years. have been playing since | was in middle school I play once /twice /tree/four times 0 Wook, I play every other dey. I play foran hour ard 2 hall used to play but not any more. 1 used to pley in middle school, but then | stopped. / started piaying when | was fen but stopped when | entered college. Are you good? / Are you any good? / Are you very good? 11m not 00 goo. Im OK. £ Im alinght. £ tm so-so im pretty good. | won 2 contest once |Idorit mean to brag, but Im very goed. Where do you play? Who do you play with? When do you play? How often do you play? VOCABULARY VITAMINS Cooking Musical inetrument ‘Scuba diving Crossword puzzies Needlepoint / Embroidery (514) Surfing the internet Dancing Painting ‘Swimming Bicycle riding Drawing Pen pals, Tennis Billard Fishing Photcsraphy Traveling Bowling Hiking Ping pong writing Calligraphy (A) Jigsaw puzzles Reading COLLECTING Camping Keeping airy Rollerbiacing cons Canoeing Mask dance Sening dolls Church volunteer Making models Shopping stamps Computer chatting Mountain climbing ‘Skiing move posters Computer games Martial arts Sports movie sounctracks ———— & CALMOST FREE TALKING ) 1 What is your hobby? yhoo pia te claro 2 How long have you had your hobby? I started when | was about 10. | used to collect stamps, but | don't anymore. 3 Do you belong to a club or circle? eiong to a photography club. We have about 20 members. What do you usually do on the weekends? {ust relax around the nouse and pizy with my kids. Or, I catch up on my work. = Do you prefer indoor or outdoor activities? Im an outdoor person. Im never at home. © Does your mother or father have a hobby? My parents play badminton every morning, 7 Doyou do any volunteer work? Yes, I teach English to kindergarten children at my church, 8 Is it more relaxing to do something or nothing? To relax, Ike to co nothing. Absolutely nothing 2 Does anyone in your family have an interesting hobby? My sister betongs to a traditional Korean masked dance troupe. 10 Do you ever go bowling or shoot pool (pocket billiards]? Yes, my family loves to go bowing. My top score is 175. Shooting pool, no Write your own question. ALMOST FREE TALKING ) 11 Is anyone in your family very talented? Athletic / artistic / musical? [My older brother is good at sports, and mry younger sister plays the piano. 12 Do you ever exercise or play any sports? {play badminton with my mother. | also belong to a neath cub, aa 13. How often do you exercise? I play bacminton every other day, and I go to the health club twice a week. 14 Do you like to cook? Yes. My mother works, so | often cook for my family. 15 What is your favorite computer game? Ilike Diablo. | play it every chance | get. pe ee 16 Do you spend a lot of time on the Internet? ‘Yes. Every hight before bed, I suif the Interne for about an hour. Im addicted. 17. Canyou play a musical instrument? | used to play the piano in elementary and middle school, but not anymore. 18 What kind of books do you like to read? | used to read a lat of comic books, but naw | like historical novels. pee Slee 19 Do you like to travel? Yes, have been all over Korea. And | have been to Japan and China, 20 When's the last time that you went to a museum, art gallery, or concert? Let's see, I went 10 an opera at the Performing Arts Center last month. pecs ies ie ee ee Write your own question. 26 Brad Britney Brad Britney Brad Britney Brad Britney Brad Britney Brad Britney Brad Do you have any hobbies, Britney? Yes, ke t0 play tennis. How often do you play? | usually play twice a week, once with my father and once with my bestfriend. ‘where co you pay? | belong to a health club in my neighborhooe, and | play there, How ong do you play? We play for about an hour and a half That’s enough, Coo). Are you good? Pretty good, but nothing to brag about. ‘What about you? Do you have a hobby? | collect movie posters. Neat. How many do you have? Ihave about 40, and most are of classic movies. How long have you been collecting then? h, for about 5 years—since Iwas 18 Which one is your favorite? Casablanca. But Gone With The Wind is a close second. Wow. Can you show them to me sometime? Anytime. You name it ar Pe see aan ¥ = allyoucan-eat ‘atmosphere bar tque ‘brown bag unen brunch bus tables checoholic complimentary Get ‘inner incon) sinner supper) ‘ve trough feat nor take out? cthnicfoed fancy ood, fast food finger food food poisoning free rats freebie gourmet high low calorie high /low cholesterol, hot sauce | could oat ¢ horse. junk food leftovers messy eater ‘midnight munchies rood ‘mouth wateing ry treat nibble utetious od time pick up the tab Picky ester ig out ritzy resiaurant salt and pepper sio sole food ade oaag sae (Sa) B90), tela, 301094) 20) 27) SAG(Rs 201 3) ola aa Cleon) Aes oe Aan Es seo AE NE 2u8 0-4) Biel Bal, Aaa AON BAS REM Se 1a Sshuhg sia 2A aeas es NeDonaids. BurgerKing, Popeyes aes 82 yomE eH uae aa(se2 Wass) RES) 221 sia} siB0) ee) wea, Bese pans tie as Bs ua ze cangy, pas, cies, peprom Be 84mm BAS say ese las, fff Ui wat 28448 3c etgiels= eel BARS KEBIC) sleet Sexiniss BO) aaa aaa ee 24 IAC} VOCABULARY VITAMINS stud oF Meena ‘veel tooth 84 (28%, S85 4B) Mhemeresiaurane FAIS SA 4 ‘throw up Feict Uupsst stomech gh ptaian i [RESTAURANT FooD GRours appetizer ‘AMBRE BA A221 docsort rr cente Fe} hors creowves wae.) ‘main dish 321 side dish eiei ee 4 224) RESTAURANT PEOPLE maitre (ez eda) 2: hhosioes (esa) 2 bbusboy Solu BE 58 ee at ‘het, cook 522A ok baer Te on lt het SAE temperature 2 spicy 2hdo| ol 8 He = ase lang 3101 SS 8Hnot sey) hi asss / AID} OLS TEAK raw as) sox te fare sie! medium Sayse ole well done etal jet burnt isso) ‘hin tick onet wer sae aa deep dish pen pizza we ne CHICKEN. ‘white meat/ dark meat 716 4/ stele) cnspy greasy sists (71821 fried) poled baked N12) / AU W/ Seal Fe EGGS scrambled ue BIN BIE =z0) overeasy 24 SFM cei ae acto) sunny sie up 889) eel 42h Zelo| ‘CHIPS: potcts Grips, Dorlos, nachos, onion singe DIPS: bean dip, jelaneno dip, quacamole, salsa om BEsin ee HE 32 _ ALMOST FREE TALKING ) 1 What is your favorite Korean food? Your favorite Western food? My favorite Korean food is kimchi jgae. And my favorite Western food is pizza 2 How often do you eat out (outside of your home)? ext out every day on my way home from school, usually kimbap. 