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Before deciding to build a plant on the specific site, various vital analyses are needed to be

carried out to analyse the area. This is due to there are many different land structure with different
characteristics which can arise serious problems and effect on the plant construction. The land
structure must be sturdy enough for the plant construction. If the land structure is not sturdy
enough, the site of the plant might be not stable. As time passes, the plant might be collapsed which
can cause severe accident and fatality to the site workers. Otherwise, a new location is needed to be
selected for the new plant construction. So, it will again increase the expenses of the investment or
consider as a huge lost to the company. An extra location is required for the plant for the
preparation of chemical waste disposal or any unwanted event like fire explosion. A location which is
near to a large area of lake is good for plant. This is because it is easy for the plant to manage all the
disposal of chemical waste.

Essentially, fire and flood protection is the indispensable factor for all the process plant
design. Disasters like fire and flood are able to destroy the entire plant and cause large amount of
fatality or severe damage to all the site personnel. Some important analysis need to done in order to
find a location which is suitable for the plant. Flood can be prevented as the process plant can be
built in an area that is never getting flooded before. The second flood protection is to choose a
higher ground of location that is not easily of getting flooded. Based on the two methods, the risk of
getting flooded in a plant is decreased. There is numerous possibility that a fire accident can be
happened in a plant. Thus, plant should be located at a place which has sufficient of fire rescuers.
For an example, the distance of the plant and fire station should be closer. This can increase the
efficiency of time for firefighting and rescue. Cost a the damaged can be decreased significantly if
the firefighting and rescue process are faster. An extra place should be reserved as a fire assembly
point for workers. The main consideration of choosing a suitable location for a plant is to ensure the
workers work at a safety workplace.

Lastly, community service is one of the important factor in process plant design. The
environment around the plant should be clean, safe, convenience and comfortable to all the
workers. Community facilities and amenities should be built in an area that is near to the plant
location. Thus, all of the workers are enjoyable when they are working at there. It can be interpreted
as work and life are balance. If all the workers are enjoying their works, they will work with
confidence. So that the working performance is getting enhanced. All in all, his can eventually
increase the productivity and efficiency of the workers which can lead to the increase of production
of the desired product.

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