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Job and occupation

 Vocabularies
a. Duty : Tugas
b. Responsibility : Tanggung Jawab
c. Punctual : Tepat waktu
d. Risk : Resiko
e. Submit : Menyerahkan
f. Accomplish : menyelesaikan
g. Jobless : Pengangguran
h. requirement : persyaratan
i. business : Bisnis / Urusan
j. obligation : kewajiban
 Expression
a. You did a great job : kerja yang bagus
b. What is your job? : apa pekerjaan mu?
c. How long have you been working? : sudah berapa lama kamu bekerja?
d. You meet the requirement : kamu memenuhi persyaratan
e. I would like to apply for a job : saya mau melamar pekerjaan

 Speaking skill
Well my friend. Here I’d like to tell you about my profession. I am one of the famous actors in
Indonesia. My popularity has been booming since three years before. So automatically many
people know and admire me. Now I want to describe shortly about my job. Every day I attend
the shooting location for taking scene with some partners. As a good and professional one, I
always try to be punctual. We act based on the script from the director. We do the best in order
we can get the best result. Talking about the time, of course we are very hectic every single time.
Even we cannot come back to home due to the schedule. So we spend all time in the location.
But I love my job and I think it is the most suitable profession for me.

 Exercise
Please describe about this following job ( in English)
Hi teman – teman, pada kesempatan ini saya ingin mejelaskan pekerjaan saya. Saya adalah
seorang dokter di salah satu rumah sakit ternama di jogja. Saya sangat mencitai profesi saya.
Setiap hari saya berangkat kerja di pagi da kembali pulang di sore hari. Setiap hari saya bertemu
dengan orang – orang baru yang sedang mebutuhkan bantuan say mengobati sakit merek. Saya
memeriksa pasien, menganalisa penyakit dan memberikan repep obat serta saran agar pasien
cepat sembuh. Saya sangat sennag bertemu banyak otang baru di kehidupan saya. Sya berharap
saya bisa menjadi dokter yang baik bagi orang banyak

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