3 Doyou like buffet restaurants? Do you pig out (eat til you are stuffed)? es, | love buffets. When I go to all-you-can-eat places, | eat till | am stuffed. # Doyou have a sweet tooth? Do you like desserts? ‘Oh yes, love candy, especially chocolate. 5 How often do you get food delivered? We usually get pizza delivered once a week on Saturday evening © Are you picky about your food? Are you a picky eater? No, | eat anything, 'm hungry all the tme, 7 Doyou cook? How often do you cook for your family? {cook for my whole family about once a week Did you ever eat food that made you sick? Yeah, [had some bad Deef in the summer, and I threw up for three hours. = What percentage of your diet “i is junk food? About 30% because | eat on my way home from schoo! 12 Do you prefer home cooking or restaurant food? My mother’s a great cook. so | prefer home cooking, ‘Write your own question, 33 W 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 What's your favorite kind of pizza? ‘Any kind, any where, Butt | had to pick one, I would say Domino's ‘What kind of food do you usually have delivered? We often order Chinese food. We all love jajanamryecn. Do you have a favorite coffee shop or pub in your neighborhood? Not in my neighborhood, but near school there's @ coffee shop where I meet my friends. Do you prefer Popeye's or KFC? ove Popeye's. like spicy chicken. I relly lke their french fies aso, Do you like white meat or dark meat? Crispy chicken or greasy? ike white meat, and | prefer crispy chicken. Greasy chicken is too messy, Do you prefer a small amount of fancy food of a lot of regular food? Ike alot of food. | hate to leave a restaurant hungry. What Is your favorite side dish at a pub? Ike golbaengi, and sometimes dubu kimchi Do you usually eat breakfast? Rarely. | generally ust pick up @ snack on my way to school Do you like expensive coffee, like at Starbucks? Oh yes, | fove good coffee. You could call me a coftee gourmet, What did you have for lunch today? / What will you do for lunch today? |[had bee bim bap in the student cafeteria, / Iwill meet my trends off campus, Write your own question. CPP pe peprpeye Serer) REAL WORLD D) ) fore we hit the movies, let's get something to eat Rank your What are you hungry for? favorites 1-10 mip the mood for some spicy fried chicken. What about you? {hac Popeye's tor lunch. How about some Mexican food? [Baskin Robbins you thinking fst food of a nce restaurant? Barger Rg Al Mexican food tastes the same to me. + - Good, youre not a picky eater. [Porminoe’s to. Festaning, cpt sons. ke oat. Sa, wont | ounkn Donat out pzza7 ‘No, thatll take too long. And | aways pig out on pizza, pardee's {ow what you meen. The secret to a long life is smal kro corti, 5 ‘ea, whatever. Can you wait until 5? We could go to the juecdonakrs S200 ter at the Sports ar. Pizza Hut Fowmecnist course 5 Alyou can eat for $5. GROUDS: ve sl there be a cowd? cor Wendy Not if we get there at 5. potato chips OK you get (pay for| the buatet and ml | gaara Doses (02 for the movie. i That sounds lke a plan. ee JANDY PHRASES, ‘bean dip. se uM navy, starving, sci AAS eg THIS Foon Is Too s easy) cold / hot See aa TEs to help studying and improve memory. Not 35 The TV & Broadcasting majors’ Olympic synchronized English team VOCABULARY VITAMINS [ExSi [What is your class? 1. My major is chemistry. am majoring in chemistry. 2. Afior graduation, I want tobe a pharmacist 2. After | graduate, | want to be a pharmacist. ‘My major is not decided yet. / My major is not determined yet. applied (0 three universities and got accepted by two. Ima humanities major. | hope fo be an English major next year. ‘Ima transfer student. I transfered here from Pusan National University. 9. Lwant fo transfer to Hankook Universiy of Foreign Stucies: 10, | wil stay out of schoo! next semester to work 14, Last year, | stayed cut of achool to study in order to try to got into a better university. 12, 100k a yeer off ater my ireshman year to ‘ravel. 13, After | finished high school, | stayed cut of school for a year to study for tho collage ontrance oxam. 14, Ihave a double major. 18. I changed my major to history. /! want to change my mejor. 16.1 wil start my miliary service this winter. 17. | fnished my mlitary service last year 18, | went to an al-gins high school 19.1 went to a coed high school. (boys and gris) least favorite easiest rest intresting biggest__ 60 STUDENTS cariet latest longest shortest E 40 _ ALMOST FREE TALKING ) 10 ‘What year are you? What is your major? Jam a freshman, and my major is design. | will specialize in fashion cesian my junior year. How many hours are you taking this semester? | am taking twenty hours. Monday is my busiest day, and Thursday is my lightest day. How many classes (courses, subjects) do you have this semester? am taking six classes. | have two courses in my major, three required courses, and one electve, Have you ever gotten a scholarship? Ys, | Got a scholarship after my st semester. My parents were very proud. Do you belong to a club or study group? Both. | belong to a computer club and to an English study group, Do you cram for exams? Yes. | always wait until the last minute to study. But this semester I wil try harder! Do you use the weekends to recharge your batteries (rest & relax] or study? Half anc hall. On Saturdays, | goot off: On Sunday aftemnoons, | start getting reach. Did you go to an al-giris or all-boys middle and nigh school? Where? Yes, [went to an all-cirs middle anc high school in Anyang. \What was your best GPA? What is your overall GPA? My best GPA was @ 4.0, end my overall GPA is 3.7. What do you want to do after you graduate? I like to Werk for a foreign company in international trade. ‘Write your own question. a 11 Do you have a part-time job? Did you ever have a part-time job? | had a part-time job last semester, but [quit to concentrate on school. 12 Do you have a free day? If so, what do you do on that day? Yes, my free day is Monday. | usualy sleep late, then study inthe afternoon. 13 Did your cell phone ever ring in class? Did you ever fall asleep in class? ‘No, i always turn my cell phone oft. In high school, | used to fall asleep all the time. 14 Are you taking any OCU (Open Cyber University) courses? No, but my bestfriend is taking two OCU courses. She kes it. 15 How many hours do you study per day? Where? What time? | study about two hours per day in the schoo! library before going home. 16 Have you done any student volunteer work? What exactly did you do? Where? Yes, ( Helped on a ferm in Cholla-do. tt was hard work, but | enjoyed it 17 How do you get to school? How long does it usually take? | take the number 4 blue line. It takes about forty minutes 18 Would you like to transfer? Did you ever stay out of school? {plan on staying out next year and studying, so that | can transfer to another school. 19. Do you like your major? Would you like to change your major? I would like to change my major. | want to be an art curator, but my father won't allow it. 20 Which is more fun, high schoo! or college? Definitely college. My freshman year, | missed my high schoo! fiends, but not anymore. Write your own question, 42. ‘Wow, Britney, long tume no see. Yeah, how are you Brad? ‘Great. So you're back in school this semester? Yes, I saved enough money to come back to schoo! for awhile. Hovr long did you stay out? Just one semester, but It seems like forever. Hovy many hours are you taking this semester? 1m taking a full load-18 hours. And you? Fifteen hours, Im trying to bring my grade point average up, | know what you mean, It was very embarrassing to flunk out, When are your dasses? ‘Monday, Wednesday, and Fricey in the afternoon, and Tuesday and With JAZZ ENGLISH! Thursday in the morning. And yours? {Im just the opposite. ull you commute or live in a dorm on campus? Thave an apartment off campus with my cousin, You didnt lice living in 2 dormitory? ‘No, it was too noisy, and hard to study. Is that wny your grades were so low? ‘Nah, I just drank and partied too much, ‘And I never went to class. ‘And now you are alder and wiser? Ne: 1 cee at ae rays rst ne eT Well, great. Let me know if | can help you with anything, Rice University quadrangle 5 MOVIES Abu ei en Ny If you have not seen these movies, you cannot understand American culture. VOCABULARY VITAMINS Cem erin waa ow ya cena baved on based upon 0118, 20h Snooty cnype S881 AMIE. Seat Dea dovole as sodout ts bet sie ane special ofecls R21 sera tanee Sopering actor Sask crarater actor saat supiseeniing (sai B) aun nt aa chomisy ate 2s wate os theteary/vilain 6 Chektich, dato fick SB a UU Ge BOIRE ea) tale ending Bere) cutiothe chase Pesos we wav rsomble cast Feiuoi nei eeaec ae [BASIC MOVIE TYPES & PLOTS ores fant area Sia 2 ‘ariotcned dee te Heckcomedy wt 3014 ferme fatale ae usa boy meets git boy teshtesk Aue eq do uN ve — |locesgrboyget oi 219 28 oaaM cere ae tury fim ust able O18 ait Giinendoorype SB ae au coming of age im 228) ra Stabe ol galt Galogue-tiven move, aan) 2281 tappy ending aanag fim noite au hard fob Set ofsep) oie Historical ama 518 feeding men/ledy —WxI/ofS F2IS favor move aaa macke-toughay #2. 15101 love tangle waa meget ae aware mistaken dently Sol Hn Fe party soil pron fin uses Plableiionship alta, alkane abe py ove dieldows weet dint meme oa F8 toad tin ©. ana Lovie plot ist a cence ain sr, SOSA proditable ase oes Slapslcccomedy 6.9, Cum end Dunbar remate Ane th slasnertim Suse soppy peas teareter Sahl sic aah eau oa teragitodiove Ala 48 - CALNOsT EREE TALKING) 1 What is your favorite Korean movie? I love Swit. | just love Han Sok-kyu. 2 Whats your favorite English-language movie? My favorite movie is Braveheart with Mel Gibson. 3 Where does your favorite movie take place? When does it take place? Lets see, Ittates place in Scovand in about 1300. 4 What time span does it cover? It covers about 25 years. It starts when he's about five, and ends when he's about thirty. 5 What kind of movies do your parents like? They lice action-adventure movies. They really liked Ocean's}? and Ocean's 12. S Which movie have you seen the most? Ive seen Titanic about six times. Three times at the cinema and three times on TV 7 Do you have any movie soundtracks? Yes. have The Bodyguard and Moulin Rouge. 3 How often do you go to a movie theater? Rent a movie? J.g0 to the movies once a month, and I rent one once a week. = Whats the funniest movie that you have ever seen? Lets see, probably Dump and Qumber. | laughed so hard that my sides nur. 72 Where is your favorite place to see a movie? love going to the movies at Techno-mart ‘Write your own question. 49 n 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 Who are your favorite male and female Korean movie stars? Hove Won Bin, Kwan Sang-in00, and Jeon J-hyun. Did you ever fall asleep in a movie theater? Yeah, twice. During The Truman Show and Meet Joe Black Do you like animated movies? (Oh, yes. My favorite is Finding Nemo, The color wes fantastic. Did you ever see a movie or TV star in person? Yeah, once | saw Go So-young. She was filming a commercial in my neighborhood. Do you have any movie posters? Yes, Ihave three for Lord of the Rings. Who are your favorite male and female English-language movie stars? Hike Tom Hanks. He's very versatile. He can do comedy and drama. And Cameron Diaz, Do you like scary movies? No way. I hate scaty movies. | hate horror movies and slasher movies. ‘What is the last movie that you went to? I saw Alexander last weekend, | think It was much better than roy. ‘What Is the worst movie that you've ever seen?’ (Meet Joe Black with Brad Pit, and The Sweetest Thing with Cameron Dizz itthey made a movie about you, what movie star should play you? (Oh, definitely Britney Spears, and Orlando Bloom would play my boyfriend. ‘Write your own question. 50 Britney Oo you fee! tke a movie tonight? Brad Maybe, do you have one in mind? Britney Not really, But we could rent one or go 10 Brad Are there any new movies at the video store? Britney | dorit know. | havertt been there in @ whi Brad {there anything new at the mall? Britney Justa bunch ot sequels. Rocky 14 Lethal Brad Great. Twenty movies and notring new. Britney So, what's your fevorite movie? Brad Gone With The Wind Nothing else comes Britney How many times have you seen it? Brad Atleast a dozen umes. My mom isa fanate Britney Say, when your mom was young, did she Brad Bingo, So,what is your favorite movie? Britney Moulin Rouge. rad never Saw that. Wt kind of movie sit? Ginema 20. Weeoon 9, Die Hard 11: close. look like Vivian Leigh? Britney It's a musical, a love triangle. Boy meets girl, boy loses gir, boy gets gir gil cies. ‘Alcia Silverstone Keto Winelat_ Adam Sandler Gregory Peck Morgan Freeman ‘Andie McDowell Kethleen Tumor AiPacino Hanson Ferd Nick Notte ‘Anette Bering -Kera Knightly «Aloe Baldain. Harry Connick. fando Blocm ‘Angelina Joie Kim Basinger Anthony Hopkins Harvey Kei Patrik Swayzo usreyHepbun —_LindsayLohan Antonio Barderes Hugh Grant Pieroe Brosnan Katherine Hepbur Liv Tyler Amold Swertzsnegger Humphrey Bcgart_ ‘yon Philippe Barbara Stidsand Lucy Lui Ben Aleck ‘Jecke Chen Ralph Feinnes. Camercn Diaz Maceline Stone Ben Sille amie Fox Deore Winger Madonna Blumen Jean Claude Van Demme emi Moore ‘Meg Ryan ‘ly Crystal Jeff Bidaes Robin Wiliams rw Baryroe Mery Steep Bra Pat sett Russel Crowe Elzabeth Taylor Michell heifer Bruce Wills simGarrey Samual L. Jackson Gina Davie Natasha Hens'rige Cris Fock Jona Travota ‘Sean Connery Gonn Clee Neale Kidran Christan Slater Jann Vaigt Sean Penn Goldie Hewn ease Witherspoon Clark Gable slesoph Feinnes steve atin ‘Gwannyth Patron Rene Russo Cnt Eastwood slosh Harnet Tim Rebs Helen Hunt Sandra Bullock Cubs Gooding... Keanu Reeves Tobey Maguire Hillery Ouif Sarah Jocsiea Parker Daniel Day Lowis Kemeth Brannaugh Tom Berenger ‘ilery Swank Sharon Stone. Danny DeVito Kevin Bacon “Tom Cruse enrfer Aniston Sigoumey Weaver Danny Glover Kevin Kino Tom Hanes Jennifer Lopez Susan Sarendon _Denris Quaid Kurt Russell Tommy Loe Jones itian Anderson Uma Thurman Denze| Washinglon Leonardo DiCaprio. ‘Val Kimor ‘Joie Foster Vanessa Willems Dustri Hoffman Liam Neeson ‘Viggo Nertoncon Sulla Roberts ‘Ywvian Leigh Edcie Murphy ‘Matt Darnon Wesley Snipos Jute Anarens Whey Houston Elo Bana thon Pery Wil Sith ‘Jaiet Binoche Whoopie Goldberg Gene Hackman ‘Net Gibson ‘Willem Holden ‘Jsiet Orand—Viyrena Rider Gorg2 Clooney Miceal Douglas Willen Hurt Keto Beckinsale Mice Myers ‘Woody Alen 51 VOCABULARY VITAMINS om 2ifor Vbuy 1. ge! 1 ree #44 21201 usurious aEAde, seit accessories ae rom and pop store Se rE altho bels S.whists FFEUI4S# GS money beck guarantee ONE 19/ us ae ‘noralum poly mewae bargain ‘novelty shop avieme ake bargain shopper “URIS RULE AB dd sizes sworl ge A= 220) am lve! ‘ens-etop shopping Be BBE RE 7h peer pawn shop. nex Hee, 2 BNE ‘esume i ecogne BFOIRR), BECERERE) eed lesiic(credtcarde) S181 See ne ofund au 2342 ‘Sales clerk ‘wold ae ‘shopeholic 288 Felts, 08 55 aaa shoplifting aaa, ERD 8a, wo ‘ken tioht RO) Sleiect a7} Sette wl ‘ighty used aise sige ae ole rail Sooction BR ge Bana ‘souvenir shop Disa 74 BRE Zwol XE spend moneyiKes sailor Fzcrd ER Mol At AB gees street vendor ee n aE, tacky issot sia She dressing room Syiel eat the old baltandswich 948 Het ai aD fancy BEACS Dees tity uae its tike @ glove, gol sete ‘ightnad Fal ‘iting room, wis too maw maw 38 eI ‘tect made! Age EAB ——toomichformyblod 4 sie ‘raga ase top end ig Ba ole funky ‘tryon goset generic tyon for size 2g 90 DOC ‘yp. oypped Jie symale aol = used S28. d2 haggle ‘suet vatiety, vaious, vary iat ‘mputee buyer Beran sardrobe setae ‘neck off (copy) SBSace ube — yarranly.quaranies BEA looted allovertown §— SESS HM~s+ window shopping Tee am Fae! He a ‘There's more chopping vocsburary an page 107 56 GUMOST BREE TALKING ) 1 What are the most expensive clothes that you own? The mast expensive thing that | own is my heavy coat. 2 Who do you like to go shopping with? | ike to go shopping with my mother because she always pays. 2 How often do you go shopping? 40 shopping about once a month + What is the most money you ever spent while shopping? ‘Once | spent 100,000 in the Lotte Department Store. 5 Ifyou were given a thousand dollars (1,000,000 won), what would you buy? Him, | would get a new color printer-scanner-copier, anc some mavie soundtracks © Do you have a favorite brand such as Nike or Polo? X65, | really lke Reebok and Calvin Klein. 7 Do you like to haggle with the merchant? No, !am too shy, but my older sister does it al the time. = Did you ever bring something back because it was defective? Yes, once | brought some pants back because the zipper wes broken. = Are you an impulse buyer? No, but my older sister once bought a hat that was too ualy to wear, 10 Are you a bargain shopper? Net really, But my mother likes to wale until there ere sales. Write your own question. 37 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Where do you like to go shopping? | usually ether go to Myong dong or Apkujong dong. They have more variety. What Is the last thing that you bought? Last weekend, | went shopping with my mom. and she bought me some cress shoes. Where did you get your cell phone? | bought it at Techno-mart last month, It wes on sale. | really ike the camera, How many credit cards do you nave? Three oF four. Lets see, Samsung, LG, and Hyuncal What is your favorite perfume? Your favorite cologne? Like Chanel, and my boyfriend wears Caivin Kein. Do you shop around to compare prices, or do you buy the first thing you find? | usually buy immediately. The price does not vary that much, Do you ever shop on the internet? Oh yes, 1m addicted. love to shop online. | rarely go shopping anymore. Do you ever go to the midnight market at Dongdaemun and Namdaemun? Sometimes. My bestfriend likes to go, and | go with ner. Now. she likes to haggtel Do you buy a lot of things when you go on vacation? Hey to, but sometimes it does not all fit in my luggage when I come home. What is the best vacation souvenir that you ever bought? | got a really cool beer mug when I was in Germany. Talk about big! ‘Write your own question. Britney —_Doyouwantto goto tne mal? Brad Sure, what do you want to buy? Britney I need to upgrade my wardrobe. Brad Why? Youre always well dressed Britney My new job is at a lave firm, and they tke us to ‘dress up for work. Brad Really? need some nevr jeans, and | want to 100K at music CDs. Britney Then, lets doit Brad How much money have you got to spend? Britney Enough, today was payday. Brad Where do you went to start? Britney Well park by the food court, so we can eat fist. Brad And we can see what movies are playing at the conerna Britney | hink they are having a sale 2t Dior’. Brad Oh, I dont ike their clothes, They look tacky, Britney Its a haif price sale Brad Yeah, but usually all they have let are very odd sees. Britney That's true, but | might get lucky Brad You might think about buying baggy and loose fiting clothes, instead of anything skin tight. Britney Why? Brad In case you gain weight again Britney Say what? Are you saying that | was overweight? Brad nn, On! Look at tne cute puppy! 1 ° tllyou drop. Almost. 40% race sou mole 3 muscular ‘marathon Blah, a2kn ature athlete hhaf marathon 21im 8124 loosen up abs, kller abs et in shape, out of shape: ache BE no pain, gain amateurathlele OIRO SENG pave. athlete 252) pace yourstt | athletic scholarship 442 te panting ankward ARE Pe uniform barbells a PE. physical education beer vely aH ‘pooped ister aa professional atleto caistencs sli vig pulled amuscle lub membership usa12. Facquettall Couch potato BAIA WOlei== AIR referee Crash diet Su coos soe ‘rained ores sprain cendrence aaa) ‘pia. femhausted ou iat strateh fe aot sweat fiiness ook = 8 S871 ‘sweet suit jooging sult fleb /flcbby Hel SIE ‘sweating lke 2 2 graceful Bolt treckand field ‘ym 48a ‘warm Up ‘ym shorts ge Mga vin] warm-ups hard core ‘1 cl Bol 781 washboard stomach health club wage workout hot ub SeRzEoEAeH) yoga litlelecove oto] SEBO) Plates 64 VOCABULARY VITAMINS aan aug ese ea ge Bch gates ie aaa eaeeas. Hol=e =alsleh waite 488 aS aise Beds ase 92s a0) ae ae Ach asalct saazeict Asaaiicl age) ae Beam acc Bu 271 sues [SPORTS & ACTIVITIES. car recing Diving rag acing Fencing Figure skating Football Golf oymnesics Hockey Horseback rising toe skating easing Judo ‘Kendo Marathon Mountain cimbirg ‘Ping pang Pocketball Racketbal Roleroading Scuba diving Shootng poo! ‘Shing Soccer Sumo wresting Swimming Table tennis Tennis Techwondo Track & Fie Volleyball Weight iting Windsuring Wresting > 10 What Is your favorite sport or exercise? My favorite sporti tennis. usualy olay with my brother How often do you exercise? |1go jogging about twice a week. run about four kilometers. What Is your favorite sport to watch? Hove to watch soccer, any team, any time. My father Ikes to watch gott. Can you swim? ‘Oh yes, | have been swimming since | was ten, Is your family athletic? Yes, my whole family plays sports, and were all very good at baseball Do you prefer winter or summer sports? Both, love to ski and swim, ‘What is your favorite sports team? Hove te Hyundai Tigers. My favorite Dasketball team Is the LA Lakers. What is the last sporting event you went to? | went to a soccer game at Chamshil stecium last month. Do you exercise to stay ft or to lose weight? To lose weight. | want fo ase about four kilograms. When was the last time that you played a sport? | played soccer way backin high school. | scored a geal! Maybe that’s why | remember. Write your own question. 12 13, 14 15 16 17 18 20 _ ALMOST FREE TALKING ) Do you ever go snow skling? Wnere? Yes, every year my family goes to Yangoyorsg. Do you belong to a health club? Yes, | go three times a week. | use the poo! and the treadmill, and | attend a yoga class. Who Is your favorite sports star? |ke David Beckham, | read about him on the Internet all the time. What is your favorite sport to watch during the Olympics? | iked to watch the swimming, archery, ladies gymnastics, and taekwondo. Did you ever take taekwondo or kumdo when you were young? | wanted to, but my mom made me take piano. My little brother takes taekwondo. ‘When was the last time that you exercised? Last night. I go to a health clu three times a week. I do aerobics, weights, and swimming, Did you go to any soccer games when the World Cup was in Korea? ‘No, but | watched some of the games on the big screen in Seoul Plaza, That was wil Were you ever injured while exercising or playing a sport? “wo years ago, | broke my leg while skiing. lt wasnt my fault though, the tree moved. Ifyou could be an Olympic champion, what sport would it be in? ‘Swimming. | would be famous and have a great body! Do you (or anyone you know] play a team sport? My father plays on his company's soccer team, They play about every Sunday Write your own question. Brad Britney Brad Britney Brad Britney Brad Britney Brad Britney Brad Britney Brad Britney Brad Britney Brad Britney Brad Britney Brad Britney Brad Britney Brad Hey Britney, youre looking great! ‘Thanks, Brad. My News Years resolution was to get in shape. Wel, you cid it. How? | took up jogging every morning, and | goto aerobics every other day. How far do you jog? I run around the park five tmes-that's, ‘about two miles. How long does it take? ‘About half an hour. How much weight have you lost? ‘Almost ten pounds. About three inches (on my hips and two on my waist. Did you use any special diet? No, I hate to diet. | decided to eat what | want and exercise. Well it works. ‘Are you still working out these days? Yeah, Ido weights twice a week. From the looks of your belly, are you drinking twice a week also? ‘AhI You noticed. | think fm geiting a Deer belly. ‘Why dontt you come jogging with me sometimes? ‘Oh, | hate to jog. I tried, but my knees just cant take it F That's too bad. A lot of professional cheerleaders jog around the park. Realy? Well, heck. My knees have been feeling a lot better lately Gotchal Funny. Ha ha, When will you grow up? Anyway. What about biking together then? Or rollerblading? That's a thought, Kengbuk gu and Tobong-gu Taekwondo masters soccer teams, 67 Ce ee ee aed ‘anniversery baby shower btnaay BYOB party college reunion costume party designated diver fesival gift certificate graduation ‘gend cpenng party hangover / nungover house warming party invitation ‘masquerade party New Years resalition pany hardy retiroment party RSVP. 8203 party three-day weekend GRAVE WORDS: grave graveyard funeral palbearer VOCABULARY VITAMINS | e125 | ae = ‘uso! groom, bridegroom = 418 7a tsa honeymoon ots ae maid of honor 4 gelel S 71g B20 Ne Sl Bor mE) make a toast R08 Sch Soe receiving ine Sei Re FAA Fulwol woles w aE BWA S358 recenion ona 38 Bel ARR FEESR, sholgunweddng «iL VAS BoM let ae a eye Soh Aim 8) | wedding rehearsal weseaa 72 _ ALMOST FREE TALKING ) 10 ‘When Is your birthday? | wes born on January 24", 1960. That is the year of the dragon. ‘What do you Ilke to do on your birthday? [ike to go out with a bunch of friends to a pub. What is your favorite holiday? My favorite holiday is Nev Years Day January |) | get money from my grandparents) How was your high school graduation? It was great. I was so happy to be finished. My coming-of-age party was fun also What does your family do on Chusok? \We go to my uncle's house in Taejon. It takes about ten hours sometimes. Does your family celebrate Christmas? (Oh yes, my father always gets a really big tree, ‘What Is the best birthday present you ever got? When | was seven, | got a new bicycle! This year, my perents gave me a new cell phone, What is the biggest wedding that you ever went to? My uncle's wedding at the Shitla Hotel was very big. | heard it cost a fortune. Did you give / get any presents on Valentine's / White Day? I got flowers and chocolate from both boyfriends! What do you usually do on New Year's Eve? Jhike to go to Myong-dong because its so lively. Write your own question. 11 How was your wedding? twas big, expensive, and stressful. If| hac to co It over again, | think | would elepe. 12 Have you ever been to a costume party? What did you go as? Yes, last year | went to a Halloween party. | went as Spiderman, a 13. What is your earliest birthday that you remember? Himn. | emember blowing out some cancles when | was about four or five. ee eee 14 Have you gone to any birthday or anniversary parties this year? my best rend had a party ata pub last month, We stayed out untl# a.m, 15. Did you ever get a present for your teacher or professor on Teacher's Day? (Our class always prepares a litte party for our major professors. That's about it ee ee 16 What do your parents do on their wedding anniversary? My father is very romantic, so he always takes my mom out toa nice restaurant a re __ Se sl 17 Does your father like to do something or nothing on holidays? ‘My father loves his family. but on many holidays, he just likes to relax and watch TV. ——— Se 18 What does your family usually do for the lunar New Year? The whole family comes to oux house, and for Chusok, we all go to my uncle's house. ————— eee eee 19 What is the last big social event that you went to? ‘About two months ago, my older sister got married. ee ere 20 What Is the best festival that you ever went to? Last spring, some of my university friends and I went to the cherry blossom fesrival in snnae. Write your own question. 74 py yy 7 Whet’s your favorite holiday? Oh, it definitely Christmas. Is Christmas big in your family? Yes, my parents go all out. Like what? (My father buys the biggest ee he can find, And? He puts decorations all over the front of the house. And? He dresses ike Santa when he goes Christmas shopping, Sounds like he's got the Christmas spirit aright. Wat about your family? Does everyone gather for Christmas? Yes, everyone comes over, and my mother fims everything with the video camera, Say, isnt your birthday on Christmas Eve? ‘An. You remembered, Yeah. And my brother’ birthday is the day after Christmas. Wow! | see why your family is so into Christmas. Does your famly spend a lot on presents? Yes, too much, and we eat too much also. 50 does my ferily. After the Christmas season, we all have to go ona diet. Mine, too, And we have to hide the credit cards. hear you. 75 HEALTH VOCABULARY VITAMINS cctmngs aberpne asaonas he = mana ate me oes Menmomimuedee aS. AVL7R8 san oe Soon So = Saas Sac duge/ eden atauol eae owe wav Suthan Gasp" gare. vas Se Byres evs Fen Es sy oe Beate /piemat sab tan Ey ro ‘aw mits ae ait) IE aes Sener Staves promone “ Scie ae cepn i oars Sotvoe es peste ae at Sg iad Beer rl tga ose te ade due eepines Besiom:nbo — Eawago —famamnn a = Bete” beacon Hae bee nue Wee ak er 2 ty te on En teh ay Ana te. ESaaiamgen inavens Sa aie oie = ca “ oe e Surgeon Shawtae aS ee ce is sua SEeee sta ua Seems Be ‘cough syrup 7s (EH) ‘sprain sume ae TEekde Soe tanemoonn BEEN YE He Bh Steet sor cumos id ee = ey Breas Soma raos ‘ae cae Sai ee Ue en we rn duets Sete Set ean 2 Se poo akon Jase atnes tex es 2 ‘suc gan ate & te Shree i thelanoeonot a eri leon wk or Scot daa ‘oul an Bats cant See riley a penn ae ase om BE ssnaus HOSPITAL STAFF | (Teeth: oF ‘baby teeth: A sae, LE Pye trp aes A021 cara | Rasy amet Stayton wore row | 80 — ALMOST FREE TALKING ) Have you ever been very sick or in the hospital? Yes. Quring the summer when | was ten, [ell when hiking and broke my arm, Do you have to watch your weight (#|2!2||:}) and diet? Yes, I must vratch my weight. fm alweys hunary. Have you ever had an operation or broken a bone? | brake my leq skiing when Iwas 12. Does anyone in your family smoke? [My father ana oicer brother smoke. Do you take vitamins? Yes, my whole family does. But | often forget. Do you wear contact lenses? Yes, Ihave worn them since | was 11 Do you catch colds often? Are they bad colds? I catch a bad cold about 4 times a year. Do you have any scars or birthmarks (20!)? (Oh yes, I ave this mole 2. My mom says its a beauty mark, When was the last time you went to the doctor? Last week, necause | nad the flu, But usuelly Im pretty neatny. Do you have any allergies? Yes, Ihave asiight sus alleray. Dust ora polktion makes me s Write your own question. a1 ALMOST FREE TALKING ) 11 Did you ever miss school because you were sick? Yes, when I was six had preumoni, and I was in the hospital for a week. 12, When you are sick or hurt, do you suffer in silence or complain a lot? ‘ound thar i! suffer in sence, | get no sympatry. So these days, | complain alot 13 Did you ever get carsick, seasick, or alrsick? ‘Once, we took a ship irom Pusan to Creju-do. 1 was seasick the whole way. 14 Whats the biggest health problem in your family? ‘My brother has severe colds because he smokes and crinks too much. 15. Have you or would you ever have cosmetic surgery (S&4-<)? If hac the money, | would like to be taller, thinner, and have double eyellas. 16 Are you allergic to any kinds of food, animals, or medicines? | used to be allergic to seafcod, but not anymore. My sister is allergic to cats. 17 Did you ever faint or pass out? Sort of. Once | chug-a-lugged too much beer. and I passed out. Then, | threw up. 18 Do you watch any of those neaitn snows and documentaries on TV? No, but my mother watches them all the time, Even the commercials. She's addicted, 19. How is your mental health? Are you happy alll the time? 'm usualya happy camper, but my last year of high school, | was stressed out most of the time. 20 Do you play any sports or exercise? I belong to 2 health dub, andi go there three times a week Write your own question. Doctor What seems to be the problem? Brad | cut my foot while mowing the grass last week, and itnever healed. [Things that Doctor Lets look at it. Put your foot up here. Oh. This looks ugly. How long has it been red? And blue? Brad Onlysince last night. Thats why Icame in appendix 3 Doctor Well, It looks infected. Are you allergic to any medication? aca ” Brad Not that | know ot et Ee Youve ad penta bere No probe? apnea, heat lv Yes. No problem. Trees on FOE intestines -& Doctor Does this hurt? asi a Brad Ouch. Yes. ieeomae Doctor its swollen aso. tm going to give you some anubiotics for the tonsils BEd infection and some muscle relaxants for the swell Brad OK. Is there a pharmacy near here? Doctor Yes, right across the street. Brad Can you give me a medical excuse for schoo? My anatomy. professor is kind of strict, and we had a test today, Doctor sure, no problem. Do you have cass tomorrow? Brad Yes, Doctor | suggest you stay home and stay off your foot. Brad Youre the doctor, Doctor im also your professor. Du-uh. Dont you recognize me? stomach CPR Match the doctors on the left with their specialties on the right 13] Dentist 1 Dermatologist os Ear, Nose, & Throat 3. Children General Practitioner, GP 4. Cosmetic surgery: noses, double eyelids, faceiits Gynecologist (OB-GYN) 5. Crooked teeth, braces: 8. cA 6. 9. Animals ‘Checks your vision Internal Medi Digestive system, stomach, intestines Neurologist Ear, nose, and throat Obstetrician (OB-GYN) 4. Eye doctor Ophthalmologist Looks for diseases and treats cancer Optometrist 10. Nerves(4I2), nervous system Orthodontist 11, Pregnant women Pediatrician 42, Skin doctor Plastic Surgeon 13. Teeth Radiologist 14, The entire family Urologist 48. Urinary tract (2=) Veterinarien (Vet) 46. Women’s health, reproductive system. 83 * CCarce Pulmenary Rostectation 3-day wookend delay night aquarium beck packing bed and broakfast bineculars ‘bumper to bumper chockin check out ume ‘econ ine cenjtalcloar ETA(Estimated Time ofA) folkvilage frequent fyer mies hassle hiking, citing Im ost/were lst ‘sland jotlag jetski layover fost ‘mountain elimding museum ‘one way! roune ip ‘overnight tp package tour VOCABULARY VITAMINS pamper, pampored e}Ieh Awol zee uA si ast ose waoiat ‘waist =Ao|zeas= let avenue AphorF wale Ra sol 238 wet (29) 2 via Be Ad Aes Fee sat wa A asce ea ogelx) 4B, BR Ct Evol, 54 wane FO, passport peace and qulet Bitstop palution quaint RaR relaxing ‘servation ripoff roughing scone route scenic vi ‘somestor broak sighisezing souvent ‘trossful ‘swimming twntatve plans touret top travel light ‘ip / vacation Siew wake up call ‘water potion wateral aa auiga zee agus aa Bwe oe sdsiz $0158 Rest Rewtien Bekah ots oii sleet Boe Tse os aavtcigcis = olscis 84) ap gs) Be ger Ba 72. He ade ag0l we 28 aN ata Dies) Bobi da alqpie) fe) aba o1m atch og / 8 ua ein ofsiod ale 28 suse az PLACES TOGO aquarium historeal dsiret theme park 20 campsite cemparouna ‘GEOGRAPHY lake: pend ‘stream boy peninsuls forest clit vallay BEACH jet sing parasailing saling ‘seube diving srotkoing sunbathing surfing water eking \windlsurting & What did you do last winter vacation? What about last summer? | visited my grandmother in Pusen for a month, 2 Do you prefer summer or winter vacations? I prefer summer because | love the beach. | hate being cold. 3. Do you like to take vacations with family or friends? Hove to go with my famiy, We are very close. 4 Would you rather go camping or stay at the Hilton? (Oh, | nate bugs. | prefer the Hiton. | love room service 5 Have you ever traveled abroad? Yes, I went to China for a week last year I missed Korean food. & Whats your best vacation souvenir? Ihave a big beach blanket from Hyundai Beach, 7 Do you ever get a part time job during semester breaks? Yes, | usuelly work at a Chinese restaurant in my neighborhood. 8 Ifyou could visit anywhere in the world, where would it be? would love to go to France and see the Louvre museum, 9 Do you like to vacation with just one or two friends or with many people? {ike going with a lot of peopte. The more the merrier 10 What was your best vacation ever? What about your worst? My best vacation was two years ago. My bestfriend and I went to Europe for a week Write your own question. ALMOST FREE TALKING ) 11 What is your favorite theme park? I realy like Caribbean Bay at Everland. I's very crowed bus fun 12, Have you ever been on a big ship? Yes, my uncle i in the navy, and we went on his ship one time. It was coo! 13. Do you travel light? Yes. No matter where | go or how long | stay, | take only one carry-on bag. 14 Did you ever go on an MT? | went my freshman year. We went to Bear's Town. | drank too much. Never again. 15. What is your favorite ski area? Where is your favorite beach? ‘My father takes the family to Muju every yeor, and I like Hyundai beach in Pusan. 16 Did you ever get lost while traveling? Last year on the way to an MT, the bus driver got lost. Instead of two hours, It took four. 17 Do you travel a lot in your job? Does your father travel much in his job? Not much. My company Sends me to a convention or training seminar twice a year. 18 Did you ever get ripped off on vacation? Yeah. I bought 2 souvenir on Jeju Island, and at the bottom it said, "Made in China’! 19. What will you do next semester break? | wll get my drivers license and go to a computer academy. 20 Did you ever have jet lag? Did you ever have a long layover? I had jet lag when I got beck from Europe. Once, | had an 8-hour layover in Hong Kong, Write your own question. Brad Wow: Where cid you get that suntan? Britney 1 just got back from vecation in Florica Top places to visit Brad W/ho dic you go with? Britney | went with my husband and in-laws. Brad How cic you go? Britney We few into Tampa and rented a car to crve to Orlando. Then, we took the seeni route to Bonita Beach to look at some rea estare Brad How long did you stay? Britney Five days and four nights Brad Wat it fun? Britney Yes, that place is great for tourists—crowded but fun. Brac Would you go again? Britney No, once is enough. Did you take your vacation yet? Brad My gifiiend ancil went camping in the Smokey Mountains Britney Oh, do you like roughing t? Brad just like to get away from the crowds. Britney An, you lice to get any trom itl? Brad ‘Yes, give me peace and quiet—no cell phones, no emails, ‘Top tourist sights nothing, Britney _| prefer being pampered-the Hilton, room service, the works. Brad Not me, give me @ secluded lake or mountainside anytime. a WW DESCRIBING SLB 6 7 8 9 10 <=) - DW/ wer / shoulder-length bangs & short ong thick eyieee 8 wavy, streaked hair thin straight hair wavy hair my hal ‘poreyall 1 He has slicked back, straight hair, combed back, end parted on the rignt. He is grinning. tne has thick eyebrows, end he has a mustache. He is facing the right. He Is wearing a coat anctie. 2. Heis balding, and he has a goatee. He has wrinkles on his forehead anc around nis eyes. He is wearing a crewneck sweater. 3. Hels bad, with brown hair, and a brown beard. He is facing the right and smiing He looks plump or even fat. 4 Hehas a dark complexion and a military haircut. He is wearing a V-collar jersey and he looks muscuiar. 5 Henas a shaved head and a dark complexion. He's wearing a collar shirt, buttoned at the but withouta tie, 6 She has shoulder-length. streaked hair that is parted slighty on the right. she Is facing the left, and she has a serious expression. 7) She has short, thin, straight, light-colored heir and bangs. Her body is facing the right, and her head is facing forward. She Is wearing a collaless top. 8. She has long, thick wavy dark brown hair. She is facing the left, and she has long eyebrows. ‘She has a mole on her cheek. 9 She nas very thic, very frizz long hair. She s smiling, end her face is kind of square, She has big earnngs and a low-cut, Veneck top. 10 She has her long hair pulled back into a porytall. She has a serious expression, and she Is locking to the right. She has a light-colored, small-collared top. RECEDING HAIRLINE: Nicholes Cage, Tom Hanks, ‘STRONG JAW: Jay Leno BALDING: Sean Conery, Gane Hackman, Bruce Willis. SQUARE FACE: Arnold Schwarzenegger SALT & PEPPER (gay & black) HAIR: Richard Gere DIMPLES: Tom Cruise == —= — is: — pokadot cieotered—«in vertoal_ ick harzonial— iogonal paid Stipes rps ‘trpes 96 She has long, thin, straight hair and bangs. She s weaiing a sheer (Gee trough) top over a white body stocking. She is wearing tight cress jeans and ca-length, sof eather boots She also has long thin hair with bangs, but her hair isa litte wavy. She's wearing jewelry earrings, necklace, and a white bracelet. She's wearing a loose fitting, peasant-lype top, Which has elbow-length sleeves and is gathered at the waist. She has a dlagonal striped short skart and sandal-type high heels with straps. ‘She has long. thick. Jet-black hair, but not bangs. She's wearing a light, open-neck ‘sweater. She has a bare midniff, barely She's wearing camouflage cargo pants and flat sendats ‘She has thick, brown hair that is parted on the right and gathered in back. She's wearing a long-sleeve top and tight, boot cut. dress jeans. Boot cut means the bottoms are flared ut to fit over boots. Jeans usually come in straight leg, boot cut, flared, and bell bottoms. You cart see it, but her shoes are pumps, which means they are in between flats and high heels. She's wearing a horizontal striped, loose-ftting top, with big baggy short sleeves. Shes ‘wearing tight, calf-ength blue jeans, and spiked high heels. ther heels were 2 bit longer, they would be stiletto heels. ‘She has thick, black hair pulled back into a pony tail. She's wearing a low-cut, sleeveless top and a knee-length, printed skirt, and sandals, ‘She has shouider-length, thick, brown hair and bangs. She's wearing a white leather jacket Over a diagonal striped top. She has on a bluejean mini-skirt, and she's wearing oper Ted, mecium-heeled shoes, ‘She has short wavy hair. She's wearing a loose-ftting, short-sleeved top, and a casual bluejean mini-skirt, and tennis shoes. sy r F fo a — is f i. e

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